STAFF NEWS & ANALYSIS Showing 751 - of
Warning: Don’t Take The Drugs Your Doctor Gave You Until You Read This
September 12, 2017
Some doctors don't even know what they are caught up in. They perform the tests. They read the journals. The tests say you have a disease. The journals say what treatments work. But too often the tests are designed by the drug industry. And the journals are ...
Yes, This is a Real CNBC Article on “Economics”
September 10, 2017
A chicken in every pot, and a unicorn in every garage. That's the progressive dream. No, seriously, they are dreaming, and they must have smoked something crazy before bed. ...
Some Journalists are Just Arsonists Pointing Fingers
September 09, 2017
Menegus didn’t have to be at the Summit, and he doesn’t have to join any Startup Society. No one does. Yet all 7.5 billion people on Earth must choose between 195 countries. And in reality, most of them can't choose to leave or enter any particular country ...
wall street bull
The world’s most powerful bank issues a major warning
September 08, 2017
Four out of the last eight US Treasury Secretaries, including the current one, have formerly been on the payroll of Goldman Sachs. ...
National Guard Authorized to Seize Guns Ahead of Hurricane Irma
September 06, 2017
The best kind of looter is the kind that you can shoot. Especially in emergency situations, those coming onto your property and stealing from you are a serious threat to your life. You must have the ability and means to protect yourself and loved ones. ...
Legal Round Up: 3 Articles on the Law, and Fighting Back
September 05, 2017
In China, Foreigners Can Buy a Marriage. Prison Time for Thwarting Emissions Regulations. Courts Actually Holding Police Accountable. ...
The Excuse is Immigration, But Federal Checkpoints Violate Everyone’s Rights
September 04, 2017
This is how the government operates. Whether it is under the guise of a drug war, illegal immigration, or terrorism, their guns are truly only aimed at one target. The American people. ...
How Society Grew Cold. Dependence on Cold Institutions
September 02, 2017
The downfall of freedom and happiness: dependence on institutions out of your control.  ...
Infuriating: Police Arrest on Duty Nurse For Refusing to Break Law
September 01, 2017
The police did not have a warrant. The police did not have probable cause. The man was not under arrest. The unconscious patient could not consent. ...
As Babies are Prescribed Pharmaceuticals, Have We Reached Dystopia?
August 31, 2017
Drugging the population, programming citizens with propaganda, sexualizing children, creating class divisions. These dystopian novels were meant to be warnings, not instruction manuals. ...
How Trading Renewable Energy Will Grow the Industry
August 30, 2017
It may sound like something from a futuristic movie, but an impressively intricate project has already begun to connect Britain to Norway’s huge hydroelectric power supplies. ...
Be Thankful for Price Gouging in Houston
August 29, 2017
Did the hotel crew need the rooms? No. They came to "cover" the storm. But people fleeing Hurricane Harvey were in desperate need of hotel rooms. And the news crew was complaining about paying a high price. ...
Wanted: Interplanetary Legal Experts to Hassle Asteroid Miners
August 28, 2017
Space police. When is it too soon to make a new federal policing agency to make sure no one is illegally mining asteroids? ...
You stand a higher chance of being crushed by a vending machine.
August 27, 2017
But we don’t demand that our governments spend hundreds of billions of dollars that taxpayers cannot possibly afford in order to protect us from vending machines. ...
Seeking Freedom? Shambhala Buddhism is a Liberating Mindset
August 26, 2017
Politicians today thrive on selling fear. That is the only way they can remain in power. They act like saviors in a "setting sun" world. That is, a world based on death. It is a world based on scarcity, aggression, cowardice, and fear. ...
News Roundup: Have You Heard About These 3 Stories?
August 24, 2017
The DOJ Wants to Know Who Visited Anti-Trump Website. Don't Want To be in the Union? That's Fine, but Pay Up. Say What? Google Argues to Protect User Data From Prying Government Eyes. ...
