EDITORIAL Showing 5151 - of
Euro-Union Totalitarian Empire Emerges Full Blown with ESM?
November 05, 2011
A recently posted YouTube video, "EU: Treaty of Debt (ESM) - stop it now!" is attracting attention in the blogosphere because of shocking allegations about what the treaty means to Europeans. You can see the video below. It is apparently a totalitarian pac ...
Equality or Diversity? Which One do Leftists Want?
November 05, 2011
You can't have both For the last couple or so decades the universities and colleges where I have taught – and by all accounts, most of them in the USA – have had two mutually exclusive social objectives. (Yes, Virginia, higher education is now mostly e ...
European Central Bank Also Plots the End of the EU
November 04, 2011
This is a big dominant social theme of the power elite – that central banks fight inflation. Central banks CREATE inflation by printing money from nothing. But the elite promotion is orchestrated to avoid that reality. Over and over, you'll see good, gra ...
Naomi Wolf: So Right and So Wrong
November 04, 2011
The problems in the world today can all be tracked back to the big corporations – the corporatocracy that runs the world. Free-Market Analysis: The courageous Ms. Naomi Wolf is back at it again, fresh off her arrest for "blocking the sidewalk" in New Yor ...
Excavator Digs up Truth About CIA's Support for Khomeini's Regime Change in Iran
November 04, 2011
Say, this is another good article by the Excavator! We've been writing about the issue since the publication of High Alert in 2007 (as have others as well) but Mohammadi does a good job in presenting what we consider to be a fairly scholarly exegesis on the sub ...
A Spectre is Haunting the Alternative 'Net News Media – the Spectre of the 'Zionist' Label
November 04, 2011
A spectre is haunting the alternative news media offered via the Internet — the spectre of Zionism. Too many otherwise interesting and seemingly truthful news websites have entered into an unholy alliance promoting this elite dominant social theme – playing ...
California Recall … Beginning of the End for Smart Meters?
November 03, 2011
When we first wrote about these evil "Smart Meters" well over a year ago, they weren't receiving much attention. But we saw them as part of a broader plan of the Anglosphere power elite to continue their quest for control over every part of people's lives. We f ...
Fed Control: Whose Side Is Senator Sanders REALLY on?
November 03, 2011
Senator Bernie Sanders, America's only admitted socialist Senator, has a plan to fix what's wrong with America's central bank, the Federal Reserve. He wants to audit it, make its leaders more "accountable" and maybe involve federal politicians more directly in ...
MF Global – Regulation Matters?
November 03, 2011
The collapse of John Corzine's MF Global is predictably being treated by august organs such as the New York Times as an argument for more regulation. One wonders how, after nearly a century of disasters in every part of industry, the argument can be made for ST ...
Markets Aren't Zero Sum Games
November 03, 2011
The more I read about "Occupy Wall Street," including the pundits who apologize for it, the more I find that people still believe that market exchanges are zero-sum games wherein for someone to gain, someone must lose. But this is plain bunk, as economists sinc ...
Now Occupy Wall Street Seeks Global Warming/UN Accord!
November 02, 2011
The Anglosphere elites are trying everything they can to implement "solutions" to the non-existent problem of global warming and now it seems they've set their controlled Occupy Wall Street movement to the task (see excerpt above). Adbusters has proudly po ...
China Runs Out of Money
November 02, 2011
The editors of the Economist "newspaper" – who never met a tin-pot dictatorship or dictator that they couldn't find some way to praise – have apparently "hit a wall" when it comes to China. That great hope of capitalism (Communist China) is broke and headin ...
Gold Is Nothing But a Metaphor for Fear
November 02, 2011
Every month or two with the consistency of an alarm clock, some fellow on Wall Street or in the US government will come out with a statement suggesting that the gold is in a "dangerous" bubble or that people will be "harmed" if they purchase it. It's surel ...
Fascism Now: Occupy Wall Street's Call for Transaction Tax Taken Up by Congress
November 02, 2011
If there is any single thing that shows Occupy Wall Street is a controlled opposition, the idea that its ideas resonate within weeks with the US Congress and the larger global power structure should at least give one pause. OWS has called for a moratorium ...
The Problem Is Money Power
November 02, 2011
Yesterday we ran an article by a passionate, committed and talented poetess named Dr. Lasha Darkmoon who wrote an article recently about the takeover of America (and the West generally) by World Jewry. You can see the article here: Israel in Charge? The ar ...
Americans Are Responsible for the Amer-Indian Genocide?
November 02, 2011
We came across this posted and scholarly article (excerpted above) at the Indigenous Law Institute. It's not a new article from what we can tell, but we find it timely within the context of some of the issues that we're now dealing with regarding Jews, Zionism ...
In Defense of the 1%
November 02, 2011
Last week, I spent the afternoon visiting the Occupy Wall Street demonstrations in lower Manhattan. I brought a film crew and a sign that said "I Am The 1%, Let's Talk." The purpose was to understand what was motivating these protesters and try to educate them ...
