STAFF NEWS & ANALYSIS Showing 4551 - of
Suicide Is Painless
July 06, 2012
This article announcing his ambition actually appeared in June. It was ostensibly triggered by a news assignment that saw the 67-year-old moving in with a "pensioner" and visiting a "care home for dementia patients" for a BBC series. Of course, we're not surpri ...
Build a Growth Mindset
July 06, 2012
When you think of what you do in your life, how do you think of yourself? If you think thoughts such as, "I'm intelligent," or "I'm talented," or "I'm a failure," you're thinking of yourself in terms of traits. Traits are fixed qualities that do not change much ...
The LIBOR Scandal Is a Sham Engineered by Central Banking Elites?
July 05, 2012
We've written two articles about the LIBOR scandal and yet we haven't had a bit of impact! How surprising is that? Well ... not very surprising. Nor are we surprised. The Internet Reformation is not based on individual revelations. It is a process not an episod ...
Rolling Stone Channels Steinbeck With Story About the US Declining Middle Class
July 05, 2012
Another farcical story from the Kingdom of Farce that has resolved itself gradually into a magazine called Rolling Stone. Is it well written? Sure. Is it moving, even heart-wrenching? Absolutely. Then, you may ask, why is it farcical? Because it does what media ...
Markets and Generosity
July 05, 2012
A frequent though quite unjustified charge against free markets is that they encourage what Karl Marx called the cash nexus or, as it is also put, commodification, treating people as items for sale. The claim is that when people engage in commerce, they are har ...
Poison of Neo-National Socialist Public Banking
July 04, 2012
It is ironic that as Germany's public banking sector continues its realignment (see above excerpt), various forms of public banking become more popular on the English-speaking Internet. What most do not realize about the argument that paper money can provide th ...
Alexa Is Nuts: Our Best Days Are Now
July 04, 2012
The Daily Bell just had two of our biggest days ever but you wouldn't know it from Alexa, the Internet decider of record that is truly a nutty facility. Last month we received 17 million hits, down from our record of 24 million earlier in the year, but that's b ...
An American Declaration of Independence From Big Government
July 04, 2012
The Declaration of Independence, signed by members of the Continental Congress on July 4, 1776, is the founding document of the American experiment in free government. What is too often forgotten is that what the Founding Fathers argued against in the Declarati ...
Madame Lagarde Prolongs the Pain
July 03, 2012
Funny, you would think that private enterprise makes money, but not according to the International Monetary Fund and Christine Lagarde. Lagarde wants the US government to do more. This is an evident and obvious dominant social theme of the power elite for whom ...
God Has Risen in a Particle?
July 03, 2012
We've written a number of articles about the electric universe because it's such an elegant theory and because the theory of gravitational physics keeps collapsing, in our view. Yes, while it surely is collapsing under its own weight and complexity, that doesn' ...
Audit the Fed Headed for the House Floor!
July 03, 2012
Last week supporters of Federal Reserve transparency had a major victory when the House Committee on Government Oversight and Reform passed my Audit the Fed bill, HR 459 unanimously with all major audit provisions intact. This clears the way for a House floor v ...
Barclays Scandal, Worse and Worse … Whatever It Is!
July 02, 2012
The Barclays scandal grows worse and worse. So here's a question: If you asked the average man on the street what the fuss was about, what answer would you get? And if you told him the LIBOR rate was subjective anyway, what would be the response? And that Barcl ...
Financial Crime Must Be Punished!
July 02, 2012
The bankers are up to no good. This is a fact and the poll referred to above is further evidence of it. Eventually, laws must be changed and hearings must be held to ensure that the financial industry is made as transparent and honest as every other part of Wes ...
My Fourth of July Reflections
July 02, 2012
For some people the Fourth of July is the most important holiday in America. Sadly, not for all, especially not just now when most of the leadership of the country has made it clear that principles do not matter. What matters is what is expedient or practical, ...
Anti-War's Angela Keaton on Women, War and the Ethics of Empire
July 01, 2012
The Daily Bell is pleased to present this exclusive interview with Angela Keaton. Introduction: Angela Keaton is the Director of Operations at She is currently chairman of the board for the Ladies of Liberty Alliance (LOLA) and national secretary f ...
Memento Mori …
June 30, 2012
Sometimes you find yourself in a quiet place and ask yourself questions. Here are some of mine. What if someone set up a society that would first and foremost offer a path to promote self-reliance strategies and positive expectations about life and living? What ...
Does Announced EU Deal Leave Out Critical Elements?
June 29, 2012
Jim Rogers's analysis of the "deal" that has been reached by top EU "policymakers" (excerpted above) is probably accurate. Apparently, EU leaders will now be able to lend to banks without further degrading their various countries' credit status. But why filling ...
