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Measuring the Extent of a Police State
November 21, 2013
I believe America's political institutions are beyond redemption. The hope for America lies with individuals who live freedom rather than talk about it or pursue it through authorized means. Freedom now rests with individuals who say "no," in combination or alo ...
The Fundamental Characteristic that Recommends Janet Yellen
November 20, 2013
Bloomberg wants us to believe that life must always be like this ... a kind of spectator sport in which our betters make decisions about our prosperity and even our survival. Of course, the US economy has been failing for years so perhaps there is not that much ...
Delusions of David Cameron Have a Larger Import
November 20, 2013
David Cameron says that snails are a side effect of sun spots … David Cameron says that a certain kind of elderberry grows on the far side of the moon … David Cameron says that sea salt is actually the polar spume of Southern extremities … You see? We can ...
Obama's Utilitarian Foibles
November 20, 2013
The utilitarian insists that the morally right way to act is to promote the greatest good for the greatest number (of people but perhaps of all sentient beings). This goes for public policy as well! The goal overrides any individual rights, so if to secure it s ...
Geithner Joins the Wall Street Party
November 19, 2013
We'd like to think Mr. Geithner is qualified – but for what? This is just the way the game is played, as we can see from this excerpt. It is disturbing, though, because business as usual continues despite the nation's increasing dysfunction. And Mr. Geithner ...
EU Seizes on Snowden Revelations to Justify a Deeper Union
November 19, 2013
The often convenient leakings of Edward Snowden are bearing fruit yet again. The EU is using his revelations to posture as the sole voice of a region with dozens of nation-states. We've been pointing this out for the longest time. Eurocrats have long been of th ...
Opposing Bad Laws Like ObamaCare is not Un-American
November 19, 2013
Should bad legislation be supported simply because it is the "law of the land"? Larry Summers, Treasury Secretary under Bill Clinton and former economic advisor to Barack Obama, thinks so. In a recent editorial Summers argues that in spite of the false start an ...
Why We're Not Sneering at the Averages
November 18, 2013
In this case, we're aligning with a primary dominant social theme, which is that the stock market is on the way up. We can see here that this meme is being enunciated once again ... and we are not surprised. In fact, as regular Daily Bell readers know, we've be ...
Retaining Their Freedom Is the Real Problem US Citizens Face
November 18, 2013
This article is a good example of how modern US journalism in the mainstream media frames problems and solutions to come up with answers that are increasingly irrelevant. In truth, the US deficit, money printing and monetary inflation are out of control – but ...
Federal Reserve Steals From the Poor and Gives to the Rich
November 18, 2013
Last Thursday the Senate Banking Committee held hearings on Janet Yellen's nomination as Federal Reserve Board Chairman. As expected, Ms. Yellen indicated that she would continue the Fed's "quantitative easing" (QE) policies, despite QE's failure to improve the ...
Jim Rogers on Price Inflation, Investing in Asia and Why China Will Continue to Boom
November 17, 2013
It looks as though gold's been correcting for some time. It seems to have been making a bottom over the last year. It is making new lows and it seems to be making a bottom. All markets do have corrections along their way and the stock market, as you probably re ...
Bloomberg: So Many Memes, So Little Time
November 16, 2013
Republicans are beginning to mention a gold link for the US dollar once more. This information is presented to us in a recent Bloomberg article entitled, "Republicans Asserting Reliance on Gold as World Loses Faith." This is more of a dominant social theme than ...
What Janet Yellen Will Host and Why
November 15, 2013
What is most interesting about Janet Yellen's nomination and expected confirmation, as mentioned in the article, is that it is taking place at all. The Internet and alternative media websites are filled with frustration over central banking policies. Free-marke ...
Silence of the Vaccine Makers
November 15, 2013
This is indeed a tremendous coincidence. Just as two pharmaceutical corporations are in the midst of researching bird flu vaccines come worrisome reports that a certain strain of bird flu is spreading from birds to humans. You can almost see the profits lining ...
What Is The Real Agenda Of The American Police State?
November 15, 2013
In my last column I emphasized that it was important for American citizens to demand to know what the real agendas are behind the wars of choice by the Bush and Obama regimes. These are major, long-term wars each lasting two to three times as long as World War ...
Congressional Hearings to Provide Bitcoin Enlightenment?
November 14, 2013
We've written several articles somewhat critical of bitcoin, which has predictably generated a wave of irritated feedbacks from the faithful. And certainly bitcoin has its defenders. In fact, the electronic currency has considerable value according to quoted pr ...
The UK Recovery that Isn't … the Market Recovery that Is
November 14, 2013
The meme of "recovery" is in full bloom, as we can see from this article. But that's all it is. A meme, a promotional element plucked from an elite quiver full of such. Let's review what we've learned in the five years of the Great Recession. We've learned that ...
