STAFF NEWS & ANALYSIS Showing 2401 - of
Crazy Tax Times for World Finance
September 23, 2014
Yes, it's crazy time. For some reason the mainstream media is in full cry about taxes again. It's good to raise taxes, you see, higher and higher until "deficits" come down and the world's fiscal house is "in order." That's what this Bloomberg article is mostly ...
Social Media Leads the Business Trend for Cannabis
September 23, 2014
Users of cannabis are just like you and me. In fact, over time we've predicted that cannabis will assume the industrial profile of wine or cigars. There will be cannabis to suit most every taste and mood, from very expensive brands to inexpensive ones. In the m ...
Rigged Gold Price Distorts Perception of Economic Reality
September 23, 2014
The Federal Reserve and its bullion bank agents (JP Morgan, Scotia and HSBC) have been using naked short-selling to drive down the price of gold since September 2011. The latest containment effort began in mid-July of this year, after gold had moved higher in p ...
G20 Officials Affirm Worldwide Equity Celebration
September 22, 2014
Every time we believe the heights of economic ridiculousness have been reached, we find there is yet a further peak proffered. In this case, as you can see from the excerpt above, we are being solemnly assured that the world's "most powerful finance ministers" ...
Is Your Investment Portfolio Exposed to Crumbling Elite Narratives?
September 22, 2014
The New York Times is scrambling to keep up with 21st century realities. It's very doubtful that the Times would have run similar stories to this one, excerpted above, in the 20th century. But that was then and this is now. The Times's readership is doubtless d ...
Congress Votes for More War in the Middle East
September 22, 2014
Last week, the House and Senate voted to rubber stamp President Obama's war plans for the Middle East. Both bodies, on a bipartisan basis, authorized the US to begin openly training and arming the rebels who have been fighting for three years to overthrow the A ...
Andy Hoffman: This Dollar Ponzi Scheme Will Collapse
September 21, 2014
Andy Hoffman: Janet Yellen is so dangerous because she is a career Keynesian puppet, with not a shred of success on her resume or even the slightest inclination to try anything other than enhanced money printing. Of course, it's not her fault that she inherited ...
Stay Alert in These Interesting Times
September 20, 2014
Events are speeding up in this Internet Era. Just as the Gutenberg press changed the landscape of its time via the Renaissance, Reformation and Enlightenment, so what we call the Internet Reformation has begun to reshape society significantly. The just-complete ...
David Stockman … Right and Wrong
September 19, 2014
It's hard to pick stocks these days because what's going on is so wrong. Surely a crash must be looming at any second. And yet when Yahoo sat down with David Stockman for an interview, the questioner pointed out that since David Stockman had last warned people ...
New Zealand: The Other Internet Election
September 19, 2014
Yesterday we commented on the Scottish election and how Scotland's referendum on leaving Britain was important because of its larger implications. In this Internet era, elite control is continually waning. While, as we've discussed in the past, there may be a n ...
Banality of the Modern Central Bank Drama
September 18, 2014
The mainstream media is filled with noise about the Federal Reserve's announcement/non-announcement of yesterday. Basically, a middle-aged woman announced that a group of men and women would not raise or lower the price of money that they controlled – but may ...
Scotland: Devolution in the 21st Century
September 18, 2014
We've written about this once already, but we didn't want to write about it again until the aftermath. But then it occurred to us that no matter what happens regarding Scotland, the entropy of the modern age has been advanced. And that's a good thing. We've bee ...
Libertarianism and Racism
September 18, 2014
Three accusations about racism are being hurled at libertarianism. As libertarianism ascends in political prominence, the accusations will get louder. 1. Libertarianism cannot eliminate racism from society. This is true. But the demand for a racist-free society ...
A Leading Entrepreneur Misleads His Readers
September 17, 2014
Peter Thiel, the famous investor in such startups as PayPal and Facebook, has posted an interesting article over at the Wall Street Journal. It is an excerpt from a larger book (Zero to One) that deals with how to build successful companies. In the article exce ...
US Pursues 134 Wars Around the World
September 17, 2014
When one tries to figure out what has happened to US economic health, this figure ought to come to mind: 134. That is, 134 wars. This is not a figure you'll find mentioned in the mainstream news media, though the Global Post is actually a pretty big news organi ...
The Great Unraveling
September 16, 2014
This Times editorial was featured at the top of the well-known Drudge Report and has obviously had an impact on the chattering classes. It's written in pseudo-liturgical cadences and is reminiscent of the great allegorical poem that we have often quoted by WB Y ...
Reading Between the Lines With the UK Telegraph
September 16, 2014
Reading articles by our favorite Telegraph author, Ambrose Evans-Pritchard, we are exposed to news and analysis not found elsewhere in the mainstream press. This article is a good example. But it is also an example of how elite memes are produced and presented, ...
