STAFF NEWS & ANALYSIS Showing 2601 - of
Despite the Latest Scandal, Facebook Won't Change
July 02, 2014
The Washington Post has leapt to the defense of Facebook. Both Facebook and the Washington Post are affiliated with US Intel, from what we can tell, so it's probably not surprising. Facebook recently ran an experiment on its users to see if what they read over ...
Scientists and Morality
July 02, 2014
Natural scientists are pretty much committed to understanding the world without reference to morality since if what happens does so because of impersonal forces of nature, there would seem to be no room for consideration of right versus wrong, good versus ba ...
What Exactly Is 'Racism'?
July 02, 2014
I want to look at two words that the State and its hangers-on have employed with much success on behalf of increases in government power. One is racism. The other is equality. What exactly is "racism"? We almost never hear a definition. I doubt anyone really kn ...
BIS Bubble-Blower Warns About Bubbles
July 01, 2014
What an article! Only by treating most every statement as false can we begin to approach the truth. The excerpt notes that corporations are not "taking advantage of the booming stock market to step up investment." In a way, this is surely untrue. Corporations h ...
The Brutalization of the West
July 01, 2014
Al Jazeera uses euphemisms in this article because the reality is incendiary. President Barack Obama is not "going it alone" on immigration reform. He is breaking down the borders of the country he is supposed to defend – illegally so. He may scold Republican ...
A Declaration of Independence from Big Government
July 01, 2014
The Declaration of Independence, proclaimed by members of the Continental Congress on July 4, 1776, is the founding document of the American experiment in free government. What is too often forgotten is that what the Founding Fathers argued against in the Decla ...
Fanning Social Unrest: A Diabolical Strategy With Bad Ramifications
June 30, 2014
This is the second recent article we've noticed that predicts that rich people are going to be attacked over income inequality. Here was our analysis of the previous one: An Unfortunate Politico Promotion? Nick Hanauer, author of the Politico article, was obvio ...
Role of the Alternative Media in Covering Cannabis Legalization
June 30, 2014
The nightmare of law enforcement is having crime go down when criminal acts are legalized. That seems to be what's happening when it comes to marijuana. The above Drug Policy Analysis article was reposted around the Internet because it makes this point. And one ...
Celebrate Independence Day By Opposing Government Tyranny
June 30, 2014
This week Americans will enjoy Independence Day with family cookouts and fireworks. Flags will be displayed in abundance. Sadly, however, what should be a celebration of the courage of those who risked so much to oppose tyranny will instead be turned into a cel ...
Former CIA Spy Robert Steele Wants to Strangle Leviathan With 'Open Source' Governance
June 29, 2014
We do not need the military-industrial complex that President Dwight Eisenhower warned us about. I trace the problem back to Toynbee's observation that "The American Republic will endure, until politicians realize they can bribe the people with their own money. ...
An Unfortunate Politico Promotion?
June 28, 2014
An article in Politico magazine provides us with a relevant dominant social theme that reinforces the precarious position of the predatory one percent – as first presented by Occupy Wall Street. Is the OWS meme revving back up? Too bad. We enjoyed the relativ ...
BOE Head Mark Carney Flunks Economics 101
June 27, 2014
What nonsense is this? A small group of good gray men announce they are fixing prices throughout Great Britain; the West's supine press has nothing to say? These same individuals describe their actions as "significant" and "breaking new ground." Indeed, it woul ...
Legalize Heroin: The Meme Continues
June 27, 2014
Our attention was first drawn to this apparent dominant social theme when marijuana legalization exploded onto the scene. In reporting on the marijuana meme, we began to find evidence that marijuana was not the only drug that might soon be legalized. We have th ...
Yahoo Shock: Markets Are Rigged, Yet Can Be Profitable
June 26, 2014
This article makes points that we have made in the past about the "Wall Street Party" and how equity markets have been positioned for higher-highs. Specifically, this article refers to "high-frequency trading," but in fact, market rigging is an ancient tale. Mo ...
No, We Are Not Fans of 'Open Source' Public Solutions
June 26, 2014
Former spymaster Robert David Steele seems like a sincere and passionate fellow. We're sorry to report, then, that it is difficult for us to fully accept his analysis. We'd like to, as it in many ways matches our own. We, too, have maintained that the Era of th ...
Mechanisms of 'Correcting' Violence
June 26, 2014
Aggression will occur within every society because it occurs within human nature. Every society needs to have mechanisms of correction to address the inevitable violence – that is, theft, physical assault and the threat thereof. The State v. the Individual as ...
New Political Leadership Is No Substitute for Individual Human Action
June 25, 2014
So we learn once more that the US president stands as a proxy for the entire country. If the president, you see, isn't doing his job, then the entire country of some 300 million people can sink into a "malaise." When the president is vibrant, so are you. When t ...
