STAFF NEWS & ANALYSIS Showing 3101 - of
The Dialectical Pomposity of the Tapering Promotion
December 11, 2013
In fact, the tapering conversation is not complicated at all. Take a look at a picture of James Bullard sometime. The Bloomberg article carried a photo of him in front of a podium, serious and a bit truculent looking. But in the Modern Era, the wages of success ...
Politicians' Criminal Minds
December 11, 2013
It may have been either Will Rogers or Mark Twain, I cannot now recall which of the two great American humorists it was, who said all politicians are criminals. But it makes no difference because when something is true, its source is not the main issue. Fact is ...
FT Explains the Decline and Fall of the West … Thanks!
December 10, 2013
The Financial Times does us the favor of advancing what we call directed history in this article. It is certainly an amazing article, explaining how the West is collapsing and what it portends. You can see at the end of this excerpt that a specific threat is le ...
Silicon Valley Is Not the Answer to the Surveillance State
December 10, 2013
We are supposed to be grateful that the world's largest tech companies are standing up to US government and its intrusive intel operations. But we have a difficult time summoning the appropriate enthusiasm. From our point of view, it's a kind of "directed histo ...
Time to End America's Century of Central Bank Mismanagement
December 10, 2013
One hundred years ago this month, on December 23, 1913, the Congress passed the Federal Reserve Act, establishing a national central-banking system in the United States. The governing board of the Federal Reserve was organized on August 12, 1914, and the Federa ...
Questions About Bitcoin, Alternative Investing Lead to Freedom Fund
December 09, 2013
Let's start with bitcoin. Then comes a bigger announcement ... We've been skeptical of bitcoin for years. The smug techno-geekness of bitcoin's backers irritated us, especially when we realized what they were supporting – a system that keeps track digitally o ...
Extraordinary Directed History of the WTO Trade Breakthrough
December 09, 2013
We're probably just in a worse mood than usual, but to us this Reuters article has an unusually gloating tone. And we reject totally both the gloating and the reason for it. Governments don't create trade. All governments can do is get in the way of businesspeo ...
Hobby Lobby Case is About Rights, Not Contraceptives
December 09, 2013
One of the most important cases the US Supreme Court will consider this term is Hobby Lobby's lawsuit challenging the Obamacare mandate that employer-provided health care plans must cover abortion and contraceptives. Hobby Lobby, a corporation owned and managed ...
Top Hedge Fund Manager Tom Conrad on Global Equity Trends and Blown-Up Markets
December 08, 2013
Thomas D. Conrad: The petrodollar was viable only because Saudi Arabia was the dominant oil producer and could insist that other countries pay for oil only in US dollars. Lately, the BRIC countries – Brazil, Russia, India and especially China – have made st ...
Authentic Eccentric Toronto Mayor Rob Ford: Just Stuff Him Full of Crack Cocaine …
December 07, 2013
This fat so-and-so is shooting off his mouth again. Just stuff him full of crack cocaine and shut him up. After reading a recent Hill article about Toronto Mayor Rob Ford's comments blasting Obamacare's unaffordability, I looked for a little bit more informatio ...
Taxes: Another Weapon of Globalist Destruction?
December 06, 2013
Say what? This WSJ article warns us that most major governments around the world are contemplating significant tax hikes. There are three major conclusions that we would draw from this. First, those globalists who want homogenized, high-tax societies have no in ...
A Danger to the Constitution? Solutions Must Be Individual
December 06, 2013
This RealClearPolitics transcript is taken from a recent House hearing that featured Professor Jonathan Turley, someone who is #38 among US "public intellectuals." In the excerpt of his address to Congress above, Turley registers concern that President Barack O ...
Defeated By The Taliban, Washington Decides To Take On Russia And China
December 06, 2013
The several days of organized protests in Ukraine are notable for the relative lack of police violence. Unlike in the US, Canada, Thailand, Greece and Spain, peaceful protesters have not been beaten, tear-gassed, water cannoned and tasered by Ukrainian police. ...
Reuters: Why Modern Society Must Do Away With Privacy ASAP
December 05, 2013
Think of government as a stern father or an understanding confessor. Reveal your most intimate secrets. It won't hurt. And it will help to forget that governments slaughtered something like 200 million people in the 20th century. We're well on our way to compre ...
Surveillance State? Washington Post Explains It … Not!
December 05, 2013
Thanks, Washington Post, for explaining what's really going on. But have you? Really? Hmm. We recall Operation Mockingbird, a CIA operation that even Wikipedia – that black hole of disinformation – admits was in force in the 20th century. Of course, we are ...
Death by Methodological Individualism
December 05, 2013
The great political lie is that individuals need the state. It is a lie on at least two levels. The first layer of the great lie: It states the opposite of what is true; the state needs individuals. And the state is desperate for you to believe it is indispensa ...
