STAFF NEWS & ANALYSIS Showing 2501 - of
Freedom Is No 'Fantasy,' as the NY Times Is Finding Out
August 12, 2014
Probably the most insufferable thing about this editorial is its smug tone. But running a close second is its tendency to err regarding facts. It's as if the editors have kinda ... given up. Recently, the Times published an opinion piece regarding wild fires wi ...
Böhm-Bawerk: Austrian Economist Who Said “No” to Big Government
August 12, 2014
Böhm-Bawerk is most famous as one of the leading critics of Marxism and socialism in the years before the First World War. He is equally famous as one of the developers of "marginal utility" theory as the basis of showing the logic and workings of the competit ...
The De-industrialization of America
August 12, 2014
On January 6, 2004, Paul Craig Roberts and US Senator Charles Schumer published a jointly written article on the op-ed page of the New York Times titled "Second Thoughts on Free Trade." The article pointed out that the US had entered a new economic era in which ...
Income Disparity and Its Problematic Promotion in the 21st Century
August 11, 2014
In numerous recent articles, we've tracked the "income disparity meme," and this Reuters editorial continues the trend. This important elite meme blurs the reality of what destroys economies – monopoly central banking and corporate personhood. Top globalists ...
Times Article on Forest Fires Shows Why the Mainstream Media Is in Trouble
August 11, 2014
When little fires are denied, big ones are inevitable. But this rant in the New York Times doesn't even mention fire suppression. Instead, it tries to make political points and thus inadvertently becomes yet another exhibit in a long line of articles and analys ...
US Sanctions on Russia May Sink the Dollar
August 11, 2014
The US government's decision to apply more sanctions on Russia is a grave mistake and will only escalate an already tense situation, ultimately harming the US economy itself. While the effect of sanctions on the dollar may not be appreciated in the short term, ...
Lawrence Reed on the Progress of FEE, the Importance of Personal Responsibility and Free-Market Thinking
August 10, 2014
What are the "lofty standards of liberty"? Lawrence Reed: I'll list some of the big ones here but this is by no means a complete roster: Respect for the lives, property, choices and contracts of your fellow citizens. A healthy recognition that as much as you th ...
13% Trust Government – as Sirens Sound!
August 09, 2014
CNN has announced that "trust in government is at an all time low." Like so many CNN articles, this one makes a factual statement and then lets it lie there, undisturbed. In fact, the article, based on a CNN poll, needlessly complicates its point by seeming to ...
New York Times: Rand Paul and Libertarianism Have Arrived on the Main Stage
August 08, 2014
The New York Times has discovered libertarianism – and Rand Paul – and we are not surprised. We've predicted this moment and especially the part that Rand Paul is playing in it. The Times article presents Rand Paul, the Republican junior senator from Kentuc ...
Schadenfreude: The Transitory Misery of DEA Officials as Marijuana Is Legalized
August 08, 2014
It is hard to be a DEA agent these days. For years, narcotics agents have terrorized anyone involved with marijuana. Millions have gone to jail; young people have lost college scholarships and had careers crushed; children have lost parents; families have disi ...
Lesser Libertarian Arguments … and How to Make Them More Effective
August 07, 2014
One of the most prominent and certainly one of the richest libertarians in the USA has written an editorial in USA Today presenting free-market oriented suggestions that would make the US a more prosperous and satisfying place to live. The points being made are ...
Portmanteau Memes: A New Media Wrinkle
August 07, 2014
This is a good example of how difficult it is to write about elite themes without lapsing into what the mainstream media would call "conspiracy nuttery." Breitbart is writing some good articles these days about the media and this one recognizes two separate med ...
A Letter to My Father
August 07, 2014
There is an attempt to change the ground rules of libertarianism through introducing left-leaning attitudes and concepts. Two distinct approaches are in play within this attempt. I applaud one. I will leave the movement if the other prevails. My friend Chris Sc ...
Africa Rises – and Begins to Roar
August 06, 2014
We started following this Africa Rising meme long ago, and we've watched its construction closely. It began with a murmur and now has turned into a roar. This week, the White House hosts African leaders along with the Anglosphere's top multinationals, as we can ...
As Predicted, Income Inequality Meme Is Now Portrayed as an Economic Threat
August 06, 2014
We weren't going to write another article on the income inequality meme, but it's like a train wreck – we can't look away. Here's ANOTHER article on "income inequality" – and it's not even a standalone item but one that deals with an exhaustive S&P research ...
Tocqueville & Rand, Contrasting Views of Individualism
August 06, 2014
Individualism – a Hundred Years Apart As a rather friendly observer of 19th Century America, Alexis de Tocqueville oddly shared a view of individualism with someone who isn't usually linked to his political viewpoint, namely, Karl Marx. This is understandable ...
Income Inequality: A Wounded Meme Dies Hard?
