STAFF NEWS & ANALYSIS Showing 1101 - of
More Conspiracy: Why Modern Mainstream Journalism Is Seen As Questionable
August 26, 2016
There is documented support that this meme was created and promoted by the CIA and this article should have mentioned it. This is part of the problem that afflicts US mainstream journalism today, and it helps explain why modern media is currently held in low re ...
Silver and Gold May Muddle in August But Fall Could Tell a Different Tale
August 25, 2016
The Federal Reserve is now contemplating a rate increase, presumably one of .25%. In fact nothing has changed. The quasi-depression that afflicts the US and the world remains. The impatience of central bankers also remains. ...
Now We’re Running Out of Sand, Another False ‘Scarcity’ Meme
August 25, 2016
Are we really running out of sand? The solution, as always, will be more government and more regulation. The sand-scarcity meme is especially attractive to elite because they are looking for international problems to resolve. ...
Nuke Miniaturization Threat Emerges Conveniently as Pentagon Seeks $1 Trillion
August 24, 2016
North Korea's sudden discovery of miniature nuclear weapons is certainly an advantageous occurrence for the Pentagon. It provides justification for Congress to vote the Pentagon as much money as it needs. ...
Hillary’s Campaign Grows Noticeably More Aggressive
August 24, 2016
Hillary's recent actions seems calculated to reinforce her opponents' suspicions. The idea is that perhaps she wants her opponents to think the worst of her. ...
One Can Never Have Too Much Freedom When Building Fruitful Societies
August 23, 2016
One can never have too much freedom, in our view. And one can never have too little communism. Human action is preferable to authoritarianism. Societies work best when people (absent sociopaths) are left to their own devices. ...
TIME Argues ‘Trolling’ Demands Formal Policing of the Internet
August 22, 2016
TIME magazine has written yet another horrible article, this one basically calling for the Internet to be controlled and censored because of too many "trolls." ...
Surprise Surge as an Important Poll Shows Trump Leading
August 22, 2016
A recent poll released by the USC/LA Times, here, found that Trump held a two point lead over Clinton, nationally. The daily poll questioned some 3,000 US citizens. ...
Philippines’ Duterte Has Been Called to Account Over Violence, Not the US
August 22, 2016
Philippine President Rodrigo Duterte is operating a violent campaign against drugs and corruption since coming to power two months ago. He is receiving considerable criticism as a result. ...
New Gov. Analysis Shows Fed Policies Have Deepened Downturn for Many
August 21, 2016
The entire apparatus of monetary leadership and its influence on the marketplace itself, does not deliver what it is supposed to. The idea is that the Fed provides additional liquidity as necessary. But this is a form of price-fixing. ...
Dollar Disaster Looms? China and Russian Currencies Break Away
August 20, 2016
The US was able to do so much damage domestically and abroad because of its virtually unlimited spending power. Now things are changing. Between the Russian announcement and yuan/RMB convertibility, the US will gradually have more trouble printing money at ...
Wracked by Corruption and Fraud, the Pentagon Is Now Increasingly Exposed
August 20, 2016
The lack of proper Pentagon accounting is a huge story. What is even bigger in our view is the constant fabrication of Pentagon technological successes. The Pentagon’s NATO/NASA axis – the public part of the Pentagon’s mission – is riven with fraud. ...
Why Is Citi Gobbling Derivatives?
August 19, 2016
Citi’s rashness may have an explanation other than greed. Is it possible the US government is using Citi as a stalking horse to gather in as many derivatives contracts as possible? ...
Is the Growing Military Tension Between Russia, China and the US For Real?
August 19, 2016
Perhaps the most intriguing and perplexing question of all is whether China and Russia are merely reacting to Western and US provocations or whether these two countries seek to advance such tensions for purposes of their own. ...
Men Will Be Called Misogynistic If They Blame Hillary When She Is President
August 19, 2016
This Atlantic article promotes the idea that many men will be angry with President Hillary because of her gender. In fact, a good deal of antagonism will stem from her actions, especially if she makes radical changes such as banning guns. ...
Every Year Is Always the Hottest Because of Very Small Amounts of Manmade Carbon
August 19, 2016
The amount of “manmade” carbon is really infinitesimal when put in the proper atmospheric context. Despite the paucity, this tiny portion is said to provide the “tipping” point - plunging the world into molten despair. ...
