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Is Paul Krugman a Voodoo Economist?
November 01, 2013
Readers ask me if Paul Krugman could be correct that deficits don't matter and that neither does printing endless reams of money with which to purchase the Treasury's debt instruments that finance the deficits. If people at home and abroad who hold dollars and ...
The New Deal Is Still a Non-Starter
October 31, 2013
Just in case there was some doubt about the amount of monetization going on, we present this report by Ambrose Evans-Pritchard via the UK Telegraph. "The most extreme excess of global liquidity ever," JP Morgan tells us. That's a significant statement. We've wr ...
Conspiracy Theories? BBC Loses Its PC Mind
October 31, 2013
Who on Earth commissioned this article from the BBC? From the point of view of dominant social themes and the dialectic it is an admirable piece of work but from every other standpoint it is a miserable failure. A few decades ago, we wouldn't be commenting on i ...
The Great Lie of Modern Unions
October 31, 2013
Few aspects of America's past are as thoroughly misunderstood as the history of the labor movements that thrived in the late 19th and early 20th centuries. The modern union that arose and usurped their place was the antithesis of what it claimed to be. It did n ...
Introducing Islamic Financial Futurist David Cameron!
October 30, 2013
We've written many times that the United Arab Emirates was being used as a laboratory for Western finance. Well, they are, you see! This article certainly seems to confirm it. (Thanks, Hugo.) Here's more. "For years people have been talking about creating an Is ...
IMF Happy Talk Cannot Obscure Japan's Reality
October 30, 2013
Printing a lot of money is really helping the Japanese economy, according to the International Monetary Fund. In fact, according to the IMF, there's plenty of room to do more if need be. This is part of a larger trend we've been observing of late. Whether it is ...
Investment and Prudence
October 30, 2013
To be prudent amounts to making sure that one takes good care of oneself in all important areas of one's life. Health, wealth, family, friendship, understanding, etc. are all in need of good care so that one will achieve and sustain one's development as a human ...
Carney Gets Ready to Blow Up the World
October 29, 2013
This article is truly scary. Like a bullet across the bow, or the crack of a whip, it announces with certainty that the world's top bankers intend to blanket the world with faux currency. They don't give a hoot. They're out to give us the business and bust the ...
Economy Coming in High and Hard
October 29, 2013
In the other article in this issue, we indicated that the sociopaths running central banks were not going to be satisfied until they'd inflated markets far past where they've ever been logically or historically. But there is one caveat to this scenario that Blo ...
Keynesian Economist Who Wanted to Sidestep the Constitution
October 29, 2013
Nobel prize-winning Keynesian economist Lawrence Klein died on October 20, 2013, at the age of 93. A long-time professor of economics at the University of Pennsylvania, he was awarded the Nobel Prize in 1980 for his development of econometric (or statistical) m ...
America's Slippage Is Obama's Fault … or Not
October 28, 2013
Talk about "crocodile tears." This McClatchy article lists why foreign leaders are upset with the US but hardly a word of it is true. It's part of a larger narrative now being established that the US is losing its "leadership position" and that like other might ...
EU Leaders Plot New Crisis?
October 28, 2013
We've written in the past about how certain European Union leaders made statements that a fiscal crisis would eventually drive a deeper political union. Well, they got their crisis, a rolling one, but the deeper union is taking a good deal of time to consolidat ...
A Welcome US/Saudi 'Reset'
October 28, 2013
Last week it was reported that Saudi Arabia decided to make a "major shift" away from its 80 years of close cooperation with the United States. The Saudi leadership is angry that the Obama administration did not attack Syria last month, and that it has not deli ...
Dr. Antal Fekete on Real Bills, Quantity of Money Theory and the New Austrian Economic Manifesto
October 27, 2013
Antal Fekete: The liquidity trap is claptrap invented by Keynes. If the Fed is trying to fend off deflation, then it is using counter-productive means to achieve its ends. Paradoxically, ZIRP (zero interest rate policy) has the effect of destroying capital. It ...
Salon: One World After All
October 26, 2013
An article in Salon was recently brought to our attention by Hugo, a feedbacker. It is entitled "Elites' strange plot to take over the world." Thanks, Hugo. Appearing about a month ago, it is basically an admission of the entire globalist enterprise over the pa ...
Let Our Debt Scrub Our Brains
October 25, 2013
This is kinda out of the blue. Broke individuals tend to borrow on the off chance that they'll be able to reimburse the money next time round. Usually that doesn't happen, which is why it is a bad reason to borrow when you're already not making it. Better to pu ...
Finally, the End of Keynesianism
October 25, 2013
Are you a Keynesian? So many seem to be. Do you really believe that a properly functioning, mathematically literate approach to high finance can salvage what's left of the financial systems of the US, the West, the entire world? Top central bankers apparently d ...
