STAFF NEWS & ANALYSIS Showing 4351 - of
Islam Yearns for a Third Way, US Intel Will Provide
September 21, 2012
We are enjoying our stints visiting the Reuters website, which we consider to be a broad-based resource for Tavistock and Money Power generally. That is, by sampling Reuters' articles and editorials we can get a good sense of how popular opinion is to be shaped ...
Private Investigators Targeted in Britain
September 21, 2012
Jake Simons, a Telegraph writer, has penned a column expressing indignation that a former top law enforcement official was privately investigated. This is surely part of a larger British trend toward lawlessness. We use the word in a different context, though. ...
What Should Freedom Lovers Do?
September 21, 2012
How can one combine professional life with the advancement of liberty? Of course it is presumptuous to offer a definitive answer since all jobs and careers in the market economy are subject to the forces of the division of labor. Because a person focuses on one ...
More than Ever the NFL Reflects the Dysfunction of US
September 20, 2012
We are not quite sure why the NFL seems to provide us with a kind of US Passion play but it does. We've explored this subject in the past because of the NFL quarterback and Heisman Trophy winner, Tim Tebow. Just search the 'Net for "Tebow" and "Daily Bell." We ...
QE3 – Pay Attention If You Are in the Real Estate Market
September 20, 2012
I used to have a deputy who said that the FHA mortgage insurance funds were where mortgages went to die. That was, however, before the creation of MERS, derivatives and the explosion of mortgage fraud during the 1990's which in combination with the "strong doll ...
Is Utilitarianism a Sound Ethics?
September 20, 2012
In the recent past, some who failed to disclose that Penn State University's assistant football coach molested several youngsters tried to excuse themselves, saying they remained silent in the hope of preserving the university's good name. In effect they argued ...
Was QE3 Too Much Too Soon?
September 19, 2012
Once again, the mainstream sets the debate when it comes to central banking. Here is Reuters configuring the conversation in terms of the desired dialectic. The question is not whether central banks have the right morally or even legally to print trillions of d ...
Britain Must Lose Its Chains
September 19, 2012
So perhaps the British are about to learn more regarding their ruling class than they've learned in the recent past. This is important because in some ways the British – the English especially – have evolved into a quite un-free people. The Parliamentary sy ...
The Revolution From Above
September 19, 2012
Today the Western peoples are experiencing the destruction of their well being that is comparable to what the one percent in Rome imposed on Roman citizens and conquered peoples. Here is how John Williams (, 9-12-12) phrases the wipeout of Americ ...
The Pure Fiat Con: Every Transaction Available for Official Scrutiny – and That's Just the Point?
September 18, 2012
In a previous article we examined what increasingly seems to be a monetary con – Bitcoin. Bitcoin is a pure electronic, fiat currency with no metals backing at all. It is accruing "value" and has huge exposure on such mainstream sites as Reddit. Supposedly yo ...
A Village of Scientists?
September 18, 2012
Once again, we find the dominant social theme proposed that many scientists are necessary to make an invention in the modern era. We've written about this meme before. It is part of the larger promotion to impress upon people that they are no longer capable of ...
Looming War in East Asia: Historical Inevitability?
September 18, 2012
On September 11th, 2012, the Japanese government under Prime Minister Yoshihiko Noda declared nationalization of the Diaoyu Islands, a traditional Chinese territory under Japanese control. This move caused great fury in China. In protest of Japan's illegal occu ...
Consequences of an Interventionist Foreign Policy
September 18, 2012
The attack on the US consulate in Libya and the killing of the US Ambassador and several aides is another tragic example of how our interventionist foreign policy undermines our national security. The more the US tries to control the rest of the world, either b ...
A Simple Piece of Advice
September 18, 2012
Blow up your TV, throw away your paper, Go to the country, build you a home, Plant a little garden, eat a lot of peaches, Try and find Jesus on your own. – John Prine Sometimes what's most important for your sense of happiness and wellbeing in life is what yo ...
Faber's 'Fed Counterfeiting' Remark is Unusual but Not Extreme These Days
September 17, 2012
This is fairly unprecedented. A so-called mainstream economist and investor, Marc Faber, has accused the Federal Reserve of "counterfeiting." While Faber is certainly on the conservative/libertarian side of the spectrum, his views have been popularly disseminat ...
Is Middle East Violence Really Black and White?
September 17, 2012
Market Ticker's Karl Denninger has now written two articles ("open letters") regarding the violence in the Middle East. Mr. Denninger's perspective is that the recent violence in the Middle East was perpetrated by "murderous, militaristic thugs." And within thi ...
The Seeds of Conflict: Anglo-American and Chinese History
September 17, 2012
"It is this Anglo-American axis (a 'special relationship') that has dominated the Western world for the past 150 years. It is a secretive and closely guarded group of families and individuals with enormous wealth derived from the implementation of mercantilist ...
