STAFF NEWS & ANALYSIS Showing 2751 - of
House Poverty Hearings: A Dialogue Between the Deaf and the Blind
May 01, 2014
Talk about an exercise in futility ... The US Congress is holding hearings on whether or not fedgov policies encourage poverty. Of course, the real reasons for US poverty are obvious to anyone who studies the matter seriously. Western fiscal, monetary and judic ...
What About Justice? Anarchy's Answer
May 01, 2014
The state is not necessary for there to be law in society. In North America, the indispensable laws – the ones that protect person and property – evolved from customary laws or from common law. Customary laws are the rules of conduct that arise naturally as ...
US Economy Is a House of Cards
May 01, 2014
The US economy is a house of cards. Every aspect of it is fraudulent, and the illusion of recovery is created with fraudulent statistics. American capitalism itself is an illusion. All financial markets are rigged. Massive liquidity poured into financial market ...
The Shocking Truth About Regulatory Costs
April 30, 2014
Surprised? The article also notes that on a per-household basis, federal regulatory costs average nearly US$15,000. That is reportedly a bigger sum than individual and corporate income taxes combined. Also, US regulations are not "capped" nor are they subject t ...
Germany's Green Energy Revolution May Be on Verge of Failure
April 30, 2014
German green fanaticism turned into national policy some years ago and the largest economy in Europe created a political blueprint to reach truly utopian goals. And now it's all falling apart. That's what happens when politicians substitute their judgment for t ...
Individualism, the Collectivists' Nemesis
April 30, 2014
It is individualism that the American Founders elevated into political prominence and it is individualism that most politicians and governments, including America's, find most annoying because it is the bulwark against arbitrary power. If, as the Declaration of ...
Surprise! Economist Magazine Approves of Internet Governance Conference in Brazil
April 29, 2014
So now what we consider to be the Snowden false flag comes into clearer focus. Directed history has taken us from the hard-to-fathom escapades of Snowden himself – very suddenly – to a conference of 1,200 wise wonks that want to "change" the Internet to sav ...
Monsanto Meme Disintegrates as Organic Ascends?
April 29, 2014
Here at High Alert we can tell the difference between science and exploitation. Much of what passes for applied science these days in the West is unfortunately fear- and greed-based exploitation. It is the power elite that organizes these faux-science applicati ...
The Lower Cost of a Truly Limited Government
April 29, 2014
A demonstration of just how far the United States has moved from its original founding principles is seen in the fact that in all the jousting over ObamaCare, the general rise in "entitlement" spending and the burden of government regulation over American enter ...
Immigration Overhaul: NAU on Track?
April 28, 2014
Directed history advances once again? Here's what the Washington Post concludes about moving ahead with immigration reform: The takeaway? ... that would be a bad thing for Republicans. What kind of politician directly advances programs inimical to his party's r ...
Is Anti-Obamacare Rhetoric Part of Movement Toward Alternative Healthcare and Organic Farming?
April 28, 2014
The mainstream media in the US has always seemingly been pro-Obamacare. The program never received a forceful vetting and now with the program supposedly gaining traction, defenders are out in force. This Reuters editorial is a good example. The talking points ...
Obama's Drone Wars Undermine American Values
April 28, 2014
Earlier this month, CIA-operated drones killed as many as 55 people in Yemen in several separate strikes. Although it was claimed that those killed were "militants," according to press reports at least three civilians were killed and at least five others wounde ...
James Turk on Rising Gold, the Sinking Dollar and His New Book, 'The Money Bubble'
April 27, 2014
The overriding recommendation is to own things rather than promises. Own tangible assets like farmland, timberland, oil wells, buildings used productively and, of course, precious metals instead of financial assets like bank accounts and bonds. Avoid those asse ...
The Volatility of War, the Promise of Gold
April 26, 2014
AP is reporting that Ukraine fears Russian invasion. The fears were apparently expressed by Ukraine's deputy foreign minister. "We have the information we are in danger," Danylo Lubkivsky told reporters at the United Nations, according to AP. The escalation in ...
Analysis of Retirement Reveals the Possibility of Great Socioeconomic Change
April 25, 2014
So now we know: Even a million dollars isn't enough to retire on. Sounds reasonable, given all the obstacles to retirement in the West and especially in the US. But there is a problem with this article that is much bigger than the retirement issues it explores. ...
Alternative Health: Trend or Anomaly?
April 25, 2014
As we chart the results of the Internet Reformation, we make certain predictions. We have felt for a long time that elite dominant social themes would gradually shift under pressure – that in a sense the power elite would have to take an aggregate "step back" ...
Keynesianism's Ugly Secret
April 25, 2014
It is now five years since the crash of 2008. Today's media and much of our academic crowd, of course, believe that the crisis has been handled, and that we can settle back to "business as usual." But such pundits are so immersed in the Keynesian paradigm that ...