Virologists Sue Merck for Faking Positive Results on Mumps Vaccine
June 29, 2012
With the Supreme Court's decision to validate major parts of "Obamacare," the paradigm of Western medicine is more firmly enshrined than ever, and thus the behavior of its component parts is even more important. What has happened under the current system is tha ...
Barclays LIBOR Corruption a Phony Ploy to Strengthen the Bloomberg/Qatar QIBOR?
June 28, 2012
Free-Market Analysis: So Barclay's resides at the "heart of darkness" which is LIBOR – various rates at which banks and the rest of can borrow. Something isn't quite right about this. Bloomberg is busy setting up QIBOR in Qatar, and the putative explanation i ...
The Most Important Meeting in the World … Again
June 28, 2012
Stephen Leeb is worried about the state of the world and has piled all his hopes on some sociopaths meeting today and tomorrow in Brussels. We use the word "sociopath" only to point up the lunatic determination it takes to claw oneself into a position of power ...
Gigantic Global Money Supply Expansion Underway
June 28, 2012
We are amidst an economic phase of volatility and sequential recessions followed by quasi-recoveries. We have titled this overall economic scenario a "Reflationary Debt Trap." I expect this scenario to hold for the coming months. In my view, European leaders wi ...
Anticipated Reasoning by the Court
June 28, 2012
A few weeks ago I wrote in one of my columns as follows: "...[T]he discussion of President Obama's federal policy requiring that everyone obtain health insurance has frequently focused on the fact that either an employer or individual would be forced to obtain ...
EU Continues to Go Down the Wrong Track
June 27, 2012
This article asserts something that we have written about a good deal from the aspect of the European political economy. In fact, we recently quoted the UK Telegraph on the political evolution of the EU and the euro. Turns out it was both malignant and creepy. ...
Our Raving Friend: You Must Write About the Rise of National Socialist Economics! (OK, Just Once)
June 27, 2012
Our raving friend is back. He's the nutter with the obsession about Greenbacks and the CIA. We've already reported rebuttals to the idea that US progenitors of "Greenbackerism" and other paper money strategies have links to US intel, but on he goes ... calling ...
No Risk, No Fun, No Freedom
June 27, 2012
Those of us over about age 30 can remember the days before America was (at least less of) a Nanny State. Some friends of ours just got back from a mission trip to Tijuana, Mexico. They brought their kids to a park there to play, and saw all the equipment that i ...
Could You Make It Up? … World's Oldest Bank Gets Modern Bailout Worth Billions
June 26, 2012
Every day we slap our (admittedly low-slung) brows and let out whistles of amazement. The latest reason: It seems the world's oldest private bank is in need of a government loan. Once upon a time all banks were private, even the ones that belonged to the ruler. ...
Condoleezza Rice's Authoritarian Fantasy and Her CBS Enablers
June 26, 2012
This is an article (along with a video) that reports on former Secretary of State Condoleeza Rice's determination not to be the vice presidential candidate for the Mitt Romney GOP campaign. But halfway through the article, the text takes a really weird turn tow ...
Leaving the GOP for the Wrong Reasons
June 26, 2012
Michael Stafford has decided to leave the GOP, and his article has attracted attention by no less than David Frum of the Daily Beast who chronicled Stafford's leave-taking by quoting a good bit of Stafford's article and posting it at the Beast. Frum didn't add ...
One World Government: Conspiratorial Fantasies or Reality Check?
June 26, 2012
Nick Cohen over at the leftist UK Observer is declaiming against political paranoia. The putative target is Julian Assange of WikiLeaks fame but the dissertation is far wider than that and basically damns paranoia generally as a response to what is taking place ...
Government is Already Too Involved in Healthcare
June 26, 2012
This week the Supreme Court is expected to issue its long-awaited decision regarding the constitutionality of the "Obamacare" law. I recently discussed absurd legal arguments by Obamacare advocates that Congress can compel the purchase of health insurance, and ...
Forty Million Houses in the US That No One Needs?
June 25, 2012
40 million houses too many ... one explanation for falling prices ... This article originally appeared in early February but is still being picked up around the web – and it certainly provides us with a shocking observation. In fact, it is worth commenting on ...
The EU … Not So Beneficial After All, but Certainly Hypocritical
June 25, 2012
All the dirty laundry is being aired now. This UK Telegraph article explains it succinctly in the above excerpt. As we've pointed out in the past, the EU exercise, especially the euro, was an exercise in cynicism. The idea was to implement a currency union, whi ...
The Carbon Charade Continues
June 25, 2012
This is a pretty incredible observation – that British politicians have no idea how they are going to attain the "goals" they voted for regarding the removal of carbon dioxide from the atmosphere. This ludicrous assertion will surely go down as a case of mass ...
The Distortions Never Went Away
June 25, 2012
I have been reading into Herbert Croly's The Promise of American Life (1909). Croly was the founder of The New Republic, which has remained a foremost middle way publication on the American political scene, a champion of the welfare state, of a half way between ...