The Miracle and Morality of the Market
September 16, 2014
One of the great fallacies arrogantly believed in by those in political power is the notion that they can know enough to manage and command the lives of everyone in society with better results than if people are left to live their own lives as they freely choos ...
Europe Has Lost Its Monetary Mind?
September 15, 2014
This article makes the point that the problem with the European economy is a lack of competitiveness, not a lack of money. This is an important, even fundamental point. We've written a number of articles recently explaining why the European Central Bank's new m ...
The Invisible Hand Cultivates Cannabis
September 15, 2014
This was predictable. Buffett is finally making a move. What's a little puzzling is why he waited so long. But it had to come. We've already predicted that the industry is going to see corporate participation and sooner than later. Industrial giants are all goi ...
Will the Swiss Vote to Get Their Gold Back?
September 15, 2014
On November 30th, voters in Switzerland will head to the polls to vote in a referendum on gold. On the ballot is a measure to prohibit the Swiss National Bank (SNB) from further gold sales, to repatriate Swiss-owned gold to Switzerland, and to mandate that gold ...
Ron Holland: For Freedom's Sake, No More 'Mr. Nice Guy'
September 14, 2014
Speaking for the US, it will be too late when the next real or contrived major terrorist attack on the US takes place. A couple of days after this happens, the United States and your ability to leave, or have funds wired into or outside the country unless you a ...
Profits and Asset Bubbles Everywhere?
September 13, 2014
We've been covering the growth of asset bubbles throughout 2014 and now, as we approach the troublesome month of October, it's a good time to reassess. The mainstream media is filled with predictions of a "market crash" and I figure this means some sort of sign ...
Casting Russia as Expansionist to Advance EU Solidarity
September 12, 2014
Ambrose Evans-Pritchard provides us with a trenchant analysis of what's taking place in Europe, and then makes a wrong turn toward the end of the article. He does that a lot these days. Nonetheless, it's an interesting report, explaining that Europe is increasi ...
Antidote to an Equity Realignment? Invest in Fundamentally New Industries
September 12, 2014
According to this article, there may be a crash in the fall, but investors should protect themselves, stay in the market and treat a crash as a buying opportunity. The market is having a long-term bull run, according to this article, and investors should be exp ...
Dark Ages? Bloomberg Gets It Right … And Wrong
September 11, 2014
This is a funny editorial in Bloomberg because its author is convinced that mainstream dominant social themes constitute the truth of this world. The article worries that a withdrawal of belief in elite memes indicates that Dark Ages are creeping over the West ...
Scotland: When Does a Vote Win Before a Vote?
September 11, 2014
This article is provided to us by Norman Tebbit, a well-known "conservative commentator" and former Thatcher cabinet minister. His point is that the panicky offer by David Cameron to give more power directly to the Scottish assembly if the Scots vote against in ...
Reflections of a Whistleblower
September 11, 2014
I finally remembered advice I received from Ayn Rand's former lieutenant, Nathaniel Branden, and the memory of it led me down an odd path of thought. First, the advice. It came many years ago as a result of my openly admiring how well Branden handled himself du ...
9/11 After 13 Years
September 11, 2014
The tragedy of September 11, 2001, goes far beyond the deaths of those who died in the towers and the deaths of firefighters and first responders who succumbed to illnesses caused by inhalation of toxic dust. For thirteen years a new generation of Americans has ...
Draghi's Non-Starter: A Policy to Impoverish People to Make Governments Efficient
September 10, 2014
This Economist article is all about why price inflation is necessary to help Europe's bleeding economies achieve "fiscal consolidation." Fiscal consolidation is a polite descriptive term for raising taxes and cutting government spending. Inflation helps this pr ...
World Leaders Make Bold New Recommendations To Legalize Drugs, As High Alert Predicted
September 10, 2014
Perhaps alone in the blogosphere, as regular readers know, The Daily Bell identified the "meme" of cannabis legalization almost immediately. High Alert was then able to utilize this knowledge to identify shareholder opportunities – some of which are ongoing. ...
Central Banks: Divergence of Rhetoric and Reality
September 09, 2014
Imagine taking bits of colored paper, making more of them and then waiting for jobs to appear. One has little to do with the other, but according to a steady stream of articles in Bloomberg and the rest of the mainstream media, such an act leads to an inevitabl ...
The Legal Manipulation of India's War on Gold
September 09, 2014
Last year, India's government made it harder and more expensive to import gold and this article in the Financial Times trumpets the success the government has had in its war on gold. Because of India's insatiable demand for gold, the country's current account b ...
