EDITORIAL Showing 2251 - of
A New Free-Thinking Community for Your Life, Safety and Sanity!
November 22, 2014
What follows in this editorial is one of the most important announcements I'll ever make. A new community is rapidly taking shape in the mountains of Colombia. A number of liberty-minded individuals within the free-market thinking community are taking quick act ...
Internet Reformation Sparks UK Parliamentary Money-Debate
November 21, 2014
So the British Parliament is meeting to discuss "Money Creation and Society," a scenario that can give rise to numerous different imaginary interactions, many of them potentially amusing. In fact, we don't believe most MPs understand the monetary regime under w ...
Squeaking of the Swiss National Bank: 'No Gold for Us!'
November 21, 2014
Gone is the almost disparaging confidence of Swiss bankers and others when it comes to this anti-fiat referendum that could basically force the Swiss National Bank to back at least 20 percent of assets with gold. Only months and even weeks ago they were almost ...
Globalism – What Good Is It?
November 20, 2014
Such articles as the one excerpted above on globalization seem dishonest to us. The article deems globalization an unmitigated good but makes no distinction between the globalization of governance and the globalization of the marketplace. Nothing wrong with mar ...
Wal-Mart to Offer Healthier Food: Prepare for Confusion
November 20, 2014
The "healthy food" meme keeps growing because it's a profitable one. But like many other things in the modern mercantilist environment, it's not entirely what it seems. We'll try to draw a distinction in this article that will allow us to examine this trend and ...
The New Gun Suspect: Every School Child
November 20, 2014
"[The role of the schoolmaster is to] collect little plastic lumps of human dough from private households and shape them on the social kneading board." ~ Edward Ross, Social Control: A Survey of the Foundations of Order. Five-year-old Elizabeth of Mobile, Alaba ...
Japan's Real Warning to the World
November 19, 2014
This is an odd editorial because it seems to rewrite history. We thought "Abenomics" was supposed to be a bold experiment to revitalize the Japanese economy. But now it seems Shinzo Abe hasn't gotten it right after all. This Bloomberg editorial seems to skip ov ...
More Evidence of the Lucrative Cannabis Surge
November 19, 2014
Once again we have a lengthy article on the probability of legalization of cannabis in an important US region, in this case the District of Colombia. And where is the article appearing? In the establishment's favorite political newspaper, the Washington Post. A ...
Party On: Reuters Predicts a Stock Market 'Melt Up' That May Last Years
November 18, 2014
We've been writing about the Wall Street Party for at least a year now, and our track record has been fairly accurate. We've pointed out this market is an entirely manipulated one and that all the manipulation runs to the "up" side. This Reuters editorial makes ...
Sanctions Drive Russia into Gold's Embrace?
November 18, 2014
Here's irony ... The West is driving Russia into the arms of the much despised (by bankers anyway) yellow metal. Vladimir Putin realizes the ruble is under attack and apparently his plan is to bolster it with gold. Which begs the question: Did the US and EU off ...
The Berlin Wall and the Spirit of Freedom
November 18, 2014
This November marks the 25th anniversary of the fall of the Berlin Wall. On November 9, 1989, as the shaky East German communist government resigned, the Berlin Wall came tumbling down. Large crowds formed on both sides of the Wall. East and West Berliners clim ...
Protect Your Assets Against G-20 Meetings
November 17, 2014
The global economy apparently still isn't healthy so the G-20 is implementing a rescue. From the standpoint of free-market analysis, this sort of rescue is nothing more than a waste of US$2 trillion. In fact, one could argue that the regulatory, fiscal and mone ...
Keystone Pipeline or NA Union Redux?
November 17, 2014
The Daily Beast is puzzled about why the Keystone Pipeline remains a viable political and industrial project when nothing much adds up about it; there is, in fact, little about its construction that fulfills the promise of its supporters. Like so many large, mo ...
Internet Gambling Ban: A Winner for Sheldon Adelson, A Losing Bet for the Rest of Us
November 17, 2014
Most Americans, regardless of ideology, oppose "crony capitalism" or "cronyism." Cronyism is where politicians write laws aimed at helping their favored business beneficiaries. Despite public opposition to cronyism, politicians still seek to use the legislative ...
The Next Presidential Election Will Move the World Closer to War
November 17, 2014
Glenn Greenwald has revealed that Hillary Clinton is the presidential candidate of the banksters and warmongers. Pam and Russ Martens note that Elizabeth Warren is the populist alternative. I doubt that a politician who represents the people can acquire the cam ...
Stephen Halbrook: Defending Freedom Against Gun Confiscation
November 16, 2014
Halbrook: Restrictions in the US on the human right to arms and defense began during the epoch of chattel slavery. That was abolished. Prohibition of alcohol generated organized crime, which in turn generated efforts for gun restrictions, but World War II made ...