Where Do Things Come From?
November 02, 2011
We all know where babies come from: the stork, right? Ha ha. That, of course, is a tale told to young children by uncomfortable parents. How ridiculous would it be if millions of people in America actually thought that this were so? But the reality is that ...
Stock Markets Value Coercion Over Greek Choice
November 01, 2011
It is most interesting that stock markets reacted negatively to the idea that Greeks could decide their own future in terms of EU austerity measures. This is surely a dominant social theme – that the market renders unemotional verdict and decides in favor of ...
The European Disaster Is Far Larger Than Greece
November 01, 2011
This article speaks clearly to a dilemma faced by a grand and ancient culture – and with the EU by extension. One unspoken reason that Eurocrats are trying to set up a US$5 trillion slush fund is because Spain, Italy, Portugal and even France are in danger of ...
SEC to Beef Up Penalties in Defense of the Little Guy
November 01, 2011
All is going according to plan, so far as we are concerned. The powers-that-be are orchestrating a virtual orgy of anger against the securities industry and people are so angry with top honchos like Hank Paulson (of TARP fame) and Lloyd Blankfein (Goldman Sachs ...
Elite-Controlled OWS Plots the Next Big 'Net News Service
November 01, 2011
Occupy Wall Street burst onto the scene from nowhere. It was supposed to be a spontaneous demonstration of anger at the powers-that-be. But subsequent analysis has shown that the organizers are likely co-opted and the same powerful CIA/AYM forces that created c ...
Israel in Charge?
November 01, 2011
Dr. Lasha Darkmoon is the author of this article, and she seems to us to be a committed and passionate women as well as talented poetess. She is by no means alone in her visceral hatred for Israel and for "world Jewry" in general. This is a growing problem ...
Leaving Iraq?
November 01, 2011
It is not too often I am pleased by the foreign policy announcements from this administration, but last week's announcement that the war in Iraq was in its final stage and all the troops may be home for Christmas did sound promising. I have long said that we sh ...
Latest EU Bailout Deal Not Meant to Work?
October 31, 2011
The latest Eurocrat deal to salvage the euro (and perhaps the Union itself) is already falling apart and, as a result, the entire process is ever more publicly suspect. Is the idea to make the West so desperate that global governance becomes an attractive solut ...
China's Entrepreneurs Head for Exits
October 31, 2011
We were on the case when it came to China several years ago. At the time, nary a peep could be heard about the insanity of China's "market economy" – which is about as "free" as the Chinese Internet. But now the evidence is becoming clear. China is busted. ...
As Predicted, Pentagon Turns to GCC to Retain Hold on Gulf
October 31, 2011
In a series of articles, we've discussed what seems to us to be a Pentagon/NATO plan to divide the Middle East up into warring factions. This plan is being staged in two parts. First, numerous secular states such as Libya, the Ivory Coast, Egypt, Iraq, Tunisia ...
Is an Elite Feudal Society Preordained?
October 31, 2011
This is an excellent article in our view, perhaps because we agree with most of it – though at the end of this analysis we will present some important ways in which we DISAGREE. Nonetheless, it's "our" paradigm in some ways, presented eloquently by Richa ...
Is It the Fault of Zionists?
October 31, 2011
When it comes to analyzing the dominant social themes of the elites, nothing is clear cut immediately – especially long-promoted belief systems. In the 21st century we have observed various brilliant debunkings of elite promotions that have long been held as ...
Column on Dyson's Nonsense
October 31, 2011
In a recent review essay Freeman Dyson flatly asserts that "social justice demands equality. Fair reward for enterprise and achievement demands inequality." Well, neither of these is true but for soundbites in a publication like The New York Review of Books one ...
Dr. Joseph Mercola on Health, Wellness and the 'Inevitability' of Attacks Against Him by the FDA & Medical Community
October 30, 2011
The Daily Bell is pleased to present an interview with Dr. Joseph Mercola. Introduction: Dr. Joseph Mercola is an osteopathic physician, also known as a DO. DOs are licensed physicians who bring something extra to the practice of medicine. Osteopathic physician ...
Could the Euro and Dollar Go One-to-One?
October 29, 2011
This is a funny question to ask given that the dollar is in the dumps and the euro has had a strong rally since the region's top Eurocrats "saved" the euro this week. But in Europe, where some DB elves are traveling and especially in Spain, those in the banking ...
The Trouble With the Fed Is That Too Many Bankers Run It … Not!
October 28, 2011
The duck-and-weave crowd is in full-cry in Washington DC led by the personable Senator from Vermont, "Bernie" Sanders. He's got a plan to fix the Federal Reserve that includes removing "conflict of interest" from its board. Now he's giving interviews to Fo ...
