EDITORIAL Showing 2901 - of
Hagel's 'Defense Cuts' Are Smoke and Mirrors
March 03, 2014
Last week Defense Secretary Chuck Hagel proposed an additional 40,000 reduction in active duty US Army personnel, down to 450,000 soldiers. As US troops are being withdrawn from the recent wars in Afghanistan and Iraq, it might make sense to reduce not only the ...
Federalism: The Founders' Legacy
March 03, 2014
For the first 125 years of our history (1789-1913), America was a country comprised of libertarian politics and conservative cultural values. 1) Libertarian politics is based upon the fact that man was meant to be free. Thus, his government must be strictly lim ...
Mark Thornton on Prohibition, Marijuana and the Loss of Elite Control
March 02, 2014
Prohibition is the major cause of crime. There are the crimes associated with buying and selling prohibited products like heroin and services like prostitution. Then there are crimes and violence associated with prohibition like those related to street gangs an ...
Mt. Gox Bitcoin Bankruptcy – Was the Fix In?
March 01, 2014
Up until Friday, there were reports that the Mt. Gox bitcoin exchange in Tokyo was going to survive in some form. Maybe it would be bought, or the hack, if there was one, would be tracked, or perhaps it was merely a matter of accounting and any bitcoin loss wou ...
FT's Shocking Gold-Manipulation Glitch
February 28, 2014
This is yet more evidence that the current system is breaking down. An article goes up on the website of a major newspaper and then is removed without explanation. Combating the Internet Reformation means dying by a thousand cuts. Any one cut doesn't matter muc ...
Directed History of the Marijuana Meme
February 28, 2014
Two things we believe about the sudden marijuana legalization meme: It is no accident, and it is going to happen in a powerful and efficient manner. There will be glitches, of course, but this movement is just like so many others that alternative media observer ...
Rand Paul Drives Libertarian Politics Toward the Top
February 27, 2014
Readers of these pages will not be surprised by this article in the National Journal, which is reflective of the way libertarianism has grown in the past decade. The National Journal, in whose pages this article appeared, is part of a larger publishing company ...
US Points the Finger of Corruption Elsewhere as a Strategic Distraction
February 27, 2014
We've been reporting on the Swiss banking saga for years now and have always been irritated by the hypocrisy and power politics surrounding it. The US government has likely spent tens if not hundreds of millions attacking Swiss private banking because Swiss ban ...
How to Achieve the Good Life
February 27, 2014
Imagine two scenarios. 1. A friend is visiting and excuses herself to use your washroom. In there, she notices an expensive diamond necklace lying in a corner of the room. It is the necklace you've said is missing and you fear is lost. Your friend's rent is ove ...
Bitcoin – Did We Tell You So?
February 26, 2014
Mt. Gox, the bitcoin exchange, is gone and bitcoin closed under US$500 today, which is nowhere near its high. More importantly, many questions have arisen ... and the answers as we are seeing are not necessarily positive. We don't take any great pleasure in wha ...
The Internet Reformation Versus Snowden's Revelations
February 26, 2014
We've been writing about the creeping (galloping) authoritarianism of Western governments for years now. But we've tried to be careful because of the import of what's taking place. It's not easy to overstate it, but at the same time, one can easily be branded a ...
Marching Toward Genuine Collectivism?
February 26, 2014
Whenever one is involved in a debate or argument about normative matters – ethics or politics, for instance – certain moves are made by means of using labels. One might characterize another's position as "extreme right or left wing," "fascist," "socialist," ...
Markets Climbing a Wall of Worry – or Manipulation?
February 25, 2014
What can we say about a stock market like this? We do understand why the market keeps moving up, though most people probably don't. Of course, the large stock market players probably do understand. They're well aware of the various mechanisms that have been put ...
Smugness of the Climate Changers
February 25, 2014
We focused yesterday on the sudden reoccurrence of the singularly obnoxious Al Gore and his rejuvenated climate change pitch in the face of so much seeming weather turbulence. This Bloomberg article, excerpted above, following on the heels of Gore's drumming is ...
For Healthcare the Best Government Plan Is No Plan
February 25, 2014
One of the most difficult lessons for people to understand and learn is that sometimes you just have to "let go." That is, you must accept the fact that not everything can be controlled and trying to do so sometimes can make a situation worse. This is never mor ...
Advancing the NAU – We Told You So
February 24, 2014
Well, color us paranoid (regularly). We don't find the above discussion of the advantages of a "closer" North American Union to be coincidental in any manner, shape or form. Now, from our perspective, the true reasons for NAFTA and CAFTA become clearer. Those w ...
Climate Change and HAARP – A Working Relationship?
