STAFF NEWS & ANALYSIS Showing 1401 - of
military helicopters
Politicians push for war as the way out of economic troubles
March 28, 2016
Tony Blair [in the Sunday Times]: Britain and its western allies must be prepared to send ground troops to “crush” Islamic State forces or risk a terror attack in Europe of “such size and horror” that draconian security measures would have to be introdu ...
Eric Peters: How Government Ruined Cars
March 27, 2016
Eric Peters started out writing about cars for mainstream media outlets such as The Washington Times, Detroit News and Free Press, Investors Business Daily, The American Spectator, National Review, The Chicago Tribune and Wall Street Journal.  At some point, i ...
Covert US Operations Undermine Brazil Olympics
March 25, 2016
The Rio Olympics Could Be the Next Victim of Brazil’s Corruption Scandal … A massive corruption investigation is reaching into construction deals done for the already troubled Rio 2016 … Two multibillion dollar projects linked to the troubled Rio 2016 Oly ...
Blair to Eradicate European Culture to Create a United States of Europe
March 24, 2016
Tony Blair has warned against “flabby liberalism” and says there needs to be a tougher centre ground approach to issues such as tackling extremism and responding to the refugee crisis …  He argues that education against extremism and intolerance ...
Can the market handle legal marijuana?
March 23, 2016
Nixon Aide Reportedly Admitted Drug War Was Meant To Target Black People … pulls back the curtain on the true motivation of the United States’ war on drugs.  –Huffington Post ...
Forget QE Through Banks, The ECB Now Wants To Directly Hand Out Cash
March 22, 2016
The lords of finance are losing their touch.  Institutions which dragged the world from its worst depression since the early 20th century are finally seeing their magic desert them, if conventional wisdom is to be believed.  –UK Telegraph ...
Two of the Worst Investments You Can Make Right Now: Facebook and China
March 21, 2016
New York Times … With ‘Smog Jog’ Through Beijing, Zuckerberg Stirs Debate on Air Pollution … Some noted he should have worn a face mask … Others simply took umbrage with where the photo was staged, at the heart of Tiananmen Square.“The floor you ste ...
Fed Positions Itself to Unleash Three Tools of Power Expansion
March 18, 2016
“Consistent with its statutory mandate, the Committee seeks to foster maximum employment and price stability … Against this backdrop, the Committee decided to maintain the target range for the federal funds rate at 1/4 to 1/2 percent. The stance of mone ...
Bank of England Intentionally Strangles UK Economy to Discourage Brexit
March 17, 2016
The longer-term effects of Brexit are … likely to be adverse. Most studies suggest that economic growth would suffer. A detailed analysis from the Bank of England in October found that EU membership had benefited the British economy. Attempts to model th ...
Broadening the Race War? Soros Creates Anti-Trump Pro-‘Illegals’ Super Pac
March 16, 2016
George Soros Forms Pro “Illegals” Super PAC To Shift Election … Soros Dumping Millions Into Questionable Voter Influence Campaign – Illegals? … Their tools in the onslaught are what the New York Times describes as “Latinos and other immigrants.” - ...
Council on Foreign Relations calls for more military spending to boost US dominance
March 15, 2016
CFR Elites Seek Renewed Military Spending Around the World New World Order is New World Disorder … Richard Haass, president at Council on Foreign Relations, discusses this weekend’s attacks in Turkey and the Ivory Coast and the importance of internation ...
Trump and ’60s Propaganda: Strategy to Launch North American Union?
March 14, 2016
Moveon.Org raising funds from Trump protests, warns more disruptions to come … “We refuse to be intimidated by Donald Trump, Fox News, or anyone else … We’ve been ramping up our efforts for months … We need to double-down in the face of direct attack ...
James Jaeger: How DC Destroyed Hollywood and What Must Be Done
March 13, 2016
James Jaeger is an award-winning filmmaker who co-founded Matrix Entertainment which has partnered with Bill Van Alen, of Cornerstone Entertainment, Constitutional attorney, Edwin Vieira, Jr., and independent producer, Richard B. Iott, to  produce a series of ...
Elites Link Anti-Government Thought to Mental Illness, Lay Groundwork for Incarceration
March 11, 2016
Believe in conspiracy theories? You’re probably a narcissist: People who doubt the moon landings are more likely to be selfish and attention-seeking … Psychologists from the University of Kent carried out three online studies … -UK Daily Mail ...
North Korea Nuclear Hoax Heightens Alternative Media Skepticism
March 10, 2016
Kim Jong-un orders North Korea’s nuclear arsenal on standby Kim Jong-un’s bombastic statement came after the UN security council’s adoption of tough new sanctions on Pyongyang. –UK Telegraph ...
