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LBJ's Great Society as Hubris of the Social Engineer
January 21, 2014
Fifty years separate us, now, from 1964 and the beginning of two of the most momentous events of Lyndon Johnson's presidency: The declaring of war on America's supposed domestic ills in the form of the "Great Society" programs, and the aggressive military inter ...
Meme Adjustment: Climate Change Descends as Dollar Debasement Rises?
January 20, 2014
Long ago, we figured out that a lot of opinion polling simply provided promotional feedback. In other words, the elites that launch dominant social themes into the world compulsively poll to find out if their propaganda is successful. In the case of global warm ...
Gold Spins Out of Control?
January 20, 2014
In the other article in this issue we discuss global warming and the idea that maybe the top elites are taking a kind of "step back" when it comes to that promotion. Global warming simply isn't going well, from a warmist standpoint, and we wonder if the meme of ...
American Fascism
January 20, 2014
We know about the transformation of the American police, with their paramilitary equipment, their SWAT team raids, and incentive to terrorize people over drug offenses rather than pursue crimes against person and property. We know about the National Security Ag ...
Warfare, Welfare and Wonder Woman — How Congress Spends Your Money
January 20, 2014
Supporters of warfare, welfare and Wonder Woman cheered last week as Congress passed a one trillion dollar "omnibus" appropriation bill. This legislation funds the operations of government for the remainder of the fiscal year. Wonder Woman fans can cheer that b ...
Sheldon Richman on Almost Everything – From a Libertarian Standpoint
January 19, 2014
I think Obamacare is doing exactly what we free-market advocates predicted, that there were bound to be numerous problems. I think the website rollout problems are actually the least of the problems because they are potentially fixable. You can fix a website. W ...
Good Timing! Financial Times Affirms the Canadian Real-Estate Bust
January 18, 2014
Looks like we interviewed Seth Daniels at just the right time. Since his comments on Austrian economics and the coming Canadian real estate bust, several other articles have come out making similar and even more emphatic points. Below, I'll present some of them ...
The Hows and Whys of Gold Price Manipulation
January 18, 2014
The deregulation of the financial system during the Clinton and George W. Bush regimes had the predictable result: financial concentration and reckless behavior. A handful of banks grew so large that financial authorities declared them "too big to fail." Remove ...
Shock: Reuters Compares Madoff Scam to Street Practices
January 17, 2014
This article comes right out and expresses the position that what Madoff did illegally is similar to what Wall Street – specifically the hedge fund portion of it – does every day. While this point has often been made in the alternative media, to see it plai ...
Cameron, While Trying to Ban Internet, Praises Lapdog Press
January 17, 2014
This is a fairly obvious dominant social theme – that the freedom of the press in the West is unparalleled and even welcomed in the halls of power. In fact, what we call the Internet Reformation has shown us exactly the opposite. Throughout the West, the vaun ...
WikiLeaks Releases Entire TPP Draft – Still, We Have Our Suspicions
January 16, 2014
We don't believe WikiLeaks to be the purveyor of information that the mainstream media and elites are trying to cover up. We believe WikiLeaks is likely in the "limited hangout" business. That is, it's been put in place by the same globalist community that has ...
Party On! Dems Plan Mainstream Warmist Coverage to Boost IPO Channel?
January 16, 2014
From the standpoint of a dominant social theme, there are a few ways of analyzing this move by the Democrats. First, and most simply, one can take it at face value. Democrats, the natural constituency in the US for the warmist meme, are distressed that it is no ...
Bow to the Powerful Meme, You Predatory Men!
January 16, 2014
I have spent the week sumo wrestling with a meme; that is, with a cultural assumption that grows almost by osmosis. The meme: Men are the perpetrators of domestic violence; women are the victims. The truth: Men and women commit DV at about the same rate. The re ...
What Price Inflation? … Ask Wall Street Party Organizers
January 15, 2014
We've been analyzing the Wall Street Party for a long time and showing how things are falling into place to drive the stock market much higher. This article is just one more sign of what's in store. We've explained how the JOBS Act is filling the pipeline with ...
Goldman Predicts More Gold Manipulation?
January 15, 2014
In our lead article, this issue, we briefly discuss some of the manipulations supporting the ongoing and presumably expanding Wall Street Party. But the potential manipulation of gold stands out as one of the most brazen. We are not alone in believing that the ...
Policy Sans Ethics
January 15, 2014
Yet another ancient political debate concerns whether public policy needs to be based on certain norms, or ethical principles.?Classical and a few modern political philosophers – e.g., Socrates, Plato, Aristotle, Aquinas, Spinoza, John Locke, et al. – argue ...
Having Crushed Their Own Currency, the Swiss Consider China's
January 14, 2014
We are supposed to forget that the Swiss had one of the great currencies in the world. Instead, we can see from this article that the Swiss seek the validation of the Chinese renminbi. Once, the Swiss franc was linked to gold but the Swiss destroyed that link w ...