Proud to be an American: What Should It Mean?
September 09, 2014
America! For more than two hundred years the word has represented hope, opportunity, a second chance and freedom. In America the accident of a man's birth did not serve as an inescapable weight that dictated a person's fate or that of his family. The individual ...
EU – Nothing Works, Not Even Stimulation
September 08, 2014
We've written regularly about the difficulties with the EU for years and what's astonishing is that almost all of our predictions about its dysfunctional nature – and predictable results – have been realized, and yet the EU staggers on. There were even, as ...
Cannabis Trend Keeps Growing
September 08, 2014
It is really astonishing to contemplate how far we have come in the past few years since decriminalization of cannabis exploded onto the world scene. And since the legalization of cannabis in Uruguay, conversations and actions concerning the "mainstreaming" of ...
Nixon’s Vindication
September 08, 2014
Forty years ago many Americans celebrated the demise of the imperial presidency with the resignation of Richard Nixon. Today it is clear they celebrated too soon. Nixon's view of presidential powers, summed up in his infamous statement that, "when the president ...
Peter Schiff: How the Media Deceived Me
September 07, 2014
So they tried to present me in a sinister light by taking a lot of things out of context and they actually had to piece that segment together kind of like Frankenstein made his monster, because they actually would show them asking questions and then the answers ...
Personal Responsibility and Free-Market Entrepreneurship
September 06, 2014
A recent, little noticed article discussing Russia's signing of US FATCA legislation contained a surprising confessionary note – and an important one. The main news was simple enough, of course. Vladimir Putin has signed Russian legislation mandating potentia ...
China Economy Unraveling: How Soon? How Fast?
September 05, 2014
The "fall" is aptly named when it comes to Wall Street's prospects over the next three months. These three months, and especially October, have been most cruel to market performances, especially during occurrences of asset bubbles. Such bubbles tend to get pric ...
The Billionaires Club Is Gloomy About the Stock Market
September 05, 2014
In the other article in today's issue, we took a look at China's increasingly wretched economic performance in terms of its upcoming stock market impact. You'll see that our view takes into account China's huge size, which seems to preclude a rapid public unrav ...
Poison Tomatoes: Battling Anti-cannabis Propaganda
September 05, 2014
Not since the 16th century, when the tomato was widely believed to be poisonous, has any plant been draped in as much misinformation as cannabis. After battling the anti-cannabis propaganda for the last decade, I'm getting a little weary of hearing it echoed ag ...
A Lie that Serves the Rich
September 05, 2014
The truth about the American economy. The labor force participation rate has declined from 66.5% in 2007 prior to the last downturn to 62.7% today. This decline in the participation rate is difficult to reconcile with the alleged economic recovery that began in ...
Directed History of the NAU or Naturally Evolving Migration?
September 04, 2014
We've long written about plans at the highest levels of the US government to effectively merge the US and Mexico and then Canada as well into what's been called a North American Union (NAU). Of course, this sounds paranoid and "conspiratorial." But take a look ...
Powerful Trend: Cannabis Decriminalization Emerges From a Do-Nothing US Congress
September 04, 2014
This article appeared on September 1, and perhaps the editorial staff of the New York Post intended to use the paper's "bully pulpit" to remind federal legislators that they had three more months to accomplish something significant. There is however, one encour ...
Learning From Ayn Rand's Mistakes
September 04, 2014
A common reason people break with orthodox objectivism is because they embrace anarchism rather than limited government. Ayn Rand was a well known advocate of a night-watchman government that was limited to protecting the person and property of those within its ...
Surprising Rise of the Club of Rome
September 03, 2014
The Club of Rome is a globalist think tank that expressed elite scarcity memes back in the 1970s. Its famous book, Limits to Growth, provoked fear of a "population explosion" and government intervention to define limits and enforce them. The scaremongering of t ...
'Hoarding Money' – A New Meme?
September 03, 2014
Sometimes Federal Reserve white papers attract attention and this one does because of the term "hoarding money." This is a startling phrase and – who knows – perhaps it marks the beginning of a new meme. Certainly the word "hoarding" is a popular one with g ...
Why the First Amendment?
September 03, 2014
It has puzzled me for some time why campaign contribution is considered a First Amendment constitutional issue. If I write out a check to some candidate, I am not talking, writing an essay, carrying some poster in a parade or anything that could be construed as ...
Bloomberg Reports on Ruin in Hong Kong But Leaves Out the Larger Picture
September 02, 2014
What's going on in China and Hong Kong is ironic because it seems to mimic much that has held the West back in modern times. In fact, much that China suffers from at its current level of development corresponds to a similar evolution in the West. Bloomberg reso ...
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