STAFF NEWS & ANALYSIS Showing 1451 - of
Crisis of Misinformation, Differing Solutions
December 30, 2015
Our position has always been that the Internet Reformation (our term) was unstoppable in the short- and medium-term. We expected when exposed regarding perfervid implementations of directed history that the elites in some sense would take a "step back." Instead ...
Anonymous Nonsense
December 30, 2015
Do we believe it? Do we really believe that a group of adolescents have formed themselves into a quasi-military worldwide unit to do the "dirty work" Uncle Sam doesn't have the competence or willingness to do? What warriors these kids must be. Stubbled with acn ...
Changing the Fed
December 29, 2015
This endless article, excerpted above, is a perfect expression of a favorite establishment meme: The Fed as an innocuous intellectual muddle. For thousands of words, the article describes the ins and outs of various Fed attempts to salvage the US economy beginn ...
Conspiracies – What Do You Believe?
December 29, 2015
This is an article that argues against conspiratorial thinking based on a new book, Suspicious Minds. The book is written by Rob Brotherton, and the UK Guardian has devoted a fairly long article to Brotherton's thesis. And what is that? Well ... basically, the ...
Cashless Societies: How Realistic?
December 28, 2015
Sweden is being touted as the wave of the future as regards money, but perhaps not. When something is profiled in The New York Times, as the "new" cashless Sweden just was, we need to consider whether the trend is subject to change or is not so powerful as we a ...
Simon Black: Failing Yahoo Is a Metaphor for the US
December 28, 2015
Marissa Mayer was the subject of optimistic media profiles when she joined Yahoo in 2012 as its young and fashionable CEO. A brilliant "techie" and manager with Google, her knowledge of the industry was never in doubt for most in the mainstream media. Her ascen ...
Colombia Crowns Herself
December 22, 2015
As many readers and observers around the world are aware, this week featured the highly embarrassing un-crowning of a Colombian beauty queen who was mistakenly announced as the winner of the Miss Universe competition by host Steve Harvey. And, yes, this was a v ...
Don't Wait for the Fed to Change
December 22, 2015
We missed this recent Reuters article about a "confident and clear" Janet Yellen. This was the kind of article mainstream media types used to write in the 20th century before so much was known about central banks and the serial idiocy of their various protocols ...
Beware the West's Wars
December 22, 2015
This article appeared in The Guardian almost exactly a year ago. As you can see, it makes a case for renaming various Middle East terrorist groups "Daesh." The name apparently did not catch on right away because there has been a flurry of articles in the past f ...
A Tale of Two Feds
December 21, 2015
The main meme of the media these days when it comes to the Fed has to do with "successful caution." Yellen is to be portrayed as a successful commander who leads with an abundance of care. The idea is she waited until she was absolutely sure of the economy's ga ...
Shkreli's Hounding Is Part of Troublesome, Structural Issue
December 21, 2015
This ZeroHedge article reports the facts and is competent so far as it goes. But an article by libertarian publisher Simon Black provides us with a deeper perspective. More on Black and his article in a moment. ZeroHedge on Shkreli: "While Shkreli is known for ...
Jay Taylor: Fed Leading Us Into Global Insolvency
December 20, 2015
The fed owns and runs the government, not the other way around. We should know that from what happened to John Kennedy who shortly after issuing Executive Order 11110 was murdered. F. William Engdahl, whom I frequently have on my radio show, has provided powerf ...
In the Internet Era, It's Harder to Make Memes
December 19, 2015
International Business Times has posted an article entitled, "US did not trigger Arab Spring, Obama says." Obama's denial was made in an end-of-year news conference at the White House in Washington on December 18, 2015. President Obama commented on Syria, the A ...
Fed Results? Social Polarization and Economic Debasement
December 18, 2015
The good news is that the economy is recovering, according to this article. The bad news is that the Fed has started the clock running on the business cycle once again. As rates go up, economic activity gradually slows. Aware of this as she must be, Janet Yelle ...
US Electoral Mess a Sign of the Times
December 18, 2015
History is funny and perhaps Hillary Clinton will win the presidency because at a Republican special committee on the Benghazi State Department tragedy she testified for 11 hours. The Committee is run by Trey Gowdy, seemingly one of Congress's more ethical and ...
Rand Paul: Is the Fed a Politburo?
December 17, 2015
Reuters samples lots of opinions in this post-rate hike article. First it sets up the sampling with a brief introduction. Then it begins to provide reactions. The first one is Mike Materasso, Senior Vice President & Co-Chair Fixed Income Policy Committee, Frank ...
Ramifications of Citizenship in the Age of Empire
December 17, 2015
New York Magazine's news and politics section provides us with this excerpt as part of a larger hagiography regarding Barack Obama and his address in the National Archives to new American citizens. The idea for Obama was to push back against the narrative that ...