Attacking Bundy Won't Solve Larger Problem of Fedgov Perception
April 24, 2014
There's been a lot of pushback regarding Cliven Bundy and most recently in the article above, Bundy comes in for direct criticism as a serial liar. Yet it is not difficult to understand the disapproval people feel when confronted with what seems to be another h ...
Privatization – The Atlantic Gets It Wrong
April 24, 2014
The Atlantic magazine has discovered that "privatization" doesn't work. Of course, privatization as defined by The Atlantic and others is simply hiring a private firm to enforce a public monopoly. Successful privatization would entail introducing competition in ...
What is Individualist or Libertarian Anarchism?
April 24, 2014
For many people, the personal path to freedom is anarchism. It is not merely a political position but also a profound understanding that the natural state of man is freedom. The most common definition of "anarchism" is "without the state." Anarchism views the s ...
Focus on the Inflation, Not the Keynesian Argumentation
April 23, 2014
This article tells us about the challenges that central bankers are facing in managing the economy going forward. Those in the alternative media discount the ability of central bankers to successfully manage trillion-dollar economies. This article makes the arg ...
Ubuntu: Tool of the Gods?
April 23, 2014
The analysis of elite dominant social themes is always difficult. It is like putting together pieces of a jigsaw puzzle. Only in retrospect does one often begin to see larger promotions at work. Michael Tellinger and his new Ubuntu Party initiative may provide ...
Rights Before Law
April 23, 2014
The point of government among free men and women is to protect individual rights. The law rests on rights. Before there is law, codified or part of local practice, there are people, individuals with their rights who may need and want competent and professional ...
Reuters Analysis: Printing Money Is More Important Than Ever for Yellen
April 22, 2014
This Reuters editorial presents the reality of Yellen's upcoming Fed regime. Peter Schiff and others – including The Daily Bell – were correct. There is not going to be any radical tightening at the Fed. Supposedly, Yellen was going to cease quantitative ea ...
Marijuana Meme: Another Gatekeeper Bites the Dust
April 22, 2014
Dr. Sanjay Gupta has apologized. Is it enough? Seriously ... how many marriages were broken up because people were incarcerated for smoking dried leaves? How many jobs were lost? How many children suffered? And how many people are STILL incarcerated in the US a ...
Why Government Grows, and How to Reverse It
April 22, 2014
Regardless of where someone may view himself along the political spectrum (conservative, libertarian, or modern liberal), there are always a variety of government programs and activities that they either think are not worth the money or should not be the busine ...
Reuters: What Great Beast Slouches Toward The Remnants of Western Wealth?
April 21, 2014
This Reuters article/editorial says that central banking doesn't work. But after admitting that central bank modeling is dysfunctional, the article predictably proposes that the solution is MORE SOPHISTICATED central banking. And not just a more sophisticated v ...
Marijuana and the Nanny State – A Predictable Paradigm That Could Be Good for Investors
April 21, 2014
This article is noteworthy because it endorses what we've been arguing these past months, that "legitimization" of marijuana is inevitable because globalist forces have gotten behind it. Now, as it is in any orchestrated composition, we are starting to notice o ...
Nevada Standoff a Symptom of Increasing Authoritarianism
April 21, 2014
The nation's attention has for the past few weeks been riveted by a standoff in Nevada between armed federal agents and the Bundys, a ranching family who believe the federal government is exceeding its authority by assessing "fees" against ranchers who graze ca ...
Terry Coxon on US Dysfunction and the International Trust Solution
April 20, 2014
An International Trust assures your freedom to invest anywhere, no matter what investment restrictions the US might adopt. Currency controls in the US? They can't touch your International Trust – it's not in the US. Limitations on capital leaving the country? ...
Seizing the Marijuana Meme Despite Naysaying and Sensationalist Warnings
April 19, 2014
Does occasional pot use cause brain damage? If you read US headlines in the last few days you would assume the answer is a resounding yes. A study by three researchers at Northwestern University and Harvard Medical School, released April 16 in The Journal of Ne ...
The Crime of HFT Is 'Freelance Manipulation' Not Market Distortion
April 18, 2014
We'd like to know how the winner of an economic "Nobel" – the erudite Joe Stiglitz – believes that markets can fail and that regulation can succeed. Really, this is one of the sharpest minds in the business. Regulations usually have unintended consequences ...
Public Justice Under Attack?
April 18, 2014
For many years the High Alert "brain trust" has pointed out that one of the last memes of the power elite to come under sustained pressure would be the theme of Western "justice." This would be an inevitable part of what we call the Internet Reformation. The po ...