The Advent of Sunni ISIS/ISIL: Directed History Marches On …
June 25, 2014
The above excerpted report refers to four experts, but we don't need experts to tell us what is going on. There are no experts anyway, just people with more or less "education" and certain agendas. Anyone who has been viewing Daily Bell staff reports and editor ...
Progressive? No They Aren't!
June 25, 2014
At my university I was sitting at one of these interminable meetings where sadly much time is wasted and little gets done. But during one of the discussions the person who was the leader made the point that there are faculty members of different political persu ...
The Difficult Proposition of Frontier Markets
June 24, 2014
Frontier markets are certainly "big," as in the next big hustle. Here at High Alert we've made the point continuously about the Wall Street Party – a regulatory and monetary phenomenon that we believe may move the Dow to 20,000 or more before it's over. We te ...
The Unraveling of the Warmist Meme Is a Profound Development for Our Time
June 24, 2014
How much negative publicity can warmism take? This article by Christopher Booker of the UK Telegraph was featured on the Drudge Report, seen by millions if not tens of millions. It states succinctly that NOAA – see above – has been manipulating surface temp ...
The Rebirth of Austrian Economics
June 24, 2014
Forty years ago, during the week of June 15-22, 1974, the Austrian School of Economics was reborn during a conference in the small New England town of South Royalton, Vermont. Why was this important? Because the economists of the Austrian School have developed ...
Bloomberg Shock: Financial Regulation Should Evolve Along With Central Banking Policy
June 23, 2014
Leviathan's bold policy makers are busy launching a whole new rationale for perfervid market interference: Central banking policy is evolutionary and thus regulatory policy needs to be as well. You read that right. Regulations should be written so that they can ...
Failed Strategy Redux: Italy Wants More Europe, Not Less
June 23, 2014
We've been continually predicting this evolution ever since recent elections showed more and more "Europeans" are rejecting both the euro and the European Union. Eurocrats believed that implementing the euro would eventually prove economically destructive but t ...
Opt-Out of Common Core, Opt-In to The Ron Paul Curriculum
June 23, 2014
Oklahoma recently took action to protect the state's children from the federal education bureaucracy by withdrawing from Common Core. Common Core is the latest attempt to bribe states, with money taken from the American people, into adopting a curriculum develo ...
Ron Paul on the Evolution of Freedom in the 21st Century
June 22, 2014
I think the most important thing is education, spreading the message, which is where we're having success, and getting people to understand free-market economics – why it's good and why it's beneficial to the largest number of people and the reason we had a l ...
Is War Part of a Wall Street Party?
June 21, 2014
The drums of war are beating, as Paul Craig Roberts pointed out in a recent, controversial column posted at The Daily Bell. Certainly, he has a point. In this article, I'll review his arguments in light of the continued evolution of military and political tensi ...
The New South: Fighting a Civil War or a Revolutionary One?
June 20, 2014
This editorial is startling because it marries strong rhetoric to a simplistic view of the US South and its apparently irredeemable backwardness. The putative reason to write this editorial is because of the publication of a new book that argues that Northern d ...
Marijuana Ventures Make You Feel Disgusted
June 20, 2014
It's happening throughout the US: Entrepreneurs are finding niches to exploit the coming marijuana legalization. There are an increasing number of media reports about various ventures. This article mentions two of them. The first is a company that delivers mari ...
What Keynes Has Done To Us
June 20, 2014
The essential economic problem we confront today is that our dominant Keynesian intellectuals have abandoned reality. They do not grasp what they have wrought with the mountainous loads of debt and malinvestment that are overwhelming us. Much of this burden mus ...
Another Fed Forecast Reminds Us of the Logic of Central Bank Conspiracies
June 19, 2014
The Federal Reserve has cut its growth forecast but we know that such conclusions are bound to be faulty because the numbers being used are inaccurate and the assumptions behind Fed pronouncements are illogical. It is hard to constantly remind oneself of the es ...
Reforming the Corporation: How Far Does One Go? Not Far Enough …
June 19, 2014
Milton Friedman is for the most part considered a great man by free-marketers. But when one looks at his work dispassionately several questions arise. How could someone so motivated to enhance marketplace freedom come up with the idea of "income-tax withholding ...
Thoreau as a Lone Crazy
June 19, 2014
Murray Rothbard used the "lone crazy" theory to describe the individual who comes out of nowhere and dramatically alters the course of history; perhaps he assassinates a president. The lone crazy could also be an event, such as 9/11. Its essence is surprise, im ...