Another Sorry Chapter in the Fed's Sad Saga
December 16, 2015
Perhaps we ought to feel sorry for Fed officials, especially Ms. Yellen. We've read a lot about Janet Yellen's reluctant move toward a rate hike and she is certainly being cast as the Hamlet of Fed leaders, someone who is indecisive because she knows how much c ...
Trump Is No Aberration
December 16, 2015
The New Yorker was a lot better when it published 50,000-word articles on wheat. This article, filled with adjectives about the mystifying appeal of Donald Trump and his loutish followers, is a kind of new low. It is so predictable that it kind of writes itself ...
Simon Black Explains the Confusing US Economy
December 15, 2015
This transcript from NPR features host David Greene interviewing David Wessel, director of the Hutchins Center at the Brookings Institution and a contributing correspondent to The Wall Street Journal. Wessel is fairly sanguine about the US economy. But in this ...
In a New Terrorist Era, Vigilance Is Required
December 15, 2015
This Washington Post article provides us with a calm analysis of what's going on in French politics within the context of the French terror attacks. Written in a matter-of-fact style, it evaluates the electoral mood in France and provides us with a sober look a ...
Ron Paul: Activist Government Cannot Provide Liberty
December 14, 2015
As more and more incidents of terrorism afflict the West, we will probably see more articles like this one from Larry Kudlow, renouncing previous positions on immigration and calling for more severe actions. Fortunately, Ron Paul has just published a column tha ...
House of Saud May Be in Danger of Falling
December 14, 2015
This interesting article is authored by well-known alternative-media author F. William Engdahl. We wrote about him here. Engdahl's article is persuasive, even though we have a slightly different point of view. He believes that the Saudi regime is trying to cont ...
James Jaeger: MIDNIGHT RIDE – When Rogue Politicians Call for Martial Law
December 13, 2015
Suffice it to say that if the dollar crashed, it would be total chaos. What would the Globalists do? Well, they would probably try to invoke "emergency powers." MIDNIGHT RIDE goes into the legality of "emergency power" acts as well as the various types of marti ...
Is Credible Media Both Anti-State and Anti-War?
December 12, 2015
The Hill, not necessarily known as a conservative-leaning publication, has published an article entitled, "The shrinking impact of mainstream media," by Patrick Maines. The article announces that the mainstream media is a "carrier" of left-leaning news and opin ...
BBC Believes Swiss Bank Secrecy Is Dead – But Maybe Not
December 11, 2015
The BBC is explaining why Switzerland will not offer bank secrecy anymore. It tells us that even the Swiss themselves do not believe in it anymore. First the United States put enormous pressure on Swiss finance and severely damaged Swiss private banking, which ...
Is Good Government Corruption Free?
December 11, 2015
The New York Post has recently published several articles blasting the corruption in New York state and using the trials of Dean Skelos and Sheldon Silver as examples of why the Albany political culture has to change. Certainly, the arguments by Skelos don't ad ...
Whither Gold During a 'Dangerous End Game'?
December 10, 2015
The knives are out again for gold as Wall Street waits impatiently for the Federal Reserve to hike interest rates, thus strengthening the dollar, which – so we are told – will result in another tumble for gold against the mighty greenback. Of course, the ma ...
Simon Black vs NPR: Conundrum of Brazil
December 09, 2015
In this article, we will attempt to show the difference between an elite meme and a realistic, grounded, "human" analysis of the formal (accepted) profile of Brazil. There is the reality of Brazil (which is merely a construct on a map) and the reality of the pe ...
Socialism, the God that Failed – And What's Coming Next
December 09, 2015
Gary North has written an interesting article entitled "Socialism Is Dead. Let's Move On. We Won" that incorporates his usual rigorous logic. It is posted at his website and also at It is interesting because it provides an insight of which we w ...
Greeks Must Declare Non-Bank, Personal Assets – Who's Next?
December 08, 2015
The great asset-stripping continues. It doesn't make much sense, does it? Austerity, taxation and confiscation of assets are not providing Greece with a healthier economy. How could they? Is there a reason to continue to pound the Greeks? Well, perhaps so … A ...
Flu Vaccines and the Ascent of Allopathy
December 08, 2015
We can see from this excerpt that the US medical establishment – aided by the mainstream media – is advancing the idea of flu vaccinations once again. The controversies over vaccines remain significant but you wouldn't know it from articles like this one. " ...
National Basic Income: A Bad Idea on the Rise
December 07, 2015
Long ago, we identified the idea that central banks could print money for everyone as perhaps the single most pernicious myth of our modern era because it gave the masses a further stake in a ruinous system. Central banking provides the beating heart of regulat ...