US Swimmers Who May Have Lied, Are Caught Up in Conflict Between CIA and Brazil
August 19, 2016
The swimmers who apparently lied about being robbed are now conveniently placed to bear the brunt of Brazilian anger at the US. Talk about being in the wrong place at the wrong time. None of them understood the subtext of what is going on in Brazil. ...
angel and devil over shoulder
CERN Human Sacrifice Was Fake But Satanism Is Growing
August 19, 2016
Satanic worship is beginning to edge into the mainstream with various Luciferian churches arising and advertising their presence. This sort of religion seems to be expanding alongside of internationalism itself. It is certainly possible that the “prank ...
Is the US Moving ‘Real’ Nukes to Romania?
August 19, 2016
Whenever there is tension military anywhere in the world that involves the US, it often involves the nuclear “threat” as well. But as we have been reporting, there are considerable questions about nuclear weapons – how powerful they are and even if the ...
How Hillary Could Steal the Election
August 18, 2016
Whether the “power to stop Hillary” actually exists, the reality is that if Hillary does become president, internationalism and corporate technocracy will probably increase exponentially. Additionally, the warring abroad and currency debasement domestica ...
NPR Bans Feedback Comments, Removes Reality
August 18, 2016
NPR is going to ban feedback to its articles. No doubt the move is being made because NPR leaves out so many facts. The feedbacks tend to be a good deal more informative than the articles themselves. ...
Did Canada Sell Its Gold to Prepare for the North American Union?
August 17, 2016
On a variety of fronts, the sociopolitical and economic policies of the US, Canada and Mexico are being harmonized. If Hillary gets into office, this extensive harmonization will allow swift action to realize a potential union. ...
Australia Finds Out Wind Power Doesn’t Really Work
August 17, 2016
It is relatively easy to dig up coal, or even in some cases oil, and use it. But solar and wind are not so easy to capture and not so reliable. We’ve pointed out many times that the real reason governments are anxious to migrate to such “environmentally ...
The Real Opportunity Cost of Rebuilding National Infrastructure
August 17, 2016
Hillary and Trump both have in mind mobilizing massive infrastructure building programs in the US. Is this ultimately a good notion? Not, perhaps, according to Robert Caro's great book, The Power Broker. Ideally, people should take care of their infrastructu ...
Michael Moore Claims Trump Doesn’t Want to Be President
August 17, 2016
Has film-maker Michael Moore revealed the truth about Donald Trump’s campaign? Is it just a publicity stunt gone wrong? ...
Come Visit Our New Links Feature
August 16, 2016
We had some trouble with the site and stories will be up later today. In the meantime come visit our new links feature - Notable News - or view stories you may not have seen yesterday. The problems were internal and everything is fixed now. Thanks for your ...
Hillary Plans Steps Toward North American Union If Elected
August 15, 2016
It is perfectly likely that under Hillary the concept of a North American Union, long denied and even mocked as "conspiracy theory," will continue to take shape. Some aspects of it could become a reality sooner rather than later. ...
Bloomberg Article Bashing Gold Based on Phony Jobs Report
August 15, 2016
The Bloomberg argument against gold is based on a “recovery” in the US economy. But there is a good deal of dissension about this so-called recovery. Libertarian politician and commentator Ron Paul recently posted an article entitled, “The Phony Job Re ...
NY Magazine Article Doesn’t Explain Media Hatred But Offers an Example Instead
August 14, 2016
This New York Magazine article is a perfect example of why people hate the mainstream media more and more. They can see simple truths on the Internet that are never reflected in the West’s most prestigious publications. ...
Discovery of Bulgarian Old Gold Supports the Evolution of Private Money
August 13, 2016
And now the larger question: Do money metals have to be shaped into coins in order to perform monetary functions? In India, gold jewelry adorns women but that doesn’t mean it can’t be used as “money” as necessary. In fact, that’s the whole point. ...
Solving the Euro Problem Will Not Ease European Turmoil
August 12, 2016
The deterioration of Europe continues apace. If we are correct, the difficulties in Europe are not going to be resolved any time soon and may well simply grow worse for the foreseeable future. ...
Get Rid of the Olympics, Not Performance Enhancing Drugs
August 12, 2016
Public shaming of drug users would be just one more offensive element in a tapestry of such elements. The cost of the Olympics, the corruption, the aggrandizement of the state and the general waste of the public’s money are all reasons to remove or reduce ...
As Central Banks Make Matters Worse, the Rational Choice Is Gold and Silver
August 11, 2016
Take clear, certain steps to securing one’s safety and prosperity. Part of this involves an investment in gold and silver, the world's historical money metals with value that has been affirmed over millennia. ...
The Pentagon Wants $1 Trillion to Upgrade Nukes, but Were Some Once Made From TNT?