West vs. BRICS: The New Cold War
March 09, 2016
Lula and the BRICS in a fight to the death … “BRICS” is the dirtiest of acronyms in the Beltway/Wall Street axis … So it’s no surprise the three key BRICS powers have been under simultaneous attack, on many fronts, for some time now. -RT ...
Trump: Another Manchurian Candidate?
March 08, 2016
Trump’s rise disturbs world media … As the U.S. woke up Wednesday to the news that Donald Trump had triumphed in a majority of the states up for grabs in the Super Tuesday contests, the wider world also woke up to the prospect of a man whom some consider a ...
John W. Whitehead: Politics Don’t Matter, but Your Actions Do
March 06, 2016
John W. Whitehead is an attorney and author who has written, debated and practiced widely in the area of constitutional law and human rights. In 1982, he established The Rutherford Institute, a nonprofit civil liberties and human rights organization whose inter ...
Annals of Disaster: Will Congress Print and Spend Directly?
January 19, 2016
Our old friend Ellen Brown has just released a triumphant article, excerpted above, that celebrates Congress's decision to extract funds directly from the Federal Reserve and its member banks. Readers familiar with The Daily Bell will know that we have tracked ...
Reconciling Oneself With the Direction of the US
January 19, 2016
GOP warmongering is increasingly a problem from a civil society standpoint. With Ron Paul out of the race and officially retired, lofting the banner of military non-interference abroad fell to his son, Rand Paul. Rand has done his best, though he has difference ...
Did the Good Times Even Exist?
January 18, 2016
There's a difference between being optimistic and unrealistic. This article, above, seems a tad unrealistic. However, we have to consider the source. The Wall Street Journal is not apt to be overly negative about Wall Street or its main business of stock tradin ...
Celebrity Versus Literacy – You Decide
January 18, 2016
We do not wish to speak ill of the dead but David Bowie's passing does allow us an opportunity to pause and examine popular culture. This UK Telegraph article does what most journalism does, which is accept the values of popular culture at face value. From the ...
Brandon Smith: The Advantages of Barter and Localism
January 17, 2016
I believe based on my research of social and financial upheaval over the past two centuries that barter networks are the natural inclination of cultures in crisis. Fiat monetary systems and casino-style equities and trade systems cannot be counted upon for more ...
Bitcoin: The Other Crash?
January 16, 2016
People are grappling with market turmoil after Friday's equity slide, but there was a good deal of action in another financial instrument: Bitcoin. Bitcoin moved down some 10 percent on Friday after one of its significant developers, Mike Hearn, claimed in a st ...
Stagflation Cometh: Gold, Too?
January 15, 2016
This article raises an important point, though in order to follow through on the ramifications we present another article farther down. The point this article makes is that even if price inflation becomes more prevalent, Yellen and the Fed may choose to forego ...
Rise of Constitutional Realities
January 15, 2016
Much has been made of President Barack Obama's speech in early January on gun control. The mainstream media consensus is that the president probably connected in this speech in a way that he hasn't in previous speeches. In fact, the Washington Post carried an A ...
Cash Confiscation, Wave of the Future
January 14, 2016
The federal government is at it again, demanding that private industry compromise the privacy of clients because the state is wary of possibility of criminal acts. Here's how the Financial Times puts it: "The Treasury issued orders on Wednesday requiring US tit ...
The Afghan War’s Biggest Divide
January 14, 2016
This is an article of the sort that the British mainstream media is peculiarly skilled at producing. These sorts of articles tie together a "just war" with progress being made in various sociopolitical and economic spheres. The BBC is perhaps the most skilled o ...
Audit the Fed Legislation Sinks: Plan Accordingly
January 13, 2016
Audit the Fed, in which so many had invested so much hope, is no more, at least for now. Rand Paul and Ron Paul, the dynamic duo of anti-Fed forces, invested a lot of time and money trying to get that legislation passed. But even if it reached Barack Obama's de ...
Saudi Arabia: The Meme Expands
January 13, 2016
If you have followed The Daily Bell regularly, you are perhaps asking yourself again, how did they know? That's because you are aware of articles in these pages for perhaps the past year or more maintaining that London and DC wanted to dump the House of Saud. A ...
Delusions of Welfare
January 12, 2016
There are numerous delusions associated with state welfare. Here, we will discuss two of the main ones. Our thanks to economist Gary North for a recent article that clarified our understanding. Begin with this letter to the editor. It makes certain perfectly lo ...
Hillarygate: The Empire Strikes Back
January 12, 2016
We sense history in the making here. The Clintons have been a virtually unstoppable force for so long that it is difficult to believe Hillary will end up anywhere but in the White House. But there are increasing reasons to believe that she will not. These reaso ...
