STAFF NEWS & ANALYSIS Showing 1501 - of
Sandy Sandfort, Michael Pento: 'Buy and Hold Gold'
November 26, 2015
One of Wall Street's fundamental memes is that no matter what is going on in the larger market, one should always be prepared to sell gold. Precious metals could devalue down to nearly nothing and still the cry would be raised on Wall Street to "sell." This ana ...
Resurgence of Racism and Its Consequences
November 26, 2015
What is racism? USA Today is available to enlighten us. This article by Eric S. Yellin, an associate professor of history at the University of Richmond, makes a number of points about the subject. Racism, as we wrote earlier this week, is becoming a fashionable ...
Dysfunction at the Fed
November 25, 2015
Fortune magazine gives us a heads up on what the Federal Reserve may soon mandate for banks, as can be seen in the excerpt above. The test is actually fairly simple, though doubtless the details are complex. First the Fed figures out how much money a bank would ...
Turkey's Jet Shoot-Down Part of Long War With Russia
November 25, 2015
It's nice that NATO is concerned about world peace. Russia seems angrier. Following Turkey's downing of a Russian jet near the Syrian-Turkey border, Vladimir Putin called Turkey's actions a "stab in the back." What Putin meant by this was that Russia was removi ...
Fed's Illusion of Control
November 24, 2015
Will the Fed really hike? Savvy market observers have maintained that the Fed is trapped due to the enormous size of the US national debt. It can't hike too hard or too fast. Perhaps it can't hike at all. This is why we've been pointing out that it is preferabl ...
Questions About Black Lives Matter
November 24, 2015
The Hegelian dialectic is proceeding apace. We learn about the above "pushback" from "The College Fix." This was predictable, was it not? These are indeed interesting times. All of a sudden there are new, "vibrant" feminist movements on campus. Hillary is runni ...
Create Your Own Reality to Counter Terrorism
November 23, 2015
NBC, like most of the mainstream media, is in full cry about how to defeat ISIS. Of course, it might be helpful to figure out where ISIS came from and how it got to be as formidable as it is (if indeed the acts attributed to it are true). We made a stab in this ...
Contrasting Editorials: Ron Paul vs. Peter Bergen
November 23, 2015
Peter Bergen believes Syrian refugees trying to gain entrance to the US are no threat. But as we can see from the above excerpt, Congress is not so sure and appears to be on its way to passing a bill that would further scrutinize anyone from Syria – and thus ...
Terry Coxon: Potential Danger Is in Government Responses
November 22, 2015
Most people survive most catastrophes, including most of the great ones. Most of the people who were affected in fact survived Genghis Khan's invasion, the Black Plague, the fall of Constantinople, the Thirty Years War, the 1918 influenza pandemic and the purge ...
Is the Fed Due for Downsizing?
November 21, 2015
Politico tells us that the "Fed pushes back as Congress eyes its billions" and that "Congress is aiming to take billions out of the Fed's accounts to help pay for a new highway and transit bill." Beyond explaining the intentions of Congress in this regard, the ...
Egon von Greyerz on The Great Hiking Debate
November 20, 2015
According to this recent Journal article, gold is weak and getting weaker. Here's a pertinent quote from the article: The only time we see buyers in the market is profit-takers or short-covering," said Graham Leighton, a precious metals broker at Marex Spectron ...
Understanding Blowback
November 20, 2015
One wonders why perpetrators of mass killings are rarely taken alive. Perhaps it is hard to do so, but let us recall pertinent circumstances regarding the Boston Marathon bombing. Here is what conservative/libertarian commentator Dr. Paul Craig Roberts has to s ...
Jim Rogers Joins EM: Focus on Russia, Asia
November 19, 2015
This release excerpted above is interesting because it affirms Jim Rogers's abiding interest in Russia and China. While Rogers has made better and worse calls like any other "guru," his instinct about China so many years ago has proven correct, at least to the ...
Ramifications of the Reign of Terror
November 18, 2015
Tough times call for tough measures and in this article, we'll discuss the ramifications of the resolute countermeasures that President Francois Hollande is prepared to take. The bill to declare an apparently open-ended "state of emergency" in France is being p ...
Connecting the Saudi Dots to Economic Volatility
November 18, 2015
We wrote this Reuters article! Not really. But we were astonished when we read it, because it makes all the points that we made in a previous article of ours called "Who Is the Enemy Here?" An article about the House of Saud might seem to have a geopolitical fo ...
When Tightening Leads to Easing
November 17, 2015
The tightening talk is picking up. Principal Global Investors manages some US$350 billion, much of it in retirement plans, and its officials "now assess the likelihood of a December rate rise at 54 per cent," according to Investor Daily. A March rise is assesse ...