Ron Paul: IRS to Confiscate Passports
December 07, 2015
Ron Paul is out with his weekly column, entitled "Will the IRS Take Your Passport?" It deals with a bill that was just passed by Congress called the DRIVE Act. Over at GovTrack we find this: "H.R. 22: Developing a Reliable and Innovative Vision for the Economy ...
Tom Conrad: 'I Wish I Could Say Elections Mattered'
December 06, 2015
We're in a position where what should be positive is actually going to look to many like a negative. For instance, we are well into the political season now in the US and there are differences between the two parties' platforms. Of course, we know that when pol ...
Directed History? Hey, We Told You So
December 05, 2015
The news is catching up to us. The Daily Bell was founded on the idea that Western culture was invaded by elite memes that shaped public opinion. Today that doesn't seem so radical but even a decade ago when The Daily Bell's approach was being formulated, most ...
'Employment Data Key to Hike' Just a Diversion
December 04, 2015
The consensus once again seems building that finally, this time, Yellen and company are going to hike. Her testimony to Congress yesterday seems to have sealed the proverbial deal. She spoke notably about "overshooting." "Were the FOMC to delay the start ... fo ...
Fred Reed: Government Can't Protect Us From Terrorism
December 04, 2015
Over at, Fred Reed has posted an insightful article on government responses to terrorism. Written from a libertarian standpoint, its main thesis is simple but often overlooked: Government cannot protect us from the consequences of its "long wars ...
Rosy Economy Doesn't Knock Gold Buying
December 03, 2015
It is incredible to us that anyone looking at the reality of the US economy could construe it as healthy, but obviously people do. MarketWatch tells us that in a speech on Wednesday, Yellen seemed to leave "little room for doubt" about a hike. Yes, Yellen is bu ...
When Shooting Narratives Diverge
December 03, 2015
Another horrible attack by armed gunmen against unarmed civilians. This one, once more in the US, has left a significant toll of wounded and dead – and was covered in detail by the major media on television and by the alternative media on the Internet. In fac ...
Comparing Essays: Simon Black vs. Dennis Lockhart
December 02, 2015
Once we were even more callow than we are now. Listening to a speech by Dennis Lockhart 15 or 20 years ago (see above excerpt), we probably would have been enormously impressed, thinking he sounded judicious, modest and yet at the same time almost infinitely wi ...
The Fearful Progressivism of Gun Control
December 02, 2015
Do guns kill people, or do people kill people? We think it's the latter. It's the reason that the British are now suffering from a rash of murderous biting. Sorry, we just made that up, and, sure, it's nothing to joke about but it could be true. The Brits – l ...
What's Really Behind the IMF's Elevation of the Yuan?
December 01, 2015
It is popular in the Western media to bemoan the fall of the West and the rise of the East. Yet what we have here is peculiar: A Western-controlled institution, the International Monetary Fund, facilitating the ascent of China as a great monetary power despite ...
Ron Paul: Interventionism Causes Attacks
December 01, 2015
Little noted in the English media, French television reporters have recently been grilling officials who have confessed to running terror drills featuring a "mass shooting" on the morning of the Paris attacks. At the same time, libertarian politician Ron Paul h ...
Who Is Really Behind the EU?
November 30, 2015
You would think from the mainstream media analysis of what's going on in the European Union that nobody had foreseen this sort of migration. But as we and other alternative media outlets have pointed out, it's entirely predictable given the amount of violence a ...
James Bovard Questions Government Census Promises
November 30, 2015
This is a great public relations coup for the US Census Bureau, one of the more invasive of US agencies and thus a department that is always thinking of ways to better its image. And what better way than to officially recognize a "language" spoken by non-white ...
Andy Hoffman: In Unsettled Times, Protect Your Portfolio With Gold
November 29, 2015
I have long maintained – based on empirical proof – that "the dollar's" level is not only not correlated to "gold," but shouldn't even logically have a connection. In fact, two years ago I said the dollar index would surge as the global economy collapsed †...
Watching the Anti-Freedom Actions of Francois Hollande
November 28, 2015
Francois Hollande has come into his own. After nearly bankrupting France and raising taxes so aggressively that he has driven many of France's best and brightest abroad, Hollande has found his voice as a wartime president. He is leading the charge against "terr ...
Emergent Caliphate of Turkey's Recep Tayyip Erdogan?
November 27, 2015
This CNN article is basically a recap of the accepted Middle East narrative as it now stands. What's going on in the Middle East increasingly resembles – on the surface – an evolution of the "great game" that created World War One. Let's recap the recap so ...
Will Bitcoin Replace the BIS?
November 27, 2015
Actually, it wouldn't. And we're not sure the BIS is really worried about it. The report may simply be an exercise in predictive analysis. After all, if you are the dominant force in your industry, you have to anticipate challenges. Of course, there is the theo ...
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