Exclusive Interviews Showing 4251 - of
Ron Holland on Gold, Switzerland and the European Secessionist Movement
October 28, 2012
The Daily Bell is pleased to present another exclusive interview with Ron Holland. Daily Bell: You felt the system of control itself was not working so well anymore last time we interviewed you. Can you elaborate? Ron Holland: Today, in the middle of the Intern ...
Switzerland Will Continue to Thrive and Outperform
October 27, 2012
"Senator John Kerry released his plan today to eliminate the deficit. He said all we have to do is find a really rich country like Switzerland and marry it." ~ Jay Leno; the approach of courting the Swiss has since turned out to be a little less amicable... The ...
The Recovery Meme and Why It's Just Talk
October 26, 2012
No. It's just not true. There is no real recovery in Britain or anywhere else in the world, for that matter. The banking elites that caused this rolling depression are in full cry about the struggles they are taking to cure it. In doing so, they reinforce the m ...
The Afghan War: Just the Facts
October 26, 2012
The deaths in Afghanistan, after more than a decade of war, keep climbing. Our paradigm proves itself out daily. The West is not in Afghanistan to help its women. The West is not in Afghanistan because of its mineral wealth. The West is not in Afghanistan to cr ...
Diminishing EU a Wonder to Behold
October 25, 2012
Ambrose Evans-Pritchard partially redeems himself with this article. After going through a bad patch when he loosed his inner Keynesian and inflicted it on innocent readers, he provides us with a fairly crisp perspective on the reality of Britain's stance versu ...
Drug Data Manipulation Is Merely More of the Same
October 25, 2012
We're not surprised about this only because we've lost our capacity to be shocked. These days we're surprised only if our worst expectations are NOT fulfilled. Everything – and we do mean everything – in Western culture and corporate enterprise is bent towa ...
Ayn Rand and Libertarians Misunderstood
October 25, 2012
Paul Ryan has some affinities with Ayn Rand's political philosophy and is now taking flack for this. Apparently eager to besmirch Ayn Rand and through her Mr. Ryan, claims now abound in the media that go like this: "Rand's libertarianism has an underlying philo ...
Elite View: The Yo-Yo Economy
October 24, 2012
There are problems with Germany but the good news regarding China brings us back to emotional parity. This seems to be the gist, the dominant social theme of this Reuters article. We're supposed to be depressed about Germany but excited about China. The idea th ...
Debt Jubilees and Memes …
October 24, 2012
The idea of a debt jubilee is gaining more and more traction, as John Rubino observes (above) in a recent article posted at Dollar Collapse. Ron Holland has also just written a clear, bold article on a similar concept, debt repudiation, posted today at The Dail ...
Secession Fever Sweeping Europe Meaningless Without Debt Repudiation
October 24, 2012
While regional independence is superior to both the failing European Union and the façade of special interest controlled democracy, one further action should taken by any jurisdictions that choose secession: Newly restored sovereign nations should repudiate th ...
In Amerika There Will Never be a Real Debate
October 24, 2012
God help them if Obama and Romney ever had to participate in a real debate about a real issue at the Oxford Union. They would be massacred. The "debates" revealed that not only the candidates but also the entire country is completely tuned out to every real pro ...
Central Banking Premises Are Lacking?
October 23, 2012
This article at Slate illustrates the growing radicalization of the Fed conversation and also how words and premises make it increasingly difficult to discuss central banking logically. It is an analysis of whom Mitt Romney would pick for Fed Chairman if he bec ...
UN Shoe Drops on Internet Terror
October 23, 2012
So here it comes. The powers-that-be have decided that they need to track user details on the Internet to prevent crime. We've reported for a while on private justice. Why is it that proponents of the state simply assume that crime is the state's business? Actu ...
The Internet Revolution is a Liberty Revolution
October 23, 2012
Until the late 1990s, individuals interested in Austrian economics, US constitutional history and libertarian philosophy had few sources of information. They had to spend hours scouring used book stores or the back pages of obscure libertarian periodicals to fi ...
Rediscovering IMF Working Papers
October 22, 2012
The Telegraph's Ambrose Evans-Pritchard has caught up to a working paper entitled "The Chicago Plan Revisited" issued by IMF staff members Jaromir Benes and Michael Kumhof. His summary: "Personally, I am a long way from reaching a conclusion in this extraordina ...
What is a Government Job?
October 22, 2012
Can government "create" jobs? Free-market types believe it is impossible for government to generate employment, though politicians claim various kinds of job creation all the time. The New York Times thinks it can. Most of the time, analysis turns on government ...
Am I a Corporate Shill?
