STAFF NEWS & ANALYSIS Showing 2951 - of
Directed History of Scottish Independence Moves in Subtle Ways
February 10, 2014
Last week, we posted an analysis of a US State Department leak in which it was revealed that Assistant Secretary of State Victoria Nuland was contemptuous of European Union efforts to support a resolution of the Ukraine political and economic crisis. We explain ...
Will No One Challenge Obama's Executive Orders?
February 10, 2014
President Obama's state of the union pledge to "act with or without Congress" marks a milestone in presidential usurpation of congressional authority. Most modern presidents have used executive orders to change and even create laws without congressional approva ...
Jeffrey Tang on the Asian Markets and the Coming Deflation in China
February 09, 2014
Jeffrey Tang: China is heading for major restructuring. The twin engines of growth, export and construction, have both hit the wall. When major internal events happen, it will be so overwhelming that no external events will be able to distract attention. The ec ...
Same Old, Same Old … And Something New From Us
February 08, 2014
Over and over, the common wisdom is offered as if it were new or valuable. A recently published Reuters editorial is a good example. Entitled, "A crash course in growth economics," it recites all the Keynesian dominant social themes we're used to hearing and re ...
Market Manipulations Become More Extreme, More Desperate
February 08, 2014
In two recent articles we explained the hows and whys of gold price manipulation. The manipulations are becoming more and more blatant. On February 6 the prices of gold and stock market futures were simultaneously manipulated. On several recent occasions gold h ...
Conservatism Is Not Freedom
February 07, 2014
This Reuters editorial makes many points that we've made in the recent past about the Tea Party. We've argued, in fact, that the Tea Party in its more inchoate form is a force to be reckoned with not just for the Republicans but for the Democrats as well. That' ...
Ukraine Leak Reveals Anglosphere Directed History
February 07, 2014
This article shows us once more that the practice of statecraft is becoming more difficult. All high officials in the West and probably throughout the world are tapped ... and this is the age in which we live. But what makes this article worth analyzing is what ...
Salvaging the Post Office at the Expense of the Private Sector
February 06, 2014
Lord, help the poor. Senator Elizabeth Warren wants to give them over to the tender mercies of the US Postal Service. This most inefficient of agencies filled with self-loathing employees and merciless unions is now to be specially dedicated to helping poor peo ...
On the Eve of Anniversary, Disinformation Swirls Around World War I
February 06, 2014
This Telegraph article explores the necessity of World War I. The war is beginning to receive a good deal of attention because it began on July 28, 1914 and thus, the 100-year anniversary is imminent. We have expressed in the past that we have a good deal of tr ...
The Immorality of Public Education
February 06, 2014
The libertarian publisher R.C. Hoiles insisted that the editorial page of his flagship California newspaper The Orange County Register was "a daily school room made available to its subscribers." In that schoolroom Hoiles taught what he called "voluntaryism." A ...
What Emerging Markets Crisis? Create a Union!
February 05, 2014
This is an interesting article because it shows us agendas that may lurk behind the headlines. Usually the agenda is a globalist one, and in this case it may be as well. Here is how the article ends: "It is surely time to forge an Emerging Market Bloc strong en ...
Scalia Blows the Whistle on US Internment Camps?
February 05, 2014
This is a very disturbing article, but one that could surely be accurate. It is apparently based on a report from the AP that puts Scalia's comments in a more speculative – hypothetical – light, as follows: Avi Soifer, the law school's dean, said he believe ...
Reflections on Education
February 05, 2014
Public education is nearly a fixture not only in this country but nearly everywhere in the Western world. It is pretty much agreed by most concerned parties that children need to be placed into school, starting around age 6, and kept there to be provided with s ...
What Is Supply-Side Economics?
February 05, 2014
Supply-side economics is an innovation in macroeconomic theory and policy. It rose to prominence in congressional policy discussions in the late 1970s in response to worsening Phillips curve trade-offs between inflation and unemployment. The postwar Keynesian d ...
Republicans Redefine Themselves Out of Existence?
February 04, 2014
Again, we are exposed to debt limit warnings. In truth, the US Treasury Department along with the Federal Reserve can print as much money as necessary to stave off a default. Of course, inevitably this would result in price inflation, but the endless arguments ...
Directed History of Stock Statistics
February 04, 2014
Once more the Dow has plunged, this time some 300 points amidst another global selloff. But let us grapple with the reality of these numbers. In some ways they mean little or nothing. REAL numbers are a good deal worse than the phony stats trotted out every qua ...
Presidential Hubris in the State of the Union Address
February 04, 2014
President Obama's State of the Union address on the night of January 28, 2014 was all about "micro-management." It was micro-management at one level since he realizes that a divided Congress will not pass any "grand" legislation that he might try to submit. Thu ...
