Exclusive Interviews Showing 1901 - of
Peter Schiff: Painful Economic Solutions, Bashing Capitalism and Rand Paul Possibilities – Part 1
April 19, 2015
Nobody wants to run on a slogan of 'Vote for me and I will make you take that bad-tasting medicine that will eventually work.' So people want to pretend, 'Yes, just vote for me and I will cut taxes, eliminate waste, fraud and abuse, and the economy is going to ...
'Production Versus Plunder' ~ Part 3
April 18, 2015
Throughout this book, we will generally address specific cultures, to some extent reinforcing the idea that cultures are the natural order of humanity. We will do this because the mass of humanity has indeed organized itself in this way and because it is far mo ...
'Libertarians Out Of Touch,' Concludes Person Who Wants Hillary Clinton To Be President
April 18, 2015
MEMPHIS, TN—In a momentous sequence of events, an area man announced Thursday that libertarianism is "totally out of touch with common people" while simultaneously endorsing Hillary Clinton for president. This logic-bending feat was performed by college stude ...
Uncle Sam Wants Your Keys, Says 'Trust Me'
April 17, 2015
Edward Snowden and other privacy advocates urge all citizens to encrypt all communications routinely. This, they say, will force the National Security Agency to abandon its "collect it all" practice. We don't know if that is true or not. We do know that Apple's ...
America's Coming Crackup
April 17, 2015
Our government bankers print money today like loons in an asylum spew absurdity. Glib media shills lure us every night into a disgraceful indolence. And our corporations lust like spoiled children after mega-billions of illicit lucre. Cataclysm is coming. No on ...
Police Deserve No Sympathy Until the Blue Line Breaks
April 16, 2015
TIME invited several top police officials to weigh in on the "lesson" in the recent incident in South Carolina in which a police officer, who has since been charged with murder and is facing life in prison, shot an unarmed, 50-year-old man who was running away ...
GMO Apples: Another Frankenfood or a Great Innovation?
April 16, 2015
"An apple a day keeps the doctor away," goes the old adage. But with the advent of genetically modified apples courtesy of our friendly neighbors to the north, many health-conscious Americans worry that soon the opposite might be the case. Here's the story in a ...
Rand Paul's Hat in the Ring
April 15, 2015
And so it begins. Rand Paul is a "sideshow" whose "crankiness" suggests he is "still getting a handle" on running for the White House. NYT writes as if these are problems. The opposite is closer to the truth. Dr. Paul the Younger faces an uphill battle if he ho ...
Consent Is Not the State's Cup of Tea
April 15, 2015
What does it mean to "consent" to something? Thanks to the increasing, if often misplaced concern over sexual assault and rape, this important question is being posed now more than ever. One recent article went viral by aptly comparing sexual consent to offerin ...
No Matter Who Wins the White House, the New Boss Will Be the Same as the Old Boss
April 15, 2015
The American people remain eager to be persuaded that a new president in the White House can solve the problems that plague us. Yet no matter who wins this next presidential election, you can rest assured that the new boss will be the same as the old boss, and ...
The Myth of Scientific Neutrality
April 14, 2015
Science, according to scientists, is about facts and evidence. These brave truth seekers prove their hypotheses with rigorous experimentation, and then share the newfound knowledge to make the world better. That's the theory. Reality is different. Scientists ar ...
More 'Tax Freedom' Requires Adherence to the 'Let-Alone' Principle
April 14, 2015
April 15th is the day that every American is expected to have filed their federal income tax form. Some of us may have done it long before the deadline, some of us will wait until just before the stroke of midnight on April 15th and some of us may be filing for ...
We're All Welfare Queens Now
April 13, 2015
Limited government advocates may find a certain emotional satisfaction in proposals like that of Rep. Brattin. If we must have programs like food stamps, let's at least attach some reasonable restrictions. Taxpayers shouldn't have to shower luxury items on thos ...
The New Militarism: Who Profits?
April 13, 2015
Militarism and military spending are everywhere on the rise, as the new Cold War propaganda seems to be paying off. The new "threats" that are being hyped bring big profits to military contractors and the network of think tanks they pay to produce pro-war propa ...
'Production Versus Plunder' ~ Part 2
April 11, 2015
We have no good way of knowing how the few and scattered humans on earth migrated at the end of the ice age. We have only a limited and fuzzy idea of where they came from and how they moved. What can be deduced from the available information is that three gener ...
Immigration at the Dinner Table
April 10, 2015
Immigration is one of those subjects you hope to avoid at holiday family gatherings. Most everyone has an opinion, many feel strongly about their opinion and few will even consider they might be wrong. Emotional and cultural baggage further complicate the subje ...
A Simple Solution to the Same-Sex Marriage War
April 09, 2015
The argument over same-sex marriage overlooks a key question: Why does the State define who can and can't marry? Marriage was originally a religious concept in Western culture, during a time when the modern concept of Church and State as separate spheres was fu ...