October 22, 2012
It has always been my view that corporations are groups of people united for various purposes, often to benefit from a business venture guided by competent management. Initially, I worried little about either the legal details or even about the legal history. A ...
Brian Doherty on the Trouble With Governments and Benefits of Anarchism
October 21, 2012
The Daily Bell is pleased to present this exclusive interview with Brian Doherty. Here's a brief snippet: Daily Bell: You received a Bachelor's degree in journalism from the University of Florida. What do you think of Western mainstream journalists and media? B ...
British 'End of Life' Panels Are Bad News for Everyone
October 20, 2012
The Daily Mail received a lot of attention this week for an article entitled, "3,000 doctors putting patients on 'death lists' that single them out to be allowed to die." Now, some of the feedbacks that the Mail received claimed that the End of Life Care Strate ...
Down With the West, Long Live the BRICs …
October 19, 2012
Jim O'Neill, the Goldman Sachs creator of the term "BRICs," wants to convince us that the BRICs are not only magnificent engines of growth and prosperity but also the future of finance and investment. To this end, he attended the Telegraph's Festival of Busines ...
BBC Will Find the Sharpest Brits … or Will They?
October 19, 2012
The West's fascination with numeracy continues. It surely is kind of power elite dominant social theme. We've written about this before, in fact. The elites search out a certain kind of intelligence and even select for it. In our view, this is the reason for th ...
Japan Chosen as the Global Economic Model!?
October 19, 2012
"There is essentially no difference between one administration and another, no matter what the platform." ~ Ron Paul, on CNBC Futures Now; he also stated that "They haven't the vaguest idea what Austrian free-market hard-money economics is"... I am writing this ...
Obamneycare Converts Health Care Into Profits
October 19, 2012
In the guest section [at Paulcraigroberts.org] there is a new contribution by Dr. Robert S. Dotson. He points out that Obamneycare is two versions of the same thing. A person has to be gullible and uninformed to believe the claims of Obama and Romney that their ...
Now Mexico Bans Cash
October 18, 2012
What we consider to be the "phony" war on terror is the gift that keeps on giving to those who run our governments. The phony war on drugs only adds to the rationales for telling people what they can and cannot do with their resources. What is going on is a pat ...
BBC Deserves What It Gets
October 18, 2012
The BBC is nothing that the market itself would ever create. At once vindictive and sanctimonious, BBC culture is that of entitlement: Every Briton is forced to pay an annual stipend for the privilege of viewing the BBC. It is held up as a beacon of good taste ...
Society as an Organic Body
October 18, 2012
Karl Marx, in his posthumously published work Grundrisse identified his view of humanity very clearly. Humanity is an organic whole (or body). People aren't individuals but the cells of this organic entity whose development and maturation Marx tried to chronicl ...
Banks Punished For Central Bank and Political Errors
October 18, 2012
In recent decades politicians have increasingly followed the Keynesian prescription of economic growth through continued government borrowing and the creation of undreamt of amounts of fiat money by central banks. To facilitate this process, the larger commerci ...
Housing Demand Is Built on Monetary Policy
October 17, 2012
So builders are busy again in the US. The Fed has been flooding the market with cheap money so we are not surprised. But there are ramifications. It certainly is a dominant social theme, however. The idea is that the economy went through a rough patch but that ...
Ms. Clinton Goes to War?
October 17, 2012
It seems like Hillary Clinton's very own terrorist strike force is about to become a reality. We first wrote about this back in May. You can see the article here: "As Commandos Raid Tampa US State Department Demands Power to Declare War." Ms. Clinton was attend ...
Inflation: Washington is Blind to Main Street's Biggest Concern
October 17, 2012
Journalists, politicians and economists all seem to agree that the biggest economic issue currently worrying voters is unemployment. It follows then that most believe that the deciding factor in the presidential race will be the ability of each candidate to con ...
Love and Visibility
October 17, 2012
Years ago, somebody asked Nathaniel Branden how you know when you love somebody. His answer was something to the effect that, "When they enter a room, for you, the room gets a little brighter, like the lights had been turned up a notch." What is it that makes l ...
Illegal Downloaders Are Best Customers, Too
October 16, 2012
We've written about copyright and its criminalization numerous times and this article on Geekosystems and the one it is based on at The American Assembly are no surprise: Illegal downloaders are apt to be large record purchasers. This simply makes sense. Those ...
Toll of War Deformities Is Heavy Price to Pay in Iraq
October 16, 2012
People in the West would be shocked to know that their taxes had funded the wholesale poisoning of parts of the Middle East and Afghanistan but increasingly, that's how it seems. We've written about it before numerous times. The culprit is depleted uranium and ...