August 05, 2014
This Bloomberg article states flatly that US income disparities are a growing problem that badly needs to be addressed. You would think with the wars, disease and starvation in the world that there would be more to write about than the climbing wealth of the ri ...
Gulf of Tonkin Anniversary: Ignore the Dialectic at Your Peril
August 05, 2014
Fifty years on, Vietnam is being re-analyzed in the mainstream media. This Politico article is one of the better ones, but unfortunately, it still doesn't present the full perfidy of that war's progression, nor the manipulated dialectic that it was part of. Mod ...
Mr. President: Please Mind Your Own Business
August 05, 2014
Dear President Obama, For nearly six years, now, you have declared your intention and desire of being my Nanny-in-Chief. Your original campaign slogan of "Hope and Change" was really a promise of "Control and Command." Well, Mr. President, I have a request: Min ...
Spin Reuters Backward to Understand the True Meaning of Globalist Argumentation
August 04, 2014
This article, written by Mark Leonard, the absurdly young-looking Director of the European Council on Foreign Relations, claims that the growing tensions between Russia and the West have ended the dream of globalization. But we are used to analyzing these sorts ...
British Police Scandal: The Internet is Increasingly Unkind to Government Corruption
August 04, 2014
Like the US, Britain has a plethora of policing services and secret-service facilities. And as in the US, these services are growing increasingly corrupt. Of course, corruption is in the eye of the proverbial beholder, and one can make the argument that any sor ...
Why Won’t Obama Just Leave Ukraine Alone?
August 04, 2014
President Obama announced last week that he was imposing yet another round of sanctions on Russia, this time targeting financial, arms, and energy sectors. The European Union, as it has done each time, quickly followed suit. These sanctions will not produce the ...
Marc Faber on Commodity Cycles, Monopoly Central Banking and the Wealth Redistribution Craze
August 03, 2014
Economically, there is not much that pleases me because I think we are in an economy that is on steroids – in other words, the money printing – and the money printing goes essentially to wealthy people. Of course, they spend and as a result of the asset bub ...
Predictably, Prestigious IGM Economists Endorse Statism and Its Monetary Manipulations
August 02, 2014
Once more we are reminded how the modern economic intelligentsia is divorced from our miserable economic realities. And we have Paul Krugman to thank for that. In a recent editorial, Krugman pointed out that top economists believe the Obama administration's "st ...
The State's Worst Atrocity
August 02, 2014
Nothing in the world is easier than opposing a war that ended long ago. It takes no real courage to be against the Vietnam War in 2014. What takes courage is opposing a war while it is being fought – when the propaganda and intimidation of the public are at t ...
Is the Wall Street Party Over?
August 01, 2014
Bail out. The party's over! That's what we're reading in some publications now that markets have taken a tumble. We're not so sure. Our short-term perspective has been that this faux Wall Street Party can go on at least until the fall – as we've been writing ...
The Marijuana Meme Rolls On: Canadian Poll Shows Support
August 01, 2014
Those that honor us with their patronage know that we have been ahead of the proverbial curve when it comes to what we call the marijuana meme. This poll proves it once more. Think about it. Does the Canadian government takes polls and advertise them on subject ...
Steady-As-She-Goes Yellen Intends to Continue the 'Wall Street Party'
July 31, 2014
Recovery? Really? Now the trumpets are sounding for a US recovery, but as we've pointed out many times, what is going up mostly is the stock market as the Fed determinedly debases currency. And as we've predicted, Ms. Yellen has no intention of stopping. She is ...
Income Inequality: The New York Times Throws a Temper Tantrum
July 31, 2014
Boy, this is a patronizing story from the New York Times. It basically says that people are stupid and they should be rioting in the streets over "income disparity." They just don't know it yet! We're well aware of this meme, and have written about it a lot. We ...
Relationship of Politics to Morality
July 31, 2014
A manufactured conflict is flashing through libertarianism: self-described "humanitarians" versus insultingly-labeled "brutalists." In a much circulated article entitled "Against Libertarian Brutalism," the libertarian luminary Jeffrey Tucker defines the "human ...
Abenomics Keynesian Approach to Japanese Success Wanes?
July 30, 2014
So we learn that Abenomics is not working so well. Okay ... we never expected it to. Honestly, where has a Keynesian economic program ever really rebuilt an economy? FDR tried it in the US, but the US economy didn't recover until the end of World War II when vi ...
Competing Histories of Marijuana Prohibition Emerge
July 30, 2014
The New York Times is out with what is apparently intended to be a definitive history of why marijuana was criminalized. This is a very important issue because the sudden reversal in marijuana laws and regulations is bringing up a question about criminal justic ...
Natural Rights
July 30, 2014
In the history of political thought natural rights theory is most closely associated with John Locke, although as Brian Tierney has shown, the idea had been formed much earlier and some, for example Fred D. Miller, Jr., even hold that Aristotle was already cons ...