Iceland vs Banksters
April 08, 2015
Tiny Iceland, best known for its volcanos, seafood and tongue-twisting language, is thinking big. The government is apparently taking seriously a proposal that could shake the global banking system to its core. Daily Bell readers will quickly see the flaw in th ...
Kick Open the Doorway to Liberty: What Are We Waiting For?
April 08, 2015
"The greatness of America lies in the right to protest for right." — Martin Luther King Jr. Everything this nation once stood for is being turned on its head. Free speech, religious expression, privacy, due process, bodily integrity, the sanctity of human lif ...
The Iran Nuclear Energy Agreement: Force Again Prevails Over Law
April 08, 2015
The Israel Lobby and its associated neocon war criminals will block if they can the nuclear energy agreement, worked out by Putin, Iran, and Obama, which has the promise of bringing to an end the US orchestrated crisis over Iran's development of nuclear energy. ...
Netanyahu Is Either Lying or Incompetent
April 07, 2015
Both the U.S. and Israel conduct all manner of intelligence operations under a "plausible denial" doctrine. That means they will feign ignorance of the operation should it be exposed somehow. In other words, they will lie. American citizens would likely be alar ...
When the Supreme Court Stopped Economic Fascism in America
April 07, 2015
There was a time when the Supreme Court of the United States defended and upheld the Constitutional protections for economic liberty in America. This year marks the 80th anniversary of one of the Supreme Court's finest hours, when it overturned Franklin Rooseve ...
'Tokyo, We Have a Problem.' Bitcoin's Fatal Flaw?
April 06, 2015
Bitcoin, the cryptocurrency allegedly invented by one "Satoshi Nakamoto," is starting to gain some traction. Some top online merchants now accept bitcoin as payment, banks are learning how to process payments and the Winklevoss twins plan to launch a fully lice ...
The IRS and Congress Both Hold Our Liberty in Contempt
April 06, 2015
This week the Justice Department announced it would not charge former Internal Revenue Service (IRS) official Lois Lerner with contempt of Congress. Some members of Congress requested that Lerner be charged with contempt after she refused to testify at a congre ...
Mark Thornton: UNGASS 2016 and the Enormous Benefits of Legalizing Marijuana
April 05, 2015
I wrote an article for Mises Daily where I pointed out that marijuana legalization in Colorado (and elsewhere) is basically the people nullifying federal and international law. There was a subtle dare in the article to President Obama to use federal resources t ...
Introducing Paul Rosenberg: 'Production Versus Plunder'
April 04, 2015
The Daily Bell is honored to present Paul Rosenberg's 'Production Versus Plunder' as a weekly Saturday series. First, an introduction, from Paul ... I am greatly pleased to run 'Production Versus Plunder' as a serial here at The Daily Bell. We'll post one secti ...
States' Rights and Frankenfood
April 03, 2015
Any time you read the phrase "a bipartisan bill...," hide your guns and children. Partisan gridlock is the only thing that saves us from Washington's antics. We are in maximum danger when they start singing about "bipartisanship." To hear some members talk, all ...
Compromising Good with Evil
April 03, 2015
One of the reasons for libertarian antagonism towards the welfare state lies in the fact that welfarism is an attempt to philosophically compromise freedom with totalitarianism (i.e., merge what is politically "the good" with what is politically "the evil"). It ...
Passing Along a Labor of Love
April 02, 2015
The Daily Bell has been part of my life for the last eight years. I started it in 2007, while I was still living and working in Vancouver, because there was something I wanted to share with you. That something was what I saw every time I looked through the surf ...
Renewed Efforts Target US Surveillance State with Legislative Roll Backs
April 02, 2015
If the US public were polled in depth about the loss of privacy that has taken place since 9/11, chances are there would be a significant percentage of people that would resist the trade-off. Likewise, if people were polled in depth about the globalized warfare ...
Real Reason for Rising Military Suicides?
April 02, 2015
There are powerful forces in the US and abroad that will resist any consensus that links military service to depression and suicide. This study published yesterday in JAMA Psychiatry states bluntly suicide does not seem to be much enhanced by deployment in Afgh ...
Mr. Bernanke's Blog: Setting the Record Straight His Way
April 01, 2015
Ben Bernanke was once among the most powerful men on the planet because of the monetary control he exercised as chairman of the Federal Reserve. Now he is not quite so powerful, but apparently he is prepared to be a good deal more informative. He has started a ...
Is the IRS Inevitable?
April 01, 2015
What if you could get rid of the IRS? There are so many alternative forms of taxation that are likely preferable and simpler, one is certainly justified in asking: Why the IRS and its administration of progressive taxation? Certainly it is well known that initi ...
Jesus Died in a Police State
April 01, 2015
If you buy into the version of Christianity Lite peddled by evangelical leaders such as Franklin Graham, who recently advised Americans to do as the Bible says and "submit to your leaders and those in authority," then staying alive in the American police state ...