Does Censorship Have a Deeper Motive?
February 03, 2014
The galloping censorship of the UK media continues apace. It wasn't enough to block pornographic sites (which turned out to be a blockage of various politically incorrect websites); now the British establishment is taking aim at journalists directly. Of course, ...
Reuters Explains the Prevalence of Central Bank Money Printing
February 03, 2014
This Reuters article (somewhat surprisingly) makes a good point about central banking policy ... that lying is part of necessary bank policy. It also makes a point we've been making for months now: While a good deal of discussion will focus on "tapering" and ot ...
The Continuing Al-Qaeda Threat
February 03, 2014
Appearing last week before the Senate Intelligence Committee, Director of National Intelligence James Clapper testified that he could not say the threat from al-Qaeda is any less today than it was ten years ago. It was a shocking admission. Does he mean that th ...
Imran Hussain on Frontier-Market Investing and the UAE Tax-Free Zone
February 02, 2014
Emerging markets can involve public markets. But there are other ways of investing in these markets including private placements and private investing generally. These are fringe investments with the capacity for significant rewards but also large risks. ... Ch ...
Be Leery of Investing in Failing Green Solutions
February 01, 2014
Is the Green marketplace foundering? It would not be surprising. This happened in the 1970s when the first wave of solar panels and wind turbines were securitized and the "alternative energy" industry was in large part created. Recalling the 1970s, we've been c ...
Economist's Sad Analysis of Obama's State of the Union
January 31, 2014
The editors of The Economist magazine gazed upon Barack Obama's state of the union message and decided it was good. The reason it was good is because the US president gave indications that he would try to "get more done" over the next year or two than previousl ...
Inflation Versus Deflation: Pick Your Poison
January 31, 2014
Markets travel up on a wall of worry and there is plenty to worry about when it comes to Western – and BRICs – economies. This UK Telegraph article makes the case that the world's economy is on a deflationary bubble – one that could burst shortly. We tend ...
Forward Guidance – They Know Not What They Do?
January 30, 2014
So now we finally come to the nub of what forward guidance REALLY is, thanks to this illuminating UK Telegraph article. Millions of words have been written about forward guidance, explaining that it was offered as a way of making Western central banks more res ...
The Internet Reformation Is Hard to Contain
January 30, 2014
This is a typical meme expression of the mainstream media regarding what we call the "Internet Reformation." We've tracked this meme on and off for well over a decade and can say emphatically that as each freedom-oriented advance occurred, various weary justifi ...
Doubts About Jury Nullification
January 30, 2014
Jury nullification means a juror can nullify a law if he believes the law or its application is unjust. He can do so by refusing to convict a defendant despite instructions to do so from a judge. In short, the juror sits in judgment on the defendant and the law ...
Filling the Punch Bowl With Iraqi Oil
January 29, 2014
Again we see our Wall Street Party meme buttressed. Does anyone believe that the puppet government of Iraq does anything without checking with the United States? This begs credulity. We're supposed to believe the idea of opening the oil taps is totally an Iraqi ...
Kindly Ellen Brown Dishes Out Snake Oil as She Runs for CA Treasurer
January 29, 2014
If we can do one thing in this life, it would be to expose the economic gobbledygook behind the resurgence of "public banking" economics once and for all. Ellen Brown is seemingly a kind person – an engaging individual, erudite and obviously well meaning in m ...
The Right to Private Property
January 29, 2014
America's most prominent modern liberal legal theorist was Professor Ronald Dworkin, professor of Jurisprudence at University College London and the New York University School of Law until his death in 2013. His books, Taking Rights Seriously, Law's Empire and ...
How Economists and Policymakers Murdered Our Economy
January 29, 2014
The economy has been debilitated by the offshoring of middle class jobs for the benefit of corporate profits and by the Federal Reserve's policy of Quantitative Easing in order to support a few oversized banks that the government protects from market discipline ...
Arrest of Bitcoin's Shrem Occurs Amidst Levels of Injustice
January 28, 2014
As what we call the Internet Reformation expands in terms of its impact, the rationale for many kinds of Western law enforcement diminishes. This bitcoin arrest is a case in point. Charlie Shrem was arrested for facilitating the sale of drugs but there is no ev ...
Blair Uses Religious Extremism to Promote Directed History?
January 28, 2014
On Saturday, Tony Blair – former UK Prime Minister – wrote an extraordinary editorial that appeared in the UK Guardian and argued that religious extremism is the globe's main source of conflict. In our analysis here we've utilized the text of a follow-up ar ...
