STAFF NEWS & ANALYSIS Showing 4201 - of
Is the Age of the PetroDollar Over?
November 14, 2012
For some ten years now, we've been writing that Peak Oil was a power elite dominant social theme and that the idea of oil scarcity was fraud. Well ... surprise, surprise. Turns out the West – particularly the US – is just brimming with oil. Of course, this ...
Electronic Publishing and the Internet Reformation
November 14, 2012
Mike King of The Motley Fool tells us of "more large falls in newspaper circulation." This is an ongoing story but one that King flips around in a recent article on the subject. "Offsetting the decline, digital sales of newspapers appear to be rising," he write ...
Usury or Taxes?
November 13, 2012
Ellen Brown has been building a case for public banking for years now, ever since writing about it in her book, Web of Debt. We've been in discussions with her for several years and have watched her case grow and change. Dr. Gary North has done extensive debunk ...
Lurching Horror of Climate Change
November 13, 2012
We've read about the coming cooling but this article in The Register – an irreverent, 'Net-based tech site – is fairly detailed and interesting. We are not at all sure, however, that it constitutes a new meme; from what we can tell, it has not yet experienc ...
Secession Petitions: Good PR But Bad Politics
November 13, 2012
And the Lord spoke unto Moses, go unto Pharaoh, and say unto him, Thus saith the Lord: "Let my people go ... " – Exodus 8:1 Tens of thousands of Americans are now petitioning the White House wanting to withdraw from the union. Although peoples and regions aro ...
In Praise of Price Gouging
November 13, 2012
As the northeastern United States continues to recover from Hurricane Sandy, we hear the usual outcry against individuals and companies who dare to charge market prices for goods such as gasoline. The normal market response of rising prices in the wake of a nat ...
Directed History: A Fact of Life?
November 12, 2012
Here in this UK Telegraph news roundup we have several nuggets of incredibly important information. The first, above, speaks to the issue of what the EU is intended to become. Angela Merkel suddenly explains what must be clear to anyone who has had the stomach ...
The GOP Crisis as Directed History
November 12, 2012
This New Yorker article provides us with a splendid power elite meme and sub-meme. The dominant social theme is clearly that a political party must "woo" a specific ethnic group by promising them a share of government largesse. The subdominant social theme is t ...
Perils of Originality
November 12, 2012
At the outset I should confess that this may be something of a self-justification. I am not one whose ideas have been or have been meant to be original. At first this was just a plain matter of circumstance. Too many of the thoughts that I had were clearly unor ...
Ned Schmidt on Gold, Oil, Farmland and International Investing
November 11, 2012
The Daily Bell is pleased to present this exclusive interview with Ned Schmidt. Daily Bell: You've been an advocate and practitioner of value-oriented investing for 30 years. But if the market is efficient, then can value investing work? Ned Schmidt: Market eff ...
Obama's Hammer and the Progress of The Daily Bell
November 10, 2012
The New York Times is out with a political article, "Question for the Victor: How Far Do You Push?" The Times points out that President Obama has obtained a second chance to fix a country on the "wrong track." The electorate has renewed his "contract" ... "We h ...
To Romney and the GOP Elites: What Goes Around Comes Around
November 10, 2012
On November 6th a large percentage of the Ron Paul supporters (10% of the GOP electorate) in the primary season exited the corrupt GOP voting process, stayed home, watched our television screens (like I did) and followed through with our warning to the GOP esta ...
EU's Plight: Sadism or a Cold-Blooded Takedown?
November 09, 2012
Ambrose Evans-Pritchard has recycled a name originally applied to Margaret Thatcher for Brusells's Eurocrats. He calls them "sado-monetarists" – and this is an apt term for those administering monetary poison to the Greeks. But is Europe really collapsing in ...
Mayor Mike … Technocracy Is 'The Bomb'
November 09, 2012
This isn't the biggest story in the world but it is one with clear power elite memes. The dominant social theme obviously has to do with the need for government, the larger the better. The subdominant social theme is that oil is in short supply generally and ne ...
Yeah, Though I Walk Through the Valley of the Shadow of Death
November 09, 2012
"We all live in the South Bronx because that neighborhood is the unavoidable proof that American civilization can stop. It can stop literally right around the corner, and if it does nobody can do a thing about it. . . . " ~ Michael Ventura. It's the look that g ...
A New Kind of Freedom
November 09, 2012
Karl Marx was asked once how he could justify advocating a political system of slavery for the individual, which is what socialism is. He replied that socialism is not slavery; it is a "new kind of freedom." As all perceptive students of history know, the intel ...
