EDITORIAL Showing 3051 - of
Libertarian Civics Lesson #438
January 01, 2014
It is customary, sadly, for critics of a viewpoint to distort it, caricature it, besmirch it and the like – or at least to mention only aspects of it that could turn out to be untoward some human interests. So, of course, with libertarianism, which is the mos ...
11 Good Things for Liberty in 2013
January 01, 2014
As 2013 draws to a close, let's pause to recall some important developments for the cause of liberty – some of which you already know well, and others you'll be hearing about for the first time. Edward Snowden. After sitting on the Bush-era warrantless wireta ...
Economist: Democracy's Unraveling to Proceed
December 31, 2013
In truth, democracy cannot be improved. It seems to work a bit when constrained in size to those who can fit into, say, a town square. This is how the demos was pursued in Greece and more recently in Switzerland. But the idea of mass democracy is simply a mirag ...
Warmists Stuck in a Sea of Denial
December 31, 2013
So a number of prominent warmists set sail on an icebreaker ship to check on the thinning of the Antarctic ice cap. What they discovered was that the ice was actually thicker than expected. And then they got stuck. If these warmists were in search of the perfec ...
Don't Fear 'Deflation,' Unless Caused by Government
December 31, 2013
Federal Reserve Chairman, Ben Bernanke, and his designated successor, Janet Yellen, have defended the central bank's $4 trillion monetary expansion over the last five years as a necessity to fight recession and prevent deflation. The only problem is that booms ...
Price of Gold Part of a Larger 'Party' Pattern?
December 30, 2013
There is no denying gold has fallen and hasn't yet gotten up. But the reasons for its failure and eventual resurgence remain intensely interesting. Surely no logical person can doubt that the world's securities markets are manipulated. Would that it were not so ...
Audacity of Optimism and the Limning of the Lie
December 30, 2013
This is a great Reuters editorial by the "Edgy Optimist," because it takes aim at a central issue of our time – the ability of our top elites to continue to control the Western sociopolitical and economic narrative. Of course, we have long predicted that this ...
Government Policies Hurt Low-Wage Workers
December 30, 2013
Fast-food workers across the county have recently held a number of high profile protests to agitate for higher wages. These protests have been accompanied by efforts to increase the wages mandated by state and local minimum wage laws, as well as a renewed push ...
Jesse Heaslip, Bitcoin Entrepreneur: How a Government Partnership Will Build a Bright Future
December 29, 2013
For the most part, bitcoin is not anonymous to begin with. That's kind of a myth. In the past, there has been research into tracking micro transactions and you can pretty much figure out the user if you track enough of them. There will always be dark wallets an ...
Tracking IMF Money Manipulation to Pakistan and Beyond
December 28, 2013
The Nation magazine recently posted a small articled entitled, "Pakistan gets second tranche of $553.5m from IMF." We are so used to these kinds of announcements that they hardly register anymore. But this is how the entrenched corruption of our day is carried ...
Jobless Jokes
December 27, 2013
More absurdity from Reuters: The writers and editors want to lead with an upbeat jobs report but then a few grafs later they're admitting "the holiday season has made recent claims data so volatile it has been difficult to interpret." Twenty years ago we didn't ...
Directed History of Modern Debtors' Prisons?
December 27, 2013
We wrote about this over a year and a half ago, but are not amazed to see Fox presenting it. After all, what is the use of a meme if it is not blasted through the airwaves? If people are not intimidated, then those involved in the propagation of these dominant ...
Manipulations Rule the Markets
December 27, 2013
The Federal Reserve's announcement on December 18 that beginning in January its monthly purchases of mortgage-backed financial instruments and US Treasury bonds would each be cut by $5 billion is puzzling, as is the financial press's account of the market's res ...
Now China … Reasons for Printing Money Abound
December 26, 2013
Every central bank of note in the world is printing money faster and faster. We don't think this is any coincidence. The world's top bankers seem to want a huge stock market explosion that will make current averages look fairly tame. What comes after the punch ...
Post Office Funding Is Not About Preserving Mail
December 26, 2013
Why does the US government cling to a government facility that is not needed and loses a lot of money on a regular basis? The funding given to the US Post Office and mentioned above – amounting to six percent – is startling because it begins to reveal a rat ...
The Redistribution of Dreams
December 26, 2013
A friend is celebrating the season by visiting her children in the States. Like many millennials, her 20-something son is working brutal hours for minimum wage at an unfulfilling job. After visiting with him and his girlfriend, my friend emailed, "These kids ar ...
Yes, Virginia, There Is a Santa Claus
December 25, 2013
The following essay was published by The Daily Bell on December 25, 2009 and remains a favorite of ours. It's called, "Yes, Virginia, There Is a Santa Claus." The Federal Reserve and Congress are acting as our collective Santa Claus as we celebrate this Christm ...