The Misleading Technocratic Meme of Modern Portfolio Theory
July 29, 2014
Here is an article that probably has been written to remind people that it is possible to approach the stock market rationally using the tools provided by Great Minds. The subtext of the article is the efficacy of modern portfolio theory, which we shall see is ...
Water Scarcity: Blame It on Corporate Manipulations, Not Markets
July 29, 2014
We've predicted this in a series of articles. Enforced scarcity is how the power elite initiates further globalism and exercises controls. Of course, the mainstream media is sure there's a water problem, one that is only going to be compounded by a capitalist t ...
Freedom is Neither 'Left' nor 'Right'
July 29, 2014
We live in a time when virtually all political parties and candidates stand for the same fundamental ideological idea: state interventionism and compulsory redistribution. This also applies to the mainstream media. Even many who say they adhere to a "pro-market ...
War Is Coming
July 29, 2014
The extraordinary propaganda being conducted against Russia by the US and UK governments and Ministries of Propaganda, a.k.a., the "Western media," have the purpose of driving the world to war that no one can win. European governments need to rouse themselves f ...
The Fed Is Blowing a Titanic Stock Market Bubble Despite Media Denials
July 28, 2014
If the government or mainstream media say something definitive, assume the opposite. This article explains to us that the Fed has little power to create "irrational" bubbles. And that the current stock bubble – bigger than any bubble in history – is a ratio ...
Exploiting The Ebola Tragedy?
July 28, 2014
We are very sad for the chief Ebola doctor, Umar Khan, who is only 39 years old and a valiant fighter against this terrible disease. Wikipedia describes it as follows: "Manifestation of Ebola begins abruptly with a sudden onset of an influenza-like stage charac ...
End Torture, Shut Down the CIA!
July 28, 2014
Remember back in April, 2007, when then-CIA director George Tenet appeared on 60 Minutes, angrily telling the program host, "we don't torture people"? Remember a few months later, in October, President George W. Bush saying, "this government does not torture pe ...
Jorge Cervantes on the Failing War on Drugs, the Progress of Cannabis and the Benefits of Natural Cultivation
July 27, 2014
Mexican President Vicente Fox Quesada wrote the Foreword to my new book, The Cannabis Encyclopedia, that will be released in December of 2014. I was fortunate to meet President Fox in San Francisco last year, 2013, at a press conference in San Francisco, CA. I ...
US Falls Apart as Stock Market Booms
July 26, 2014
Nation-states don't exist. Only cultures abide. But is has been the great triumph of globalists that they have created an entire history built around non-existent entities. "France goes to war with Germany." "Russia makes peace with Austria." "Tensions arise be ...
Bubble Bashing Bankers: Don't Fear Asset Inflation
July 25, 2014
It began with a bizarre statement by Janet Yellen. "Monetary policy faces significant limitations as a tool to promote financial stability," Yellen told an audience at an event put on by the International Monetary Fund. We covered this announcement via a write- ...
Meaningless 'Minder' Interviews Are Not the Real Problem
July 25, 2014
This article supports the meme that the mainstream media in the West is engaged in a meaningful news exercise. It is not, but pretending it is sustains the larger media fiction. It is amazing how intricate journalism has gotten in the past century. Unfortunatel ...
Washington Is Escalating the Orchestrated Ukrainian "Crisis" to War
July 25, 2014
Despite the conclusion by US intelligence that there is no evidence of Russian involvement in the destruction of the Malaysian airliner and all lives onboard, Washington is escalating the crisis and shepherding it toward war. Twenty-two US senators have introdu ...
Shock: Colombia to Legalize Marijuana
July 24, 2014
The news regarding Colombia's intention to legalize marijuana – as yet little reported in the wider, Western world – is truly shocking, though regular readers of our publications will not be much surprised. More than almost any other publication we know of, ...
Obama: Pro-Business or Corporatist?
July 24, 2014
Our perception has changed. Once this article would have made a kind of sense to us (long ago). But it surely doesn't now. It's jam-packed with various sorts of financially illiterate assumptions. Sorry for picking on it; there are hundreds if not thousands of ...
Flee Rather Than Stand Your Ground
July 24, 2014
The Italian Marxist and philosopher Paolo Virno was imprisoned in 1979 for his affiliation with the Red Brigades. The organization attempted to create a revolutionary state through acts of violent destabilization such as bank robbery. While in prison, Virno had ...
Another Chinese Economic Problem: Sky-High Debt Ratios
July 23, 2014
This UK Telegraph article, predictably by Ambrose Evans-Pritchard, gives us some more insight into how China's impossible boom has been created, leveraged and elongated, possibly to the breaking point. It's not a pretty picture. Years ago, we began to write tha ...
More Voter Participation? Mainstream Pols Better Be Careful What They Wish For
July 23, 2014
We heartily encourage people not to vote. Your vote doesn't really matter within the larger scheme of things. Anyway, many voting districts are so gerrymandered that the incumbent would have to perform a ghastly crime in broad daylight to stand any chance of lo ...
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