Ramifications of Naming Piketty's Book as FT 'Business Book of the Year'
November 15, 2014
Bloomberg has posted an editorial, "Why Are We So Obsessed With Everyone Else's Wealth?" This caught my eye because the editorial mentioned that the Financial Times has just named Thomas PIketty's difficult text, Capitalism in the 21st Century, the "business bo ...
Buyer Beware: The EU Plots US-Style Capital Markets
November 14, 2014
The continuing merger of Europe's nation-states grinds along, as we read in this report, excerpted above. It may be a non-starter and thus further evidence of EU dysfunction. But it will be pursued nonetheless because it promises further centralization of power ...
Cannabis Industry Begins to Attract Institutional Interest
November 14, 2014
With so much going on in the fledgling cannabis industry it's difficult to know where to look next. But one of the big trends just getting underway surely has to do with growing institutional interest in the marijuana market. This is a predictable evolution of ...
Shock: Mendocino County Declares its Independence from Fedgov
November 13, 2014
This is an interesting development. Mendocino County's declaration of self-determination and self-governance fits in with the idea of the Internet Reformation we regularly mention. We've predicted that access to the information widely available on the Internet ...
Cannabis in Colombia: First, Regulating Medical Applications
November 13, 2014
It looks like medical cannabis is coming to Colombia – legally. This is ironic given the drugs wars that have been fought there and the country-wide convulsions that have resulted. The Colombia evolution certainly parallels that of other countries that have t ...
Fractional-Reserve Banking is Not Fraud
November 13, 2014
Fractional-reserve banking (FRB) is a flash point within libertarianism and a subject that elicits a rare sight: economists becoming emotional. For many in the Austrian school, FRB is theft, counterfeiting and fraud; some critics call for banning it. To other f ...
Can the Downward Spiral of Regulatory Democracy Be Reversed?
November 12, 2014
There has been a spate of "good governance" stories posted on the mainstream media in the past week or so and we've commented on some them. This is another one, excerpted above: Along with the others it certainly constitutes an ongoing meme regarding the credib ...
Is the Cycle of the Golden Bull Suspended or Severed?
November 12, 2014
This is news that can be seen two ways. Looked at from a negative standpoint, the steady stream of bad news about gold continues to hike the dollar against gold. But from a positive perspective, the lower the price of gold goes against the dollar the less of it ...
Bail-Ins: Rearranging the Deck Chairs on the Titanic?
November 11, 2014
We've read this article a few times and the reader responses, as well. From what we can tell, BOE's Mark Carney is determined to shift the burden of bank bailouts to creditors, including those who are in common parlance bank "customers." On the surface one coul ...
Secession Analysis: Trend Expands With Catalonian Vote for Independence
November 11, 2014
Bloomberg's "editors" have concluded – predictably – that Catalonia ought not to secede. In fact, this worldwide news agency never met a secession movement it couldn't criticize or a further agglomeration of nation-states that it couldn't find some reason t ...
Gordon Tullock: Economist Who Explained Why Government Corruptly Grows
November 11, 2014
Why is it that government grows in size and scope, and is so difficult to stop or reverse? Political economist Gordon Tullock, who passed away on November 3, 2014 at the age of 92, was a path-breaker in explaining how and why big government keeps getting bigger ...
More Lies from 'Our' Government: The Latest Jobs Report
November 11, 2014
Just as the German media has destroyed its credibility with lies, the US government is consistently destroying Washington's credibility both with its own citizens and the rest of the world. Russia and China, the other two significant nuclear powers, no longer b ...
US Midterms: Suppressing Aspirations of Republicanism Does Not Eliminate Them
November 10, 2014
The great destroyer of freedom in the US is the "politics of compromise." And this is the meme now in play since the Republican mid-term victory. The mainstream media and its allied interests have cast the victory as one for "moderates" that repudiated Tea Part ...
Look to the Alternative Media for the Future of Cannabis
November 10, 2014
Now comes The Economist magazine to predict what we mentioned numerous times months ago ... that eventually the cannabis industry will consolidate. What is interesting about this in retrospect is that it's a meme. Corporations, as we've pointed out numerous tim ...
What The Mid-Term Elections Really Mean For Peace and Liberty
November 10, 2014
Did the election last week really mean that much? I took to my Twitter account on Tuesday to point out that the change in control of the Senate from Democrat to Republican actually means very little, despite efforts by politicians and the mainstream media to co ...
Can Anarcho-Capitalism Work?
November 10, 2014
The term "anarcho-capitalism" has, we might say, rather an arresting quality. But while the term itself may jolt the newcomer, the ideas it embodies are compelling and attractive, and represent the culmination of a long development of thought. If I had to boil ...
John Goodman: The Destruction of US Healthcare and How to Fight Back
November 09, 2014
I got into healthcare by accident. It's a sleepy field. The best economists are not in healthcare; they're in monetary policy or growth economics. It was a field that desperately needed radical revision, and most of what I've done in health economics has been a ...