Predictably, Krugman Flees the Scene
December 04, 2013
This is a good article because it begins a necessary process of identifying those who have chosen to support the international regime and its falsehoods. As the West degenerates, as monetary systems fail, as war expands and the Leviathan produces endless, sense ...
Mercantilist Monsanto: Driver of Organic Farming
December 04, 2013
What is going on with this Monsanto study is similar to what happened to Dr. Andrew Wakefield when he had the temerity to publish information that might be interpreted as linking autism to vaccinations. Wakefield has been pursued relentlessly. Today, he is no l ...
Real Economic History
December 04, 2013
Although I am no professional historian, I do have an interest in what happened and why, especially involving big economic events of the past. One such event is the Great Depression. I attended a superb week long conference a while back (Cato Institute's Summer ...
Central Banking: Sterile as the Grave
December 03, 2013
Who knows what the Fed is really going to do? All we can say for certain, as we read this article, is that rates are not going up any time soon. Money will continue to pour into the stock market. And the coverage of what will be first a tremendous boom and then ...
UN 'Issue at the Apex of Public Concerns'
December 03, 2013
This is almost enough to make one forgive the UN. Or maybe not. Maybe this is the reaction that top men at the UN want. They want us to shout from the rooftops, finally – finally! – someone is standing up for civil rights. Someone realizes that Western spoo ...
Why I Am an Anarcho-Capitalist
December 03, 2013
A great many people – more than ever, probably – describe themselves as supporters of the free market today, in spite of the unrelenting propaganda against it. And that's great. Those statements of support, however, are followed by the inevitable but: but w ...
The Menace and Immorality of the Welfare State
December 03, 2013
In the United States policies are being promulgated by those with political power in Washington, D. C. that involve a massive and dangerous growth in the size and scope of government. At the core of the Obama administration's push for implementing a comprehensi ...
Party On Wall Street! Larry Summers Wants to Charge People for Saving
December 02, 2013
This excerpt of an editorial by Paul Craig Roberts shows clearly that our analysis of the long-running public-banking/alternative money promotion was probably correct. From our humble perspective, these monetary cons were created as monetary promotions to provi ...
Jim Rogers … Sign of the Times?
December 02, 2013
What are we to make of this strong statement by the famous Jim Rogers whom we have interviewed in the past? Rogers is a top commodities trader and the former partner of one of the most famous financiers in the world: George Soros. Rogers saying the Fed ought to ...
You Cannot Negotiate With Iran?
December 02, 2013
You cannot negotiate with Iran. That is what they told us for years. The Iranian leadership is too fanatical, they are not rational actors, they are "not like us." One US official even recently said that deception is part of the Iranian DNA. But just over a wee ...
The Aden Sisters on Gold, Commodities and Near-Term Market Prospects
December 01, 2013
Stocks are bullish and bonds are bearish. The US dollar is resuming its bear market decline and the global currencies are headed higher. The metals and their shares are bombed out, still vulnerable and near their lows, and commodities are bearish. We are invest ...
The Careful Calibration of Mr. Huszar's Limited Hangout
November 30, 2013
Andrew Huszar has been making the rounds apologizing for Federal Reserve strategies, and he recently gave an interview to RT that was posted as " 'Easy money' a relief for financiers, burden for most Americans – former Fed trader … " Huszar's comments are c ...
ECB Warning: More Directed History
November 29, 2013
Have you noticed the disarray? China is squaring off against Japan and the United States over some funny little islands. Israel is furious with the United States over an Iranian pact and may go to war. And now the ECB is facing off with the Fed over monetary ea ...
Real Message of Global Warming Exposed
November 29, 2013
So much has been said and written about global warming that one would think it was entirely debunked by now. But it is not as we can see in the above article. Of course, as this issues out of what is inaptly called the UN News Centre, we are not surprised by th ...
What Percentage of My Assets Should I Hold in Precious Metals?
November 29, 2013
I am often asked what percentage of their total assets or liquid portfolio a person or family should hold in precious metals. I find it impossible to answer this question generically. What I can do is describe the process I use to help determine the ideal amoun ...
Could We Have Been Any More Correct About the Stock Market?
November 28, 2013
We've been banging the drum regularly for higher highs on the stock market, and here comes Richard Duncan in a Financial Sense interview to confirm our perceptions. Of course, predictions are not necessarily reality, but Duncan sees what we do. His reasons are ...
Real Message of Global Warming Exposed
November 28, 2013
So much has been said and written about global warming that one would think it was entirely debunked by now. But it is not as we can see in the above article. Of course, as this issues out of what is inaptly called the UN News Centre, we are not surprised by th ...
