STAFF NEWS & ANALYSIS Showing 1051 - of
Suburban Technology Should Die a Deserved Death
October 01, 2016
Vast, sterile suburban grids would not exist without force of government-inflicted zoning. ...
The World’s Economic System Failing Fast: China on Brink
September 29, 2016
The world's economic problems are not coincidental. ...
Madness Swirls at House Judiciary Committee as Comey Attempts to Justify Hillary Innocence
September 28, 2016
This is not like other issues that the FBI has confronted. Because of its political aspect and the polarizing nature of Hillary herself, the ramifications of this decision will be lingering and poisonous. ...
Trump Won? His Attacks on the Fed and Politics Need to Go Even Deeper
September 27, 2016
It would seem that Trump would make a better president than Hillary Clinton because Hillary is the ultimate expression of elite plans for the West. ...
Incredible Mainstream Avoidance of Hillary Debate Collapse
September 26, 2016
Day-by-day, mainstream media credibility self-destructs in its quest to support Hillary Clinton. ...
‘Embattled’ Globalists Don’t Intend to Lose
September 26, 2016
Many in the West are determined that good times will rise again and that people will be able to prosper according to their efforts and creativity. But the globalist scheme is all-too-real and surely does not call for the West to regain its former prosperity. ...
Loss of FBI Reputation Irredeemable: James Comey Will Resign
September 24, 2016
In this Internet era, public approval of the FBI is headed down hard. ...
Bloomberg: Let Corporations Manage Immigration – Not!
September 23, 2016
Once people own the land on which they have settled, immigration problems subside ...
Foreign Affairs Magazine Suffers Substantially in the ‘Net Era
September 22, 2016
The 21st century has been a catastrophe for elite messaging. ...
Do Higher Rates Cause Inflation? … And Does It Really Matter?
September 22, 2016
Central banking is nothing but an authoritarian ruse. ...
Central Banks Continue Their Debasement
September 22, 2016
The world is stuck in a holding pattern when it comes to money. Central banks will continue to print around the world until a final catastrophe is triggered. ...
Justifying the Fascism of Hillary’s Pay-for-Play
September 21, 2016
Let's call "pay-for-play" what it actually is. ...
World’s Liquidity Trap Will Not Yield ‘Surprise’ Monetary Reversals
September 20, 2016
Metals can surely travel upwards by significant amounts and likely will despite price-suppression efforts. ...
Hillary’s Broken Trust Is a Media Catastrophe
September 20, 2016
The Clintons may or may not recover from Hillary's latest evasive and arrogant behaviors. But the mainstream media probably has less chance of doing so. ...
The US ‘Recovers’ While a Global Financial Catastrophe Looms
September 19, 2016
Slate is ecstatic over the latest economic news, believing that the US is on the road to recovery. This is incorrect, though. The US and the world are on the way to the largest economic disaster ever faced. ...
Bloomberg Supports TPP as a ‘Trade Agreement,’ But It Is Actually a Shift in World Power
September 19, 2016
The world is being prepared for a great fall, ...
Delhi Cuts Copyright: Why Are Government Courts Involved at All?
September 17, 2016
The Court strikes a blow for common sense with six telling words: “Copyright is not a divine right.” ...
US Does Not Need to Jail Wall Street Bankers: Remove the System Instead
September 16, 2016
Warren wants to jail Wall Street bankers but she should apply her energy and eloquence to getting rid of the monopoly Fed and judicial decisions that prop up corporate America. ...
Hillary Is Secretive, Abusive Because of Psychic Scarring
September 16, 2016
We can thus argue that articles like this one in Politico are no accident but are designed to further erode mainstream media credibility even as they provoke even more questions about US politics. ...
New Era: Hillary Loses Control of ‘Net Narrative
September 15, 2016
The Internet media doesn’t just respond to mainstream memes anymore. ...
Economist Magazine Reports on Multinational Threat But Misleads on Solutions
September 15, 2016
The 'scalpel' of government is not necessary to reduce multinationals. Simply remove the judicial decisions that support giganticism. ...
The Fed Is an Obvious Conspiracy?
September 14, 2016
The problem isn't conspiratorial thinking. The problem is a real conspiracy. ...
Now Greenspan Advances ‘Populism Vs. Globalism’
September 14, 2016
The idea is always to present global perspective as a wise one and the popular perspective as silly, juvenile, etc. We predicted this would be a popular meme. ...
Hillary Deflates? A Setback For War
September 13, 2016
The deep state seems to have counted on Hillary to pursue war. The question is why Hillary rather than someone else? And what will happen now? ...
Hillary Helps US Mainstream Narrative Disintegrate, but Why?
September 12, 2016
Sometimes a confluence of events acts as a metaphor for what has gone wrong with a country or culture, and the recent collapse of Hillary Clinton presents just that. It also gives rise to further questions. ...
The Walls Are to Keep You In
September 12, 2016
Historically speaking, borders and walls may be just as much about control of indigenous populations as their protection. ...
freedom in two years
Green Party’s Stein Has Good Idea With New 9/11 Commission
September 11, 2016
We are not looking for a revolution, merely continued enlightenment about the anti-freedom trends taking place in the US .... That’s how real sociopolitical and economic change takes place – one citizen at a time. ...
Time to Consider More Gold and Silver Following the Latest Fiat Crash?
September 10, 2016
The cycle is turning and physical precious metals as well as precious metals miners are likely to generate profits that will outstrip mainstream equity and fixed-income positions. ...
Misunderstanding Libertarianism
September 09, 2016
There is a reason that libertarianism has become increasingly popular in the past 20 years. Why would anyone want to hold a different point of view – or argue for coercion (and its corollary brutality) – as a personal philosophy? ...
