STAFF NEWS & ANALYSIS Showing 3551 - of
Implosion: Patent Law Remains Troubled in the US
May 09, 2013
A scholar with the Cato Institute, a libertarian think tank, has written about India's noted Gleevec case that has spawned such headlines as "Gleevec as an attack on intellectual property rights and a win for patients in need of cheap drugs ..." The article pos ...
The Blue Light
May 09, 2013
This week's Solari Story from Catherine Austin Fitts is titled "The Blue Light." Here's a bit of the transcript: "As you know, I was in litigation for approximately 11 years and it was all civil litigation relating to my company. In the beginning we went throug ...
Karl Marx, the Once 'Anti-Communist,' Who Brought Socialist Ruin to the World
May 09, 2013
Karl Marx was born on May 5, 1818 in the German Rhineland town of Trier, and died on March 14, 1883 in London. It is worth recalling, also, that there was a time when Marx was an anti-communist. It is said that by its fruit you will know the tree. The last one ...
Salvage Europe With Visionary Leadership?
May 08, 2013
This article is written by Wall Street Journal veteran Frederick Kempe and in it he seems to be sounding a slightly new subdominant social theme ... that Europe has failed because its leadership is failing. There are two main paradigms at work here. One is fre ...
Barroso Blabs Back
May 08, 2013
Hardly anyone exhibits what we have called Europe's "immovable rigor" more than Jose Manuel Barroso. Barroso, a socialist and communist in his youth, is one of Brussels's top Eurocrats and one of its most arrogant. His statement is an example of the immoveable ...
What Buffett Has Forgotten, But We Should Remember
May 08, 2013
This article makes sure to remind us that Warren Buffett is the world's fourth richest man. But wealth does not necessarily create wisdom. We remember when Buffett was technically broke ... certainly right after the financial crisis that began in 2008. Then wit ...
Germany Under Pressure to Create Money
May 08, 2013
Currently, central banks around the world are walking in lock step down a dangerous path of money creation. Led by the Federal Reserve and the Bank of Japan, economic policy is driven by the idea that printed money can be the true basis of growth. The result is ...
More Environmentalist Confusions
May 08, 2013
The New York Observer reported in its April 15, 2013, issue (B 1) that Leonardo DiCaprio is teaming up with Christie's in New York City to hold a "major philanthropic auction." I am not interested in the details, which appear to me a kind of kiss-up to fellow c ...
Has Rome Saved Italy?
May 07, 2013
So we see again that Reuters celebrates the political at the expense of the marketplace. If Italy is on the brink, it is because of a series of political decisions that have stripped the country and citizens of their solvency. But, of course, Italy has been und ...
Misleading Headline of Predictable Stock Market Meme
May 07, 2013
The reason the stock market is going up is because central banks have launched an unprecedented money-printing binge. But you wouldn't know that reading this Reuters headline. The headline is weirdly disassociated from the text of the article itself. The headli ...
Wall Street Guru Comes Out in Favor of Public Central Banks?
May 07, 2013
Free-Market Analysis: We've often pointed out that a national socialist (Nazi) meme is gaining strength in the West. It is promoted by often charming individuals like Ellen Brown (Web of Debt) and many, many others who are far less charming and often truculent ...
Eurocrats Contemplate Social Credit as Meme Expands
May 07, 2013
Well, it didn't take long for this meme to make considerable headway. We've been tracking it for years, since noticing the popularity of Web of Debt. Since then we've watched its expansion via a variety of what we believe to be pre-packaged websites. And now it ...
The Greatest Lie the Fed Ever Told
May 07, 2013
Public life bumbles along under a combination of false pretenses and self-imposed delusions. At the start of last week, it was widely reported that US central bankers had gone as far as they were willing to go. There were voices in the Fed, said the news, urgin ...
Morgan Stanley Commentators: Please Reveal Your Conflicts of Interests
May 06, 2013
Did you know that gold and oil have similar trading characteristics? Oil has been in use about 100 years from an industrial perspective and gold for several thousand years – though some say there are gold mines in South Africa that are 100,000 years old or mo ...
Globalist Euro Disaster: Euro Founder Endorses Bust-Up
May 06, 2013
Are the rats removing themselves from the ruins of the EU? This one rat, the "German euro founder" according to the UK Telegraph is jumping ship. We call Oskar Lafontaine a rat because of the damage he has caused by backing the European Union – which was neve ...
The Long, Slow Slide Toward Prosperity
May 06, 2013
We have titled this article "The Long, Slow Slide Toward Prosperity" even though that doesn't seem to make much sense, certainly not in the context of this Bloomberg article. But we will explain shortly. First, more about the article. It is just one of many tha ...
