Cannabis / Marijuana Showing 1551 - of
Australia Pops 'Pot Stocks' on News of Legalization
October 27, 2015
Well, it's happening, as we can see from this article. So let the deal-making begin. It's like any other deal-making, only the deals are cannabis deals, and that's just how it should be, given that the sector is likely maturing even more quickly than expected. ...
Simon Black Speaks of Freedoms Lost Post-Civil War
October 27, 2015
We don't mean to pick on the author of this article because we chose it simply as a representative text. In the past months, Northern revisionism regarding the Civil War has been powerfully promoted by the mainstream media. The idea is to make clear that the US ...
Barcelona Currency … What About Gold?
October 26, 2015
So Barcelona is challenging Madrid and currency is going to be the proving ground. It's a face off between the Catalan culture and the dominant Castilian culture in Madrid. It's tough not to root for the underdog here, especially because the Castilian culture i ...
The Pre-Public Cure to Spoofing Madness
October 26, 2015
Here we go again. The sanctity of US markets is at risk. The free market has to be protected at any cost from the barbarians that seek to cause market failure. Of course, there is no such thing as market failure. A market is merely a creation of participants th ...
Rudi Fronk: All That Glitters With Seabridge Is Gold
October 25, 2015
It is extremely difficult to find gold that is economic to develop. Why would you want to mine it at a price that does not reflect that scarcity? Gold is a store of wealth, the best there is, because of that scarcity. Cash you can get anywhere, you can even pri ...
History Repeats: Cannabis Investors Would Be Wise to Remember That
October 24, 2015
As most readers of The Daily Bell are well aware, we at High Alert Investment Management are actively involved in investing in what we believe are the best opportunities for developing significant wealth over the next several years in the global cannabis indust ...
Reasons Why Gold May Have Gone Higher
October 23, 2015
This article provides us with an interesting speculation on how central bankers intend to get out of the fix of zero-bound rates. Also, why gold has climbed some eight percent since July, even as commodities prices in some cases have lost ground. It all has to ...
Marijuana Momentum in Mexico
October 23, 2015
We've been covering the momentum for cannabis legalization most recently in Canada where Liberal candidate Justin Trudeau claimed the office of Prime Minister with a platform that includes legalizing cannabis. Now comes word that Mexico's highest court will con ...
The Internet's Countervailing Trend
October 22, 2015
The book referred to in the above article excerpt became a Pulitzer Prize finalist, though we are not sure why. Every part of the thesis seems relatively un-provable, though it conjures up a nightmarish Internet that is changing our very personalities as we inn ...
Gerald Celente Has Questions About China's Economic Numbers
October 22, 2015
In writing about China yesterday, we emphasized how sooner or later the economy was going to unravel further, following on the heels of its disastrous market drop – and that China's difficulties were a direct result of the Western, central bank model that Chi ...
The Big Budget Debate and a Personal Solution
October 21, 2015
John Boehner is aiming for a final compromise with Democrats before he leaves office. Rather than trying to negotiate with a number of dissatisfied legislators on his side of the aisle, he wants to work with the opposing party. A deal with Democrats would furth ...
China Slowdown May Provide Farmland Opportunity
October 21, 2015
This article in Quartz is actually an excerpt from a book, Will Africa Feed China? Since the full book is not available in the magazine, it is a little difficult to figure out the nuances of the argument it's making. But it seems clear that the author intends t ...
Canada's Liberal Victory Advances Cannabis Legalization Trend
October 20, 2015
Yesterday we published a news analysis entitled "Cannabis Could Win Big in Today's Canadian Election." Well, it certainly looks like it has, given that the liberals have taken a majority position in the House of Commons – and the leader of the Libs, Justin Tr ...
The Life and Times of Irwin Schiff
October 20, 2015
Irwin Schiff made his reputation trying to debunk and remove the US income tax system. He considered it illegal and immoral and went to jail three times for his beliefs. We knew him several decades ago. He promised us several "scoops" when he came to New York a ...
Cannabis Could Win Big in Today's Canadian Election
October 19, 2015
Elections, even hotly contested ones, can have major consequences and the upcoming Canadian federal election is no exception. It may end up with a victory for Liberal Party leader Justin Trudeau, and also for cannabis legalization. Medicinal cannabis is now leg ...
Smoking Gun Memo Changes Context of Middle East
October 19, 2015
So it is all coming out now ... the deliberate, cold-blooded planning to create a war with Iraq no matter the consequences. The evidence is contained in communications from then US Secretary of State Colin Powell to President George W Bush. Just released – ap ...
John Knapp: No Stopping This Cannabis Train Now
October 18, 2015
I think it is clear that this experiment here in Colorado has been an overwhelming success for all stakeholders. Teenage cannabis use is down, prescription pill overdoses are down, crime is down, some have suggested that fatal car crashes are down (although muc ...