Republicans Rage as the Great Burning Arrives
November 08, 2012
Post-election, the US Republican Party will go about the business of tearing itself to pieces, as well it should. As observers of directed history here at the Daily Bell, watching the past ten years of politics presented via the prism of what we call the Intern ...
Now EU Seeks to Ban the Family
November 08, 2012
Whenever we look, we are assaulted by unbelievable legislative actions. This has got to be the most incredible idea yet: To legislate portrayals of the family out of existence. What kinds of people come up with these ideas? What kind of people vote on them? Thi ...
Report Raises Questions About Central Bank Gold Holdings
November 08, 2012
For years I have cautioned that changes in the ownership of gold held in the vaults of key central banks around the globe may not have been accurately reported. A report issued last month in Germany has once again brought these issues to the fore. In today's en ...
Reexamining Democracy
November 08, 2012
Over the last several decades of American political life the idea of liberty has taken a back seat to that of democracy. Liberty involves human beings governing themselves, being sovereign citizens, while democracy is a method by which decisions are reached wit ...
The Special Interests Won Again
November 08, 2012
The election that was supposed to be too close to call turned out not to be so close after all. In my opinion, Obama won for two reasons: (1) Obama is non-threatening and inclusive, whereas Romney exuded an "us vs. them" impression that many found threatening, ...
Democracy Won Today … Truth Lost?
November 07, 2012
We are not surprised by Barack Obama's re-election. We believe the vote was probably rigged, as voting machines across the country now provide opportunities to do just this sort of thing. Not all machines even offer paper tallies anymore. Why would states put m ...
We Told You So!
November 07, 2012
Sometimes in this business of meme tracking an article comes along that is so obvious and blunt it hardly needs scrutiny. This is one of those articles. But its candor does not exempt it from analysis. It is a kind of "best of breed" and worth commenting on if ...
Obama Wins A Second Term: Now What?
November 07, 2012
I'm certainly glad the election is finally over. While I have loved politics my entire life, this presidential election has gone on for over three years, including the GOP primaries, and I've had my fill of meaningless slogans and counter-slogans, lies and coun ...
Training for What You Want
November 07, 2012
Last week I asked you to define three things: Something you want to stop doing, something you want to start doing – or do more of and a longer-term goal that you want to reach. Today I want to give you the beginning of a training regimen that will strengthen ...
The Manufactured 'Isms' of Elite Prevarications
November 06, 2012
In this article in Der Spiegel, written by columnist Jakob Augstein, we observe the meme that "isms" are different and powerful. Capitalism is different than communism, which is different than socialism, etc. We have some difficulties with this argument. But fi ...
Best Way to Make a Difference in Today's Vote
November 06, 2012
The Washington Post published an interesting editorial yesterday, entitled "What kind of president would Obama be in second term?" I have my own thoughts, but let's take a quick look at this article, which provides us with a serious, even scholarly, set of ques ...
Another Meme Crashes? … Sudden Inkling Chelation Works
November 06, 2012
We've been aware of chelation and its usefulness for several decades. While our position regarding healthcare has gradually changed, we still believe that chelation is useful. Now, apparently, the FDA will have to do the same. Here's what we believe: Strive to ...
The Economics of Disaster
November 06, 2012
Hurricane Sandy was one of the worst natural disasters the East Coast has ever seen. Cleanup and recovery will take months, if not years and estimates run in the tens of billions of dollars. Parts of New York and New Jersey will never be the same. Entire seasho ...
The Solution to Unemployment Is Less Monetary Stimulation Not More
November 05, 2012
This is a hopeful article but one that leaves significant questions in its wake. One could ask, for instance, how is it that modern economies can from time to time generate such vast unemployment? And why, most recently, has this unemployment been so difficult ...
The Startling Reality of Money Power
November 05, 2012
It is not actually Britain that has been doing the invading but, apparently, the City of London. What this book doesn't tell you, or at least not the review, is the timeline of invasion. Here's a speculation: The number of invasions and their seriousness picked ...
The Logic of Entitlement
November 05, 2012
Not long ago I woke up to the disturbing news from the Big Apple that some disgruntled ex-employee of the Empire State Building went on a shooting spree and killed someone, after which he was himself shot to death by police. No, I don't know the details but eve ...
Detlev Schlichter on the Nature of Money and the Evolution of an Inflationary Depression
November 04, 2012
The Daily Bell is pleased to present this exclusive interview with Detlev Schlichter. Daily Bell: Tell us more about your book, Paper Money Collapse. It provides a fundamental economic analysis of paper money systems in general and our present system in particu ...
The Dilemma of False Terrorism
November 03, 2012
A New York Times article has attracted attention in alternative media circles for its portrait of Bernard von NotHaus, the "Rosa Parks of the constitutional currency movement." Entitled, "Prison May Be the Next Stop on a Gold Currency Journey," the article desc ...