February 24, 2014
Al Gore is back at it again. One of the best-known climate doomsters is apparently on the hustings once again, and for various reasons that we will mention in this analysis, his reappearance is disturbing, indeed. At a time when the charlatans behind global war ...
Leave Ukraine Alone!
February 24, 2014
Last week Ukraine saw its worst violence since the break-up of the Soviet Union over 20 years ago. Protesters occupying the main square in the capitol city, Kiev, clashed with police leaving many protesters and police dead and many more wounded. It is an ongoin ...
Fred Sheehan on the Futility of Wall Street, the Coming Derivatives Disaster and the Craziness of Keynes
February 23, 2014
I am inclined to believe the only formal economics taught in the past 80 years in the U.S. of any use were the "home economics" courses taught to high school girls many moons ago. I did not receive such training, but the Austrian economists are the only school ...
Deification of Yellen or Directed History?
February 22, 2014
Yellen continues to garner good press. We are not surprised. This is Janet Yellen's honeymoon phase. As we have written previously, she ought to enjoy it while she can. The US media is making it easy for Ms. Yellen to appreciate her press. Almost three weeks si ...
Elite Free Trade: Smell the Panic
February 21, 2014
The power elite does not take kindly to political interference with one of its most sacred causes – so-called free trade. We say "so-called" because the kind of free trade being practiced by nation-states these days is anything but "free." Each modern free-tr ...
Decriminalization to Legalization – It's Happening Fast
February 21, 2014
We've been predicting that the movement to decriminalize marijuana would eventually end up at legalization but we never expected things would move this fast. On the other hand, we believe this entire movement to be a kind of dominant social theme. For one reaso ...
Is Ukraine Drifting Toward Civil War And Great Power Confrontation?
February 21, 2014
People ask for solutions, but no solutions are possible in a disinformed world. Populations almost everywhere are dissatisfied, but few have any comprehension of the real situation. Before there can be solutions, people must know the truth about the problems. F ...
Marijuana: The Game Is Afoot and Smart Players Will Win
February 20, 2014
Our point regarding the first steps toward global marijuana legislation is that it has already been decided. The legalization of marijuana has quickly escalated to the level of a full-fledged dominant social theme. In other words, for various reasons, the power ...
Entrepreneurial Analysis and the Economist's Limited Frame of Reference
February 20, 2014
The Economist magazine has decided that Henrekson and Sanandaji (see above) have the right idea when it comes to entrepreneurs: Bigger is better. The Economist being a manifestation of globalism could surely be expected to take this view. But it is misguided no ...
Why Don't You Steal? The Wealthy Drunk Question
February 20, 2014
As a starting point, I assume readers do not engage in the initiation of force, including theft. You may refrain from doing so because of a moral code or from a respect for rights. But, at least for me, the admonition not to steal isn't written in stone. I hold ...
US Leftward Shift? Don't Believe It
February 19, 2014
How can someone present an analysis showing that the US is shifting "left"? There is the matter of the "tea party" movement that, in this Internet era, has shoved many voters toward libertarianism. And then there is the widespread dissatisfaction with Barack Ob ...
NAU Conclave Advances the Cause of Authoritarianism
February 19, 2014
We just mentioned Keystone yesterday within the context of the controversial North American Union, and here it is again in the news. In fact, this article is full of hints about the NAU that is so staunchly denied by the officials of the US, Canada and Mexico. ...
Fallacies of the Clunker Program
February 19, 2014
I wish to revisit Mr. Obama's clunker program. There are lessons in there that are worth revisiting. Most have no time to consider the big picture so when the clunker program came their way, they thought only of the immediate consequences. It all reminded me of ...
Sly McConnell Supports the NAU?
February 18, 2014
Mitch McConnell, the mild-mannered Senate minority leader, posted the above editorial at Reuters to memorialize the incompetence of the Obama administration in announcing to the world that a US$800 billion "stimulus package" would create the jobs the US needed ...
Warmist Gambit Continues
February 18, 2014
One has to give globalists credit for continuing to promote the global warming meme. After 17 years without a temperature uptick, after a series of exposés that show the warmist position was manufactured by a handful of supporters with a chokehold on journal p ...
ObamaCare: Will America's Health Care Future Follow Germany's Past?
February 18, 2014
As the American people contemplate the future of their health care system with the implementation of ObamaCare, it is, perhaps, useful to look backward and briefly recall the origin and early history of government-managed national health care in the country whe ...
Drink From the Punch Bowl, Ms. Yellen – It Will Sour Soon Enough
February 17, 2014
Here is an article posted at Reuters that informs us that the economy is doing so well that "the world can finally see evidence that the extraordinary monetary and fiscal policies of the post-crisis period are starting to work as intended." When one is exposed ...
Gold Surge: What Took So long?