Propaganda: New York Times Says Sex was Better for Communists
August 23, 2017
Don't you know that to be a liberated woman, you need to have the sex life of a chimpanzee? That's the latest propaganda to come out of the New York Times. ...
Could This be the Beginning of the End for Facebook?
August 22, 2017
"Facebook is for old people," I was told by a 17-year-old last week in San Francisco at the Startup Societies Summit. He doesn't use the social media platform. He's right too. About half a million fewer teens aged 12-17 will use Facebook this year compared to l ...
How to go From a Broken Taillight to 18 Months in Prison
August 21, 2017
It is amazing the amount of "crimes" one broken taillight precipitated. ...
Empowered Individuals: Genocide and Poverty Hasn’t Beat Cambodians
August 18, 2017
Man Kind is leading the way in modern education. No, that isn't some lofty but empty phrase about humanity. This guy's name is actually Man Kind. He runs a program in Cambodia that does more than educate. ...
beaten up dollar
Did you see this unbelievable front page news?
August 17, 2017
It’s astonishing how little attention this issue receives considering it will end up being one of the biggest financial crises in US history. ...
How to Get Saudi Women Rights, and Make Your Neighbor Paint his House
August 15, 2017
If you get government wrong, you get everything wrong. ...
How to Build Your Own Society Starts Here
August 12, 2017
Governing can be done better. We need experimentation to see what works and what doesn't. That is what connects everyone in this room. ...
5 Best Off-Grid Currencies That Don’t Require Electricity
August 11, 2017
When zombies attack or when the electric grid is taken down by an EMP or solar flare, trade must go on. ...
My friend emailed billionaire Howard Marks about Bitcoin. Here’s his response–
August 10, 2017
Marks is a highly accomplished, sophisticated investor. And he admits he doesn’t understand Bitcoin. ...
the scale of law
3 New Ridiculous State and Local Laws
August 09, 2017
Driving While Munching Might Be Illegal... But Maybe Not. Massachusetts Legalizes Weed... Again. Consequences: Is a Fine Worse Than Getting Hit by a Car? ...
Cafe Brags That They Discriminate Against Men
August 07, 2017
As a business, the best way to promote equality is to treat your customers unequally based on their gender. ...
Free State Bitcoin Shoppe: Interview With Co-Owner Derrick J. Freeman
August 06, 2017
"I am taking the entrepreneurial route: offering political art and freedom-enhancing tools in exchange for cryptocurrency... Bitcoin is packed with philosophy, whether users are aware of it or not." ...
How a Dog Named Brutus Was Used to Steal $36,000
August 05, 2017
For the egregious crime of being in the right lane at the wrong time, a driver was pulled over in Lowndes County, Georgia. Thanks to the heroic efforts of one Georgia State Police dog, and his faithful officer, a major threat to the people of Georgia is off the ...
3 Crucial Battles in the War of Big Tech
August 04, 2017
The big tech companies just seem to get bigger and bigger. Is there any hope for industry disruption? Or have they basically secured their hold on monopolies in their fields? ...
How Good Food and Strong Social Ties Will Save Society
August 03, 2017
Good food plus interesting people is a recipe for happiness. As humans evolved, we lived in tight knit self-sufficient communities. Nomadic hunter gatherers spent their time foraging, hunting, eating, and playing together. ...
Why the Government Hates Your Car
August 02, 2017
How could The Daily Bell be so clueless and naive about autonomous vehicles? A lot of you pointed out in the comments of a recent article called 5 Huge Benefits of Self Driving Cars, that the government and their media are in favor of anything that takes contro ...
Do We Need Trendy Terms to Encourage Recycling?
August 01, 2017
I don't know why the media has to come up with stupid terms for everything. Reading about sustainable living, every time I see the word "lifecycling" I feel like I am hearing nails on a chalkboard. Everything has to be trendy and new, so apparently, the word re ...
