STAFF NEWS & ANALYSIS Showing 2801 - of
Sen. Sessions Explains Some of Obama's Immigration Policies – But Not All
April 11, 2014
In numerous articles of late, we've explained the operative strategies of the Obama administration. When it comes to Obamacare, the administration may be seen as rolling out a chaotic program in order to build support eventually for a single payer system. The w ...
When Opinion Becomes Disinformation
April 10, 2014
This Reuters opinion piece discovers a new kind of monetary danger: unproductive credit. This kind of credit is apparently utilized by the borrower even when the results are not useful to society. Of course, the problem here is defining what IS useful to societ ...
The Marketplace: Emotion Versus Education
April 10, 2014
Obama supporter Cass Robert Sunstein seems to have one main preoccupation: Expanding the efficacy and scope of government. Sunstein was previously the infamous Administrator of the White House Office of Information and Regulatory Affairs, and is now the Felix F ...
The Economic Abomination of Accredited Investors
April 10, 2014
America, Canada and the European Union (among others) shell out investment privileges to the rich so they can become richer, and the average person can't. After all, why be in the elite if anyone can join? The scam is called "accredited investors." The rich who ...
Is the US or the World Coming to an End?
April 10, 2014
It will be one or the other. 2014 is shaping up as a year of reckoning for the United States. Two pressures are building on the US dollar. One pressure comes from the Federal Reserve's declining ability to rig the price of gold as Western gold supplies shrivel ...
How the Directed History of Libertarianism Could Collide With the Real Thing
April 09, 2014
We've written a number of articles pointing out that the US electorate is basically libertarian, so we're pleased to see influential libertarian David Boaz of CATO sounding a similar theme in the online magazine Politico. Is what we observed many years ago abou ...
Let's Flee to Climate Controlled Cities
April 09, 2014
The alternative 'Net media is often portrayed as loony and conspiratorial by the mainstream media. But actually, it is the other way round. In a more normal sociopolitical and economic environment, James Lovelock would be labeled what he is – a crank and a ko ...
Selling the Rope…
April 09, 2014
Lenin – or was it Marx or Stalin? – is said to have observed, "The Capitalists will sell us the rope with which we will hang them." (Attribution is mixed!) What this means is that people who are in business aren't political philosophers or economist but hav ...
The War on Raw Milk
April 09, 2014
Congressman Thomas Massie (R-KY) and a bipartisan coalition of lawmakers have recently introduced legislation to allow for the sale of raw milk, i.e., unpasteurized milk. Their Milk Freedom Act of 2014 would make it legal for "certified dairy farmers" to sell u ...
Larry Summers' Unmentionable Meme
April 08, 2014
Reading this article by top economist Larry Summers, one is reminded of just how debased the monetary conversation is these days. Yes, the Great Recession is not over, and credit to Mr. Summers for acknowledging that. But what is his solution? Incredibly, it se ...
High Alert to Embrace Organic as Natural Farming Expands
April 08, 2014
In our other article in this issue, we point out that while Larry Summers wants government to create and implement economic policies, up to 75 percent of people polled in a Pew Survey "distrust" government. The power elite is moving in the wrong direction. Its ...
Is the Case for Liberty Too Extreme?
April 08, 2014
If there is one label more than any other that principled advocates of individual liberty are often stamped with it is that they are "extremists." You are so extreme, it is said. What is wrong with a compromise between personal freedom and some "reasonable" deg ...
EU QE? … The Centre Cannot Hold
April 07, 2014
Savvy portions of the alternative 'Net press have stated for months now that the Fed's "tapering" was not going to make much of a difference, and this article tends to confirm it. As explained above, top officials of the European Central Bank are seriously cons ...
Canada's Liberals Lead National Elections With Legal Marijuana?
April 07, 2014
The victory of Federal Liberals in upcoming Canadian elections would surely help confirm our hypothesis that the legalization of marijuana is a pre-planned elite promotion. Justin Trudeau himself is behind it – and Trudeau is a convincing asset when it comes ...
Ft. Hood: An Avoidable Tragedy
April 07, 2014
Last week we saw yet another tragedy at Ft. Hood, Texas, as a distraught Iraq war veteran killed three of his fellow soldiers before killing himself. It is nearly five years after the last Ft. Hood shooting, where 13 people were killed. These tragedies are hear ...
Doug Casey on the Continuing Debasement of Money, Language and Banking in the Modern Age
April 06, 2014
Market risk is huge today, but political risk is even bigger. One indication of that was, when the banks in Cyprus went bust some months ago, the government essentially confiscated everybody's account above 100,000 euros, in what they called a "bail-in." You co ...
