EDITORIAL Showing 4501 - of
Another Plea For More Statism!
July 26, 2012
I recently read Zadie Smith's essay, "North West London Blues," in The New York Review of Books, and found it an insulting, devious, and roundabout way of trying to justify statism. The quote from the late Tony Judt tells it all. Here is what he said: "We have ...
Keynesian Dialogue Symptom of Larger Monetary Upeaval
July 25, 2012
Ambrose Evans-Pritchard is feeling the heat from his suddenly affirmed Keynesian tendency and has mentioned it in this article appearing in the UK Telegraph (see above). What might seem an unimportant conversation between a journo and his readers is much more i ...
ABC's Ross Controversy Sign of the Times
July 25, 2012
Here is yet another sign of the times we live in. ABC News Chief Investigative Correspondent Brian Ross mentioned that the so-called Batman shooter Jim Holmes might have an affiliation with the Colorado Tea Party movement and is now being reprimanded by ABC. Ho ...
Change Your Brain with Your Mind: Overcome Obsessions and Compulsions
July 25, 2012
Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD) is a painful, debilitating and embarrassing psychological condition. Howard Hughes is a famous sufferer of OCD, and because he had the means to indulge his compulsive habits, they grew in strength, expanded in scope to an ext ...
How Bernanke Can Get Banks Lending Again …
July 24, 2012
Well known Princeton University academic and Keynesian economist Alan Blinder has written an article posted by theWall Street Journal that urges Federal Reserve Chairman Ben Bernanke to stop paying banks so much money in interest on funds that the banks hold in ...
Austrian Economics, Its Detractors and the Reality of Freedom
July 24, 2012
We missed this great article back in April over at Liberty Revival. The folks at Liberty Revival are taking part in a larger argument about the positive value of government-run fiat money versus free-market tangible assets like gold and silver. What we'll give ...
Security and Self-Governance
July 24, 2012
The senseless and horrific killings last week at a movie theater in Colorado reminded Americans that life is fragile and beautiful, and we should not take family, friends, and loved ones for granted. Our prayers go out to the injured victims and the families of ...
BBC's Hopeless Attempt to Elevate Keynes
July 23, 2012
John Maynard Keynes has had a bad run in the 21st century, and this article may mark an attempt by the powers-that-be to rehabilitate him. This is no doubt important to a power elite that wants to run the world and needs the justifications that Keynes provided ...
Economics Professor: FedGov Should Run Mandatory Retirement Programs
July 23, 2012
Our Ridiculous Approach to Retirement ... Seventy-five percent of Americans nearing retirement age in 2010 had less than $30,000 in their retirement accounts. The specter of downward mobility in retirement is a looming reality for both middle- and higher- incom ...
What's the Fuss About those Uniforms?
July 23, 2012
Senate Majority Leader Reid expressed outrage about the fact that the uniforms American athletes were going to wear at the opening ceremonies for this summer's Olympics in London, UK, were manufactured in China. No, he wasn't complaining because the places wher ...
The Cost of the Left-wing's Ongoing Vendetta Against Reagan
July 23, 2012
What causes some people to feel compelled to make uninformed digs at President Reagan? Is it just that they are brainwashed or, if they are thoughtful people, just too involved with other matters to be well informed about Reagan? How many of the digs at Reagan ...
Axel Merk on Inflation, Currencies and the Likelihood of a Greater Depression
July 22, 2012
The Daily Bell is pleased to present this exclusive interview with Axel Merk). Introduction: Axel Merk, President & CIO of Merk Investments, LLC, is an expert on hard money, macro trends and international investing. He is considered the authority on currencies. ...
What Is the Real Reason for Doyle's Letter Blasting the IMF?
July 21, 2012
A senior economist for the International Monetary Fund, Peter Doyle, has merely reaffirmed what is evident and obvious about the IMF ... that it is not a proactive organization when it comes to defusing global financial crises. Here's a question, however. Doyle ...
Success! … CFPB's 'First Enforcement Action'
July 20, 2012
The mission statement of the newly formed Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB) is "To help consumer financial markets work by making rules more effective, by consistently and fairly enforcing those rules, and by empowering consumers to take more control ...
Audacious Stroke of Political Genius? Why Obama May Have Released Obviously Faked Docs …
July 20, 2012
While the controversy over President Barack Obama's birth certificate and other important documents has not gone away, it now seems that in order to contain the damage, the President and his men have maneuvered one of the nation's most polarizing figures into b ...
Who is Responsible for What You Do?
July 20, 2012
"He didn't invent iron ore and blast furnaces, did he?" "Who?" "Rearden. He didn't invent smelting and chemistry and air compression. He couldn't have invented his Metal but for thousands and thousands of other people. His Metal! Why does he think it's his? Why ...
