STAFF NEWS & ANALYSIS Showing 101 - of
UK Cancer charity: Biological females are now ‘people with a cervix’
November 08, 2019
November 8, 2019. Apparently it’s “disgusting” to acknowledge your own biological facts. ...
US passport
This is the easiest way to obtain a European passport
November 07, 2019
November 7, 2019. Just like owning gold is a great insurance policy for your wealth, a second passport is an insurance policy for your lifestyle. ...
Politicians’ sex lives should be none of our business
November 07, 2019
November 7, 2019. The “bedroom police,” as Gaetz aptly referred to them, were never expected to peer into the windows at the sheets of sitting members of Congress before. ...
How the NFL is Trying to Cover Up its Concussion Problem
November 06, 2019
November 6, 2019. Instead of working to find a way around the problem, the NFL went after the reputation of Omalu and any other prominent advocates of research in that area. ...
When they can take your children away… how free are you?
November 05, 2019
November 5, 2019. And even in places that still struggle with corruption, locals would be absolutely shocked to hear about the government threatening to take someone’s children away. ...
A New Kind of Tyranny: The Global State’s War on Those Who Speak Truth to Power
November 05, 2019
November 5, 2019. “What happens to Julian Assange and to Chelsea Manning is meant to intimidate us, to frighten us into silence." ...
Confused about your gender? You can commit crimes without punishment in Australia
November 01, 2019
November 1, 2019. In Australia, being confused about your gender apparently justifies the exploitation of children. ...
integrated earth
How you can save tens of thousands of dollars in taxes by moving abroad
November 01, 2019
November 1, 2019. Over a hundred years later, the United States is still one of the only two countries in the world, (the other one is Eritrea) that imposes a worldwide taxes on all of its citizens, no matter where they live. ...
Individual Goodness Is the Antidote to Collective Turmoil
October 30, 2019
October 30, 2019. Our constructive actions will do far more to earn the trust of others than will our ability to put them in their place, either online or in the real world. ...
If Joker Met Jordan Peterson
October 30, 2019
October 30, 2019. What separates a monster from a hero? ...
Tanzania: Come for the nature, stay for the stock market
October 29, 2019
October 29, 2019. The people and their impressive entrepreneurial spirit that I encountered on this trip convinced me of the economic potential in Tanzania. ...
They Live, We Sleep: Beware the Growing Evil in Our Midst
October 28, 2019
October 28, 2019. hidden messages being drummed into the people’s subconscious. ...
Three things you didn’t know about the crash of 1929
October 28, 2019
October 28, 2019. Stocks are more overvalued today than they were in 1929. ...
Hey Air Force, the 1960s called: they want their floppy disks back
October 25, 2019
October 25, 2019. It’s now late 2019, and the United States Air Force has finally phased out 8-inch floppy disks. ...
How Free Trade Increases Peaceful Interaction Between Nations
October 24, 2019
October 24, 2019. An increase in bilateral trade interdependence significantly promotes peace ...
How Crypto Currency Will Save Western Civilization
October 24, 2019
October 24, 2019. The blockchain securitization of assets will represent the free market at its very best. When all the money goes broke, you don't have to. ...
WeWork: one moron ruining it for everyone else
October 23, 2019
October 23, 2019. Neumann has just single-handedly reinforced that negative stereotype. ...
Four lessons from the biggest riots in decades
October 22, 2019
October 22, 2019. It can happen anywhere. ...
The Pathocracy of the Deep State: Tyranny at the Hands of a Psychopathic Government
October 22, 2019
October 22, 2019. There is no difference between psychopaths and politicians. ...
Start thinking about silver before it becomes popular again
October 21, 2019
October 21, 2019. Bottom line, investors aren’t as interested in silver as they used to be. And that’s usually a good time to start thinking about buying an asset. ...
A week in the life of a home school family is probably not what you think
October 17, 2019
October 17, 2019. The kids come everywhere with me and, because of this, the world becomes their “classroom”. ...
How the Presidential candidates rehash failed communist ideas
October 15, 2019
October 15, 2019. The ideas in the Communist Manifesto have been tried by the likes of the USSR and the People’s Republic of China, only to be abandoned because of their abject failure. ...
Imagine selling your home, and still living in it
October 14, 2019
October 14, 2019. What if mortgages weren't what we think of them as now, but a store of value rather than just a debt? ...
The next big investment trend is on sale right now
October 09, 2019
October 9, 2019. The cannabis industry undoubtedly comes with additional complications. ...
Poverty in the U.S. Was Plummeting—Until Lyndon Johnson Declared War On It
October 08, 2019
October 8, 2019. Yet again, government intervention hurts those it is intended to help. ...
Compulsory Schooling Laws: What if We Didn’t Have Them?
October 08, 2019
October 8, 2019. Eliminating compulsory schooling laws would break the century-and-a-half stranglehold of schooling on education. ...
Warren Buffett
Gold’s long-term gains have even outperformed Warren Buffett…
October 07, 2019
October 7, 2019. But Buffett is completely wrong to compare gold to productive assets… they’re apples and oranges. ...