As Ye Sow, So Shall Ye Reap
October 25, 2013
The year 2014 could be shaping up as the year that the chickens come home to roost. Americans, even well-informed ones, don't know all of the mistakes made by neoconized and corrupted Washington in the past two decades. However, enough is known to see that the ...
Facebook: Changing the Face of Mercantilism
October 24, 2013
Facebook is an example of how corporate America has gone off the proverbial tracks. It is, unfortunately, a powerful signifier about how finance works in the 21st century, in the West anyway. It surely holds various lessons for investors. For speculators, ident ...
Global Warming – A Dangerous Insanity on Many Levels
October 24, 2013
This article was posted at the Drudge Report and elsewhere with a headline referring to its claim of US$1 billion dollars a day in expenditures. The real news, therefore, was not that the world's spending was "flatlining" but that a billion was being spent ever ...
Know Your Class Enemy, Know Your Class Ally
October 24, 2013
The much vaunted class conflict between rich and poor is political fraud on stilts. It comes from a bastardization of class analysis that is used to divide people who might otherwise unite and turn against the true threat: the state. In reality, entrepreneurs a ...
Stagflation of the 2000s
October 23, 2013
There has been criticism aimed at the free-market economic paradigm over the past few years. But as far as we can see, it's been correct. In fact, as we can see from this excerpt, the only model that makes any sense these days is the one that has predicted for ...
What Is Fed's Third Mandate?
October 23, 2013
We hardly know what to make of this. The US Federal Reserve is responsible for maintaining a healthy level of employment and also a stable money supply. It doesn't do either because it can't, and thus has now received what is basically a third vast responsibili ...
Communitarianism and Reproductive Rights
October 23, 2013
One of the major differences between individualists and communitarians is that the latter believe the individual human being belongs to his or her community. Whatever decisions men and women make, it must square with what is best for the community, for the trib ...
Economist Mag: Just Print, Baby
October 22, 2013
Just when we believed the lunacy couldn't get any worse, here comes The Economist magazine with a diagnosis for fixing what ails the US: Print more money. Print it hard and fast. This analysis focuses on the proverbial "liquidity trap." It is, of course, a Keyn ...
Swiss Turn to Legislation to Save Capitalism?
October 22, 2013
We retain a level of respect for Swiss society, though the Swiss political class seems to be doing what it can to damage what's good and increase the bad. The article seems to show the Swiss are fighting back. The Swiss bank-based economy is certainly under att ...
Restoring a Spirit of Liberty Will Solve America's Political Problems
October 22, 2013
The news shows and the editorial pages of America's mainstream media have all focused on the claimed extremism of the Tea Party conservatives in bringing about an apparent partial government shutdown and trying to prevent an increase in the national debt limit. ...
Debunking the Recovery Meme – A Lousy Job but Someone's Got to Do It
October 21, 2013
The only real recovery that is taking place in the US or Britain or the EU is a financial industry recovery. Sooner or later stocks are likely going a lot higher and the mainstream media is going to report on this manipulation as if it is representative of a mi ...
Healthcare: The Technocracy Strikes Out
October 21, 2013
This article in The Wall Street Journal seemed noteworthy to us because it was actually honest about the current disaster that is Obamacare. Because of this, it is also attacking a main elite meme of "technocracy," the idea that government is filled with effici ...
Debt Ceiling Deal: DC Wins, Americans Lose
October 21, 2013
Washington, DC, Wall Street and central bankers around the world rejoiced this week as Congress came to an agreement to end the government shutdown and lift the debt ceiling. The latest spending-and-debt deal was negotiated by congressional leaders behind close ...
Restoring Our American Legacy
October 21, 2013
This is the text of Ron Holland's speech about his new book, Restoring Our American Legacy, presented at the first annual High Alert Investment Conference in Cape Breton, Nova Scotia on October 18, 2013. Later in the article we will tell you how to receive a fr ...
James Jaeger on His Latest Film, MOLON LABE, and the Restoration of Militias
October 20, 2013
James Jaeger: Previously we released a movie called FIAT EMPIRE – Why the Federal Reserve Violates the U.S. Constitution. That movie was a primer on the "power of the purse." MOLON LABE – How the Second Amendment Guarantees America's Freedom is a primer on ...
The Tea Party's Unspoken Political, Economic and Financial Ramifications
October 19, 2013
Reuters is carrying an editorial today on how the DC "government has failed us – again." Knowing Reuters's record on articles like this, you might wonder why I stopped to read it. It was the title of the article, "The Sanity Caucus," that caught my eye. Surpr ...