5 Huge Benefits of Self-Driving Cars
July 31, 2017 many as 90% of working Americans drive a car to work. The average commute is about 25 minutes. This means an average American worker would get over 4 hours of their life back each week! ...
Reality TV: America’s Next Top White House Staffer
July 30, 2017
Anyone who thinks they are witnessing Trump's unraveling or downfall is sorely mistaken. This is exactly what Trump wants. This is his marketing strategy. This is the reality TV show environment in which he thrives. Not as an effective leader, but as a celeb ...
Britain’s Socialized Healthcare Now Recommends Against Herbal Treatments
July 28, 2017
The NHS is recommending doctors no longer prescribe inexpensive herbal and homeopathic treatments to patients. ...
Top 5 Ways to “Back Up” Your Freedom
July 27, 2017
You can take steps that ensure your freedom. Here are some easy ways to start. ...
How Decentralizing Institutions Will Unite the Left and Right
July 26, 2017
Local business and local government will always be more responsive to voters and customers. I believe the key is being able to withdraw support in favor of an actual alternative choice. ...
Child Abuse: The Difference Between Gender Identity and Sex Change in Children
July 24, 2017
If your little boy acts like a little girl, please continue to love and support him. Let him identify as whatever gender he wants, but do not plant the idea in his mind that he can become the opposite sex. ...
Fight: NYC and New York State Should Get Divorced
July 23, 2017
If government is to improve, the future will be marked by decentralization of government. Unifying ever larger territories will only cause disagreements and strife. ...
5 Articles About the State Taking Parent’s Rights
July 21, 2017
The state is deciding who is fit to be parents, keeping parents from treating their sick kids, and arresting parents if their kids skip school. Oh but don't worry about that smart device in the home. All that info it's collecting on your kids could never fall i ...
Should you own bitcoin or gold? That’s easy
July 20, 2017
Gold has stood the test of time and a medium of storing value. For that reason, it deserves a place in your portfolio. Bitcoin’s time on the other hand, is just beginning. Blockchain is the future, and when you have an opportunity to buy the future and tuck i ...
How Digital Nomads Improve Cities
July 19, 2017
Digital nomads--people who work remotely and travel--are a great example of people who vote with their feet. The whole point for digital nomads is that they move from place to place based on what they like about the culture, technology, and government of a city ...
5 Ways to Keep a Tax Farm (Citizens) Producing
July 16, 2017
The government depends on the citizens to produce, to create value from which the ruling classes can leech. They need to keep us working and spending in ways that they prescribe in order to insert themselves into transactions which would otherwise have nothing ...
5 Private City Projects That You Should Know About
July 14, 2017
So many of these projects never get off the ground. This one is happening. ...
Why and How to Get a Second Passport
July 13, 2017
Options translate to freedom. If you cannot negotiate, if you can not walk away from an interaction, or choose a better alternative, you are not free. Getting a second passport is not about fear, or running away, it is the same as carrying home owner's insur ...
Domestic Abuse: A Smart Device Called the Police
July 11, 2017
This is not some distant future dystopia we are talking about. It is already happening. A smart device in a home called the police during a domestic violence incident. ...
Freedom for New Hampshire: Jilletta Jarvis Candidate for Governor
July 11, 2017
We have the right to secede and I think that if the people of New Hampshire stood up and said Jilletta, you're our governor we are done and we have whatever percentage of people saying we want you to send this up and we want you to vote for this, then I would s ...
Nepali Laborers Risk Their Lives For A Better Future
July 07, 2017
The country has a historically tumultuous government that has dissolved and transformed many times, either due to in-fighting, public pressure, or most infamously, the massacre of its royal family by its own prince. ...
How “Nothing to Hide” Leads to “Nowhere to Hide” – Why Privacy Matters in an Age of Tech Totalitarianism
July 05, 2017
When you ask Siri or Echo or Alexa or Google (and others of their ilk) something, it’s great to get an immediate answer… but the corollary is that Siri and Echo and Alexa and Google are listening to every conversation you’re having with your spouse, every ...
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