Obamacare and the New Soviet Man
November 14, 2013
Obamacare's failure to enlist young people into its ranks may well result in an American version of the New Soviet Man. That man was the communist ideal of a person who served the state and its leader with selfless devotion. White House advisor Dr. Ezekiel Eman ...
Breaking Through the Cloud Cover
November 14, 2013
I was reading a commentary this morning by a Swiss money manager whose opinion I respect. He commented that there was a widespread perception that something is very wrong, though people can't quite put their finger on what that is. He argues that the problem is ...
AP Exposes Ethanol … We Want More
November 13, 2013
As we can see, AP is fearlessly pursuing the problems with government-sponsored ethanol production. AP is one of the leaders of Western journalism, known for its extensive coverage of Lady Gaga and probing analysis of the West's power structure ... an analysis ...
Typhoon Haiyan: Never Let a Crisis Go to Waste
November 13, 2013
We have often referred to this dominant social theme as a kind of metaphorical zombie that continues to lurch forward even when partially dismembered. We can see here how this theme progresses once more. Mr. Sano is in tears because he is sure the typhoon that ...
New Lenses
November 13, 2013
What's happening with the economy and why? Is there no end to this? What can I do to protect my family and myself, to plan better for the future? Many of us have asked questions to this effect at one point. Running away from the madness of it all is impossible. ...
Liberty and Productivity
November 13, 2013
Statists routinely suggest their distrust of human initiative. This is why they keep advocating government stimuli instead of free markets. In a free market, one which prohibits government intrusions, regulations and regimentation, it is understood that when me ...
EU Easing to Infinity and Beyond?
November 12, 2013
Unlike many mainstream publications, the UK Telegraph often takes an idiosyncratic view of mainstream wisdom, at least when it comes to the European Union. And this article is no exception. It debunks at least some of the latest elite narrative regarding the EU ...
Summers's Startling Obamacare Admission
November 12, 2013
From a freedom perspective this is almost a funny editorial. Lawrence Summers, who nearly became head of the Federal Reserve, is worried not only that the flawed 'Net rollout of Obamacare is hurting the initiative but also that the government's obvious incompet ...
Restoring the Ideal of Liberty in America
November 12, 2013
The controversy and scandal over Obamacare in America today is not simply about a website that does not work, or existing private health care insurance policies that are being dropped, or government-approved health insurance policies that cost a lot more becaus ...
Having Removed Money Competition, Bernanke Contemplates an Artificial Moral Hazard
November 11, 2013
Bernanke wants to scare the bankers, as we can see from the above article excerpt. But why not just let the marketplace do it? Competition can provide the necessary discipline. This is part of the frustration of reading such articles appearing in mainstream edi ...
Der Spiegel: US Paranoia is a Cultural Phenomenon … Say What?
November 11, 2013
If you are an aficionado of dominant social themes the way some are fans of fine cigars, then Der Spiegel is the Cohiba Esplendido of Western mainstream media, ranking right up there with The Economist and the Washington Post. This article is so full of dominan ...
Chained CPI Chains Taxpayers
November 11, 2013
One of the least discussed, but potentially most significant, provisions in President Obama's budget is the use of the "chained consumer price index" (chained CPI), to measure the effect of inflation on people's standard of living. Chained CPI is an effort to a ...
Ron Holland on 'Restoring Our American Legacy' and Protecting Your Wealth in Perilous Times
November 10, 2013
First, investors need to stop watching the Wall Street propaganda channels commonly known as Fox Business and CNBC. This is like trying to learn about true love and healthy relationships on a porn channel. Second, as much as Wall Street and the US insurance car ...
Money and Power vs. 'Money Power'
November 09, 2013
Forbes has posted an article, "New York Is The New Power For Silicon Valley Tech IPOs," explaining the Valley is now subservient to New York. But was Silicon Valley ever really in charge? This article will make the point that the balance of power never really s ...
The Madness of Twitter
November 08, 2013
IPOs sometimes catch the spirit of the times and Twitter certainly did. A company that allows people to send out tiny messages to lots of "followers" is worth US$25 billion or so based on yesterday's IPO. The company sits on the Big Board where Ford sits, where ...
McAuliffe Lesson: To Change Politics, First Change Culture
November 08, 2013
We can see from this bit of news (published before the Cuccinelli loss in Virginia) that it is "open season" on the Tea Party and libertarians. The mainstream parties are united only in their disdain and fear of what can certainly be characterized as a growing ...