The Morality and Usefulness of Sexual Assassination
November 28, 2013
This article makes some good points, but it doesn't go far enough. State promulgated sexual revelations are indeed a form of low-intensity warfare, but by no means are the tactics restricted to a shadowy overseas enemy. What Western intel certainly does is use ...
The Reason Police Brutality Is Rising
November 28, 2013
A headline in Mint Press News (Nov. 6) declared, "U.S. Police Have Killed Over 5,000 Civilians Since 9/11." An earlier Mint article (Aug. 19) reported, "Claims of Minneapolis Police Misconduct: 439; Officers Disciplined: 0." It is almost cliché to talk about a ...
Forward Guidance Takes a Step Back
November 27, 2013
This Telegraph article features, naturally, someone who has been called "the most talented central banker of his age" and a gobbledygook term called "forward guidance." Mark Carney, the Bank of England's newest boss, is perhaps its most aggressive adopter of a ...
Masters of Destruction
November 27, 2013
The top elites are actually simple folk. They have a lot of money (more than is ordinarily dreamt of) and when they are threatened by an event like the current information revolution that has exposed them and their machinations they fight back in three simple w ...
Health Fascism On Its Way
November 27, 2013
Paul Krugman, Princeton economist and columnist for The New York Times, has never had a problem with coercing people to do what they'd rather not do. So it's no surprise that he favors the universal health care system advocated by numerous politicians in our ti ...
Higher Highs and the Self-Fulfilling Stock Market Prophecy
November 26, 2013
Do you really believe, dear reader, that the US economy is booming and the stock market is soaring because things are so good? We don't believe it. But this article in the online Wall Street Journal makes the case that the US economy and its equity-based capit ...
Real Reason Behind the Ukraine Unrest
November 26, 2013
Do people in the Ukraine really want to join the European Union? Obviously, some do, as we can see from this Spiegel article. Russia is not well loved in the Ukraine and the EU is a counterweight. The history bears this out. The establishment of the Ukrainian P ...
Thanksgiving Marks the Birth of American Free Enterprise
November 26, 2013
This time of the year, whether in good economic times or bad, is when many Americans gather with their families and friends and enjoy a Thanksgiving meal together. It marks a remembrance of those early Pilgrim Fathers who crossed the uncharted ocean from Europe ...
Regarding Antitrust: Please Check Your Premises
November 25, 2013
This Reuters article is positively gleeful that antitrust enforcement is going worldwide. There is something about threatening people with physical violence that excites many in the media. They simply cannot get enough expansionist government and its results. B ...
Old Media Isn't Collapsing – It's a Lot More Complex Than That
November 25, 2013
This Business Insider article shows us clearly that we need to be sophisticated analyzers of consumer information in order to understand the trends taking place in US media. Or not. We read the Business Insider article over several times and, like many feedback ...
Can Karzai Save Us?
November 25, 2013
After a year of talks over the post-2014 US military presence in Afghanistan, the US administration announced last week that a new agreement had finally been reached. Under the deal worked out with Afghan President Hamid Karzai, the US would keep thousands of t ...
Most Bizarre Hedging Statement Ever?
November 23, 2013
Just look at this. Here it is in all its glory, from a recent Bloomberg article entitled "Gold Analysts Most Bearish Since June on Fed Taper: Commodities": "For safe-haven assets, there's no point because the economy is recovering," said Andrey Kryuchenkov, a c ...
Bitcoin: Hoping for the Best After Bernanke's Endorsement
November 22, 2013
Bitcoin is making its way forward as digital money. Perhaps, as we have speculated, it has been chosen to anticipate other such currencies and to be controlled if possible. This opinion piece from Reuters explains the possibility of this control and also makes ...
Global Warming Turmoil: The Meme Abides
November 22, 2013
We are certainly seeing an elaboration of the global warming meme. The damages are increasingly controversial. Money is an end game, though not THE end game. The argument is seen to be one of the "rich countries" versus the "poor countries." And perhaps this is ...
The Kennedy Assassination (November 22, 1963) 50 Years Later
November 22, 2013
November 22, 2013, is the 50th anniversary of the assassination of President John F. Kennedy. The true story of JFK's murder has never been officially admitted, although the conclusion that JFK was murdered by a plot involving the Secret Service, the CIA and th ...
Open the Window and Let Out Tedious Tapering
November 21, 2013
The exercise of power is often a ludicrously simple thing. And Federal Reserve deliberations often partake of such simplicity. The tapering debate is yet one more example. It is symptomatic of a dialectic that everyone can understand and participate in. We are ...
Census Fakery and Banana Republics
November 21, 2013
What leaps out from this information is the extent to which the US has fallen. And there is a larger question: How long can informed citizens be subject to disinformation at all levels of their lives before they become disheartened and even sickened? This is no ...
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