February 17, 2014
We have asked why, when Indian and Chinese consumers queue regularly to buy gold bullion with seeming desperation, the Western press – and the investment community – continually degrades the value of gold and the necessity of holding it. Manipulation seemed ...
At the Fed, The More Things Change, the More They Stay the Same
February 17, 2014
Last week, Federal Reserve Chairman Janet Yellen testified before Congress for the first time since replacing Ben Bernanke at the beginning of the month. Her testimony confirmed what many of us suspected, that interventionist Keynesian policies at the Federal R ...
Richard Ebeling on Austrian Economics, Economic Freedom and the Trends of the Future
February 16, 2014
There can be little doubt that Friedrich A. Hayek was one of the most profound and important economists of the 20th century. In my humble opinion, I consider Mises and Hayek to be the two greatest economists of our time. Whether as a monetary and business cycle ...
Marijuana: How We Will Seize Our Opportunity – and Yours
February 15, 2014
Exciting times. Marijuana decriminalization and legalization is moving quickly. Most recently, as was reported yesterday, the US Justice Department announced that banks and other financial entities could participate in the burgeoning marijuana industry without ...
How Long Will Bernanke's Reputation Survive?
February 14, 2014
This is a somewhat shocking article appearing at Bloomberg in that it is not a hagiography of former Federal Reserve Chairman Ben Bernanke but a fairly clear-eyed criticism. Because this intermediary business cycle has not yet come to a thudding halt, there is ...
EU Sign of the Times?
February 14, 2014
This seems to be a week for the mainstream media to speak plainly about the Afflictions of the Age (see other article on the Fed, this issue). This article does something that is not usually done: It questions not just the euro but the viability of the EU itsel ...
Washington Orchestrated Protests Are Destabilizing Ukraine
February 14, 2014
The protests in the western Ukraine are organized by the CIA, the US State Department and by Washington- and EU-financed Non-Governmental Organizations (NGOs) that work in conjunction with the CIA and State Department. The purpose of the protests is to overturn ...
Reality of Inflation's Outcome?
February 13, 2014
Print, print, print. Miles of newsprint have been wasted writing about "tapering" and "tightening" when, in fact, there is none. Yesterday, new Federal Reserve chair Janet Yellen made it clear in what Bloomberg called "interminable" testimony that the Fed inten ...
The Real Value of Travel Abroad
February 13, 2014
We agree with this editorial! US citizens SHOULD go abroad. (Maybe they would stop calling themselves "Americans," as America is putatively a continent not a nation.) In any event, they would surely find travel "broadening," just as this article suggests. The U ...
The Virtue of Self-Interest
February 13, 2014
They may be the two most famous lines in economic history and they carry much the same message. In An Inquiry into the Nature and Causes of the Wealth of Nations, Adam Smith (1723-1790) wrote, "It is not from the benevolence of the butcher, the brewer, or the b ...
Yellen, Triumphant, Joins the Wall Street Party?
February 12, 2014
This article confirms what we've been predicting since we opened up the new and improved Daily Bell within the umbrella of High Alert. There is going to be no real diminution of Federal Reserve money printing, though this will be the mainstream media narrative ...
House Dithers With the Debt as Leviathan Shakes
February 12, 2014
John Boehner and the Republican Party are gradually falling apart. What Boehner should do is paralyze the ship of state by refusing to provide the fuel. But over and over he hoists the can, carries it to the cap, unscrews it and pours, further fueling the engi ...
Minimum Wage Laws
February 12, 2014
Many objections can be raised against minimum wage laws but the most important of them is that such laws amount to restraint of trade. If I want to work for a wage someone is willing to pay me, that should be the end of it unless this work amounts to the violat ...
Immigration Reform? Switzerland Pushes Back
February 11, 2014
The destruction of Switzerland's culture and borders has halted for a moment with this vote against immigration. One does not need to be "conservative" or racist or anything else to believe that politics and regulatory democracy should not determine immigration ...
Meme of Marijuana Is One to Watch
February 11, 2014
We became aware of this meme several years ago because of the ongoing fixation with "medical marijuana." Over time, we've watched the meme grow into a full-fledged dominant social theme. This article in USA Today is a good example of how entrepreneurial enthusi ...
J.M. Keynes: The Damage Still Done By a Defunct Economist
February 11, 2014
Seventy-eight years ago, on February 4, 1936, the British economist John Maynard Keynes (1883–1946) published what soon became his most famous work, The General Theory of Employment, Interest, and Money. Few books have, in so short a time, gained such wide in ...
Demise of Freedom's Conversation
February 10, 2014
Oh, this is a funny article, making the case that US exceptionalism is subsiding. What makes the article funny is the way exceptionalism is described. The exceptionalism that exists in the US was defined by President Barack Obama when he answered a question abo ...
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