Why Most Gold Stocks Are Bad Investments
October 17, 2015
I know this editorial is not going to sit well with many in the hard money industry. Oh, well. Tough to please everybody. Of course, that's never been the purpose of The Daily Bell or my editorials, to try and please everyone. The purpose of my editorials and w ...
Things Fall Apart Around Janet Yellen
October 16, 2015
Of course the mainstream media – as represented above by Reuters – is going to emphasize the normalcy of the process. There should be no doubt that the Federal Reserve has weathered worse crises and as soon as the numbers prove out one way or another, Fed o ...
Illinois Runs Out of Money as Gold Rises
October 16, 2015
In our other article today, we pointed out that the US Federal Reserve wasn't just wrestling with rate hikes but was facing a bigger challenge because people were gradually losing faith in the monetary system that the Fed represents. Within this context, Illino ...
Why British MPs May Support Legal Cannabis
October 15, 2015
The proverbial tide may be turning in Britain when it comes to legalization of cannabis. A government study has come to the conclusion that legalizing cannabis would be a tax windfall and also save £200m a year in various enforcement costs. The pressure is app ...
Simon Black Says You Need a Second Passport Now
October 15, 2015
Sovereign Man's Simon Black has been writing and distributing "case studies" focused on freedom issues and providing solutions for those who want to take action on a variety of topics. This analysis will focus on the benefits of a second passport. Black's case ...
Peter Schiff Says to Arbitrage the Fed
October 14, 2015
This is a longish article, but it has one basic point – a significant one worth repeating. The point is that the market has already "priced in" a rate hike. And it is Peter Schiff's belief that the market is wrong, and that investors can take advantage of tha ...
Is Gary North an Economic and Internet Optimist?
October 14, 2015
Our favorite economic curmudgeon – Gary North – is back with an insightful debunking of Matt Drudge's fears regarding the Internet and the recently agreed-upon TPP trade treaty, which contains a number of bad elements including a loony strengthening of copy ...
Technocratic Favoritism Versus Commodity Prices
October 13, 2015
Jim Rogers is usually bullish on commodities but this article asks if Rogers was wrong. We've been lucky enough to interview Rogers numerous times and we understand his bullishness. But read Rogers closely and you will see that his analysis includes factors oth ...
Ron Paul on the Cognitive Dissonance of the Political Class
October 13, 2015
This is a very good point that Ron Paul is making. The horrible tragedy in Afghanistan – where US pilots bombed a hospital and killed some 22 patients and doctors – was not even the subject of a formal apology when it happened. Contrast this reaction to the ...
The Incredible, Diminishing, Endlessly Discussed Rate Hike
October 12, 2015
Fischer, Janet Yellen and the rest of the Federal Reserve gang ought to print placards that say, "rate hike coming," as that way they wouldn't have to repeat themselves so much. However, here's a thought: There may be a method to the "madness" of constant delay ...
The Real Estate Bubble That Ate the World
October 12, 2015
When we think of real estate bubbles, we often think of Manhattan and London, because that's where the most egregious bubbles often emerge. We are informed by the media, as well, that these areas are most "in demand." And this perspective is fueled by reporting ...
Richard Ebeling: Monetary Central Planning and the State
October 11, 2015
The world has been slowly moving away from the idea and practice of direct government central planning after the disasters and corruption experienced and observed in Soviet-style socialist regimes in the twentieth century. But one legacy of the central planning ...
Let's Get This Show on the Road
October 10, 2015
Hello, my friends. Over the past few months I've been actively involved in several private business initiatives, which have and will continue to occupy the majority of my time and focus, but now I'll also be appearing in these pages regularly once again. As I w ...
Slave Labor in America
October 09, 2015
Abraham Lincoln, while no friend of liberty in other respects, at least ended slavery in the American South. That was a century and a half ago. Now another form of slave labor has become common. We don't see it or think about it because it hides behind prison w ...
No More 'Free Trade' Treaties: It's Time for Genuine Free Trade
October 09, 2015
It is erroneous to believe that free traders have been historically in favor of free trade agreements between governments. Paradoxically, the opposite is true. Curiously, many laissez-faire advocates fall into the government-made trap by supporting "free-trade" ...
Stealing Elections the High-Tech Way
October 08, 2015
After the many high-profile hacking incidents the last two years, it should be clear to all that virtually no automated system is intrusion-proof. Nothing can stop a highly motivated pirate who wants inside your system. What motivates the pirates? To date it ha ...
Gun Control and the Chimera of Perfect Security
October 08, 2015
Another nutcase has shot up a college again, killing nine people, before turning his gun on himself, as so many mass murderers are wont to do. As with most of these mass murders, everyone seems to have a theory as to why the killer did what he did. Every enviro ...