The Libor Scandal In Full Perspective
July 20, 2012
The [previous] article about the Libor scandal, coauthored with Nomi Prins, received much attention, with Internet repostings, foreign translation, and video interviews. To further clarify the situation, this article brings to the forefront implications that mi ...
Warren's Non Sequitur Revisited
July 20, 2012
This column addresses President Obama's fallacious reasoning about property rights. I wrote it a few months ago (updated here) when Elizabeth Warren (Massachusetts candidate for the US Senate), said, "There is nobody in this country who got rich on his own. Nob ...
Brave Warriors, Bernanke and Ron Paul?
July 19, 2012
The Christian Science Monitor, which used to be a newspaper and is now an entirely electronic publication, has posted an article profiling the battles of libertarian Congressman Ron Paul (R-Tex) with Federal Reserve Chairman Ben Bernanke. The Christian Science ...
Takeover of the Middle East
July 19, 2012
It begins to come clearer, as has long been anticipated by at least some of the alternative media: The global elites behind the tensions, wars and economic problems afflicting the world today are deliberately setting up a regional conflagration in the Middle Ea ...
Jobs From Forced Charity – The Socialist Way
July 19, 2012
It appears, based on the economic philosophy he has been outlining in recent weeks, that President Obama believes that jobs based on economic transactions, exchanges, trade and so forth do not matter, have no significance. This has a very serious foundation, to ...
UK Telegraph Struck With Internal Feuding Between Top Columnists Over Money Printing
July 18, 2012
James Delingpole and Ambrose Evans-Pritchard are now in a literary face-off about money printing and what needs to be done to revive lagging Western economies. In a recent article, "Fed fiddles as America slides back into recession," Evans-Pritchard seems to re ...
The Strange Case of World Net Daily and the Obama Birth Certificate
July 18, 2012
The big news is that Maricopa County Sheriff Joe Arpaio has claimed that the Obama birth certificate is a fake. The fine print tells us that World Net Daily has pursued this story to an inexorable conclusion that President Barack Obama is not exactly whom he se ...
Stress and Happiness
July 18, 2012
The Merriam-Webster Dictionary defines stress as: "1) A force exerted when one body or body part presses on, pulls on, pushes against, or tends to compress or twist another body or body part; especially the intensity of this mutual force commonly expressed in p ...
Hey, We Told You So! … Bank of England Head Demands Immediate and Far-Reaching Bank Reforms
July 17, 2012
We've been tracking this dominant social theme for more than a year now. The elites that want to run the world are focusing clearly on a replay of 1930s Pecora Hearings that gave us public markets, "self-regulatory" organizations and the SEC, CFTC, etc. For som ...
Pew Study: Great News! … YouTube Reports Tap the Mainstream Media
July 17, 2012
So Pew has discovered YouTube news. This means two things. One, the quality of honest news is going down on YouTube. Two, mainstream news is now becoming popular enough on YouTube for Pew to mention it. Pew was founded by oil company heirs but like almost ...
Inflation is a Monetary Phenomenon
July 17, 2012
Later this month Congress will have an unprecedented opportunity to force the Federal Reserve to provide meaningful transparency to lawmakers and taxpayers. HR 459, my bill known as "Audit the Fed," is scheduled for a vote before the full Congress in July. More ...
War On All Fronts
July 17, 2012
The Russian government has finally caught on that its political opposition is being financed by the US taxpayer-funded National Endowment for Democracy and other CIA/State Department fronts in an attempt to subvert the Russian government and install an American ...
Iceland – Mighty Mite or Green Lapdog?
July 16, 2012
Though we've written a number of positive articles about Iceland, we're rapidly getting over the idea of Iceland as a courageous "mighty mite" standing up against Europe's "banksters." Our re-thinking has been caused in part by the posturing of Iceland's presid ...
Debt Protests and Occupy Wall Street – Perfect Together?
July 16, 2012
Why are we not surprised? We've been predicting this for years one way or another. In many of our analyses of public banking, we've indicated that it is a popular-seeming solution – that if the power elite can print endless amounts of money, "the people" shou ...
Constitutional Anomalies
July 16, 2012
As a lay student of the law, it has always struck me odd that in the US system the First Amendment to the Constitution exempts the ministry and journalism from government regulation while it appears to accept the regulation by all levels of government of numero ...
Kerry Lutz on Money, Markets and the Growth of His Financial Survival Network
July 15, 2012
The Daily Bell is pleased to present this exclusive interview with Kerry Lutz. Introduction: Kerry Lutz has been a student of Austrian Economics since 1977. His diverse career has included: running a legal printing company, practicing commercial law and litig ...
Economist Mag Scribes Happy That America is 'Coming Back' – But I Am Not So Sure
July 14, 2012
This is a really irritating article, and that's saying something considering it appears in The Economist magazine, which is regularly obnoxious on a variety of fronts. Of course The Economist is fun to read and is erudite and self-consciously witty. Its owners ...