The Era of Procrustes
September 17, 2012
It used to be considered an ugly trait to be envious. Envy is when one holds that it would be best if everyone were equally badly off. If you are better off than I am, envy will incline me to want you to give up whatever it is that is advantageous and accept bu ...
David Morgan on the Value of Silver in an Upcoming Inflationary Depression
September 16, 2012
The Daily Bell is pleased to present this exclusive interview with David Morgan. Daily Bell: Are we headed to a worldwide depression? David Morgan: We are moving toward an inflationary depression where money promises are largely maintained yet people become poo ...
Rising Middle East Violence a Precursor for US-Based Internal Combustion
September 15, 2012
Recent violence, or blowback if you will, throughout the Middle East is not surprising. Many in the mainstream media are attempting to portray the violent attacks, in particular the one against the US embassy in Benghazi, as the fallout from a recent film title ...
Elites Promote Pure Fiat Currencies – Mutual and Social Credit – for Traceability?
September 14, 2012
It has been a puzzle to us why the United Nations would want to encourage alternative currencies and why there has been a surge of feedback comment on alternative websites about "usury" and the evils of interest. One after the other, websites and blogs have sud ...
Tunisia Youth Revolution Running Down, Though it Doesn't Have To
September 14, 2012
Maybe it is too much to expect that a successful entrepreneur should prescribe an antidote to Tunisia's spiraling, aggregate depression. And David Nassar, CEO of Hotspot Digital, does not provide a solution. Instead, he spends a lot of time providing a post-mor ...
Who REALLY Produced the Film 'Desert Warrior' That Is Now Convulsing the Middle East?
September 13, 2012
As part of the evolution of The Daily Bell, we have adopted the idea of "directed history," the idea that the power elite creates a historical narrative to further its globalist ambitions. This led us to hypothesize some two years ago that the so-called Arab Sp ...
James Grant Calls for a Gold Standard
September 13, 2012
We've always admired James Grant's writing style and self-deprecating wit. But perhaps in this Internet era he has aged out a bit. We don't know why he continues to insist on a formal gold standard. This is a standard in which governments set the price of gold. ...
The Open Secret to Affordability
September 13, 2012
For a little while I was mystified about what would make the health insurance scheme that's at the heart of Obamacare affordable. I was reading about the measure all around the Web and couldn't find much information about this. Why would this be affordable, com ...
Can the SEC Improve if it Does Not Perform a Viable Function?
September 12, 2012
We've written about the dysfunction of the SEC quite a bit and we know where we stand on the SEC's viability ... It never was viable. The main idea behind the SEC is to force individuals to provide full disclosure of their financial offering in such a way as th ...
Middle East Reporting: What's Being Left Out?
September 12, 2012
The Egyptians are getting together with the Iranians, according to legendary military reporter Bill Gertz. This makes our collective head spin. First, a word about Bill Gertz. Here's his current bio ... Bill Gertz is senior editor of the Washington Free Beacon. ...
The Victims of 9/11 Should Not Be Forgotten
September 11, 2012
There is a steady drumbeat of suspicions that simply refuses to subside when it comes to 9/11., Patriots Question 9/11 and hundreds of other websites continually question what really happened on 9/11. Majorities in numerous countries do not believe ...
IRS Adopting Tactics of Ancient Rome?
September 11, 2012
The famous author Charles Adams once observed that governments who overtax their citizens are nearly always "hoisted on their own petard." Adams wrote an expansive book about government tax history entitled For Good and Evil: The Impact of Taxes on the Course o ...
A Republic, Not a Democracy
September 11, 2012
Last week marked the conclusion of the grand taxpayer funded spectacles known as the national party conventions. It is perhaps very telling that while $18 million in tax dollars was granted to each party for these lavish ordeals, an additional $50 million each ...
Repeal The Monroe Doctrine
September 11, 2012
John Quincy Adams introduced the Monroe Doctrine on December 2, 1823, when he served as Secretary of State under President Monroe. Basically, it warned European nations not to interfere with or attempt to colonize territories in North and South America or else ...
Elites Play Waiting Game with Europe
September 10, 2012
Is central bank bond-buying the key that unlocks the Euro-crisis and provides a solution? Well ... We still remember the triumphant announcement several years ago that Germany's Angela Merkel and France's Nicolas Sarkozy had saved the European Union by coming u ...
Government Triumphs With Zombie Apocalypse Preparedness
September 10, 2012
The elites we regularly track on this website via their dominant social themes like to set up helpful government entities that protect people from problems. But we have learned during this Internet era that these helpful agencies really are not so helpful. The ...