Survey Says: Americans Trust No One
October 07, 2015
The Gallup Organization goes to great lengths to tell us what we already know. Their latest national polling, for instance, says "Americans' Trust in Media Remains at Historical Low." The greater surprise is the other side of the coin. Some 40% of Americans thi ...
‘Neutralizing’ John Lennon: One Man Against the ‘Monster’
October 07, 2015
John Lennon, born 75 years ago on October 9, 1940, was a musical genius and pop cultural icon. He was also a vocal peace protester and anti-war activist and a high-profile example of the lengths to which the U.S. government will go to persecute those who dare t ...
A Tale of Two Killings
October 06, 2015
If the local sheriff had his way, none of us would know that Chris Harper Mercer was the one who killed nine people and then himself at an Oregon community college. The sheriff thinks putting the name in print or saying it aloud somehow glorifies Mercer's actio ...
Time to End Monetary Central Planning
October 06, 2015
Editor's Note: Dr. Richard Ebeling's latest book, Monetary Central Planning and the State, published by the Future of Freedom Foundation, is now available. The 228-page digital book is available for Kindle. … There is no way to describe current Federal Reser ...
Secret Service Can't Keep Secrets
October 05, 2015
The U.S. Secret Service looks more like a rogue agency every day. Between agents partying with prostitutes, others drunkenly driving through White House gates and yet others leaving the mansion's front door unlocked, it's fair to wonder when they will "accident ...
I Wish Nobody Was Bombing Syria
October 05, 2015
The US regime change policy for Syria has been a catastrophe. More than 200,000 killed and an entire country reduced to rubble at least partly because President Obama decided that "Assad has lost his legitimacy." How is it that the president of a country 6,000 ...
The Menace of Egalitarianism
October 05, 2015
A sharp Martian visiting Earth would make two observations about the United States – one true, the other only superficially so. On the basis of its ceaseless exercises in self-congratulation, the US appears to him to be a place where free thought is encourage ...
Stolen Files – 'Thieves Emporium' 13
October 04, 2015
Synopsis: In her search for her missing husband, Fawn has found that a stolen file on him is for sale in the Thieves Emporium. Gathering all the information she can on it, as well as other files like it that are also for sale, she asks a friend (Nairobi) who ru ...
'Production Versus Plunder' Part 27 – The Great Common Law
October 03, 2015
A great problem of our era is that law no longer guarantees justice, or even gets terribly close to it. Our law is far removed from its original roots, where it was produced by average people, for their own needs. Once taken over by rulership, law becomes merel ...
Generals Manipulate Media, Media Complies
October 02, 2015
When top generals talk about protecting military secrets, the average citizen will think some important subject must be at stake: troop movements, weapons capabilities, intelligence sources and the like. The public presumes its generals are men and women of int ...
The Coming Corporate Crime Wave
October 02, 2015
In a recent appearance before Congress, Deputy Attorney General Sally Quillian Yates declared that the US Department of Justice is going to ratchet up its prosecution of individuals employed in corporations as part of a larger push against “white collar crime ...
Planned Parenthood, Social Peace and the Libertarian Approach
October 02, 2015
The controversy raging over Planned Parenthood is one of the most acrimonious public discussions in recent memory. While the immediate issue concerns the disposition of fetal tissue after abortion (pregnant women can have tissue donated for medical research), t ...
Orwellian UN Picks a Surprising Human Rights Judge
October 01, 2015
To the so-called neoconservative advocates of "realistic" foreign policy, Israel can do no wrong and Iran can do no right. What do they think about Saudi Arabia? Mostly they pretend it doesn't exist. This saves them from having to explain how Saudi Arabia is a ...
How Many Bailouts Will Obamacare Receive Before It's Scrapped Entirely?
October 01, 2015
As state governments continue to buckle under the weight of skyrocketing insurance claims, one has to wonder just how long the Obamacare charade can continue. A New York Times article from July of this year reports that the new health insurance customers, benef ...
District Attorneys Gone Prison-Happy
September 30, 2015
U.S. prisons are stuffed to the rafters, often with non-violent offenders. By all kinds of measures, we incarcerate far more people than most of the world. Why? The standard assumption blames aggressive drug law enforcement and mandatory sentencing laws. New re ...
‘Minority Report’ Is 40 Years Ahead of Schedule: The Fictional World Has Become Reality
September 30, 2015
We are a scant 40 years away from the futuristic world that science fiction author Philip K. Dick envisioned for Minority Report in which the government is all-seeing, all-knowing and all-powerful, and if you dare to step out of line, dark-clad police SWAT team ...
Showing 1551 - of – Newest on Top