Thank Heaven for Gold Manipulators
April 18, 2014
This rejoinder was prompted by the Daily Bell interview with Bill Murphy of GATA (March 30, 2014). I shall accept, for the sake of argument, Murphy's premise that the dollar price of gold is heavily manipulated by the U.S. government in order to keep it in chec ...
More Evidence That Consolidated Global Power Is Wielded by a Tiny Elite
April 17, 2014
Gradually and continually (we humbly observe) our theses are confirmed by others. The Anglo-American axis indeed controls the world – China, too. We find this startling admission in a recent article posted at the UK Telegraph. And, yes, we've reported on it i ...
East v. West in High Finance – Directed History or Real Schism?
April 17, 2014
Here is yet another article on the proverbial decline and fall of the West, and especially its Anglo-American backed economic and financial institutions. We have a difficult time, however, believing fully in the veracity of this East versus West meme. Something ...
The Next IRS Tactic vs. Expats and Accidental Americans?
April 17, 2014
According to the State Department's estimate (January 2013), approximately 6.8 million Americans live abroad. Many more "accidental Americans" live outside the U.S. In the future, both may confront a powerful new weapon wielded by the Internal Revenue Service ( ...
In Defense of a Progressive Tax System … Not
April 16, 2014
This Reuters editorial makes the case that progressive tax systems are good and that the "wealthy" among us ought to pay "their fair share." The editorial also makes the point that progressivism generally seems not very popular anymore and that progressive tax ...
Conspiracy Theory Goes Mainstream?
April 16, 2014
Feedbacker Alaska forwarded this astounding article posted at the well known website Gawker. Alaska's point is that Gawker is a kind of gatekeeper for the mainstream media, and by publishing this article before someone else does, Gawker editors can "spin" it in ...
Besmirching Markets
April 16, 2014
As an avid reader of all kinds of fiction – part entertainment, part cultural anthropology – my attention is perked whenever I see authors get sneaky on us. This occurs often when they wish to make a political point but not to take responsibility for doing ...
Predictably, Central Bankers Suggest the 'S-Word' … Securitization
April 15, 2014
So Europe's central bankers have decided that the only way to revitalize the European economy – especially Southern Europe – is via securitization of assets. This we learn from Jeremy Warner, assistant editor of The Daily Telegraph, and author of the articl ...
OWS 2.0 No Better Than the Original
April 15, 2014
Unbeknownst to most, Occupy Wall Street is morphing into a perennial campaign mode. Much like a politician who does not want to admit defeat, OWS has revamped its message and methodology of protest. The new (and perpetual) campaign is something called "March Ag ...
The Free Market vs. the Interventionist State
April 15, 2014
In whatever direction we turn, we find the heavy hand of government intruding into virtually every aspect of American society. Indeed, it has reached the point that it would be a lot easier to list those areas of people's lives into which government does not im ...
Mainstream Media Presents 'Divide and Conquer' Meme to Tame Rising EU Discontent
April 14, 2014
Will Germany be fined for being too prosperous? That's a possibility according to this UK Telegraph article. How can an entity – a region – be attacked and made poorer because its people are industrious? To ask the question is to reveal the growing desperat ...
Bundy Boots the BLM – Is This a Significant Moment?
April 14, 2014
Some in the alternative media have been celebrating the defeat of the Bureau of Land Management, which unsuccessfully attacked rancher Cliven Bundy for not paying grazing fees. This analysis attempts to ascertain the importance of the Bundy "victory." After nat ...
Another Phony Budget Debate
April 14, 2014
Anyone watching last week's debate over the Republican budget resolution would have experienced déjà vu, as the debate bore a depressing similarity to those of previous years. Once again, the Republicans claimed their budget would cut spending in a responsibl ...
BIRDBRAINS: Why the Mainstream Media Promotes Them
April 14, 2014
Before I address exactly what a "birdbrain" is, and how they are effectively utilized by the Mainstream Media, I want to go over the facts as to exactly what the Mainstream Media is. The most significant fact to remember about the Mainstream Media is that it is ...
Pat and Linda Gorman on Their Upcoming Wealth Protection Conference, Top Guests and Wealth Trends
April 13, 2014
Governments fear gold in the hands of citizens because when the people own and hold gold it takes away the ability of the government to reallocate wealth from those who produce to the banksters and powers that be. There will surely be some more downs and ups be ...
Do Top Technology Companies Serve More Than One Master?
April 12, 2014
A report in the Wall Street Journal states that "44% of Twitter accounts have never sent a tweet." The article goes on to maintain that this is "not a problem," because Twitter is signing up lots of NEW accounts. Of course, most of those accounts remain inactiv ...
IMF Misleads on Interest Rates – And So Does the Media
April 11, 2014
The UK Telegraph has posted an article entitled, "The world economy may well be stuck in neutral for years." The article points to low interest rates as a point of concern, even though these rates are to some degree not a market phenomenon but a human (central ...
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