Jobs in a Free Country
September 10, 2012
The Myth of Job Security From naïve cinematic sentiment to official public ideology is unfortunately not that big a leap. Once during the New Hampshire primaries, former President Bill Clinton was stumping with a speech part of which was aired on National Publ ...
Spinning Bad Financial News Into Good
September 10, 2012
Friday's payroll jobs report says that 96,000 new jobs were created in August and that the unemployment rate (U.3) fell from 8.3% to 8.1%. As 96,000 new jobs are not enough to keep up with population growth, the decline in the U.3 unemployment rate was caused b ...
Judge Napolitano on the Virtues of Private Justice
September 09, 2012
The Daily Bell is pleased to present this exclusive interview with Judge Andrew Napolitano (left). Introduction: Judge Andrew P. Napolitano joined the FOX News Channel (FNC) in January 1998 and serves as its senior judicial analyst. Judge Napolitano is the youn ...
Riding the Tides and Suggesting Solutions Here at The Daily Bell
September 08, 2012
Like most people, I have lived my life swimming through tides of confusion, tides often created by others who desire to control us for their own desired purposes. I have, for whatever reason, a burning desire to "know" the world around me. It has led me to visi ...
Will Hedge Fund Advertising Ruin Wall Street?
September 07, 2012
Parts of the blogosphere are in full cry over allowing hedge funds to advertise. The idea is that hedge fund managers will overpromise and under-deliver. Over at Reuters, columnist Felix Salmon worries that regs are going from "one extreme to the other." All al ...
Black Is White, Up Is Down … If We Want to be Free, Let Government Run Money
September 07, 2012
The faux-alternative Internet media is aflame with excitement over an IMF study recently released, entitled, "The Chicago Plan Revisited" (WP/12/202), by IMF staff members Jaromir Benes and Michael Kumhof. As we can see from the above Yahoo Groups note, there a ...
Work Those Greeks! Advent of Modern Slavery?
September 06, 2012
Are leaks always a mistake? Someone may have wanted this memo disseminated and we figure it might be the troika itself: the European Commission, European Central Bank and International Monetary Fund. These are the new powers in Europe and represent the construc ...
What Is the Real Legacy of NASA After Armstrong's Death?
September 06, 2012
A recent article over at Forbes, above, gives us a jumping off point to evaluate the legacy of America's manned space program. After all, the legacy of the space program is deeply ingrained in America's collective heart and mind. We've run articles in the past ...
Phony Intimacy
September 06, 2012
Mrs. Obama was praised for reporting in her speech at the Democratic National Convention that President Obama takes his mission to be a personal one, that he treats the citizenry intimately, attending to the private problems of citizens. Actually, it is a very ...
The Ron Paul Hoax?
September 05, 2012
The Reality Blog is written by "Clint Richardson," another anti-usury alternative media writer. Thanks to feedbacker Danny B. for drawing our attention to it. Despite Mr. Richardson's erudition and good writing skills, we recognize areas of predictability. He c ...
On 15th Anniversary of Princess Di's Death, Reasons Have Probably Become Clear
September 05, 2012
Late last week, the British and American press were in full cry over Princess Diana, the "People's Princess," and how lovely she was – and how she is missed. Of course, it is always sad when a young person dies an untimely death but in this case one can certa ...
The Republicans Cross the Rubicon
September 05, 2012
Does anyone remember when National Public Radio was an independent voice? During the 1980s NPR was continually on the case of the Reagan administration. NPR certainly had a Democratic slant, and a lot of its reporting about the Reagan administration was one-sid ...
Your Brain Needs Your Heart Needs Your Mind
September 05, 2012
There has been a lot of research that connects the healthy function of your heart with the healthy functioning of your brain. Today I want to talk about how you can use that knowledge to improve the health of your heart and your brain. In Pulmonary Function as ...
End of the GOP?
September 04, 2012
Here's a question: If the Republicans want to win the election, why did they just commit fraud against their libertarian/conservative wings? The Republican leadership used a series of dubious tactics to ram through a series of rule changes that are seemingly de ...
Reuters Gets It Right … Sort Of
September 04, 2012
Jack Shafer has written a pretty good article here, considering it appears in Reuters. As you can see above, he is defending the unfortunate David Chalian who had the misfortune of making a private sentiment public. It is startling because Reuters provides us w ...
How Long Will the Dollar Remain the World's Reserve Currency?
September 04, 2012
We frequently hear the financial press refer to the US dollar as the "world's reserve currency," implying that our dollar will always retain its value in an ever shifting world economy. But this is a dangerous and mistaken assumption. Since August 15, 1971, whe ...
Let Central Banking Lose Its Franchise, Not Its Independence
September 03, 2012
Here at the Daily Bell, we have simple questions that we ask regularly about central banking: How much money is enough, and how do central bankers know it? The answer is that central bankers DON'T know how much money is too much. Only the market can inform us o ...
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