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The Drone Threat
February 19, 2013
Last week, senators threatened to put a "hold" on the nomination of John Brennan to be CIA director over his refusal to answer questions about the use of drones to kill Americans on US soil. That the president's nominee to head the agency that has used drones t ...
The Paradigm Shift Dilemma
February 19, 2013
Paradigms are mega-systems of thought that explain certain realms of reality so as to shift mankind toward new visions. For example, mercantilism, Lockean limited government, species evolution, Pasteurian medicine, quantum physics, Keynesian economics and welfa ...
The Pound Gets Pounded
February 19, 2013
As the global currency war intensifies, the majority of attention has been paid to the 17% fall of the Japanese yen against the US dollar over the past few months. The implosion has given cover to the sad performance of another once mighty currency: the British ...
Pay Attention to the Upcoming Bond Bust, Not the So-Called Junk Boom
February 18, 2013
Two issues need to be clarified about the current junk boom. First, it doesn't exist and second, you ought not to want it to. The modern junk bond market, when it is really in evidence, is a multi-trillion dollar entity. A few deals do not a resurgent junk bond ...
Information in the 1950s Attacking Comic Books Was Falsified
February 18, 2013
The post-World War II period in the United States saw a number of exposes take place that have since been debunked. One can speculate on the reasons why but it seems fairly clear that the social order was being attacked to make people feel less certain about th ...
Counterpunch African Paradigm Leaves Much to Be Desired
February 18, 2013
Counterpunch, one of the United States's top leftist media facilities, has launched a long screed analyzing the attack that Africa has now come under from the West. This attack has been going on for years, but the editors at Counterpunch – in this article, an ...
UN Expansion of Failed Elite Memes Like Global Warming Doesn't Fix Them
February 18, 2013
One of the biggest and most controversial memes of the modern era is environmentalism, specifically the idea that manmade carbon is clogging the skies and making disastrous global warming inevitable. The amount of carbon that man injects into the atmosphere is ...
The Republicans' Achilles Heel
February 18, 2013
In a recent Wall Street Journal essay, "Generational Theft Needs to be Arrested," three men advanced some suggestions to Republicans. Their main focus was the need for Republicans to address what they, following others who have chimed in on the topic, have crit ...
Down With the Presidency
February 18, 2013
The modern institution of the presidency is the primary political evil Americans face, and the cause of nearly all our woes. It squanders the national wealth and starts unjust wars against foreign peoples that have never done us any harm. It wrecks our families ...
Edward Karr on Private Placements, Accredited Investing and New Newsletter and Book Projects
February 17, 2013
The Daily Bell is pleased to present this exclusive interview with Edward Karr. Daily Bell: It's not always easy to find opportunities that support an entrepreneurial society and generate significant revenue as well ... Edward Karr: This is true, unfortunately. ...
Will Al Jazeera's Dimming Shed More Light on Elite Middle Eastern Plans?
February 16, 2013
... One and a half years ago, Suliman, 42, re-set his watch to German time, having become disenchanted with Al-Jazeera. And it wasn't just because the broadcaster seemed less interested in reports from Europe. Rather, Suliman had the feeling that he was no long ...
Was Dorner a Sign of the Times?
February 16, 2013
We are seeing a lot of pushback in the mainstream media to any mythologizing of Chris Dorner. This column by New York Times editorialist Charles Blow is along those lines. He points out that Dorner brutally took lives and intended to take more, and that his act ...
Fed Official Claims Simple, Powerful Regulation Is Needed – Is it Too Late for That?
February 15, 2013
According to this Reuters opinion article, Federal Reserve officials have finally realized that markets need common sense regulation – including bubble moderation when things seem to be getting out of hand. This is hailed as a positive first step to returning ...
Ed Rendell Calls for Massive Infrastructure New Deal
February 15, 2013
We put the letters in caps in our dominant social theme, above, because you can almost hear former Pennsylvania Governor Ed Rendell making that statement in rolling tones. He wrote this editorial for Reuters in his capacity as co-chairman of Building America's ...
WikiLeaks Controversy Dances Around Real Issues
February 15, 2013
It is unfortunate that Julian Assange faces extradition to Sweden and then to the United States but even though John Pilger is defending him, we have a hard time letting go of our suspicions regarding the WikiLeaks founder. We've written about them before. Just ...
Failure of Leadership
February 15, 2013
Poor Chuck Hagel. Every day, The Wall Street Journal wallops the fellow. He is whacked for not knowing what he is doing ... smacked for not appreciating the threat of a nuclear Iran ... and slapped hard for not bending over quickly enough to kiss neo-con butts. ...
Bloomberg: The Ascent of Whatever-It-Takes Banking Is a Good Thing
February 14, 2013
Just when we think the meme of the all-knowing central banker can get no worse, we learn otherwise. Today's central banker, Bloomberg tells us, is supposed to be a reckless gunslinger, taking chances because there is little left to lose. Do you feel better now? ...