No, Economist – the Real Problem of Big Science Is Big Banking
October 18, 2013
The Economist has focused on one of the enduring scandals of the past century – which is how science and scientific research has been perverted by the pressures of modernity. We've written about this a good deal, of course, and our conclusion is that science, ...
The Taper: Reality and Myth
October 18, 2013
Seldom in any modest-sized article do we find so many dominant social themes presented in such a rapid-fire way. Ostensibly, this Reuters article excerpted above is simply an examination of the tapering timeline. But such a simple subject yields up one problema ...
Shutdown Ending but Larger Difficulties Remain
October 17, 2013
As of our deadline, the US Congress had struck a deal to end a government shutdown, as described in the Jerusalem Post article, excerpted above. The Post explains how the shutdown occurred and mentions the main ramification, which is that Fitch Ratings is ready ...
Money Play? New Media Strikes Back
October 17, 2013
In this article, we will comment on the New Media venture referred to in this blog from the standpoint of information control and also from a Daily Bell perspective. Ultimately, what is going on may reveal business opportunities, and we'll mention those as well ...
Metaethical Foibles at Work
October 17, 2013
There is much speculation about what is going on in the public policy debates that are afoot these days. But no one to my knowledge has noted that a particular philosophical position may be very influential in all the discussion. This is that idea that moral/po ...
Fama's Nobel and the Non-Science of Investing
October 16, 2013
The Nobel Prize was NOT awarded to Eugene Fama and his colleagues this week, though the same loosely affiliated cabal that tries to make central banking into a technocratic discipline wants you to think it was. And today, we take advantage of this. The awarding ...
Now France to Break Away From EU? Stay Tuned
October 16, 2013
In our quest to quantify what we call the Internet Reformation, the Telegraph's Ambrose Evans-Pritchard is sometimes helpful because of his skill (unusual in the mainstream media) in integrating business and economic trends with political ones. This article, ex ...
Whatever Became of Western Civilization?
October 16, 2013
Not that long ago government and free market proponents were at sword's point, but no more. With little left in the private sector to rip off, the financial gangsters have turned to the public sector and put to work for them the free market economists' advocacy ...
Ms. Yellen Swings the Axe
October 15, 2013
Can we call 'em or what? This is one of those narratives that grows stronger as we go. First the JOBS Act, then the cave-in on "tapering" and now comes the Big Bird herself, Her gray eminence, The Dove: See the article excerpt above. Janet Yellen ... The Big Bo ...
Economist Mag's Wise Words to the BRICs … Not
October 15, 2013
The Economist is truly "the gift that keeps on giving," for an alternative news group such as ours. We couldn't resist this article because it is so, well ... fatuous. The Economist wants the BRICs to slow their monetary output and practice austerity. India, Ru ...
Not Raising the Debt Limit Equals a Balanced Budget
October 15, 2013
The mainstream media and the Washington, D.C.-obsessed news pundits are in hysterics that the United States government is potentially facing default if the Congress does not increase the legal debt limit, so the U.S. Treasury can continue to borrow more and mor ...
Who Is Really Destabilizing the Dollar?
October 14, 2013
With this announcement, excerpted above, what's going on worldwide becomes just a little bit clearer. We take it for granted at this point that the Edward Snowden affair is not what it seems (we've mentioned our reservations previously) and a lot of the followi ...
Cynicism of Bankers
October 14, 2013
This Reuters article above reinforces the meme mentioned in today's lead article. The idea basically is that the US is being a terrible steward of the world's reserve currency and that its carelessness is putting the world's "recovery" at risk. Of course, if th ...
New Fed Boss Same as the Old Boss
October 14, 2013
The news that Janet Yellen was nominated to become the next Chairman of the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System was greeted with joy by financial markets and the financial press. Wall Street saw Yellen's nomination as a harbinger of continued easy ...
Catherine Austin Fitts on Moral Investing and the Coming Equity 'Crash-Up'
October 13, 2013
We thank Catherine Austin Fitts for this thoughtful interview. From our perspective, her interest in the JOBS Act and crowdfunding is especially significant. The JOBS Act is important in terms of what is going to come next from an industrial standpoint. For dec ...
Lesson Learned: The Constrained Conservative Agenda
October 12, 2013
If we examine this week's main events, we observe some powerful dominant social themes in action. Perhaps the biggest continuing news was the US government shutdown. The memes were predictable enough, having to do with the efficacy of government and the necessi ...
What Happens if the Shutdown Causes the Treasury to Run Out of Money
October 12, 2013
In a speech to the Commonwealth Club, San Francisco, November 23, 2010, Peter Dale Scott gave a history of the various directives concerned with government continuity during a state of emergency. He showed that these directives could be used to supersede the Co ...
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