Democrats Discover the Laffer Curve
December 25, 2013
USC economist Arthur Laffer identified, back in 1974, an interesting feature of oppressive public policies, applicable in numerous areas of concern to us. The principle acquired the name "the Laffer Curve" and its gist is that people will normally tolerate impo ...
Directed History of the Swiss Tax Settlement
December 24, 2013
More to the point ... what a mess this is. The Swiss Banks are making a desperate effort to fulfill US mandates when it comes to cooperating with US taxing authorities. But the vast effort being made shows clearly how difficult those demands actually are. Proba ...
UnMerry Elite Holidays as Technological Cycles Decrease
December 24, 2013
The printed metal gun referred to in the above article excerpt is an illustration of what we might call the Law of Internet Reformation. Or we might call it karma: For every action there is a reaction. The information/technology revolution that so dispirits man ...
Barack Obama and the Meaning of Socialism
December 24, 2013
Barack Obama is finishing his fifth year as president, and continues to try to move America further in the direction of increased government paternalism with the implementation of ObamaCare, a push for a higher minimum wage, more intrusive business regulation, ...
Economist Mag Defends Fed With an Ode to the Dead
December 23, 2013
The funniest thing about this article – and there are many portions that are at least incongruous – is the short excerpt that was selected as the article's title, above, "Age Shall Not Weary Her." It comes from the "Ode of Remembrance," by English poet Laur ...
Reuters Makes the Rational Case for a Surveillance State
December 23, 2013
We have long predicted that the outcome of the Edward Snowden "revelations" would be a rationalizing of the current global surveillance infrastructure. The problem of those who built the current infrastructure is that not enough people knew about it. These are ...
Progress Toward Peace in 2013, But Dark Clouds Remain
December 23, 2013
It is the time of year we feel a sense of joy and optimism. We are preparing for the holidays and looking to spend time with our families and friends. This year as we look back we see several developments that leave us feeling optimistic. A US attack on Syria w ...
Doug Bell on the Decline of the Green Revolution and the Future of Farming
December 22, 2013
There are generally three basic farming methods: green, organic and no-till. The green farming revolution lasted from the 1940s until today, but gradually it has become less effective, producing diminishing returns as the various chemicals and pesticides have m ...
Farce of Globalism: World Bank Becomes Top Cop?
December 21, 2013
The World Bank has a new mission. The Economic Times tells us that the World Bank has a new enemy to confront. It is not poverty but "corruption." Here's more: Corruption top foe in developing countries: World Bank ... World Bank chief Jim Yong Kim said Thursda ...
Fed's 'Elixir' Is Surely a Temporary One
December 20, 2013
Once again we are exposed to a triumphant article about the eventual infallibility of the Fed. Yes, Ben Bernanke did initially have trouble initiating a "taper" but now he's found the right recipe. The Fed has found the "elixir." It can disentangle itself from ...
Angela Merkel: Let Us Deepen the Union to Raid It
December 20, 2013
Frau Merkel is at it again, proving what we have long observed – that the top men of the eurozone have in mind using every scrap of each EU disaster to promote a further, deeper union. This has actually been stated in so many words in the past, and here we ca ...
Washington Drives the World Toward War
December 20, 2013
Washington has had the US at war for 12 years: Afghanistan, Iraq, Somalia, Libya, Pakistan, Yemen and almost Syria, which could still happen, with Iran waiting in the wings. These wars have been expensive in terms of money, prestige and deaths and injuries of b ...
When We Will Celebrate the End of QE, and Why
December 19, 2013
The promotional propaganda is well underway. We are told that central banks are starting to print less money, especially the Federal Reserve. But to run a central bank is to run a printing press. And no one – no one at all – can ever say with certainty how ...
The Economist Hoists Its Battle Balloon?
December 19, 2013
You can't make this stuff up. The top men in the globalist community have been hard at work building wars and potential wars, and now it's time to let 'er rip. This is one dominant social theme we saw coming miles away. We've been writing about its imminence fo ...
I Pledge Allegiance to PHRMA
December 19, 2013
The US is attempting to give multinational corporations a status that has hitherto been reserved to sovereign nations. According to documents recently leaked from the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) negotiations, the Obama administration wants corporations to b ...
Forced Savings Bait-and-Switch
December 18, 2013
Step by step, government organizes savings for private citizens. Each step may seem logical at the time but the cumulative effect is to strip individuals of any ability to survive outside of the womb of the nanny state. This Reuters article is proposing that "f ...
