STAFF NEWS & ANALYSIS Showing 5001 - of
Krugman: Last Gasp of the Hamiltonians?
January 04, 2012
Paul Krugman is at it again, defending the socialist economics of John Maynard Keynes against the common sense of normal people. Nobody understands debt, he writes, except of course for ... him. Krugman. He understands it so well that he is convinced that natio ...
Cuba Awakes?
January 04, 2012
Cuba's fate over the last half a century has been disastrous, although before that the island wasn't a Caribbean paradise, either. US government policies haven't made it easier for Cubans to escape their misery since instead of opening up the routes of free tra ...
Building a One-World Currency: China, India Suddenly 'Open' for Investment
January 03, 2012
We reported the other day on how China has further opened up its "markets" to "investments." And now India is doing the same thing (see article above). Coincidence? We try to look past that these days. Nope. One can make the argument that the Anglosphere elites ...
Ron Paul's March on Washington
January 03, 2012
We received the following feedback from "Col." And while we are not much for military metaphors generally, the point made in the feedback seems fairly appropriate to us. The feedback is mostly comprised of a series of headlines that one can find in numerous pla ...
Debt Burden Threatens American Families
January 03, 2012
Last week, as most Americans were celebrating the holidays with family and friends, the Obama Administration announced plans to seek yet another debt ceiling increase in the New Year. While some fiscal conservatives will try to block this increase, their effort ...
Post Slams Ron Paul With Fading Elite Promotions
January 02, 2012
This article presents reasons for opposing libertarian candidate for US president Dr. Ron Paul that tick many of the dominant social themes of the elite that have been used to frighten middle classes into giving up wealth and power to globalist institutions lik ...
So What's Wrong with That?
January 02, 2012
So there is now concern by some so-called journalists that "in his 1987 manifesto 'Freedom Under Siege: The U.S. Constitution after 200-Plus Years,' presidential hopeful Ron Paul wrote that AIDS patients were victims of their own lifestyle, questioned the right ...
Don't Make New Year's Resolutions
January 02, 2012
New Year's resolutions are usually a list of things that you want to do differently, skills that you want to learn, bad habits that you want to stop, good habits that you want to establish. We make these lists and then come January 1st we try to implement them ...
Catherine Austin Fitts on Wall Street's Corruption, the Austrian School and Who's 'Really' in Charge
January 01, 2012
The Daily Bell is pleased to publish this interview with financial advisor Catherine Austin Fitts. Daily Bell: Give us a summary of your perspective regarding Wall Street – and what happened to you in a little more detail. Catherine Austin Fitts: I think Wall ...
A Happy New Year and Many New Schemes!
December 31, 2011
First, allow me to wish all our readers and viewers a happy new year. This has been a year of growth for our modest publication, and we regularly receive upwards of 20-25 million hits a month. I hope your endeavors have achieved even greater success – however ...
Ron Paul Has Already Won
December 30, 2011
The Internet Reformation is a process not an episode. US GOP Presidential candidate Ron Paul shows us the accuracy of this statement. Ron Paul and his libertarian allies are winning the battle for the hearts and minds of Americans by the millions. In fact, they ...
China Scam Advances
December 30, 2011
Oh, boy. China is dotted with ghost cities and crashing trains. The solution to China's incredible boom and (eventual) almost incomprehensibly ruinous bust is ... more foreign investment! The world is tapped out and thus the knick-knacks that the Chinese govern ...
Sobbing for Dictators!
December 30, 2011
As the BBC reported, the late North Korean dictator Kim Jong-il was provided with mass marches throughout the country in mourning of his recent death. As the thousands were shown on TV, they did what is routine on such occasions in countries with absolute rule ...
Is the Free Market Hopeless?
December 29, 2011
We have been watching what we call the Internet Reformation unfold for about a decade now – and as people begin to understand the Way the World REALLY Works, attacks on the concept of a free market have escalated. As people in the West used the Internet to di ...
Response to Anthony Migchels Regarding Gold at Henry Makow's Website
December 28, 2011
Anthony Migchels lately has been kind enough to honor our modest pages with economic commentary and now he has used one of our recent articles as a jumping-off point to blast gold as a money metal at Hentry Makow's popular conspiracy website. You can see an exc ...
The Puzzling Case of Stratfor and Anonymous
December 28, 2011
Here is a strange case. Anonymous has apparently attacked Stratfor in support of WikiLeaks, and yet WikiLeaks is evidently and obviously (to us anyway) a kind of false-flag facility. We've had our doubts about Anonymous as well. Here's something about Anonymous ...
Wall Street Mulls Suicide by Tactical Allocation
December 27, 2011
Is it time for Wall Street to fall on the ceremonial sword of tactical asset allocation? In the long-term, this is the only strategy that works, but for the last ten years – as for much of the rest of last century – Wall Street has proven impervious to its ...