Fulfilling Prophecy, Church Considers Peter the Roman as Next Pope
February 14, 2013
According to various prophecies, the next pope may be the last one and usher in the era of the anti-Christ. That pope is to be known as Peter the Roman. The main set of prophecies regarding papal succession is the Prophecy of Popes, 112 short predictions in Lat ...
Redress for Swartz Is Not on the Way Despite Petitions
February 14, 2013
There is some idea, apparently, that a government petition focused on firing the chief prosecutor of the Aaron Swartz case will begin to redress injustice. We doubt it, however. Aaron Swartz is dead of an apparent suicide apparently brought on by prosecutorial ...
New Meme: Dangers of the Baby Bust
February 14, 2013
Nancy Folbre is an economics professor at the University of Massachusetts, Amherst and she is considerably less alarmist than some about this latest "crisis." But crisis it is nonetheless and Folbre doesn't shy away from calling it that. In today's world, of co ...
My List
February 14, 2013
Once I learned to read there was no end to it. I used my flashlight to make it possible after I was sent to sleep and my first books were quite a disorderly collection. I read a bunch of historical novels in Hungarian, several about the 160-year-long Turkish oc ...
Shock: Powerful British Money Man Calls for Central Bank Currency to Be Handed Out to 'the People'
February 13, 2013
Among very few publications, we've been covering what we considered to be a dominant social theme regarding paper money and the state's ability to print directly for "the people." Along the way, we've received vicious attacks because, as has hard-money economis ...
Reuters Article Promotes Middle East Directed History, Warns off Qatar?
February 13, 2013
This article is actually a compendium of dominant social themes and secret elite strategies. Once again, we see confirmation of much that we have mentioned in the recent past. This article is positioned as an attack on Qatar and the Muslim Brotherhood, even tho ...
Esquire Article on Bin Laden in Another Flap – Promotion Totally Useless Now
February 13, 2013
"The Shooter" article in Esquire continues to reverberate. You can see our own article on the subject here: "Esquire Portrait of bin Laden's Death Fails to Convince." But in the meantime, a conservative website called Twitchy has been documenting the efforts of ...
Scientific American: Banks Are Too Complex to Succeed, Except for Central Banks
February 13, 2013
Okay, dear reader, here is a conundrum you can help us solve. First, some background. Chris Amade is the author of a recent article that appeared in Scientific American entitled "Too Big to Succeed," excerpted above. Mr. Amade has a Ph.D. in physics and designe ...
Middle East Is Running Out of Water … Call NASA
February 13, 2013
Here we go again. The power elite that wants to run the world formally as opposed to informally uses its bought-and-paid-for media to promote scarcity memes that will frighten middle classes into giving up power and wealth to specially designed globalist facili ...
Practice Works
February 13, 2013
One of the principles of living a happy life is that it takes willpower, it takes discipline and it takes practice in order to live well. This may seem strange if your vision of happiness is ease and momentary pleasure. But ease and momentary pleasure are not w ...
Paper Claims SEC Regulation is Biased … In Other News, Sky Is Blue
February 12, 2013
POGO didn't need to write this report. It could just have come to us. We've explained at length how regulation doesn't work. And that goes to financial regulation, which is at the heart of the modern regulatory democracy. Just search for "financial regulation" ...
Esquire Portrait of bin Laden's Death Fails to Convince
February 12, 2013
This article attempts to provide us with a blow-by-blow description of Osama bin Laden's death by putting the killing within the context of the "shooter's" life. The article is purportedly about the injustices being heaped upon the killer of the world's most fa ...
A Black Box in Every Car – To Make You Safer
February 12, 2013
We've known this was coming but we are still surprised that the plans proceed – and that the rationale remains the same. What articles like this show clearly is that wire services like AP are content with sticking with a general theme that governments are "he ...
Google Hoax? … and a Rhetorical Question
February 12, 2013
All the large players in the technology field use what we call money power to establish dominance and Google is no different in this regard. The excerpt above illustrates how Google establishes dominance by paying for the right to be in front of millions of "ey ...
Obama's Expanding Kill List
February 12, 2013
Prosecutors always expand laws far beyond their intent. Attorneys in civil cases do the same. For example, the 1970 Racketeer Influenced and Corrupt Organizations Act was passed in order to make it easier for the government to convict members of the Mafia. Howe ...
Revitalization of the State Militias: Review of Edwin Vieira's 'The Sword and Sovereignty'
February 12, 2013
On April 19, 1775, the battles of Lexington and Concord on the outskirts of Boston ignited the conflict that led to the most momentous political event of man's history – the Declaration of Independence and the birth of America. In the early morning hours of t ...