Federal Reserve Blows More Bubbles
May 06, 2013
Last week at its regular policy-setting meeting, the Federal Reserve announced it would double down on the policies that have failed to produce anything but a stagnant economy. It was a disappointing, but not surprising, move. The Fed affirmed that it is prepar ...
The Financial Press: A Disinformation Machine
May 06, 2013
Dave Kranzler of Golden Returns Capital declares the April payroll jobs report that was released on May 3 by the Bureau of Labor Statistics to be "fictitious." Statistician John Williams ( says both the jobs report and unemployment rate are "non ...
Dr. Antal Fekete: Gold Backwardation and the Collapse of the Tacoma Bridge
May 05, 2013
The Daily Bell is pleased to present this exclusive interview with Antal Fekete. Here's a snippet. Daily Bell: Where is the price of gold headed from here? Antal Fekete: The price of gold is headed for extinction. I for one don't believe that the price of gold ...
Nigel Farage and His UKIP Party Win Big in Britain Once More
May 04, 2013
Big news. Drudge is featuring the news prominently – and it is certainly noteworthy. It looks like British voters are going to have a choice once more. Bully for them. Picking between Labour and the Tories over the past decades (post-Thatcher) has probably be ...
Fed Is Tightening. No, It's Loosening. No, It's …
May 03, 2013
Is the Fed loosening or tightening and how do they know? Wouldn't the top bankers at the Fed need forward-looking indicators to be most successful? In other words, once an economy has sagged – or roared to life – isn't it too late to apply the necessary pro ...
The New Meme of Open Borders
May 03, 2013
We are not fooled by this emergent meme. It sounds reasonable but it is really intended, in our view, to flood with the West with other cultures and other ethnicities. In theory, this is great; in practice not so. It is more than likely a globalist gambit, inte ...
The Bounty of Fracking
May 03, 2013
We don't believe for a minute that the oil and gas industry suddenly "discovered" fracking, etc. From what we can tell, these technologies have been around a long time. So why have the powers-that-be begun to cautiously indicate the true scale of oil and gas pr ...
Sweden Is Not So Equal
May 03, 2013
When leftists speak about the redeeming qualities of Swedish communitarianism, they don't mention that Sweden has an inbred, titled elite. This is very interesting and might change the context of a conversation that usually celebrates Sweden's confiscatory tax ...
Iraq Readies for Civil War?
May 03, 2013
From an investment and business standpoint this is bad news. We were led to believe by the US government itself and supporters in Iraq that the new government would increase peace throughout the region. But now the cracks are beginning to show. Iraq's Sunni min ...
Law Enforcement's Anti-Business Turn
May 03, 2013
This is a disturbing story based on research that shows quite clearly how the US's premiere national police force is contributing to what we might call the "terrorists among us" meme. The charge that the FBI is manufacturing terrorism – and suspects – rath ...
The Great Gold Redemption
May 03, 2013
The most puzzling part of the investment business is seeing how the vast and largely economically illiterate masses interpret any given piece of news. Take the recent gold selloff: many large players were motivated to sell by news that Cyprus will have to liqui ...
Obamacare: Opportunity Amidst the Wreckage, but Not Forever
May 02, 2013
John Stossel is surely a token libertarian, one that the major US media tolerates ... perhaps because he is photogenic and perhaps because he has perfected the art of dissenting in a tolerably polite way. This article in Human Events is a good example of Stosse ...
Promotion of US-Mexico Union Continues in the Mainstream
May 02, 2013
Tracking elite memes is an art form not an econometric analysis. We do the best we can, and we're fairly convinced that Mexico and the US are on the menu as part of a larger (with Canada) North American Union. We've been writing about this regularly in the past ...
Times Bemoans Poverty, Neglects Solution
May 02, 2013
Another day, another analysis focusing on minority income inequality. The New York Times editors love these articles because they can position the old Gray Lady as beating her breast over the evil in US society without ever demanding substantive change. Several ...
Chinese Should Drop Cash Like Other Modern Economies
May 02, 2013
The globalists who are doing their best to eradicate so-called tax havens have apparently discovered that about a billion Chinese like doing business in cash. Presumably, China is on the menu. The impulse is always the same for the globalists, and it is one of ...
The Power of Local
May 02, 2013
This week's Solari Story from Catherine Austin Fitts is titled "The Power of Local." Here's a bit of the transcript: "I always say that my neighborhood or my county is the molecule, if the body's made up of molecules, and to understand the body we need to under ...
Here Comes the New Fed Boss
May 01, 2013
It seems official now ... Ben Bernanke is leaving at the end of his term. He is said to be exhausted by the past seven years of economic implosion and subsequent quarrels about monetary policy. Of course, from our humble perspective, this is all to the good. It ...