Can't We All Just Trust Our Governments?
November 08, 2014
Reuters has posted an interesting review of a new book by Geoffrey Hosking called Trust: A History. The thesis? Apparently that trust "provides a substitute for prescience. The unchecked pursuit of self-interest can undermine trust." This is surely one more glo ...
Paul Krugman's 'Triumph of the Wrong' Column Is Dead Wrong
November 08, 2014
"Politics determines who has the power, not who has the truth." – Paul Krugman What leads me to conclude Paul Krugman's latest column is dead wrong? First of all, I agree with him on one thing. Krugman offers a summary of supposed conservative, free-market so ...
What Are the Eurocrats Contemplating Now?
November 07, 2014
Jeremy Warner, assistant editor of the UK Telegraph, has written a strong condemnation of austerity politics. Good for him. In fact, as we can see, the article's lead actually claims the City's sentiments are anti-ECB. That's an enormous statement to make. We'l ...
Mike Bloomberg's Technocratic Agenda
November 07, 2014
Somehow Michael Bloomberg has taken yet another repudiation of the US sociopolitical system and turned it into an endorsement. Reports indicate that the turnout for midterm elections in the US was fairly abysmal and follows a pattern of continual voter disengag ...
An Important Evolution in the New Political Reality
November 06, 2014
Republicans have gained control in the US House and Senate. From our perspective, only one thing will change: The level of frustration will continue to climb. This is important to understand because it has numerous implications for US sociopolitical and economi ...
Post Election, The Fed's REAL Worry
November 06, 2014
Is the Fed worried about losing its independence? Probably not, certainly not in the near term, even though this Bloomberg article makes the case that Fed officials are concerned nonetheless. But the article buries the lead. It gives away the Fed's REAL concern ...
Robert LeFevre, Paying a Debt Backward
November 06, 2014
I owe an unpaid intellectual debt to Robert LeFevre (1911-1986) with whom I associated in my twenties. LeFevre deeply impacted libertarians who met him personally but current and future generations may not understand why. They will meet only his books, which ar ...
Current US Elections Place the Fed Under More Pressure
November 05, 2014
This is an interesting article to analyze from the standpoint of elite memes because it produces so many of them. In fact, nothing brings out spurious justifications of the monetary system like attacks on the Fed, potential or realistic. The mainstream media ca ...
Cannabis: The Coming Legal Storm Against Prohibition
November 05, 2014
Free-Market Analysis: We've been predicting this for a while. Once cannabis decriminalization and legalization became a trend, the entire underpinnings of this questionable enterprise would begin to unravel. It should be evident to anyone who seriously studies ...
QE: An Ending That Isn't
November 04, 2014
We agree with parts of this Telegraph article, but not all of it. And yet ... to some degree we are quibbling. This is a startling and compelling analysis, considering it is appearing in the mainstream media. It is both startling and compelling because it focus ...
Economist Magazine Takes on Capitalism … And Whiffs
November 04, 2014
The Economist has just published a review of an interesting-sounding book entitled The Cambridge History of Capitalism, edited by Larry Neal and Jeffrey Williamson (Cambridge University Press, 1,400 pages, £150.) The magazine's review provides us a cogent summ ...
Benjamin Constant: A Principled Voice of Liberty Worth Recalling
November 04, 2014
October 25th marked the 247th birthday of one of the greatest voices of liberty, the French political philosopher of freedom, Benjamin Constant. He may not be a household name to friends of freedom today, but he should be. He wrote one of the most principled an ...
Forget the 2014 Election: Why Ron Holland Voted With His Feet
November 04, 2014
Another election day is upon us, always a great boost to the establishment media giants that own cable and print news as well as TV and radio stations. Total political advertising spending for the 2014 election should reach $2.5 billion dollars in this cycle an ...
Presidential Crimes: Then And Now
November 04, 2014
Writing for Americans is not always an enjoyable experience. Many readers want to have their prejudices confirmed, not challenged. Emotions rule their reason, and they are capable of a determined resistance to facts and are not inhibited from displays of rudene ...
Markets Still Aim for the Sky … But for How Long?
November 03, 2014
This article makes the point that the Federal Reserve has kept rates so low for so long that at some point rates will have to rise very fast and very hard. This is congruent with our position that what we call the Wall Street Party may continue until the last d ...
Is the Media Purposefully Creating Tension Between the State and Its Citizens?
November 03, 2014
The Washington Post assigned numerous journalists to this story, which doesn't seem to have turned up much, but perhaps that's just the point. We don't recall seeing regular stories about FBI malfeasance in the major media. Sure, a squib here and there but not ...
More Guns Plus Less War Equals Real Security
November 03, 2014
Last week's tragic shootings in Canada and Washington state are certain to lead to new calls for gun control. The media-generated fear over "lone wolf terrorists" will enable the gun control lobby to smear Second Amendment supporters as "pro-terrorist." Marketi ...
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