Meme of Market Moves Is Powerful Directed History
April 05, 2014
I've explained before, but I'll try again, especially in light of the "big thud" that the market made on Friday. According to CNBC, "The Nasdaq narrowly avoid[ed] its worst one-day loss this year as momentum names got crushed for a second day. The Dow and S&P 5 ...
Bunkum of Corporate Carbon Reporting
April 04, 2014
Public companies are required to list a number of risk factors and now we can add environmental ones. If a company does not offer an analysis of the ways that "climate change" might affect it, then eventually regulators will likely force the issue. The Economis ...
Soros Provides Clues About the Directed History of the Marijuana Meme
April 04, 2014
We have argued in these pages that the legalization of marijuana is inevitable because the power elite supports it. Here comes an article right on time about George Soros and his determination to invest in "legalization" rather than incarceration. Granted, Soro ...
The Federal Reserve Has No Integrity
April 04, 2014
As we documented in previous articles, the gold price is driven down in the paper futures market by naked short selling by the Fed's dependent bullion banks. Some people have a hard time accepting this fact even though it is known that the big banks have manipu ...
Are You a Failure? Blame Yourself for the Woes of the World
April 03, 2014
The point of this analysis from AP is to put the demise of civil society into a perspective that the average person can understand and accept. Under no circumstances is the average person to understand that the "demise of the middle class" has been preordained ...
Buy Bitcoin … But Hold Your Gold
April 03, 2014
The irritation that so many feel regarding gold is always surprising. And actually, it tells us that gold is still very important. Otherwise, why would its very presence on the investment scene bother so many? While we missed this article when it came out towar ...
Executive Agency Tyranny May Soon Be Much Worse … Or Better
April 03, 2014
On March 14th, Cato Institute ran an article entitled "SCOTUS Deferred to Executive Agencies. What Happened Next Will Infuriate You!" The article and surrounding documents go a long way toward explaining why executive agencies have acquired such mind-boggling p ...
Illegal Immigration? Check Your Premises
April 02, 2014
All three branches of the US fedgov have come unmoored from representative democracy and are actively promoting globalism under the approving eye of the power elite. All three arms of US government constantly support more intrusive government, undeclared, endle ...
Forecasting and Climate Change – Both Overhyped
April 02, 2014
Good news. British scientists have discovered the way weather works and are able to predict it. Or so an article in the UK Telegraph tells us. This is fortunate, as the UN has just released ANOTHER very gloomy prognostication regarding global warming, er ... cl ...
How America Was Founded
April 02, 2014
There is an ongoing debate afoot about America's founding. Basically, the issue is whether the country is based on Christian or on secular principles. There is some credibility in both claims. If one takes the Declaration of Independence as the most basic state ...
Armstrong Predicts the West's Eventual Demise
April 01, 2014
The world's pre-eminent cycle forecaster has caught up to us (see above excerpt). Martin Armstrong published his grim analysis on his own website and over at ZeroHedge and it's attracting a great deal of attention. Armstrong is no flash in the pan. A forecastin ...
UN Climate Change Predictions Are Probably Not the Most Important Ones
April 01, 2014
The IPCC has reaffirmed again what is undoubtedly true: The climate is changing. In fact, the climate changes every day. The climate change meme has thus been a very clever substitution for "global warming," as the latter was disprovable while the former is not ...
Classical Liberalism and the Quest for World Peace
April 01, 2014
For almost a century, since the end of the First World War in 1918, mankind has been in search of international order and global peace through the political method of international organization. However, instead of peace among men, the last one hundred years ha ...
Seeing Past the Obama Meme
March 31, 2014
Seldom do we see an article that incorporates so many dominant and sub-dominant social themes so seamlessly. Obama is attacked in this article for a variety of reasons and is portrayed as a weak president whose behavior is making the world a more dangerous plac ...
Will the Internet Complicate the Evolution of the Marijuana Industry?
March 31, 2014
Is medical marijuana the wave of the future? We've argued that while the legalization of marijuana is a kind of dominant social theme, it may not be so controllable as some currently believe. In fact, this article excerpted above portrays the emergent marijuana ...
Aid to Ukraine Is a Bad Deal For All
March 31, 2014
Last week Congress overwhelmingly passed a bill approving a billion dollars in aid to Ukraine and more sanctions on Russia. The bill will likely receive the president's signature within days. If you think this is the last time US citizens will have their money ...
What Libertarianism Is, and Isn't
March 31, 2014
The explosive growth in the number of converts to libertarianism since Ron Paul first ran for president is one of the most exciting developments of my life. But I'd like to issue a note of caution. There are several ways a young libertarian can distinguish hims ...