Bloomberg: Heroically, Putin Buys Gold
February 11, 2013
For once, we agree with part of an elite dominant social theme. Vladimir Putin is not a very good man. We write this in the face of numerous alternative media reports that paint Putin as the savior of the West, someone who is standing up to the Jewish banksters ...
Why We Are Not 21st Century Libertarians
February 11, 2013
In a recent article, Dr. Gary North launched a wide-ranging defense of capitalism entitled "The Luddites Among Us." In it, he ticked areas that we have wondered about for years. His article gives us a launching pad to discuss them. But THIS article should not b ...
Inauguration Heats Speculation About President's Head
February 11, 2013
US President Barack Obama is such a heavily scrutinized person that speculation swirls around his head (literally), whether justified or not. In this case, 'Net alternative news media websites were arguing over what happened to Obama's head scars during his rec ...
Elite Portmanteau Memes Are a Bad Idea – For Them
February 11, 2013
We note there is a prevalence of elite portmanteau memes. These are two memes combined into one analysis. Thanks to what we call the Internet Reformation, the power elite is having trouble getting people to accept even one meme at a time. Combine two together a ...
Arrogance of Power!
February 11, 2013
Just how utterly reliant on sheer power is President Obama can be appreciated from the fact that no one in his administration bothers to defend his policy of confiscating people's resources. Apart from calling upon the phony support of a few super rich folks li ...
Beware The Consequences of Pre-Emptive War
February 11, 2013
Last year more US troops died by suicide than died in combat in Afghanistan. More than 20 percent of military personnel deployed to combat will develop post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). Some 32 percent of US soldiers reported depression after deployments. ...
Edwin Vieira on His New Book, 'The Sword and Sovereignty' and Where the US Went Wrong
February 10, 2013
The Daily Bell is pleased to present this exclusive interview with Edwin Vieira, Jr. Here's a brief snippet. Daily Bell: Thanks for sitting down with us again. Let's jump right in with a discussion of your new book, The Sword and Sovereignty. Give us a synopsis ...
How the Power of Mainstream Media Blasted Berlusconi
February 09, 2013
Talk about going viral. Paolo Berlusconi supposedly called his football club's latest superstar acquisition, Mario Balotelli, a "a house ni--er" at a political rally and this was a quote heard round the world. If you haven't read about it you either live in the ...
Senator Bernie Sanders: 'The Fed Is a Fine Institution but Wall Street Is Not'
February 09, 2013
Okay, we made up the headline. Senator Sanders didn't really say that. But he might as well have. This is generally an amazingly leftist interview that recently appeared on PBS (no surprise there) and has been getting a lot of play on the Internet because he ma ...
Rand Paul, the Next GOP Nominee for President
February 09, 2013
We believe a deal may have been struck between Rand Paul and the shadowy "leaders" of the GOP. The turning point was Rand Paul's endorsement of Republican candidate for president Mitt Romney some months before the US presidential election. At the time, Paul exp ...
'Net Reporting Achieves Results at Sandy Hook?
February 09, 2013
There is a good deal of confusion and debate over the Sandy Hook shootings and much of it seems warranted to us. There have been so many false reports generally regarding school shootings that people are probably right to be suspicious. As we have reported prev ...
Messing with the Bull
February 09, 2013
With the announcement this week of its massive $5 billion lawsuit against ratings agency Standard & Poor's, the Federal Government took a bold step to squelch any remaining independence of thought or action in the financial services industry. Given the circumst ...
Latest UN Meme … Climate Migrants
February 08, 2013
Here comes the United Nations with a new way of trolling for dollars. This article reports on a climate migrant paper "designed to provoke debate and to move the climate-migration issue forward in academic and policy circles, and in particular, examine what the ...
Wind Power – Just Better?
February 08, 2013
One of the problems with elite dominant social themes in the era of the Internet is that despite the best efforts of the mainstream press, promotions may be undercut for a number of reasons. In the excerpt above, we can see Bloomberg, a mainstream media elite m ...
Moon Landing Doubters … A Sign of the Times
February 08, 2013
Doubts about NASA's landing on the moon persist despite everything that NASA and its enablers and supporters do to stamp them out. Various satires (see above) and the odd video continue to emerge on a regular basis to combat outbreaks of disbelief by those who ...
CNN: Bad Government is YOUR Fault Not Ours
February 07, 2013
This is one of those definitive articles – a lengthy one – that is obviously meant as a positioning statement for propounding an increasingly important elite dominant social theme having to do with why government CAN work if people are responsible citizens. ...
Do Elites Intend to Do Away With Patents?
February 07, 2013
Anyone following the Kim Dotcom saga must be aware that copyright has suddenly been criminalized. The US government sent a posse of FBI agents over to New Zealand to arrest Dotcom. The charge was that Dotcom's Megaupload cloud-based Internet storage company was ...
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