Madness of a Stimulating Fed
May 01, 2013
This is an unusual article to appear in Bloomberg, especially given the headline. But unfortunately, it promises more than it delivers. It would be nice to read a real evaluation of central banking in the modern mainstream press. But perhaps this is as close as ...
A Modest Monetary Proposal
May 01, 2013
This Bloomberg article has an oddly celebratory tone. But we are not so interested in celebrating the demise of tax havens as we are in drawing the appropriate lessons from this event. The first lesson we can draw is that the world is a lot more coordinated tha ...
Is the Consumer Really More Confident?
May 01, 2013
What the heck is The Conference Board and why does it matter? Well, according to Wikipedia, The Conference Board is a pretty big deal. The Conference Board, Inc. is a 501(c)(3) tax-exempt non-profit business membership and research group organization. It counts ...
Government Regulations Revisited
May 01, 2013
You might not think it considering my relentless concerns about the growing power of government, but I am not a pessimist. There are many areas of life where liberty is making advances - e.g., gays are no longer being so persistently harassed by government and ...
Another Nail in the Neocon Coffin
May 01, 2013
The recent opening of the Ron Paul Institute for Peace and Prosperity was a watershed moment in American history. There has never been anything quite like it. Ideologically diverse, the Ron Paul Institute reaches out to all Americans, and indeed to people all o ...
EU's Serious Gamble: 'There Will Be More Wealth Confiscation'
April 30, 2013
Whoops, there goes Lars Christensen running his mouth again. Christensen is one of the founders of the idiosyncratic Saxo bank, which began life online, apparently as an "Internet bank." When you read up on Saxo you will be surprised as to how much controversy ...
Who Are the Monarchs of Money?
April 30, 2013
We have been noting the spate of adulatory articles appearing in the mainstream press regarding central banks and central bankers. It really is quite amazing. Reuters has run several articles comparing central bankers to superheroes. And now comes the Canadian ...
300 Million Young People Out of Work? Economist Mag Suggests 'Solution'
April 30, 2013
The bad news goes on and on. From the Economist magazine we learn that some 300 million young people are out of work in emerging markets. We suppose this does not count the tens of millions out of work in Southern Europe and a similar number in the US. What rea ...
The Impossible Problem of Old People
April 30, 2013
This is a terrific analysis provided by Standard and Poor's about the problems caused by old people and how leaders will struggle with this grave crisis. Of course, in writing the above sentence, we are being somewhat sarcastic. This is, in reality, just one mo ...
Fisker's Spendthrift Tale: Failure of Green Government Action
April 30, 2013
We've written about many of the farcical elements of Green industry in the past and identified Fisker as one of the most egregious offenders. Unfortunately, the resurgence of electrical motoring caught the attention of buyers and investors with predictable resu ...
Self-Delusion of Barry Diller?
April 30, 2013
Barry Diller has buyer's remorse, as we can see from this video. He comes across as cogent and even eloquent about the changes in the news media ... and yet one wonders why he purchased a failing magazine. Newsweek was not worth a dime when Diller purchased it ...
Gun-slinging Woman Takes on Effete Fed – and Makes It Better!
April 29, 2013
Presumably we are supposed to feel better because there is now a hawkish woman of integrity voting against accommodative Federal Reserve policies. We're not actually especially impressed by her but we are always impressed generally with Reuters's endless effort ...
Farce of the Bundesbank
April 29, 2013
Excuse our cynicism. This all looks to us like a kind of monetary passion play. The outcome is predictable and the drama is being presented for the gratifications of the rubes. We are supposed to worry – or at least follow with fascination – what the German ...
Advocates for Monetary Central Planning Grow More Confused by the Day
April 29, 2013
Here's an interesting article in the Washington Post explaining how US fiscal austerity needs to be offset by Federal Reserve pump priming. We would argue, not to put too fine a point on it, that it is a confused mess. The logic is lacking and the facts are in ...
True Cost of Energy Efficiency?
April 29, 2013
Like you, dear reader, we were very happy to see that the US had the most energy efficient economy in US history. But unlike the Energy Information Agency (EIA), we don't consider this an unalleviated good. We would rather the US had an ECONOMY – which seems ...
AEI's Half-A-Loaf Analysis Is Better than None
April 29, 2013
Since we just finished being a bit mean to the AEI in another article in this issue, perhaps it's only fair to write one that gives them a bit of a pat on the back. This article, written to commemorate the ubiquitous and obnoxious Earth Day, is right on target ...
Liberty Was Also Attacked in Boston
April 29, 2013
Forced lockdown of a city. Militarized police riding tanks in the streets. Door-to-door armed searches without warrant. Families thrown out of their homes at gunpoint to be searched without probable cause. Businesses forced to close. Transport shut down. These ...
Showing 3551 - of – Newest on Top
