STAFF NEWS & ANALYSIS Showing 3301 - of
What's Happening in Egypt?
July 04, 2013
What the hell is going on? Mohamed Morsi's removal constitutes one of the greatest reversals of US diplomacy and intelligence operations in the modern era? Wasn't Morsi Washington's man? We've stayed away from commenting because there are no "elves" on the grou ...
Historical Opportunity for 21st Century Economics
July 04, 2013
So we can see from this article provided by the AP to the Wall Street Journal that influential economists are apparently all of a socialist strain. Here's the list: 2013 1. Paul Krugman 2. Joseph Stiglitz 3. Bill Gates 4. Michael Porter 5. Thomas Friedman 6. Er ...
Genius of Carney, Deterioration of a Meme
July 04, 2013
We've learned a lot about Mark Carney's style, but there is a good deal of substance to the newest and most important central banker of them all. Or so the Guardian tells us. There has been much talk in the UK about the recovery being strong enough for the Bank ...
Ascension of Central Banker Carney Continues to Instruct Us
July 04, 2013
We've been chronicling the arrival of the "most powerful" central banker of his era, the new head of the Bank of England, Mark Carney ... and this latest news squib is certainly worthy of mention. It provides yet one more example of how those involved with cent ...
'World War Z' and the Blessings of the Internet
July 04, 2013
We were struck by this commentary about "World War Z" over at top libertarian website because it parallels some commentary that appeared in these pages a while back. Here's what Anthony Wile wrote in an opinion piece on December 12, 2012: A movi ...
Scandals, Control Files and Blackmail
July 04, 2013
This week's Solari Story from Catherine Austin Fitts is titled "Scandals, Control Files and Blackmail." Here's a bit of the transcript: It was 1989 at the Department of Housing and Urban Development and a scandal had started called the mod rehab scandal, where ...
Will Tightening Cure as Carney Takes Over in Britain?
July 03, 2013
Now comes the test! Will Carney vote for more monetary debasement or less? Will the price-fixing of money be compounded by hyperactivity or will it be slightly lessened? The proposition is equivalent to asking someone if he has ceased to beat his wife so often. ...
Ship of Fools? July 4th Protest Sets Sail
July 03, 2013
PCWorld is owned by IDG, a huge conglomerate that solicits advertising from the entire spectrum of Silicon Valley tech companies. These companies have been cooperating intimately with US intel for a decade or more. We are supposed to believe that these same com ...
Why the Beeb Fails to Care …
July 03, 2013
There are a variety of problems with the public administration of private funds, and this article mentions the latest outbreak of Anglo-American difficulties centering on the BBC. Apparently, the BBC had been paying off disgruntled managers with huge cash settl ...
What the US Congress Should Do? Work Harder??
July 03, 2013
Why does Wonkbook call for this? It is surely a dominant social theme that if US citizens want to do well, Congress has to do better. For US society to do well, Congress ought to work hard at one thing: repeals. The main legislation to be turned back has to do ...
This Forbes Article Took Our Breath Away
July 03, 2013
Milton Friedman is seen as the dominant free-market thinker of his age. And yet during his lifetime he created withholding for the graduated income tax, called for a "steady state" central bank and now, it turns out, was behind the myth that corporations should ...
Ms. Couric's Serious Issue
July 03, 2013
Ms. Couric once anchored one of the most important news programs in the US, and thus in all the world. She is a reporter of consequence, even if she is not consequential at all. She rose to prominence as "perky" Katie on the "Today Show," first as a second fidd ...
Has Washington's Arrogance Undone Its Empire?
July 03, 2013
No one likes a bully, and Washington's NATO puppets have been bullied for six decades. British prime ministers, German chancellors and French presidents have to salute and say, "Yes, Sir." They all hate it, but they love Washington's money; so they prostitute t ...
Happy Endings in China?
July 02, 2013
The question haunts many an investor and economist: Will China experience a soft landing? To us the answer to the question is obvious: China is destined, sooner or later, to land "hard." How can it be otherwise? The Chinese central bank has been extraordinarily ...
Obama's African Boosterism Is No Surprise to Us
July 02, 2013
In a series of articles, we've tried to explain that Africa is likely next on the menu when it comes to the Westernization of the global economy. First came Japan and then China. And if you go back far enough, you will come to the Marshall Plan, which industria ...
The Surveillance State: Its Ramifications and Opponents
July 02, 2013
Yesterday, we pointed out that the media was considerably more interested in examining the question of US surveillance and its necessity, or lack thereof, than in reviewing the many questions lingering around 9/11. Today, we bear witness to an object lesson reg ...