One Day Phony Regulatory Investigations Will Not Be Enough
January 14, 2014
Another ridiculous investigation. The more what we call the Internet Reformation makes a difference in people's lives, the more the very largest entities among us churn and thrash in an effort to impress us with the system's ultimate fairness. The last thing th ...
China's Great Inflation Helped Bring the Communists to Power
January 14, 2014
Inflations have undermined the cultural and economic fabric of society, bringing about social chaos and revolution. Inflation is the enemy of social order and economic stability. Inflation can destroy accumulated wealth, ruin the entire well being of broad sect ...
Bullish on Yellen: A Very Good Article From Forbes
January 13, 2014
Malcolm Forbes used to call for a return to the gold standard, but he never wrote anything like this article – which was recently posted at Forbes and gives us a good idea of how times have changed. We often write about the Internet Reformation, but this arti ...
Kerala India Group Wants Wedding Gold Limits
January 13, 2014
This is blatant manipulation. For anyone who doesn't believe that the globalist power structure wants to discourage gold-holding, these moves in India should be a revelation. The boldness is what's so shocking. K.C. Rosakutty is a leading Indian feminist activi ...
Congress Defers to President On NSA Reform
January 13, 2014
Congress's decline from the Founders' vision as "first among equals" in government to an echo chamber of the unitary executive has been a slow but steady process. In the process we have seen a steady stream of unconstitutional wars and civil liberties abuses at ...
No Jobs For Americans
January 13, 2014
The alleged recovery took a direct hit from Friday's payroll jobs report. The Bureau of Labor Statistics reported that the economy created 74,000 net new jobs in December. Wholesale and retail trade accounted for 70,700 of these jobs or 95.5%. It is likely that ...
Redmond Weissenberger on the New Mises Institute and the Failure of Canadian Corporatism
January 12, 2014
As far as I am concerned, "Austrian free-market thinking" is simply common sense – it takes years of indoctrination to believe that you can get something for nothing. When I happened upon the teachings of the Austrian School I came to the understanding that I ...
What CNN, the Ultimate Disposable Network, Shows Us About Promotions
January 11, 2014
Variety commented just yesterday on "CNN Eyes Primetime Shake-Up." The article points out that change is necessary, though it would occur gradually. But it will occur. In fact, an end-of-year memo from CNN president Jeff Zucker reemphasized what CNN would becom ...
Sign of the Times: Misdirected Apology!
January 11, 2014
When governor Chris Christie of New Jersey discovered, on January 8th or thereabouts, that members of his staff conducted a vendetta against some of his political rivals by ordering the closing of some lanes of the George Washington Bridge and thus producing a ...
Predictable Rise of Populism
January 10, 2014
One reason we fought so hard against the Occupy Wall Street movement was because we clearly grasped it was populism. Populism is a horrible political perversion and always leads to a worse "ism," eventually. All around the world, banking elites have installed t ...
The Green Meme Collapses in Europe?
January 10, 2014
Surprise, surprise. Just as in the 1970s, technocratic efforts to change the West's energy mix via government force are proving to be a disaster. You wouldn't know it from the mainstream press that is filled with hosannas welcoming alternative energy. But, as t ...
Yellen to Take the Green Path to Major Douglas Phony Social Credit
January 09, 2014
We told you so. This Huffington Post article is a virtual twofer. First, suggest that Janet Yellen save the planet by becoming a Green activist. Second, suggest she use the phony social credit scam developed by Major Douglas back in the 1930s. Douglas believed ...
'Net Reformation Damages Chris Christie
January 09, 2014
Yes, it will. The global warming movement never recovered from leaked emails several years back that seemed to show the entire scam was orchestrated by a few "scientists" who only published articles favorable to their promotional goals. Chris Christie and his s ...
Where America Took an Historical Wrong Turn
January 09, 2014
America should never have replaced the Articles of Confederation with the United States Constitution. Although it is revered as the source and seat of freedom, the Constitution ensured freedom's eventual demise. The power it centralized in a federal government ...
Janet Yellen, Most Powerful Sacrifice in the World?
January 08, 2014
Actually, while the mainstream media has indeed made a big deal about Yellen's gender, it is surprising how little power she will really have. She can continue the policies that have been set by Ben Bernanke and Alan Greenspan before him. The last person that r ...
Perversity of Modern White-Collar Criminal Remedies
January 08, 2014
Washington's Blog has provided us with an aggressive follow-up to the just-announced JP Morgan settlement with the SEC. Washington's Blog along with some others has kept up the heavy pressure for what would seem to be new Pecora Hearings in Washington DC. Washi ...
What's A Just Society?