Keeping Up Statistical Appearances
October 16, 2012
Last week, supporters of the current administration rejoiced over job numbers released by the Bureau of Labor and Statistics (BLS). For the first time since the administration came to power, the official unemployment number fell below 8%. Keynesian cheerleaders ...
Measurable Improvements
October 16, 2012
What exactly went wrong in Germany? Thomas Jefferson had been dead for 150 years when Adolf Hitler came to power. But he would have recognized the broad outlines of the problem. Jefferson: "My reading of history convinces me that most bad government results fro ...
Don't Vote for Evil
October 16, 2012
Back during the George W. Bush neocon regime, President Hugo Chavez of Venezuela in his UN speech summed up George W. Bush for the world. I am quoting Chavez from memory, not verbatim. "Yesterday standing at this same podium was Satan himself, speaking as if he ...
Compelling Election or Last Gasp of US Representative Democracy?
October 15, 2012
Reuters has posted an editorial from Frederick Kempe maintaining the importance of the upcoming US presidential elections. We've noticed more and more discussion of the importance of this presidential election. It is seemingly being positioned in the mainstream ...
Old Flu Jab Debunking Garners New Coverage
October 15, 2012
Gaia Health is reporting on a 2010 study published in the Cochrane Collaboration Library that concluded the so-called influenza vaccine is ineffective and that studies regarding flu vaccines generally are flawed. The study cited harm from such vaccines that wen ...
The Economic Case for Right-to-Work
October 15, 2012
The current economic crisis that has gripped the United States over the last several years has been especially negative in its affects on the levels and opportunities for employment in various parts of the country. Michigan has been one of the hardest hit state ...
American Exceptionalism Revisited
October 15, 2012
A fairly prominent perception across the globe is that America has had certain exceptional features. While these are mixed in with various traditional ones, they still manage – or have managed – to make the country unusual in human history. The American Rev ...
Jim Rogers on Politics, Money Metals and How to Deal With an Endless Downturn
October 14, 2012
The Daily Bell is pleased to present another exclusive interview with Jim Rogers. Daily Bell: Hello, again. Let's jump right in. Where is gold headed – US$5000 an ounce? Is silver headed toward US$350? Jim Rogers: I'm not smart enough to know something like t ...
Nobel Backlash Is Symptomatic of a Deeper Elite Issue
October 13, 2012
The European Union won the Nobel Peace Prize, which is usually given to a person. There's been a good deal of astonishment over the award as people have a hard time understanding how an entity so sprawling as the EU could receive a prize ordinarily awarded to i ...
New False Flag as French Youth Supposedly Create 'Identity Generation'
October 12, 2012
France has a new war on its hands launched by "The Generation of National Identity." You can see the YouTube video below ... a professional presentation. This is possibly another dominant social theme taking shape. We see this as a kind of trilogy. First came W ...
Do We Need This? … Hestia Project
October 12, 2012
The powers-that-be continue to propagate the idea that only by removing carbon dioxide from the air will mankind survive. The idea is that human based carbon emissions are clogging up the atmosphere and trapping warmth and moisture. Of course, when you look int ...
The IMF Turns Tail on EU Austerity
October 11, 2012
The Telegraph's Jeremy Warner, assistant editor, has written an interesting article about the IMF and its recent actions. We are not so adept at reading certain tea leaves (the IMF's, for instance) as Warner seems to be. But he does make a case – and if corre ...
Too Often Regulators Play the Role of Police, Judge and Executioner: Witness Liberty Silver Corp.
October 11, 2012
To say that regulatory democracy is out of control and doing more damage than good ... well, that may be an understatement. In this editorial I will examine a very disturbing recent situation in which the US Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) has once aga ...
Lance Armstrong Investigation: Not Really About Sports at All
October 11, 2012
We've written about the vendetta against Lance Armstrong before, and now the proverbial other shoe has dropped. The news is all over the Internet and presumably Armstrong will soon be stripped of various titles. It will be difficult to decide to whom those titl ...
Government in America!
October 11, 2012
The central achievement of the American Revolution was to demote government to a role of cop on the beat. The monarch stopped being the sovereign; the citizen became sovereign instead. Self-government became an aspiration for all people not just rulers. The ide ...
Madness of Markets
October 10, 2012
Almost everything that appears on Bloomberg supports the idea of market failure. The animating perspective of Western mainstream media is that markets need "supervision." But rarely do we find this meme so bluntly presented as in this article excerpted above. I ...
New Lincoln Movie Is Another Obama Promotion?
October 10, 2012
As we analyze dominant social themes, we find the Lincoln meme to be ubiquitous. The idea, of course, is that transformative change comes from the state itself and those who are elected "leaders." The idea of transformative change is not restricted to "leaders" ...
Showing 4251 - of – Newest on Top