John Lennon vs. the Deep State: One Man Against the ‘Monster’
October 07, 2019
October 7, 2019. “You gotta remember, establishment, it’s just a name for evil. The monster doesn’t care whether it kills all the students or whether there’s a revolution. It’s not thinking logically, it’s out of control.”—John Lennon (1969) ...
You can now be fined $250,000 in New York City for saying this phrase
October 04, 2019
October 4, 2019. This applies to landlords, employers, and in public accommodations. ...
Four rules for storing physical gold overseas
October 03, 2019
October 3, 2019. My recommendation that ticks all the boxes above is Silver Bullion in Singapore. ...
opposing faces
What’s the Big Problem With Facial Recognition?
October 03, 2019
October 3, 2019. Facial recognition puts every person who crosses its path into a perpetual lineup without any probable cause. ...
Why Even Liberals Should Be “Climate Change Skeptics”
October 03, 2019
October 3, 2019. Given the poor track record of drastic government solutions adopted in an atmosphere of fear, a healthy skepticism toward demands related to climate change should not only be tolerated but encouraged. ...
Finally an environmental group does conservation the right way
October 02, 2019
October 2, 2019. The Save the Redwoods League is NOT trying to force the government to seize or restrict private land to protect the forest. ...
1,015,736,491,184 reasons to have a Plan B
October 01, 2019
October 1, 2019. Despite this bonanza of good news, the national debt STILL increased by more than a trillion dollars! ...
military helicopters
Guns for Hire: No, the Government Shouldn’t Be Using the Military to Police the Globe
October 01, 2019
October 1, 2019. “Of all the enemies to public liberty war is, perhaps, the most to be dreaded because it comprises and develops the germ of every other.… No nation could preserve its freedom in the midst of continual warfare.” — James Madison ...
The only fix is taking matters into your own hands
September 30, 2019
September 30, 2019. This is absolutely a sign of things to come in the United States. ...
“Islam is right about women” signs spark outrage… but why?
September 27, 2019
September 27, 2019. Somehow, these people think the signs targetted both women and Muslims. ...
Indian airline passenger caught smuggling gold in his man boobs
September 27, 2019
September 27, 2019. Are you ready for this week’s absurdity? Here’s our Friday roll-up of the most ridiculous stories from around the world. ...
This could be a better investment than college. And you own the dorm…
September 27, 2019
September 27, 2019. A combination of entrepreneurship incubator, co-working sphere, and digital nomad housing--all in a compact and low priced option. ...
We Not So Crazy after all…
September 26, 2019
September 26, 2019. I couldn’t help but feel delighted when I saw that Adam Neumann, founder of the so-called ‘We Company’, stepped down as CEO two days ago. ...
It’s impossible to know everything. Here’s the smartest way to be ignorant
September 26, 2019
September 26, 2019. There is nothing wrong with being mainly interested in the truths most relevant to your own personal life. ...
Doctors stand defiant
This law allows hospitals to kidnap you for profit
September 25, 2019
September 25, 2019. The Baker Act in Florida is just one example. There are countless more. ...
The Driving Force of Free Markets Is Empathy, Not Greed
September 25, 2019
September 25, 2019. Only the entrepreneur who prioritizes other people’s needs can be successful. ...
City Shuts Downs Preschoolers’ Farm Stand Citing Zoning Violations
September 25, 2019
September 25, 2019. The Little Ones Learning Center in Forest Park, Georgia, has often sold its produce with discounts to local food stamp recipients and other neighbors and has been acknowledged as a leader in the farm-to-school healthy food movement. ...
How Anti-Fragile are you?
September 24, 2019
September 24, 2019. To be antifragile means having the strength, wisdom, systems, and resources to be able to not only survive, but prosper in emergencies, uncertainty, and turbulence. ...
Welfare Checks Turn Deadly: You Might Want to Think Twice Before Calling the Cops
September 24, 2019
September 24, 2019. Over the course of six months, police shot and killed someone who was in mental crisis every 36 hours. ...
Print Your Own Money At Home! 100% Legal!
September 24, 2019
September 24, 2019. "I am more convinced than ever that if we ever again are going to have a decent money, it will not come from government: it will be issued by private enterprise..." -F.A. Hayek ...
What I learned from having my mind manipulated this weekend
September 23, 2019
September 23, 2019. But it made me think– how many other times in our daily lives are we being manipulated like that—manipulated to think in a certain way, even when we’re 100% convinced that we’re exercising independent thought? ...
How to protect yourself from this new form of ransom
September 23, 2019
September 23, 2019. But there are some easy, cheap, and usually free, ways to secure your digital life against threats like this. ...
Swedish man fined $2,000 for someone else’s “hate speech”
September 20, 2019
September 20, 2019. This sets a dangerous precedent that anyone can be held responsible for someone else’s WORDS (let alone their actions). ...
Showing 101 - of – Newest on Top