Ron Paul Calls Terror Coalition an 'Over-Reaction'
November 17, 2015
This article informs us that France seeks a military coalition to fight the Islamic State in Syria and intends to bomb Syria to a bloody pulp to get rid of the terrorist organization. Addressing lawmakers after France observed a minute of silence honoring the 1 ...
Who Is the Enemy Here?
November 16, 2015
Our thoughts and prayers are with those hurt and the families of those killed during the Paris attacks. According to various reports, over 130 have now died. Here's some of what's been reported as of this writing: Two restaurants were targeted: Le Petit Cambodg ...
Secession Movements in the 21st Century: Problems and Promise
November 16, 2015
Serious secession movements are being pursued around the world – an expanding trend of what we call the Internet Reformation. It has other ramifications, as well, because secessionist unrest can provoke central government reactions, causing monetary and fisca ...
Mark Thornton: Cannabis Legalization Starting to Advance Rapidly
November 15, 2015
In 2016 we expect the UNGASS to issue a harm reduction recommendation where illicit drug consumption and possession would not be criminal acts that could lead to a prison sentence. This is a sane policy position. Prison sentences for illicit drug users are clea ...
President Juan Manuel Santos Positions Colombia to Take a Giant Step Forward
November 14, 2015
This week the government of Colombia took a giant step forward in its peace process. How? Well, if you haven't heard yet, Colombia announced it had formalized a legal framework to regulate the research and development, legal cultivation, processing and exportat ...
Modern Scourge of Public Policing: Does It Have to Be This Way?
November 13, 2015
Reason magazine does a good job of tracking police brutality, especially when it comes to the drug war. In this case, they report on an Idaho police shooting of a locally well-known rancher. It's certainly a ghastly tale and deserving of the attention it is get ...
Patrick Buchanan: Immigration Crisis Is 'Existential Threat'
November 12, 2015
Millions of people are angry and depressed or just, plain dead. Political systems are convulsed. Europe trembles on the edge of civil war or worse. But in this just-posted article at Fortune Magazine, the immigration crisis is a teachable moment. The wonkery of ...
Syria's Military Shadow Play
November 12, 2015
This is indeed an earnest blog, written for personnel involved with military actions. There is an almost palpable delight in the elucidation of various strategies that might be employed in the upcoming Syrian war. Notice how our excerpt concludes, with the ques ...
How the Internet Is Undermining Global Technocracy
November 11, 2015
This squib of a story (and revealing graphic) in The Wall Street Journal provides insight into the makeup of the current Federal Reserve. It shows a significant lessening of banking participation and the rise of academic involvement, including research economis ...
Republican Candidates Rip the Fed … Again
November 11, 2015
Ordinarily we would post something on a different topic given that our first article examined central banking. However, this report (see above) on the Republic debate is important to note, as it provides further evidence of opposition to a central Fed meme – ...
OECD: Cut Rates, Ron Paul: Cut the Fed
November 10, 2015
There's a lot of pressure on the Federal Reserve these days to cut rates. But as we'll show in this article, the real question is a good deal more serious and complex. First rates. This is currently the mainstream media's financial obsession. It's buttressed by ...
The Great Game, Updated
November 10, 2015
Is the Syrian war going to plan? It wouldn't seem so ... or not from the West's view anyway. The Assad administration is still in power and even the "moderate terrorists" that Washington is said to back haven't been able to dislodge him. And yet ... perhaps thi ...
Social Security Debate: Mainstream vs Alternative Media
November 09, 2015
Let's examine recent Social Security changes as reported in both the alternative and mainstream media. Will the results shed further light on why establishment reporting continues to lose readers and credibility? We'll provide our opinion in the conclusion. The ...
Quiet Law Enforcement Rebellion Rising Against DEA Stance
November 09, 2015
As the legalization of cannabis gains traction around the world, the US DEA and other federal drug warriors continue to fight a rearguard action and show little enthusiasm for full-blown marijuana legalization – and certainly not for other drugs. This may wel ...
Craig Jones: Post-Election Reflections on Cannabis
November 08, 2015
If the Liberal Party follows through as promised, it means the end of cannabis prohibition, which has two major implications: (a) the end of thousands of criminal records for cannabis possession – long understood to be more harmful than the use of cannabis it ...
The Inevitable Collapse of the World's Economic System – It's Coming
November 07, 2015
The world's economic implosion is getting closer. It's not something that is a staple on the nightly news, but it is taking place. Because it is not commonly reported, investors may not understand fully how debased the economic environment has become. Japan, Ru ...
Are Stock Markets Acting Rationally?
November 06, 2015
Commentators often attribute human-like qualities to stocks and stock markets. The market was "waiting" today, they'll say, or is "being patient." Presumably this helps comfort investors who spook fairly easily, especially when markets are making all-time highs ...