Bank of England Reports Whitewash Central Bank Reality
November 02, 2012
News comes of the release of no fewer than three separate probes into the Bank of England's performance during the financial crisis that actually started in 2007 and expanded in 2008. The reviews do not apparently cover any of the critical 2007 area. They comm ...
Don't Conceal Your Face At Canadian Protests
November 02, 2012
Yet another erosion of Canadian civil rights. We shouldn't fool ourselves. It is tempting to think of the positives regarding this bill that mostly revolve around police provocations. There are, for instance, credible reports that Canadian police authorities ha ...
The Downside of Debt
November 02, 2012
Cristina Fernandez de Kirchner, president of Argentina, will never be remembered as a great economist. Nor will she win any awards for 'accuracy in government reporting.' Au contraire, under her leadership, the numbers used by government economists in Argentina ...
What Do You Want?
November 02, 2012
Sometimes we can have a sense that things aren't working well or we'd like something to be different in our lives, and we can try to take steps to change. But without an idea of what isn't working well, what we'd like to have different, or what we would like to ...
Election 2012: When There's No 'There' There
November 01, 2012
Lawrence Summers is offering up his usual recipe for a successful national economy. He seeks government involvement in all ways. Nonetheless, from a perspective of dominant and sub-dominant social themes it is instructive to deconstruct Summers's arguments. The ...
Fake Meme of Food Scarcity Is Deadly Serious
November 01, 2012
There are plenty of sub-dominant themes growing out of this main one of food scarcity. In fact, it is such a deep meme that one could compare it to a bush with many branches. A lot of these sub-dominant social themes could be classified as dominant themes thems ...
'Government' vs. 'State'
November 01, 2012
Concepts such as that of "government," like those of "democracy," "law," "justice," "freedom" and "love," to cite just a few, is what W. B. Gallie called "essentially contestable" (see his "Essentially Contested Concepts," Proceedings of the Aristotelian Societ ...
Spain: Consequences of a Generalized Depression
October 31, 2012
Sometimes dominant social themes and sub-dominant social themes are unstated instead of stated. One out of every four Spanish workers is now without a job. This is a full-fledged depression by any standard. This statistic is topped by another one, that 50 perce ...
Now Central Bankers Directly Boost Occupy Movement
October 30, 2012
What a surprise ... not! We're long on the record as explaining the essential phony nature of this pseudo youth movement. Funded by George Soros among others and putatively generated out of the socialist-anarchist publication Adbusters, Occupy Wall Street is su ...
Global Warming Meme Powers Hurricane Coverage
October 30, 2012
This Vancouver Sun article is typical of some of the coverage of Hurricane Sandy, which hit New York City and environs yesterday. It is written by William Marsden, author of Fools Rule: Inside the Failed Politics of Climate Change (Knopf). We looked up the book ...
Let the Markets Clear!
October 30, 2012
French businessman and economist Jean-Baptiste Say is credited with identifying the fundamental economic principle that aggregate demand for goods in an economy will equal the aggregate supply of goods when markets are permitted to operate. Or in Say's words, " ...
The First 30 Years of the Mises Institute, and the Future
October 30, 2012
This talk was delivered at the 30th Anniversary Supporters Summit of the Ludwig von Mises Institute, Callaway Gardens, Georgia, on October 26, 2012. What a thrill to speak to you on this happy occasion of the Mises Institute's thirtieth anniversary. I am deligh ...
Reporter Exposes Tax Evasion Among Greek Politicians, Targeted for Arrest
October 29, 2012
So it turns out that many Greek politicians have Swiss bank accounts and are not paying taxes due. What does this tell us about "austerity"? ... Only that it is a meme, as we have previously discussed. What is going on in Greece and elsewhere is that a small cl ...
Spain Probes Shoppers for Tax Evasion
October 29, 2012
Tax crackdowns are an emerging meme but this news, above, is especially egregious. The powers-that-be use a divide-and-conquer approach when it comes to much business and regulation. And this approach is increasing. The idea basically is to turn businesses into ...
How Can Obama Not Turn Our Backs on Failing Businesses?
October 29, 2012
During the rather brief and confusing discussion about bailing out automakers President Obama announced with his characteristic misplaced righteousness that we "will not turn our backs on one of America's basic industries." Of course, Mr. Obama and his cheerlea ...
The Virtual Recovery
October 29, 2012
Since mid-2009 the US has been enjoying a virtual recovery courtesy of a rigged inflation measure that understates inflation. The financial Presstitutes spoon out the government's propaganda that prices are rising less than 2%. But anyone who purchases food, fu ...
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