The NDAA Repeals More Rights
December 27, 2011
Little by little, in the name of fighting terrorism, our Bill of Rights is being repealed. The 4th Amendment has been rendered toothless by the PATRIOT Act. No more can we truly feel secure in our persons, houses, papers and effects when now there is an excepti ...
The BBC's Sorry Journalism
December 27, 2011
The BBC recently published the following in a report about the Republican primary contest in Iowa: "Correspondents say a Ron Paul victory in Iowa would be a major embarrassment to the Republican party as many of his views are seen as too libertarian and isolati ...
Gold: How High Is Up? US$5,000? Confiscation?
December 26, 2011
Every once in a while, and with increasing frequency, major media presents a commentary wondering "how high gold can go" and whether the yellow metal is now in an official bubble. Every once in a while, we point out that gold is being driven by market manipulat ...
Global Depression – A Directed Phenomenon …
December 26, 2011
Oh, boy, who couldn't see this coming? We've written about the BRIC inflationary instability – especially Brazil and India – and now this economic insight has been blessed by that maven of behind-the-times analysis, TIME Magazine. Yes, TIME Magazine, which ...
Libertarianism and Americanism
December 26, 2011
Given that in the main the American political system is still the closest to protecting varieties of individual liberty – regarding speech, commerce, religion, due process, etc. – most of those who peddle political ideas want to hitch their wagon to the ide ...
Anti-Christian Violence in the Middle East?
December 24, 2011
The UK Daily Telegraph recently posted an article entitled, "How can we remain silent while Christians are being persecuted?" Anybody reading the Daily Bell this past year will not be surprised by this headline, nor the article itself. Turns out that the writer ...
Former President Bill Clinton Calls for a Return to Big 3 News Networks?
December 23, 2011
Bill Clinton wants to return to the days when three big television networks explained the Way the World Worked. According to Dilence Sogwood, a financial-industry DB feedbacker, Clinton spoke at a luncheon he attended and made these and other provocative points ...
Is Ron Paul a Traitor?
December 23, 2011
To us, this is a very disturbing article (see excerpt above). We have long admired Ms. Rabinowitz for her unrelenting reporting of phony child-abuse incarcerations throughout the United States back in the 1980s. For a while, rogue prosecutors were putting innoc ...
Lotophagian Greed
December 23, 2011
In book nine of Homer's Odyssey, Odysseus tells of how he and his men came upon an island populated by the Lotophagians – people who do nothing but eat the Lotus plant, "which was so delicious that those who ate of it left off caring about home." Odysseus for ...
Property Rights and the Free Press
December 23, 2011
Not as if the point hasn't been made often by now, but repeating it may be of some benefit: Without a firm protection of the right to private property, the rights to freedom of speech, press, religious worship, etc., are under constant threat. The most recent d ...
EU Courts Force Airlines into Carbon Trading Market
December 22, 2011
It is not enough that there is likely no such thing as global warming or that, even if there was, humans could do anything about it. Now, thanks to a lunatic ruling by the top EU courts, airlines around the world will have to pay a "carbon tax" and participate ...
Why Ron Paul Can Win
December 22, 2011
If you have been watching the news, you know that Ron Paul is now beating both Gingrich and Romney in the polls and could walk away with a win in Iowa. Some say he could also walk away with a win in New Hampshire, and possibly even win the Republican (GOP) nomi ...
'Safe' Nuclear Meme Shattered by Fukushima Expose in Leading Journal
December 21, 2011
The slow poisoning of Japanese citizens is going unreported in the West except for some dedicated journals and web-reports including, importantly,, which has stayed on the story seemingly every day. It is a very important one, because it encompasses n ...
It Begins? Anti 'Money Power' Lawsuit Filed in Canada …
December 21, 2011
Well, it is finally happening. A legal challenge to the power elite's money system has been launched in a Canadian Court "for the benefit of Canadians ... and to restore the use of the Bank of Canada for the benefit of Canadians. Here's some more from the press ...
Mainstream Economists' Monetary Insanity
December 21, 2011
Paul Krugman's article in the December 15 issue of The New York Times under the title G.O.P. Monetary Madness takes G.O.P. presidential candidate Dr. Ron Paul to task for his 'ideological' stand on money. For excellent reasons, not all of which had to do with f ...
AP Untruths?
December 20, 2011
The Killing of bin Laden was voted top news story of 2011 and from our point of view it goes downhill from there. Having observed in detail how elite dominant social themes work, we're well prepared to analyze this year's top news stories. What we will do in th ...
Nonsensical Insistence on Additional 'Bank Capital'
December 20, 2011
We always have a hard time with things like bank stress tests and demands that banks hold "extra capital." The Wall Street Journal (see excerpt above) is out with a "sourced" story that the Fed will demand large banks hold more capital. But what exactly does th ...