The State of the Union Address Obama Should Deliver
January 28, 2014
On the evening of January 28th, President Obama will deliver his State of the Union Address. No doubt he will present an agenda of increased political paternalism, with a focus on policies to "remedy" supposed economic inequality through government spending and ...
Nigel Farage on Britain's Political Demise and the Continued Rise of UKIP
January 27, 2014
Daily Bell: David Cameron has been dismissive of UKIP. Is he right to be or wrong? Nigel Farage: He may be being dismissive but he is doing his best to copy us! Even our energy policy, in support of fracking, has now been aped by the Conservative Party. From Sy ...
HSBC Cash Restrictions Show New Kind of Internet Messaging
January 27, 2014
The government wants you to know that if you try to take out too much cash, there will be trouble. And you thought banking regulations were there for your benefit! Now you understand the truth. These banking regulations can be used to send powerful messages. In ...
We Win the New York Times Prize
January 27, 2014
The New York Times, whistling past the financial graveyard, paused over the weekend to smear the Mises Institute, Ron Paul, our other scholars, hardcore libertarianism, and me. Why? Because our ideas and our youth movement are gaining real traction. It is in ef ...
Every Week Should Be School Choice Week
January 27, 2014
National School Choice week takes place from January 26 to February 1, and during this week education freedom activists around the country will be participating in events highlighting the need for parental control of education. I wholeheartedly endorse National ...
Tibor Machan on Morality, Ethics, Ayn Rand and More
January 26, 2014
Tibor Machan: Ethical behavior or conduct is whatever accords with principles that people ought to follow, identified within the most sensible, rational school of morality or ethics. So, for instance, being honest or prudent, or generous or courageous would all ...
Cameron Will Regret His Latest Pro-EU Speech … And a Note on Stocks
January 25, 2014
Britain's political and industrial elites have bound Britain to the EU – though not the euro, thank goodness – via exaggeration, denial and outright untruths. Cameron is continuing this horrible tradition – as we can see from his latest speech at Davos (s ...
Economist Mag Shock: Is China Over?
January 24, 2014
Why on Earth would The Economist, among China's biggest cheerleaders, become a boo-bird? We'll answer, but first let us point out that this Economist article – "leader" – is predated by numerous articles that we have written over the past years. These artic ...
Important Reuters Article on the Middle East
January 24, 2014
This article, written by Mark Leonard, co-founder and director of the European Council on Foreign Relations, seems to explain – if you read between the lines – what is really going on in the Middle East and environs. The conclusion is as follows: The politi ...
Davos Unburdening as Memes Begin to Fail
January 23, 2014
You can tell certain memes are failing when elite bagmen begin to broadcast their doubts. From this article, we determine that even top elites are beginning to worry about upcoming EU difficulties. Axel Weber says what is not to be spoken, for instance, though ...
A Trend to Note: Over One-Third of Adults Unemployed
January 23, 2014
David John Marotta is not afraid to say what most of the mainstream media will not whisper: That the US is in a depression not a recession. What else would you call nearly 40 percent of adults unemployed? And if these are the statistics, then what are the YOUTH ...
The Competitive Provision of Security
January 23, 2014
The discussion of how the free market would provide security from aggression by criminals or an invading group has deep and venerable roots. The Belgian-born classical liberal, Gustave de Molinari (1819-1912), respected the free market so deeply that colleagues ...
The IMF's Meaningless Words
January 22, 2014
When did IMF utterances start to command the front page? These unelected and for the most part faceless bureaucrats have just decided the world will be in a lot better shape in 2014. We don't believe it for a minute. Starvation is not going away and neither is ...
All that Glitters Shouldn't Be Fixed
January 22, 2014
Sometimes we meme-watchers get lucky. We find an article that can only be described as an exquisitely calibrated elite promotion. This is one such. Everything about this article creates a pastiche of misleading information that would give one the impression tha ...
You've Come a Long Way, Baby!
January 22, 2014
In 1973 I edited The Libertarian Alternative*, published by the obscure but up and coming firm Nelson Hall. The book contained a wide selection of essays from the likes of Murray Rothbard, Nathaniel Branden, John Hospers, et al. Back then I didn't keep track of ...
How Obamacare Could Lead to Single Payer Sooner Than You Think
January 21, 2014
Reading this article, we realized how the ol' switcheroo could take place that would shove Obamacare into a kind of "single payer" mode. It's not so hard to project – and it could happen sooner than any of us think, apparently. Of course, such analysis could ...
The Sudden Legalization of Marijuana Is Profoundly Immoral
January 21, 2014
We take our cue from on this one. We sometimes read Reddit despite the often irritatingly socialist tone of its commentators. In this case, we've noticed that numerous articles on the growing trend toward marijuana decriminalization are accompanied b ...
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