Afghan Bloodshed and Turmoil May Only Be Beginning
July 02, 2013
Those who are waiting for the "navel of the world" to calm down – for a reduction in hostilities, in other words – may have a longer wait than expected. While the Taliban have made noises about negotiating an end to the current episode of the West's century ...
What Is a Surety?
July 02, 2013
The puzzling thing about the decline in the price of gold relative to dollars is that there is demand for the physical stuff, and now that physical demand may be translating into higher prices generally ... as Bloomberg notes. Certainly, the physical demand has ...
The Golden Cycle
July 02, 2013
The New York Times had the definitive take on the vicious sell off in gold. To summarize one of their articles: Two years ago gold bugs ran wild as the price of gold rose nearly six times. But since cresting two years ago it has steadily declined, almost by hal ...
Garbage In, Garbage Out
July 01, 2013
This article makes good points, but why does it begin with the idea that inflation is by definition a rise in prices? Inflation is monetary and must precede a rise in prices. One is an instigator, the other a result. Not for the author of this article, though. ...
'Careful-With-Money' Carney Takes the Reins
July 01, 2013
We've been tracking the fulsome articles about Mark Carney in the UK Telegraph, which is an influential royalist newspaper in Britain. This is the best one yet. While the Telegraph publishes many interesting articles that debunk mainstream verities, when it com ...
How Is This Man a Pundit?
July 01, 2013
Paul Krugman has decided, as he does in almost every column, that if he were in charge of monetary policy, the world would be a better place, especially the US. For Krugman, who is a winner of the "fake" Nobel Prize in economics, money is paper printed by a mon ...
Who Gave Them the Money?
July 01, 2013
A conversation was recently leaked in the Irish press that might seem to confirm the worst fears about evil bankers. In the reports circulating first in the Irish media and now throughout the world, two top bankers are heard on the phone agreeing that the estim ...
Ignoring UKIP Is a Non-Starter
July 01, 2013
An argument is being made that Britain's nascent freedom movement ought not to receive a reaction because it is unimportant. UKIP, running mainly on the idea of removing Britain from the EU, has received an enthusiastic response from the British public. And tha ...
Revelations Rearrange the Focus of What Ought to Be Asked
July 01, 2013
We have noticed, depressingly, that it is all about calibration at the moment. What we will call the Snowden affair is in the process of changing the context of important issues. A courageous whistleblower, Edward Snowden has shown the world the reality of the ...
If You Like The Surveillance State, You'll Love E-Verify
July 01, 2013
From massive NSA spying, to IRS targeting of the administration's political opponents, to collection and sharing of our health care information as part of Obamacare, it seems every day we learn of another assault on our privacy. Sadly, this week the Senate took ...
Nelson Hultberg on 'The Golden Mean: Libertarian Politics, Conservative Values'
June 30, 2013
The Daily Bell is pleased to present this exclusive interview with Nelson Hultberg. Daily Bell: Tell us about your book's title, The Golden Mean, what it refers to and why it is so important for freedom. Nelson Hultberg: The Golden Mean is Aristotle's famous "d ...
Expatriation's Disturbing Trend
June 29, 2013
This one is personal. My wife has renounced her US Citizenship but over time that may not stop the US from pursuing her and others perpetually. And there's something else going on, too – maybe even bigger – that I'll get to at the end of the article. The mo ...
Mystifying Amateurs or Predictable Ones?
June 28, 2013
This article, brilliantly written as usual, misses the point. The question that should be asked is not why the Federal Reserve is doing something stupid. (That's a given.) The question that should be asked is why a small group of (mostly) men is in charge of mo ...
Europe: Agony of Agglomeration
June 28, 2013
Because this is a Der Spiegel article, it avoids the main issue regarding Southern Europe, which is that countries like Greece and Spain in particular are not cohesive entities. This point is verboten because it would bring this article into the realm of politi ...
There Ought to Be Consequences
June 28, 2013
There ought to be consequences for this kind of article. We know from historical narratives that Wall Street helped FUND the Russian Revolution because the bankers of the day needed to create an enemy to solidify the kind of authoritarianism they had in mind fo ...
Is There a Bigger Plan?
June 28, 2013
Anyone who has been following the alternative media over the past years knows that the various "youth" revolutions in Africa and now in the Middle East are controlled and sponsored. The US in particular has had a hand in these agitations and various agencies ha ...
Celebrating the Squeeze
June 28, 2013
How long is this supposed to go on? The middle classes of both Great Britain and the US have been speared on the sharp tip of monetary policy – and yet the mainstream media is filled with celebrations of the system. In Britain, especially, anticipation is hig ...