Phase Two: West Attempts to Replace Afghan Culture With Its Own
September 09, 2016
When it comes to elite transformations of local and regional societies to enhance global governance, not much these days seems to be working out exactly as foreseen. Afghanistan probably won't either. ...
Will Pentagon Budget Demands Be Slowed by Multi-Trillion Dollar Scandal?
September 08, 2016
The Defense Department and especially the Pentagon should be subject to significant scrutiny given the ongoing accounting scandal. Additional explanations about the Pentagon's nuclear program would be an improvement as well. ...
man viewing a map
Financial Times: Globalism Is Dying, Even Though It’s the Better Choice
September 07, 2016
Why would the Financial Times, itself a globalist organ, publish an editorial admitting that globalism is losing momentum and attractiveness? ...
YouTube Stockholm Syndrome – While the UN Takes Over
September 06, 2016
It doesn’t seem to us that YouTube censorship moves are entirely business-related, nor does the timing seem necessarily coincidental. ...
Internet Reformation: Has It Progressed?
September 05, 2016
Has the Internet Reformation allowed the growth of significant freedom and real knowledge in the 21st century? Or has it mostly supported authoritarianism and privacy invasion? ...
Potential Litigation? YouTube Is Not Private and Its Censorship Is Government Policy
September 05, 2016
There's probably a lawsuit here, were anyone courageous enough to pursue it. Facebook, YouTube (and ultimately Google) are surely acting on instructions of the US government when it comes to reducing and removing content that they claim is "objectionable." ...
Interview: Shawn Perger on the Global Economic Mess, Silver Mining and Chinchillas
September 04, 2016
Interview with Shawn Perger, metals marketing analyst and marketing representative for Chinchillas Silver and parent Golden Arrow. ...
Bloomberg Explains Why Trump’s Anti-NAFTA Approach Is Incorrect
September 03, 2016
Is Trump softening his anti-NAFTA views? They were surely the correct ones, and Bloomberg probably has a larger reason in mind to post this editorial. ...
Bloomberg: Abolish Cash to Create a Freer Market
September 03, 2016
Government actions are inevitably price fixes, and price fixing always distorts economies and makes things worse. The way to compensate for government ruin is to do away with ruinous policies. In other words, the “solution” is LESS government. ...
Did Brazil’s Dilma Deserve Her Impeachment?
September 03, 2016
There is no lesson to be drawn from Dilma Rousseff's impeachment except perhaps for Brazilian politicians who should note that if they offend Washington, or don't pay enough attention to its interests, they too can end up losing their positions - or worse. ...
Phony US Employment Numbers Combined With Toxic Fed Strategies Boost Gold and Silver
September 02, 2016
Another stage in central banking debasement is drawing to a close. Economies around the world and in the US are not recovering, no matter what US employment figures purportedly show, and no matter how they are adjusted upward. ...
Don’t Panic Over Election Federalization but Keep a Steady Course
September 01, 2016
Yesterday, the Internet was filled with articles explaining that the fedgov is going to take over the election process. Forewarned is forearmed, of course, but a steady journey toward one's goals is surely better than a panicked one. ...
September 01, 2016
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Hillary Loses?
August 31, 2016
There is certainly a chance, perhaps a good one, that Hillary could lose. Ordinarily, we present the idea that Hillary may win because she is so obviously the candidate of the technocratic elite. But this may be a kind of ruse. ...
Scientists Claim Man Is Polluting So Much That a New Epoch Must Be Invented: The Anthropocene
August 30, 2016
This “Anthropocene” meme is even more obnoxious than usual. For instance, it is presented within a scientific context that is intended to provide credibility to a broad spectrum of propaganda. Pollution, environmental degradation, global warming, etc.,thes ...
Little Reported, Significant Issues Underlie Kim Dotcom’s Legal Struggle
August 30, 2016
Judge: Kim Dotcom can livestream legal fight against the US … Internet entrepreneur Kim Dotcom wants to livestream his legal battle against the United States on YouTube.  Dotcom’s lawyers have asked if they can film his extradition appeal, which began Mond ...
Hillary Did Not Say Alt.Media Had ‘No Right to Exist’ – But Maybe She Has a New Ban Plan
August 29, 2016
The larger concern is probably not that Hillary will unconstitutionally attempt to impose blanket censorship but, instead, the real possibility of third-party banning as a matter of policy. ...
Yellen Talks Up the Economy at Jackson Hole While US Real-Estate Market Cracks
August 29, 2016
No matter the stock manipulations sending the market higher or other manipulations sending metals down against the dollar, we suggest at least a partial concentration on gold and silver. When the end comes, what will remain, as before, are money metals. ...
Will the Pentagon’s Effort to Whip Up War Fever Work in This Internet Era?
August 28, 2016
The Pentagon continues to escalate tensions in Russia and Asia in order to ensure, at least partially, that its $1 trillion budget request moves through Congress without a hitch. Increasingly, this manipulative behavior is being questioned by the alternative 'N ...
Negative Rates and Cash Bans: The Chaos Continues at Jackson Hole
August 27, 2016
The Federal Reserve meeting at Jackson Hole has been covered by the mainstream media in ways that gave the impression that policy discussions were a kind of theoretical exercise. They are not. The debate is certainly cast in theoretical terms but the results wi ...
Is the Fed Being Torn Down in Order to Create a New, Powerful Global Entity?
August 26, 2016
Are anti-Fed articles appearing in mainstream publications part of an extended program of ruining the Fed’s already-shaky reputation in order to remake it as part of a global central bank? ...
Showing 1051 - of – Newest on Top