Antal Fekete's Neo-Misesian Revisionism and Why He Believes It Is Necessary
March 30, 2014
The doctrinaire policy-makers in America are unlikely to do what must be done. But any jurisdiction (say Switzerland, the United Kingdom, France, or China) may open its mint to the free and unlimited coinage of gold (and silver). We must understand that the gol ...
Media Control Grows More Difficult … And Obvious
March 29, 2014
We have noticed a trend toward boldness – even brazenness – when it comes to manipulating the media in the US. It's as if politicians especially are not even bothering to hide their intentions. We recently ran an article entitled, "Congress Mulls Licensing ...
Pushing Toward The Final War
March 29, 2014
Does Obama realize that he is leading the US and its puppet states to war with Russia and China, or is Obama being manipulated into this disaster by his neoconservative speech writers and government officials? World War 1 (and World War 2) was the result of the ...
Directed History of the City's Alliance with China
March 28, 2014
At the very top of the globalist enterprise is a power elite that is more closely aligned with each other than with their countrymen. This is hard for people to grasp, though. For instance, the European Union is part of a larger elite gambit to create political ...
IMF Exposed in Ukraine Promotion with Two-Year Bailout
March 28, 2014
The Ukraine debacle has exposed certain truths to the world about the way the West operates and how the power elite destabilizes countries politically in order to gain further control over them. IMF officials are doing themselves no favors by participating, but ...
Welfare Without the State
March 28, 2014
Libertarians and free-market conservatives take an unequivocal stand on the provision of state welfare. It should be phased out and returned to the private sector. Charity is not a proper function of government. This, of course, attracts the usual horrified den ...
France Is Not Sick – Europe Is
March 27, 2014
France is the sick man of Europe according to this article, because its manufacturing and service sectors are contracting. But in reality, France is no sicker than any other country in Europe. They all suffer from the same problems: monetary over-stimulation, o ...
Fund Manager Blasts the Fed
March 27, 2014
Fund manager Jeremy Grantham has put the blame for the US's endlessly degrading economy where it belongs – with the Federal Reserve. The Fortune interview, as we can see, finds some of Grantham's conclusions to be bonkers. The biggest problem that Fortune has ...
A Vast Land Grab to Grouse About
March 27, 2014
A March 11th headline in the The Wall Street Journal read, "Sage Grouse Rebellion. Will Obama use two small birds to limit oil drilling in the West?" The article opened, "Almost half the land west of the Mississippi belongs to the federal government, including ...
Can't Say the 'L' Word!
March 26, 2014
Right on schedule and just as we predicted, it is suddenly occurring to mainstream pundits that the right/left paradigm of the US's political structure is collapsing. What's going to take its place? Why, a kind of libertarianism, of course.That's the point of t ...
Bloomberg Writer Quits Over China Coverage
March 26, 2014
This is a very interesting squib of a story because it hints at the reality of the world while withholding the details. Notice the "news" in the Times excerpt above. "Bloomberg declined to publish an investigative article that explored financial ties between on ...
Obama Butts in Again
March 26, 2014
I am puzzled that there is hardly any mention in the press – columns, editorials, etc. – about Mr. Obama's executive intrusion in the employment realm. He wants to have overtime pay be higher than it is. He seems to think it is the task of the president to ...
Foundering of the Film 'Noah' Is a Sign of the Times?
March 25, 2014
The damage of warmist fanaticism is spread far and wide across the world; we've continued to cover it because it is one of the clumsiest of dominant social themes and thus one of the most obvious. We pointed out recently that the tragic Malaysian plane that van ...
Will Marijuana Legalization Lead to a Larger Judicial Rethinking?
March 25, 2014
From the standpoint of "justice," the eventual reversal of tens of thousands of marijuana cases in the US can be seen as bolstering civil society. But it also raises serious questions and will have serious ramifications. Chief among these ramifications will be ...
Individual Self-Determination vs. Ukrainian or Russian Nationalism, Part II
March 25, 2014
Russian president Vladimir Putin's power grab and annexation of the Crimea has filled global news headlines as he attempts to reverse what he has called the "greatest geopolitical catastrophe of the twentieth century" – the collapse of the Soviet Union. But i ...
Congress Mulls Licensing Speech?
March 24, 2014
If it weren't tough enough to distinguish fact from propaganda, the US government is surely getting ready to hand out licenses to "approved" reporting facilities ... sooner or later anyway. Of course, that's not how it's being reported by these same facilities. ...
Ruthless Use of Missing Malaysian Airliner Reinforces Globalist Memes
March 24, 2014
The global warming meme must be advanced at all costs, even over dead, apparently drowned bodies. Of course, it is possible that the passengers of the missing Malaysian Airline flight are still alive. But even alive they are party to a dominant social theme, as ...
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