Paul Craig Roberts on the War-Terror Hoax
November 06, 2015
Those who plot US wars apparently never anticipated Russia's Syrian pushback, which has been extraordinarily successful. Or (we could also speculate and will farther down) Russia's involvement was the point of the whole exercise. This latter supposition presupp ...
Cannabis Investment Conundrum: Too Much Power for Too Little Yield?
November 05, 2015
As The Daily Bell has been warning, growing and marketing cannabis is becoming more complex as the industry expands. In fact, chief editor Anthony Wile has warned investors not to "rush in" because the cannabis industry is in flux and will go through comprehens ...
Paul Gottfried on Secession and Sensible Human Action
November 05, 2015
This Daily Kos article sums up the contempt with which some viewed those who were upset about the federal government training its military across vast swaths of the Western United States. The operation was called Jade Helm and perhaps (it has been suggested) th ...
Precious Metals or Monopoly Digital Currencies – You Decide
November 04, 2015
Placing the yuan in the IMF's currency basket is bound to happen sooner or later. But in the past few weeks, the prospect has been much in the news again because the IMF has brought up the subject once more. (Note: We will refer to the Chinese currency in this ...
Gun Freedom and Human Action
November 04, 2015
This article appeared in the Washington Post in early October and we can't find an update, so perhaps overt action has not yet occurred. But the proposition, in any case, is symptomatic of this administration's increasing lawlessness. Of course, the Bush admini ...
Jim Rogers Swaps Out of India?
November 03, 2015
We don't mean to pick on Forbes – this is a well-written and well-reasoned article – but we generally have trouble getting excited about India from a business and investment standpoint. Certainly the country has come a long way but it still has troubles giv ...
In Florida, Cannabis Slowdown Frustrates Popular Sentiment
November 03, 2015
The article excerpted here focuses on the difficulties in bringing a particular form of medicinal cannabis to market in Florida. But there is good news here as well for those who want to see the end of cannabis prohibition. Region by region, state by state, cit ...
Is It a Crash Yet? Two Articles Speculate
November 02, 2015
This Telegraph article was published in mid-October but we have seen many of the data points before and encountered the conclusions before as well. It is worth examining because these arguments can be persuasive in their own way and counterarguments are not alw ...
Ron Paul Defines the Truth About War
November 02, 2015
What is happening to Tony Blair is unheard of in early 21st-century Western politics. One of the most powerful men in the world (at least he was) is being pilloried for dragging Britain into the war under false pretenses and thus participating in the demise or ...
Gerald Celente: Canary in the Global Economic Mineshaft
November 01, 2015
China is the canary in the global economy's mineshaft and when you look at China and see the growth that it's had, for example, their debt level just as they were joining the World Trade Organization in 2001/2000 it was about $2 trillion. Now we're talking almo ...
As Passport Wars Heat Up, Time to Consider Countermeasures
October 31, 2015
Have you noticed the passport wars are heating up? I have. For instance, numerous outlets have now reported on Britain's "Harsh New Anti-Terror Laws." While the laws deal with a number of anti-terror activities, including shutting down mosques and punishing med ...
Colombia Moves Further Toward Medicinal Cannabis Legalization
October 30, 2015
In an important step, Colombia is progressing toward legalization of medicinal cannabis with a decree that would "regulate the commercialization of products with bases of marijuana, coca and poppy." Health Minister Alejandro Gaviria stated the decree "is about ...
Deadly Standoffs on the Horizon
October 30, 2015
Barack Obama seems destined to leave the country as he found it ... at war. The changes in policy are coming hard and fast now. In Afghanistan, the US is going to leave 5,000 troops on the ground indefinitely. In Iraq, US troops are reportedly facing off agains ...
Gerald Celente: Halloween Stimulation Around the Globe?
October 29, 2015
The Federal Reserve again decided not to hike. But officials put out a statement that a rate hike was more likely at the end of the year. This is in line with a recent Daily Bell analysis that you can view here. We concluded in this analysis that gold may be th ...
Shock Waves Spread From Anti-Gun Court Decision
October 29, 2015
The Daily Titan is a student newspaper, but we've deliberately led with its summary of the latest court decision regarding guns (and Sandy Hook) because it provides us with a variety of anti-gun memes that appear in various guises with predictable regularity. T ...
Ron Paul Believes Benghazi Hearings Needed Broader Focus
October 28, 2015
The mainstream media's obsession with keeping score when it comes to politics often distracts even the most knowledgeable political observers from considering the underlying, more important issues. This is just as true, surely, in Europe as it is in the US. Ron ...
The Better Safe Haven: Oil, Gold or Dollars?
October 28, 2015
Is a safe haven even necessary? Probably so, unless one wants to take Janet Yellen's word for it. And thus Park Sungjin may have a point. He believes that commodities could be the best safe haven at this point in the business cycle. His argument is a simple one ...
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