EU 'Solves' Crisis as Portugal Catches Fire
October 28, 2011
The UK Telegraph does us the service of pointing out that no sooner has the Greek crisis been solved than there is another one looming on the horizon. No, it's not Spain or Italy or even France. Those countries can wait. Apparently, it's Portugal's turn. T ...
Break up the Corporations
October 28, 2011
The Internet is aflame with conspiracy theories about a small group of impossibly wealthy central banking families and their enablers and associates. These include corporate, religious, financial and military personnel. Now this same power elite has, in our vie ...
Tim Tebow Time … Not the 'Write' Time for Us
October 28, 2011
This well written and clever article by sportswriter Matt Yoder reminds us again of the pervasiveness of media manipulation in the West and especially in the Anglosphere where sports reporting has been elevated to superstar status. Tim Tebow may or may not ...
Occupy Wall Street's Lack of Focus
October 28, 2011
Rolling Stone magazine ran a piece recently arguing that what OWS is doing doesn't amount to attacks on money or banking but is aimed at corruption. While this is a spin that may work for some folks, it doesn't sound credible for me. When someone, some org ...
Occupy Wall Street and Webster Tarpley … We're All LaRouch-ites Now!
October 27, 2011
The above dialogue seems appropriate as we begin this analysis, which will point out that Lyndon LaRouche and fellow traveler (we use the term ironically) Webster G. Tarpley are fast becoming the most important thinkers in the alternative blogosphere and maybe ...
Only Unlimited Money Printing Will 'Help' the EU Now
October 27, 2011
Of course, by now you know the EU has announced another "miraculous" bailout. But this article, written by one of our favorite mainstream journos, Ambrose Evans-Pritchard, shows why it won't work, can't work and NEVER WILL work. Hats off to Ambrose. Such clarit ...
Stocks Are Up – But Why?
October 27, 2011
We do believe that the stock market provides all the available price information on a given security. In fact, this is a power elite dominant social theme, that the stock market is "efficient" and gives one an accurate snapshot of where the economy is – and i ...
Overpopulation Alarmism Gives Rise to Corporate 'Sustainable Cities'
October 27, 2011
This is one of the hoariest of all dominant social themes of the power elite: Overpopulation. It is also one of the most predictably effective. When people – especially in the West – contemplate the world's total, growing population, they tend to get nervou ...
Liberty and Virtue
October 27, 2011
In order to begin this essay with a degree of coherence, I need first to discuss two types of liberty. The one kind I will designate as metaphysical liberty; it means the capacity for initiating, starting or being the first cause of movement supposedly possesse ...
Taibbi: Occupy Wall Street Aimed at WS Corruption NOT Money or Banking
October 26, 2011
Occupy Wall Street is a populist movement, not a radical one. The powers-that-be are trying their best to position it this way in our view – in opposition to the anti-government Tea Party. This has significant ramifications not only for the movement but for t ...
NAFTA Ascending: First Mexican Trade-Truck Enters US
October 26, 2011
A major dominant social theme of the Anglosphere power elite is that government can HELP private markets function better. This is simply not true, as every law is a price fix, redistributing income and depriving true wealth producers of the wherewithal to creat ...
Communist China or Western Patsy?
October 26, 2011
When it comes to China the Anglosphere power elite has done an unusually bad job. On the one hand, China is to be painted as a great adversary of the West. On the other, it must be seen as participating in the larger set of dominant social themes that the elite ...
Public Spectacle of Gaddafi's Death Signal for Expanded War?
October 26, 2011
Perhaps the most disturbing element of the death of Muammar Gaddafi was its public spectacle. So many shaky videos of the 60-year-old straggly-haired Gaddafi being punched, shoved, bloodied and even sodomized have emerged that we long ago gave up keeping track. ...
The Tea Party Nation's Sellout
October 26, 2011
On February 19, 2009, CNBC commentator Rick Santelli put forth a marvelous patriotic rant for several minutes declaring that Americans should stand up and protest the Obama administration's outrageous socialist policies. And he promised to organize a Chicago Te ...
The Biggest Fraud … Retirement Doesn't Exist?
October 25, 2011
This article, posted to MarketWatch, is a good example of how a dominant social theme – retirement – is being repositioned because it hasn't proven out in reality. The new retirement, we learn, is work related. You'll retire, but you'll still work. From our ...
Biofuels Run Out of Power … Again
October 25, 2011
This article (excerpted above) provides us with a good postmortem of the foolish biofuels industry. We knew these boondoggles wouldn't work because they didn't work in the 1970s either, the last time the business cycle turned and gave us a big bull market in me ...
Obama Channels a Wartime FDR?
October 25, 2011
We have long noted that a strategy of the US Democrats is to create a comparison between President Barack Obama and Franklin Delano Roosevelt. It is a cynical ploy and actually runs much deeper than surface comparisons. Paul Moreno, a professor of history ...
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