Schekman's Criticisms of Science Don't Go Far Enough
December 18, 2013
We've often wondered what constitutes civilization. Ayn Rand believed civilization's highest art was privacy. But perhaps, to a degree, it is the rigorous adoption and promulgation of the scientific method. We arrive at the idea by returning to the Renaissance, ...
Demeaning the Declaration
December 18, 2013
Given the considerable power and success of the Declaration of Independence, its detractors – e.g., Professor Garry Wills, in his massive effort to belittle it in his book Inventing America (Houghton Mifflin, 1978, 2002) – are hard put to refute the philoso ...
Cognitive Dissonance of Ben Bernanke?
December 17, 2013
It's always a treat – if one is in the debunking business – to read an article like this in the Financial Times. Pompous, pious, filled with reverence for modern, monetary price fixing, almost every word is a lie and every paragraph offers us identifiable ...
Is NATO's Invisible Hand Alone in the Ukraine?
December 17, 2013
This is one of those stories with no easy answers – except perhaps one. And we'll get to that shortly. The poor, beleaguered Ukrainian culture is torn between East and West and those wishing for a better life apparently have to choose between Russia and the E ...
South Africa and Ending Apartheid: The Free-Market Road Not Taken
December 17, 2013
The public eulogies marking the passing of Nelson Mandela at the age of 95 on December 5, 2013 have refocused attention on the long struggle in South Africa to bring about an end to racial discrimination and the Apartheid system. Mandela and His Marxist View of ...
New Era in DC Is Business-As-Usual … Really?
December 16, 2013
We return to this meme because it is a popular one. We've commented several times before on the mainstream media's determination to declare the US Tea Party dormant. This Reuters article is a good example of the genre. What must be galling to those proposing th ...
Ensuring the Boundaries of Truth
December 16, 2013
The only trouble with this kind of mea culpa is that nations really don't exist. And this is especially true at the top of the federal government where powerful factions compete for clout and funding. It's a blood sport and losing can be serious, indeed, potent ...
After 100 Years Of Failure, It's Time To End The Fed!
December 16, 2013
A week from now, the Federal Reserve System will celebrate the 100th anniversary of its founding. Resulting from secret negotiations between bankers and politicians at Jekyll Island, the Fed's creation established a banking cartel and a board of government over ...
G. Edward Griffin on Globalism, Collectivism and 'Right Principles'
December 15, 2013
There are so many issues, so many fires raging, that we're kind of like a fire brigade. We've only got a limited amount of water and we have to decide which fires we are going to throw the water on. We're running around and somebody says, "This fire over here i ...
Media Intimidation: Determined Policy or Wishful Thinking?
December 14, 2013
The National Journal reports: "Adversarial journalism has been replaced by secretarial journalism. Obamacare's glitches have not slowed the trend." This is not exactly a profound statement but it captures the times. Like much in the National Journal, it is an o ...
Monsanto Marijuana Initiative Grows in Uruguay?
December 13, 2013
Are considerations regarding Monsanto's business progress in South America behind the legalization of marijuana in Uruguay? George Soros was a significant supporter of marijuana legalization in Uruguay, and Soros is reportedly also a big Monsanto shareholder. H ...
Telegraph Article a 'Twofer' When It Comes to Monetary Misdirection
December 13, 2013
This is one of those articles that attempts to humanize central banking by treating these facilities as people and casting (modest) doubt on their expertise and intelligence. Of course, those who stop by here regularly know that we believe monopoly central bank ...
More Misleading Official Employment Statistics
December 13, 2013
The payroll jobs report for November from the Bureau of Labor Statistics says that the US economy created 203,000 jobs in November. As it takes about 130,000 new jobs each month to keep up with population growth, if the payroll report is correct, then most of t ...
Top Conservative Pundit Endorses Redistributionist Major Douglas!
December 12, 2013
We've tried to keep track of this meme because it is perhaps the most insufferable single dominant social theme disseminated by the power elite. To recap: We begin with Henry George who created the idea of a land tax in the mid-1800s; he influenced his disciple ...
From Obamacare to Single Payer – We Told You So
December 12, 2013
Yes, this indeed is what we've predicted. As aficionados of directed history, we observed the recent rollout of Obamacare and decided it was probably incompetent on purpose. We don't have any direct evidence for this except that it is so terribly produced and s ...
Obama Amends the Constitution By Statute
December 12, 2013
The US Constitution is clear. Legislation must be approved by the House of Representatives, the Senate and the president before it becomes law. With very limited exceptions, revenue bills must originate in the House of Representatives. The Obama administration ...
Real Reason for the US's Global Tax Levy
December 11, 2013
One thing is for certain: This amped-up regulatory regime is not about taxes. It's about control ... not just of Swiss banking facilities but ultimately of banks around the world, large and small. In fact, the top elites already run central banks around the wor ...
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