Fed: Belittled But Brave
January 11, 2016
This article from the Irish Independent is upbeat about the US economy and the Fed's role as well. What comes across clearly is that the Fed has gambled and won, raising interest rates at a time when the US economy is clearly resurgent. Here's more: "With the F ...
Obama Presidency: Sputtering Light on a Hill?
January 11, 2016
This is an extraordinary article, comprehensive and ambitious. It seems to leave no part of Obama's public life unexamined. But one doesn't have to read the whole article to find out US News's verdict: Obama was NOT a transformational president. However, the ar ...
Jack Perry: No Empire Lasts Forever
January 10, 2016
I'd say I've become even more suspicious about the military as a whole since then. I noticed that the military was literally throwing lives away in Iraq and look how the wounded were being treated at Walter Reed, for example. Did you know that around 20 veteran ...
There's Always a Bull Market Somewhere
January 09, 2016
Paul Craig Roberts has done us the service of analyzing the recent jobs report. It came in better than expected but didn't move the markets much on Friday. From an investment standpoint, this is a problem. When markets don't react to good news, they're probably ...
Why Have No Bankers Gone to Jail?
January 08, 2016
One long-running financial meme of the mainstream media poses the question, why haven't bankers gone to jail for helping to create the subprime crisis and subsequent Great Recession? Back in 2013, it looked like that question would be answered by action when Be ...
The China Syndrome
January 07, 2016
Oh, don't look, don't look at all! Just close your eyes and tap your heels together three times … That's what some of the coverage of China's market failures reminds us of. Magical thinking. We've been reporting on the hollowness of the Chinese Miracle for ye ...
The Truth Has Consequences When Elites Lose Control
January 07, 2016
This article by a man who is the Telegraph's chief military correspondent, and thus makes a living warmongering, runs counter to the world's increasing disgust with the bloody Saud regime. This disgust has further manifested itself since the latest House of Sau ...
Whither the Market in an Era of Rate Hikes?
January 06, 2016
The Baltic Dry Index has received a lot of coverage because it tracks shipping activity worldwide – and it has never been lower. Nobody is shipping much of anything, it seems. For this reason, Tavares's analysis of US rail transportation may have received mor ...
Real Reason for Gun Control
January 06, 2016
The story is all over the news. More gun control. This time, Barack Obama is initiating it via executive orders. Let's examine reasons this argument in the US over gun control is continually evolving amidst a good deal of vitriol and media noise. Then let's sug ...
The Cross Border Meme
January 05, 2016
A borderless Europe is no more, we learn from AP. Of course, there is a solution to this as well – and three clues give us a sense of what that is. But let us examine the article first, as it builds a logical argument. It is "terrorism" that has killed Open E ...
Further Evidence of Saudi Strategic Difficulties
January 05, 2016
For several years now, we've suggested that those who steer the world's monetary system are gradually attempting to remove the dollar reserve. The idea is to humble king dollar in order to create a basket of dominant currencies that can serve as the foundation ...
Preparing for the Great Unwind
January 04, 2016
The great debate has started and will continue to keep us focused on the Fed until the next move. We will be reminded over and over again of the phony importance of one or two "power players" in determining the fate of the largest economy in the world. The pote ...
Ron Paul: Begin With Uncompromising Purity
January 04, 2016
TIME magazine informs us that a certain level of civilized moderation is necessary to promote and maintain civil society. On the other hand, we are probably not supposed to ask why the West is in such lousy shape when its leaders are winning so many "Teddy Awar ...
Three Trends for 2016
January 02, 2016
In this issue I wish to remind our readers of the "big three" trends that drove much of the news in 2015 and doubtless will be prime motivators in 2016. These include war, monetary debasement and media coverups. When historians – if they still exist – look ...
January 01, 2016
In this analysis we'll cover a predictable stock market meme and then provide an alternative media examination that makes more sense to us. We'll draw a conclusion from it – a famous one. Begin, however, with this CNN article. What could be more predictable i ...
The West's Long War
January 01, 2016
The meme of the long war is in full swing. In fact, the idea is not to mention the length of the war, only the steps taken to ameliorate it. The BBC is doing its best to advance this perspective. This strategy and that strategy certainly provide indications of ...
Dueling Predictions: Patrick Buchanan Versus the Mirror
December 31, 2015
We are sure over the next few days that the media will be filled with clamorous predictions of doom and gloom. But like this Mirror article, we will also be exposed to solutions, mostly featuring the very largest technocratic efforts. All the paraphernalia of t ...
Understand the Message and Don't Wait for Others
December 31, 2015
In the other article in today's issue, we pointed out that the alternative media continues to effectively erode the mainstream media narrative. In this article, however, we will remind viewers that such victories are never clear cut. We'll use the above New Yor ...
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