The Fed Claims It is Responsible for Half of US Stock Market Gains – Are We Grateful?
July 13, 2012
One of the world's major central banking institutions has now admitted that the impact of monetary manipulation has pushed up American equity markets, the biggest in the world, by about 50 percent for at least the past ten years. It will be instructive to see i ...
Surprise! Obama Reveals the Promotional Elements of the Modern Presidency
July 13, 2012
This is a good day for us. We have certain themes we try to analyze as a way of explaining that there is currently a struggle going on between those who want world government and those who want to expose it. The struggle is all-inclusive and people have to unde ...
Mainstream Media Lacks the Vocabulary to Explain What's Going On
July 12, 2012
UK Telegraph associate business editor Jeremy Warner has just written a very good appraisal of Spain's misguided "austerity" policies being put in place by Prime Minister Mariano Rajoy. And yet, as good as it is, we want to use it for purposes of this article t ...
Milos Forman Says Oh, Grow Up! … US Not a Socialist Country
July 12, 2012
What the hell is this? Milos Forman, who won Academy Awards for best director for the films "One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest" and "Amadeus," has penned a defense of the formal American military/political system, the one that is waging at least six overt and cov ...
Obama's Immigration Machinations
July 12, 2012
Not for a moment do I buy that President Obama has suddenly grasped the plight of illegal immigrant children. For one, he is on record declaring that the law ties his hands about the matter – that he cannot act unilaterally, or so he said in a widely availabl ...
Euro Back From the Brink Again? What a Surprise …
July 11, 2012
Yesterday, in an article entitled "Merkel and Hollande – Best in the World," we pointed out that much of what passed for news analysis in the mainstream press was simply leader-worship, a definitive dominant social theme. Yes, the power elite that wants to ru ...
Americans' Trust in TV Degrades Again
July 11, 2012
It is kind of funny to see Gallup's execs wondering why Americans don't "trust" television these days. Could it have anything to do with the wider disconnect between what people are told and what seems real? We certainly think so. We notice there is no dearth o ...
Merkel and Hollande – Best in the World
July 10, 2012
Reuters and the Associated Press are the two main newswires from which so many of the bought-and-paid-for media get their copy. It is hard to say which one is worse but marginally it is probably Reuters – as this article excerpted above proves once again. In ...
The Most Inspiring Article Ever on Paul Williams – and How It Crashed
July 10, 2012
We read this article on Paul Williams with considerable fascination. He's never been a favorite songwriter of ours, this famous, tiny songwriter (a little over five feet tall) who seems to have a schmaltz button where his heart should be. But there is no denyin ...
The Final Executive Order: Death of the Republic
July 10, 2012
This is a fictional story showing how the last vestiges of the republic, your personal wealth and gold could disappear in 24 hours. "The illusion of freedom will continue as long as it's profitable to continue the illusion. At the point where the illusion becom ...
Fractional Reserve Banking, Government and Moral Hazard
July 10, 2012
Last week my subcommittee held a hearing on fractional reserve banking and the moral hazard created by government (taxpayer) insured deposits. Fractional reserve banking is the practice by which banks accept deposits but only keep a fraction of those deposits o ...
Capitalism Is Swell Anyway … Or Is It?
July 09, 2012
Some days the UK Telegraph just provides us with an enormous amount of fodder and this is one of those days. Let's take a look at this article excerpted above and see where it departs from reality – as we see it anyway ... It is by Roger Bootle, a UK Telegrap ...
Labour Floats an Investment Bank – Oh, boy!
July 09, 2012
The head of the Labour Party is going green, as in "Greenbacker." One of the planks of the US Greenbacker movement, from what we can tell, is an investment bank. And now Ed Miliband is on board. In fact, the Labour Party has just issued a big white paper entitl ...
Whose Life is it Anyway?
July 09, 2012
There was a movie with this title some time ago, starring Richard Dreyfuss, that had to do with whether a person has the right to end his or her own life. If one has a right to one's life, that choice is surely one's own. Having rights has to do with freedom or ...
Richard Ebeling on Libertarianism, Anarchism and the Truth of Austrian Economics
July 08, 2012
The Daily Bell is pleased to present this exclusive interview with Richard Ebeling. Introduction: Dr. Richard Ebeling is a senior fellow at the American Institute for Economic Research in Great Barrington, Massachusetts, and professor of economics at Northwood ...
Who is on the Wrong Side of History?
July 07, 2012
Because of the Internet's success, numerous attempts have been made to weaken it and make it less of a problem for the power elite that it is inconveniencing and exposing. We call the process the Internet Reformation and we're creating a society to formalize su ...
Triumph of Hillary Clinton?
July 06, 2012
There is a sub-meme bubbling up from Washington DC concerning Hillary Clinton and the terrific manner in which she has conducted the business of the State Department during her tenure there as Secretary of State. We've noticed a pickup in mainstream media effus ...
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