How America Was Lost
November 08, 2013
"No legal issue arises when the United States responds to a challenge to its power, position, and prestige." Dean Acheson, 1962, speaking to the American Society of International Law. Dean Acheson declared 51 years ago that power, position and prestige are the ...
Premeditation of Currency Wars
November 07, 2013
Directed history? The top men in banking and industry want a world currency. John Maynard Keynes, the most influential economist of post-World War II decades, suggested that something called the bancor be formed, perhaps based on a basket of currencies. This is ...
Tea Party Declining: A Fundamental Misreading of History
November 07, 2013
This opening Bloomberg excerpt describes "a retired software engineer" who believes the Tea Party has hijacked his party. Our question: What party is he talking about? And here is another question: Just what the hell is the Tea Party? Perhaps the Bloomberg arti ...
The Industrial Revolution You Haven't Met
November 07, 2013
In textile factories, they were called "scavengers." The typical scavenger was about six years old, and the child's job was to reclaim loose cotton that fell under the machinery. Because the machines kept operating, terrible injuries were commonplace. History p ...
IPO Market Taking Off, as Predicted
November 06, 2013
We've often written about directed history and how elites put in place historical justifications for war, political movements, economic episodes and, of course, market movements. The current convulsion of stock market activity is very much a kind of directed hi ...
The Greek Dilemma Is the Product of the Dialectic
November 06, 2013
This is one of those Guardian articles where you can almost hear the newspaper's inner socialist shouting come out. The trouble is that the Guardian writers and editors are having trouble building the proper workers' narrative. Instead of pointed, even dramatic ...
Obama versus Hayek
November 06, 2013
The most prominent of Austrian economists was the late F.A. Hayek. He won the Nobel Prize in economic science – shared it with Gunnar Myrdal whose ideas in the discipline of political economy were nearly the opposite of Hayek's – in 1974. His last book, The ...
Gold Will Have Its Day
November 05, 2013
Every week or month, Bloomberg editors attack gold and this article, striking out at chief gold bug Peter Schiff, is more of the same. The bias is subtle but apparent. The article manages to point out that Schiff's father is in jail for tax evasion and that Pet ...
Twitter IPO Another Sign of Burning Market
November 05, 2013
We remember the Internet IPO boom nearly 15 years ago and how it ended in tears for so many. Now we've got a new boom on our hands, apparently, if Facebook and Twitter provide us with accurate evidence of what's going on. Of course, as indicated many times, we ...
Beware the Panhandlers of a New Inflationary Panacea
November 05, 2013
For centuries inflation has been considered a quick fix for economic problems. Create a lot of money, raise prices, and prosperity for all shall be assured in a short amount of time. With the US economy stuck in slow growth and a relatively high rate of unemplo ...
Corporatism: Another Tentacle of Mainstream Republicanism
November 04, 2013
There was a brief moment when Ron Paul was breaking away from the field and was even threatening Mitt Romney several months before the convention. Then all hell broke loose. Ron Paul reps were beaten up and various rule changes were rushed through benefitting R ...
IPCC Global Warming Leak Proverbial Third Shoe Dropping
November 04, 2013
Was this IPCC report leaked on purpose? A strange coincidence anyway. Follow the logic ... Saturday's editorial at The Daily Bell pointed out that James Cameron was leading the charge to cover global warming through the eyes of world-famous Hollywood stars. Mea ...
What Was Not Said About Iraq
November 04, 2013
October was Iraq's deadliest month since April, 2008. In those five and a half years, not only has there been no improvement in Iraq's security situation, but things have gotten much worse. More than 1,000 people were killed in Iraq last month, the vast majorit ...
Gerald Celente on Multinationalism, Breaking the Chains and Individual Renaissance
November 03, 2013
It's not only the US; it's the entire world. In the next Trends Journal in the "Epiphany" piece that I'm doing I've come up with the epiphany that this is not globalization; it's multinationalization. What we're looking at is a corporate takeover of such great ...
Global Warming: The Wall Street Party Has Begun
November 02, 2013
The party is on. And you read it here first. As we observe this phenomenon, we realize that global warming is going to play a big role in Wall Street's upcoming and ongoing promotion. But let's take it from the top. Several things just happened that confirm a f ...
Bill Gross's High Stakes Hold-Up
November 01, 2013
This is surely a blossoming dominant social theme. The bigger you are in the 21st century, the more you owe society. But like all such memes, you need to turn it upside down to fully comprehend its awfulness. This is nothing but a high-stakes hold up on Gross's ...
UBS Finally Made Some Money for Someone
November 01, 2013
We used the word "country" above to exaggerate a logical flaw: There is no "country." There is a Swiss culture but from what we can tell, the people partaking of the culture are not in any way happy with UBS regardless of how the "bailout" turned out. Why shoul ...
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