Confirmed: The People Printing the Currency Are Inflating the Stock Market
June 18, 2014
For many years, we've been writing that Western stock markets are pushed upwards via central bank money printing. So the idea that central banks are directly holding equities is no surprise. What is slightly surprising is that the OMFIF is being allowed to publ ...
Drug Legalization: A Meme That Continues to Be in Play
June 18, 2014
We offer this analysis as further proof that the meme we've discerned regarding the legalization of drugs – all drugs – remains in play. Context is important, and so we note that Rand Paul's perspective on drug legalization founds its way into the Huffingto ...
Right to Bear Arms
June 18, 2014
Arms are weapons with which to physically overpower others. There are justified and unjustified cases of overpowering others. Self-defense is clearly a case of the former. Aggressing upon another, robbing, murdering, raping, assaulting or kidnapping another wou ...
Washington Is Beating The War Drums
June 18, 2014
I wish I had only good news to bring to readers, or even one item of good news. Alas, goodness has ceased to be a feature of US policy and simply cannot be found in any words or deeds emanating from Washington or the capitals of its European vassal states. The ...
When Asset Bubbles Expand, Vigilance Is Its Own Reward
June 17, 2014
Another article about the lifestyles of the rich and famous provides yet more evidence of growing asset bubbles. The biggest bubble of all is in equity markets, especially US equity markets; for those who want further proof of how central bank economies work, t ...
Tentacles of Authoritarianism
June 17, 2014
This is a tough article about Homeland Security and what it is doing to what's left of US freedoms. The author is John Whitehead. Here, from his bio: John W. Whitehead is an attorney and author who has written, debated and practiced widely in the area of consti ...
Gold, Government and Monetary Freedom
June 17, 2014
For more than two hundred years, practically all of the leading advocates of individual liberty and free markets have assumed that money and banking were different from other types of goods and markets. From Adam Smith to Milton Friedman, the presumption has be ...
The Warning Inherent in Escalating Official Lawlessness
June 16, 2014
This is a good example of the deteriorating level of US government behavior. It's disturbing because it seems to shows an escalating level of recklessness. We last wrote about this here: When It Comes to Lawlessness in the US, Preparation Is the Essence of Fore ...
Growing Warmist Intolerance Threatens Social and Legal Fabric
June 16, 2014
Western officials are increasingly willing to make threats in support of elite dominant social themes. Not surprisingly, we're seeing this sort of behavior as regards global warming. There is no doubt that warmist sentiment is waning in the West but this does n ...
Haven’t We Already Done Enough Damage in Iraq?
June 16, 2014
In 2006, I invited the late General Bill Odom to address my Thursday Congressional luncheon group. Gen. Odom, a former NSA director, called the Iraq war "the greatest strategic disaster in American history," and told the surprised audience that he could not und ...
An Ever Deeper EU to Join the Wall Street Party?
June 14, 2014
European Commissioner for Employment and Social Affairs László Andor has delivered a historic speech calling for a deeper union. It is at least in part a response to recent Euro-elections that showed the EU electorate is fed up with "Europe." In "European Com ...
The Biggest Political Problem of All
June 13, 2014
We didn't intend to comment on the Cantor defeat again, having just written about it yesterday. But our attention was drawn to this article in the National Review because of the description of the Tea Party as "radical, anti-institutional, anti-leadership, anti ...
Drug Warriors, Grab Your Resumes
June 13, 2014
Do you work for the DEA on issues related to the continued criminalization of marijuana? Better have your resume handy ... As we've pointed out many times before, increasingly the "marijuana meme" is not up for discussion. There are powerful forces at work supp ...
The People Struggle to Find and Retain Representation
June 13, 2014
Dave Brat, a professor of economics at Virginia's Randolph-Macon College, is a marked man. Professor Brat defeated Republican House Majority Leader Eric Cantor, a prime trophy of the Israel Lobby. I doubt that Eric Cantor ever lost an opportunity to place Israe ...
Nikkei's Turn to Soar?
June 12, 2014
From a UK Telegraph article we learn that, "Authorities are about to funnel large sums into Japanese stocks openly and deliberately under the next phase of Abenomics, both by regulatory fiat and by purchasing the Nikkei index directly with printed money." Does ...
Cantor's Defeat Provides Further Support for the 'Reagan Meme'
June 12, 2014
Cantor wasn't tough enough on immigration, and that's why he lost. This "explanation" fits in with a larger meme that we've presented in the past: There's no stopping the Tea Party, at least at a personal, non-organizational, level. Of course, parts of the poli ...
Do You Really Want to Be Correct?
June 12, 2014
"Some circumstantial evidence is very strong, as when you find a trout in the milk." – Henry David Thoreau Evidence that something is wrong with a theory is rarely as obvious as a trout in the milk. This is particularly true when a belief is deeply-held or in ...
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