War on Terror's Economic and Mortality Costs Have Yet to Be Tallied
March 31, 2015
It is important to keep track of the war on terror and its damages. A big war creates immense antipathy among those subject to its destruction ... Trade suffers; blowback occurs. And for the US, such a war can be economically draining far beyond what is now bei ...
Freedom Train Rolls? Legitimate 'Color' Revolution in Brazil …
March 31, 2015
A big mainstream media meme is that when economic conditions worsen, people respond by seeking out Hitler-esque leaders who will express the frustration of the "people" via genocide, incipient warfare and the creation of a police state. Regardless of whether th ...
Discrimination – Private or Political?
March 31, 2015
Discrimination has become a "dirty word." It has come to carry the "politically incorrect" connotation of prejudice, hatefulness, racism, and cruel intolerance towards others in society. There is only one problem: Which one of us does not discriminate? Indeed, ...
Singapore's 'Success' Provides Yet Another Opportunity for Media Misdirection
March 30, 2015
Predictably, the death of Lee Kuan Yew has generated many positive comments in the mainstream media about his "leadership" of Singapore. The main thrust of the comments has to do with his ability to run an authoritarian regime that produced a kind of capitalist ...
Kofi Anan: Drug Users Need Help Not Punishment
March 30, 2015
Leaders in high places around the world are making it clear that the drug war is in a sense "over" – and all that is left to do is wind it down. Of course, if you ask the millions who have suffered from the drug war and their families, the "war" is an all-too ...
Repeal, Don’t Reform the IMF!
March 30, 2015
A responsible financial institution would not extend a new loan of between 17 and 40 billion dollars to a borrower already struggling to pay back an existing multi-billion dollar loan. Yet that is just what the International Monetary Fund (IMF) did last month w ...
Tom Conrad: ‘I’m Looking for a 15 Percent Correction’
March 29, 2015
The long-term trends are not hopeful in the context of traditional modern investing. As we've discussed, there's too much monetary and political influence in the world, too many technocrats trying to tell you what to do. And too much mob rule as well, where you ...
Bloomberg: More Flaws in Piketty's Book; Why Henry George's Tax May Be Best
March 28, 2015
This article from Bloomberg further deconstructs the conclusions of "Capital in the Twenty-First Century." It is incredible that this book was named the Financial Times Business Book of the Year. The book has already been singled out for mathematical mistakes t ...
Real Tragedy of 'Science': Public Faith Declines as Fakery Grows
March 28, 2015
The breadth of this scandal (see excerpt above) is extraordinary and comes not long after a top executive at Monsanto issued a plaintive tweet lamenting the West's eroding faith in "science." You can see our Monsanto analysis here: "Monsanto Laments Dwindling F ...
New York Post Expose: Stock Market Rigging Hits the Mainstream
March 27, 2015
The stock market has moved down hard these past few days and perhaps there is more to come. The moves allowed the New York Post's John Crudele to readdress a favorite topic of his, which is market-rigging in the US and abroad. His most recent article seems to h ...
Furor Over Clarkson's Firing Suggests a Deeper Dissatisfaction
March 27, 2015
The furor over "Top Gear" clearly expresses the sickness at the heart of British society. As in many authoritarian countries, people's resentments and grievances are often not recognized or properly expressed until triggered by an event too important to be igno ...
Manufacturing Dissent
March 27, 2015
Professor Michel Chossudovsky is the author of many important books. His latest is The Globalization of War: America's Long War Against Humanity. Chossudovsky shows that Washington has globalized war while the US president is presented as a global peace-maker, ...
A Lack of Freedom Is Destroying the Middle Class, Not Chinese Competition
March 26, 2015
Once more this weary meme is dredged up. We suspect it will be regularly trotted out within the context of "robots stealing our jobs." Imagine you were on a farm and robots were taking over all the menial tasks. The average economically illiterate person would ...
Indonesia Welcomes Smart Cities, Though It Shouldn't
March 26, 2015
We've tracked this emergent meme a number of times. You can see one of our articles here: Smart City or Dumb Idea? An excerpt: Gradually you realize that by keeping the definition amorphous the concept [of the Smart City] becomes a weapon that can be used again ...
'The Hunting Ground': Reaping Profit from Rape Hysteria
March 26, 2015
When the 'documentary' "The Hunting Ground" premiered at the 2015 Sundance Film Festival, it was advertised as a "piercing, monumental exposé of rape culture on campuses." In fact, its objectivity and perspective have been systematically dismantled since then. ...
Europe's Real Anti-EU Revolution May Be an Individual One
March 25, 2015
Is Grexit really so grave? The adversarial stance taken by the two parties is likely partially for public consumption. Following the political adage of never letting a good crisis "go to waste," the entire affair has been in a sense orchestrated. At least the l ...
Showing 1901 - of – Newest on Top