Beware the Coming Bailouts of Europe
December 20, 2011
The economic establishment in this country has come to the conclusion that it is not a matter of "if" the United States must intervene in the bailout of the euro, but simply a question of "when" and "how." Newspaper articles and editorials are full of assertion ...
'Borrowing' from the Daily Bell, Economist Magazine Still Gets It Wrong
December 19, 2011
The Economist "newspaper" has finally caught up to the Daily Bell. Well ... not really. This is an interesting article that The Economist has just launched (and thanks to feedbacker Thomas Molitor for bringing it to our attention). But the point of the article, ...
Is It a Prison Planet? … One Out of Three Now Face Arrest in US
December 19, 2011
This is a stunning statistic, in our view. According to a study generated via numbers collected by the US Bureau of Labor Statistics and reported in USA Today (see above excerpt) one out of every three people in the US will face arrest by the time they are 23. ...
Ideological Thinking Revisited
December 19, 2011
Following the December 15th Republican "debate," New York Times columnist Paul Krugman wrote once again about the evils of ideological thinking. Krugman did begin his piece by criticizing Mitt Romney for his repeated vacillations about which public policies he ...
Adam Kokesh: Progression to a Freer Society Is Inevitable
December 18, 2011
The Daily Bell is pleased to present this interview with Adam Kokesh. Daily Bell: Tell us about your activities. Adam Kokesh: Well, right now, my main focus is my now-independent show and the new business model I've created to support it. I get invited to speak ...
Desperate Defense? … Our Memes Are 'Emotionally Honest'
December 17, 2011
In an interesting and important article reposted at, the BBC is "laid out" with some relish by its private competitor, the Daily Mirror: "BBC: We Fake It All The Time." Now, is this the issue in particular that I want to address? No. But it is a conve ...
Out of Chaos, Order: Now IMF Seeks Collective, World Bail-Out of Europe
December 16, 2011
Right on schedule, the International Monetary Fund's Christine Lagarde has emerged to call for a united, Western effort to salvage the Eurozone and perhaps the euro. This is entirely predictable in our view and has to do with the larger strategy of the Anglosph ...
Smoke and Mirrors of Global Depression Reflect the Inevitability of the IMF?
December 16, 2011
If one examines the rush of events surrounding the unraveling of the European Union, it becomes more and more difficult to believe it is merely a series of coincidences. We've covered this in other articles, but what's going on continues to affirm our belief th ...
BIS Promotes Asian Financial Crisis?
December 15, 2011
The secretive Bank for Settlements has just warned that Asia is vulnerable to a catastrophic "global credit crunch," according to the Sidney Morning Herald (see above). We translate it thusly: The world is HEADING for an Asian financial crisis. Yes, increasingl ...
China's Meltdown Continues
December 15, 2011
Ambrose Evans-Pritchard, one of the very best mainstream financial journos, is back with another update on the Chinese economic collapse, and we appreciate his updates. We've been harping on this theme for at least two years. Just Google "Daily Bell" and "China ...
Capitalism & Socialism Rightly Understood
December 15, 2011
In a recent op-ed for The New York Times, Professor Gar Alperovitz of the University of Maryland, who teaches political economy there, has written that "something different [from what OWS wants] has been quietly brewing in recent decades: more and more American ...
Harvard's Rogoff: Is Capitalism Finished?
December 14, 2011
Kenneth Rogoff is the International Monetary Fund's former chief economist, and he and co-author Carmen Reinhart are somewhat dubious about capitalism's future. But this is, in fact, a dominant social theme of the larger Anglosphere power elite for whom Rogoff ...
Building NWO: UN Again Involved in Int'l Criminal Court Rulings
December 14, 2011
The United Nations is evidently on its way to becoming a fearsome enforcer of global judicial authority. As we can see from the above article, when the International Criminal Court faces a blockage, it now approaches the UN for enforcement of its demands. The U ...
Libertarianism in One Lesson
December 14, 2011
Essay from Machan's Archives: This essay should come in handy these days when "libertarianism" has become almost a household word. Here is a summary discussion of its central tenets, at least as seen by some prominent libertarians. Libertarians uphold the sove ...
Fearfully, the US Treasury's Secret, 75-Year-Old Fund and Its Dark History Has Been Exposed? …
December 13, 2011
We're not sure who Eric deCarbonnel is, but he has posted five YouTube videos that contain extraordinary allegations about the US Government's Exchange Stabilization Fund. In aggregate, the series is called, "What I have been afraid to blog about: THE ESF AND I ...
No Mandatory Mental Health Screening for Children!
December 13, 2011
Maryanne Godboldo, a mother in Michigan, noticed that pills prescribed by her daughter's doctor were making her condition worse, not better. So Ms. Godboldo stopped giving them to her. That's when the trouble began. When Child Protective Services (CPS) bureaucr ...
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