August 11, 2016
We’ve been running a series of articles questioning aspects of the Pentagon’s nuclear program and of nuclear weapons in general. Over the years, our questions have multiplied rather than diminished. ...
Remove Intellectual Property Rights – Patents and Copyright – to Enhance Prosperity
August 10, 2016
It is no coincidence that copyright began after the advent of the Gutenberg Press. As Wikipedia informs us, “The origin of copyright law in most European countries lies in efforts by the church and governments to regulate and control the output of printe ...
Pentagon’s Recent Release of Bikini Nuke Footage Raises Even More Doubts
August 10, 2016
This Baker test is in line with other films we have seen documenting the early successes of the US nuclear program. Perhaps it is just what it purports to be, but we have difficulty accepting that it has not been tampered with, especially given other films ...
Staggering Corruption at Pentagon Reveals NATO/NASA Lie at Heart of Fedgov
August 09, 2016
We have often pointed out that the era from 1940 to 1970 constituted the most extraordinary three decades in human history. In this scant time period, US fedgov discovered nuclear bombs and went to the moon. We don’t trust this narrative at all. ...
Give People a Universal Income to Keep Them Quiet While Global Government Grows
August 08, 2016
Obviously, the globalists are aware of the push-back occurring, in large part because of what we have called the Internet Reformation. But the internationalists have a solution for that. Give everybody money ...
Humans Have Used Up a Full Year’s Allotment of Resources and It’s Only August!
August 08, 2016
None of this is about “saving the planet.” It is all about reducing the resources to which you have access. It is all about control. ...
Irony: Hillary Rebuilds America’s Trust by Using Untrustworthy National Security Narrative
August 08, 2016
The Pentagon, CIA and other facilities are perpetually at war and thus can justify perpetual lying. Ironically, her increased credibility is thus based on pervasive untruths. ...
Shock Interview: Anders Björkman Is a Professional Technologist Who Doesn’t Believe in Nukes
August 07, 2016
I am quite good a hydrodynamics and wave forces on ships and how to design the ship structures to suit. It is more complicated than nuclear physics! Once you make certain logical deductions, you realize that nuclear explosions are impossible. ...
On This Atom Bomb Anniversary You’re Being Lied to About Hiroshima – and Much More to Make You Fearful
August 06, 2016
Whatever happened at Hiroshima and Nagasaki has not been accurately reported. In fact, it is probably not too strong to say that what has been reported may constitute (in aggregate) one of the most profound lies of the 20th century. It calls into question fu ...
New York Times Whips Up Anti-Islam Hatred with Extensive Article
August 05, 2016
When it comes to Islamic terror, more and more people are turning to central government for "protection" and "action." But chaos and war are always the work of a powerful handful. People need to confront the real agents of violence if at all possible, not th ...
Hillary’s Real Contribution to the Presidential Race Exposes National Security Lies
August 05, 2016
Hillary's candidacy is unraveling the political system from the top down. That is her real contribution to the current presidential race, not the policies that she is enunciating or the "togetherness" that she is promoting. ...
The Case for Silver in 2016
August 05, 2016
Banks wish to charge customers for their services. Money is so plentiful that storing it has become a chore. Within this context, both gold and silver continue to make progress against the dollar. ...
As Predicted, North American Union Returns Under Guise of ‘Greater Integration’
August 05, 2016
The US-Mexican relationship is once again front-and-center and sooner later may include conversations about Canadian participation. This trio was always at the heart of the proposed North American Union. ...
Central Banks Take to Social Media for an Image Boost, But Isn’t It Too Late?
August 04, 2016
Of course, none of this changes the fundamental reality of central banking, which is that price fixing of the value and volume of money inevitably leads to economic instability and worse. What such banks do is counterproductive and ultimately ruinous. The " ...
Migration and Gun Control: Making What’s Personal Local
August 04, 2016
To the degree that it is possible, people ought to be advocating that issues like gun control and immigration be removed from federal control. Such issues ought to be resolved locally or at the state level. ...
Votes for Hillary: Two Party System Implodes as Top Republicans Offer Formal Dem. Support
August 04, 2016
The reality of the US political system is nothing like the rhetoric surrounding it. And now this is being actively and graphically illustrated. Under both Trump and Hillary, the system has imploded. Its rhetorical pretenses have been shattered. ...
How Dangerous, Really? Trump Now Denies Asking Why US Does Not Use Nuclear Weapons
August 03, 2016
The miracle of the 20th century is the US government. This government, which cannot set up a health-care website properly, somehow managed to invent nuclear weapons and space flight in a fabulous three-decade period. US Fedgov has been known to lie from time ...
Showing 1101 - of – Newest on Top