The Sport That Benefits Only a Few
June 28, 2013
Lance Armstrong is back in the news again, and we can see from the above excerpt that others are not happy with the comments he is making. Go online and you will find comments made about Bernard Hinault, as well. Many simply do not believe – along with Lance ...
Sock Puppet Kabuki; Nikkei Today Parallels Dot-Com Bust
June 28, 2013
The Japanese stereotype of excessive courtesy is being confirmed by the actions of prime minister Shinzo Abe who is giving the world a free and timely lesson on the dangers of overly accommodative monetary policy. Whether or not we benefit from the tutorial (Ja ...
Shale Energy Is an Explosive Trend
June 27, 2013
We've written about the sudden miracle of shale oil and pointed out that if you research the process, you find out it's been available for decades. Peak Oil, as we've long pointed out, was simply a hoax, developed by the technocractic movement to justify the in ...
Don't Become Entangled
June 27, 2013
This article in the Telegraph focuses on an antidote to state invasiveness ... transparency. As we have long pointed out, the transparency meme is a major dominant social theme these days. For instance, there is a global transparency organization headed by a fo ...
Rubio Apologizes for Reform?
June 27, 2013
Marco Rubio is trying to salvage his political base and as a result is explaining that what he has to do regarding US immigration is distasteful but necessary. Really, he ought to be apologizing for the advent of what some call the North American Union. While t ...
Holy Moly, CNN Posts a Truthful Story
June 27, 2013
For decades, US and British law enforcement, encouraged by their corporate, political and banking betters, have colluded to extend the penal reach of their regulatory democracy around the world. To some extent they have succeeded, but the Snowden blowback is so ...
The $400,000,000 Problem Part II
June 27, 2013
This week's Solari Story from Catherine Austin Fitts is titled "The $400,000,000 Story, Part II." Here's a bit of the transcript: Let me fast forward and continue that story. Several months later – I think it was probably about 9 months later – we ended up ...
They Don't Know What to Do … Redux
June 26, 2013
In a previous article on this subject, we pointed out that central bankers generally (and the Fed in particular) had no idea of how to remove money from the financial system. This Bloomberg article just reconfirms the point. In a recent article on these pages, ...
Fisher Warns Wall Street Not to Be Too Obvious
June 26, 2013
Richard Fisher comes out of Wall Street but now as a member of the Federal Reserve he has nothing but contempt for the Street, calling those who populate it "feral hogs." This is part of the ridiculousness of the system, that those who fix the price and volume ...
Internet Reformation Spreads to Brazil?
June 26, 2013
There are probably at least two reasons why Brazil is roiled by protests. Begin at the beginning: Only a fool or a naïf would insist that US Intel may not have at least brushed these protests. What happens in South America that is at least to some extent not i ...
Australia's Gillard Is Silenced for Now
June 26, 2013
Oz won't have Julia Gillard to kick around anymore, or not for a while, though probably at some point she will make a comeback. She is simply too devious, too tough, too divisive and too hypocritical to stay on the sidelines for long. She is indeed a woman, as ...
Dream Time Collapses in Britain
June 26, 2013
There is one good thing about this article: It doesn't try to cast blame. Just yesterday we published an analysis of a CNN article entitled, "76% of Americans are living paycheck-to-paycheck." We called our analysis, the "Decline of Financial Journalism." We wr ...
Central Bank Beanie Babies
June 26, 2013
Free-Market Analysis: When the Beanie Baby craze hit, we went out and bought dozens of mint condition Beanie Babies. Actually, we didn't. Like many, we thought the craze was ludicrous. It was obviously a bubble of sorts and the only thing that was interesting w ...
Are There Basic Principles?
June 26, 2013
Some of President Obama's recent speeches have raised a vital issue that often lies in the background of particular policy discussions. For example, the president has made it abundantly clear that he is a pragmatist, especially about economic matters. (He does ...
Mark Carney, Golden Boy?
June 25, 2013
An article on Mark Carney that recently appeared in the UK Telegraph promotes virtually every subdominant social theme surrounding central banking that we are aware of. It emphasizes the "science" of central banking, the old-fashioned nature of central bankers ...
Is Central Banking Scientific?
June 25, 2013
Even leaving aside today's lead article on central banking, this is one of the more dishonest articles that we've seen recently regarding the evolution of modern money control. The portrayal of central banking in these sorts of articles is sterile and scientifi ...
Decline of Financial Journalism
June 25, 2013
We're not surprised by these terrible statistics but we are surprised by the article excerpted above. It should be evident by now even to the general public that the savings rate is low because the system doesn't support savings. When interest rates are so low ...
Showing 3301 - of – Newest on Top