Ron Holland on Moving Offshore, Executive Orders, Rand Paul, TSA and Political Eunuchs
June 24, 2012
Today I would never want to raise a family or manage a new company inside the US. There is too much terrorist and foreign policy risk, political risk, dollar risk, regulatory risk, crime and out-of-control federal agencies. What's left of the Constitution and B ...
Hey, Thanks For All You Do … We Wouldn't Have a Website Without It!
June 23, 2012
Thank you, O mighty State, for protecting us ... Thank you, O mighty Central Bankers, for continuing to create piles of monopoly money to fuel the State's efforts ... And special thanks also to the major media conglomerates who continue to assist their readers ...
How Central Banking Keeps People Helpless and Undermines 'Preppers'
June 22, 2012
This is a most interesting article posted at the alternative website American Dream. While its main conclusion is one of anger – even despair – over US government interference in the lives of peaceful US citizens who want to become more resource independent ...
Elite Orgasms in Rome: The Phoniness of Modern Leadership
June 22, 2012
So ... the "big four" – Merkel, Monti, Rajoy and Hollande – are meeting in Rome today. Reuters, a bought-and-paid-for media facility of the power elite, will be present to report on the scene and to remind us that our world depends on these four individuals ...
With Economists Like These, Who Counts on a Recovery?
June 21, 2012
It makes one want to throw up his hands and cradle his aching head. Here is Professor DeLong, who once served as a Clinton-era deputy assistant secretary of the treasury for economic policy, writing an entirely nonsensical editorial. The only hopeful sign is th ...
Leading Global Warming Advocate Recants! … 'Models Fail Dramatically …'
June 21, 2012
This is a great article that Susanne Posel has written over at the Activist Post website. It's really an analysis of the potential failure of one of the power elite's main dominant social theme, global warming. As you can see from the excerpt above, a noted Gre ...
On the Vineyard, Secret Service Partied Like Rock Stars: The Psychopathology of Government 'Work'
June 21, 2012
The Secret Service is much in the news for their partying ways. But to be shocked at the behavior of the young men and women in the Secret Service is perhaps to betray a naïveté about the way government really works. In this article, we'll try to shed some li ...
The Real Scoop on Public Service Unions – Part II
June 21, 2012
In many states of the country, including California, there is a crisis brewing in the public service employment region. No longer are public service employees expected to be motivated by service, as distinct from their private sector colleagues who are pretty m ...
Back to the Future … Millennium-Old Thaler Seen for Northern EU as Elite Dream Dies?
June 20, 2012
As the EU continues to unravel the idea of a Northern EU complete with its own currency seems to be becoming more feasible. Top mainstream journo Ambrose Evans-Pritchard is doing a good job of keeping us up-to-date on the desperate proposals floated by various ...
BRICs to Create Own 'Currency'?
June 20, 2012
We missed this one but Forbes did us the favor of reporting on it. The BRICs are apparently considering creating a kind of basket of currencies that would be "aimed at containing crises such as the one roiling the eurozone." This is not exactly a "new" currency ...
A Market Alternative to Psychotherapy
June 20, 2012
Psychotherapy, done well, can be a great help to people who need it. For a wide range of psychological symptoms and troubles, or for dealing with a certain range of relationship issues, some time spent with a good psychologist or counselor can be extremely valu ...
Fed Lies Unravel … Bank Board Gave US$ 4 Trillion in Loans to Its Own Institutions
June 19, 2012
Quantitative Easing. Operation Twist. Discount Window. The mavens at the Fed have so much jargon at their disposal. Not anymore. This is really simple to understand – see above. Fed board members gave trillions to their own banks so the would survive the cris ...
Washington Times Explains What Ron Paul Supporters Can Learn
June 19, 2012
In this snide little article, a Washington Times columnist who apparently might be characterized as a Neocon takes it on himself to instruct Ron Paul supporters as to how they ought to react emotionally and intellectually to the "end" of the Ron Paul campaign f ...
Islamic Psyop …. Israel Worries About Egypt – We Told You So!
June 19, 2012
It's all over the news: Egypt's Muslims continue to make progress toward controlling government from an electoral standpoint and Israel has started making noises of considerable concern. Meanwhile in Tunisia, Prime Minister Hamadi JebaliJebali's moderate Islami ...
Unconstitutional Uses of Drones Must Stop
June 19, 2012
Last week I joined several of my colleagues in sending a letter to President Obama requesting clarification of his criteria for the lethal use of drones overseas. Administration officials assure us that a "high degree of confidence" is required that the person ...
An Ominous Greece Parallel: The 1930s and the EU Today
June 19, 2012
"The Euro Titanic has now hit the iceberg and sadly there simply aren't enough lifeboats." – Nigel Farage, United Kingdom Independence Party Another Greek election and an uncertain outcome will likely continue the corrupt status quo in Greece. The Greek polit ...
Showing 4551 - of – Newest on Top