January 08, 2014
This is by no means a novel question. Certainly it goes back as far as Socrates and those we call the pre-Socratics, political thinkers in ancient Greece and other early organized societies. The question arises because human beings have an interest in getting t ...
North American Union … And So It Begins
January 07, 2014
Let us begin this analysis with a fragment of one of our favorite poems by Percy Bysshe Shelley: On the pedestal these words appear: "My name is Ozymandias, king of kings: Look on my works, ye Mighty, and despair!" Nothing beside remains. Round the decay Of tha ...
Two Tier Travel Becoming a Reality in the US?
January 07, 2014
It is our perspective that within the next few years, certainly inside a decade, it will be difficult to travel outside the United States or move money outside. This may go for other countries in the West, also. We've written about this before but we try to ret ...
Shanghai's History a Tale of Successful Capitalism
January 07, 2014
China's impressive modernization since the death of Mao Zedong in 1976 and the end to the destructive madness of the Cultural Revolution has been epitomized by the dramatic growth of the industrial and port city of Shanghai, with its majestic skyline of impress ...
Russia Versus the West: A Tale of Serial Promotions
January 06, 2014
We have noticed that this is becoming a more prevalent elite meme. There is no doubt Russia is under sustained attack from the West and in the elite's top publications, especially Reuters, Russia is regularly damned as a corrupt, failed state. Of course, just b ...
Regulating Bad Behavior on Wall Street: Who's at Fault?
January 06, 2014
FINRA has not been getting very good press. And thus this regulatory entity, a conglomeration of the NYSE and NASD's financial regulatory efforts, is apparently going to try to make brokerage safer for the average "investor." It was the Securities and Exchange ...
Iraq: The 'Liberation' Neocons Would Rather Forget
January 06, 2014
Remember Fallujah? Shortly after the 2003 invasion of Iraq, the US military fired on unarmed protestors, killing as many as 20 and wounding dozens. In retaliation, local Iraqis attacked a convoy of US military contractors, killing four. The US then launched a f ...
Seth Daniels on Austrian Economics, Central Bank Disasters and the Coming Housing Bottom
January 05, 2014
I provide analytical and research services to the fund, and my partners at Spartan in Canada manage the fund. Based on Austrian business cycle theory, we think that fallout from a Canadian credit and housing correction could have far-reaching negative repercuss ...
The Bearish/Bullish Conundrum
January 04, 2014
The Drudge Report yesterday carried two bearish articles about stocks. I'll comment on both of them – generally anyway – because they bear directly on the Wall Street Party now taking place – and on which we've commented extensively. One is linked to an a ...
The Case of the Missing Recovery
January 04, 2014
Have you seen the economic recovery? I haven't, either. But it is bound to be around here somewhere, because the National Bureau of Economic Research spotted it in June 2009, four and one-half years ago. It is a shy and reclusive recovery, like the "New Economy ...
Economist: Europe's Politicians Need to Tame the 'Net Reformation
January 03, 2014
Ten years ago, when we wrote about the rise of the libertarian sociopolitical center, our message wasn't exactly popular but, as we can see today in this Economist article, we were relatively accurate. First came Ron Paul and the Tea Party in the US and now non ...
IMF's World Tax Is a Puzzling Ploy
January 03, 2014
The UK Telegraph has discovered that the IMF wants to inflict radically higher taxes on the world. The article quotes a report by the International Monetary Fund saying "debt burdens in developed nations have become extreme by any historical measure and will re ...
Now Mainstream Notes an Upcoming Wall Street Party
January 02, 2014
Here's a meme often repeated: The free market is under attack in the 21st century. In truth, markets generally have been under increasing attack for the past two or three centuries, or from whenever the modern globalist conspiracy took root. Some date it to the ...
Edward Snowden: Dialectic Piñata
January 02, 2014
This is unfortunately a kind of dominant social theme. We wish it were not so, as it is a quite repugnant one. We also think it is deliberate, for we do not believe in this Snowden episode, even though we would like to. A caveat as well: We have no direct evide ...
America, Outsourcing A Declaration of War?
January 02, 2014
A draft version of the Nuclear Weapon Free Iran Act of 2013 was introduced in the United States Senate on December 19. Section 2 (5) reads, "if the Government of Israel is compelled to take military action in legitimate self-defense against Iran's nuclear weapo ...
Happy New Year!
January 01, 2014
Greetings and warmest regards from all of us at The Daily Bell! We've had quite a year. The newest incarnation of The Daily Bell has been well received on all fronts, but we're not done yet... Stay tuned for more changes and significant additional editorial exp ...
2014 Will Bring More Social Collapse
January 01, 2014
2014 is upon us. For a person who graduated from Georgia Tech in 1961, a year in which the class ring showed the same date right side up or upside down, the 21st century was a science fiction concept associated with Stanley Kubrick's 1968 film, "2001: A Space O ...
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