STAFF NEWS & ANALYSIS Showing 4751 - of
EU Unraveling – Now It's Holland's Turn
April 23, 2012
Like some kind of rolling contagion, the insolvency affecting the Southern PIGS is spreading northward toward the supposedly solvent part of the EU. Now it's Holland's turn. We learn that austerity hasn't been a soft sell in Holland any more than it has been in ...
Germany Stands Athwart the European Crackup Shouting 'Stop'
April 23, 2012
In another article today we discuss the impending dissolution of the Dutch government over the issue of EU-imposed "austerity." There is no social consensus in Holland currently to cut the deficit back to the three percent demanded. Four or five percent is prob ...
Taxes vs. Fed – What's to Blame?
April 23, 2012
The above article excerpt would seem to put the "fiscal versus monetary" argument into perspective. It is an argument that, in our view, defines the modern state and what's "gone off the rails." Are taxes too high? Is that the reason for so much insolvency in E ...
Is the Case Against Megaupload Coming Apart?
April 23, 2012
We along with many others questioned the original premise when this occurred. The US justice system – really, the West's – has increasingly imposed punishment before the crime is confirmed, and the shutdown of Megaupload was only the most recent example of ...
Altruism Isn't Generosity
April 23, 2012
A big error has haunted humanity for centuries: it's the equivocation between generosity and altruism. The former is a virtue any decent human being will practice: It asks of one to reach out to deserving others in times of dire need. The latter is a policy of ...
Is Zimmerman America's Dreyfus?
April 21, 2012
I've been tracking the George Zimmerman case and it does seem to have some surface parallels to the infamous Dreyfus Affair. For those of you who may not know, Dreyfus was a Jew who was accused of passing French military secrets to the German Embassy in Paris. ...
Spain Bans Cash
April 20, 2012
They are not even making a pretense anymore that the West is run via market economies. As we have long predicted, the phony "sovereign debt" crisis in Europe is being used to justify all sorts of authoritarian measures. It is government pols that gladly borrowe ...
Huge Water Resource Found in Africa: World Bank Steps In?
April 20, 2012
We've charted this elite meme for several years – water scarcity. The powers-that-be create fear-based scarcity promotions and then propose globalist solutions. Water scarcity is a big promotion for them – and this meme is a central one these days. Right on ...
Does the CDC Tell the Truth About Vaccines and Immunizations?
April 20, 2012
The vaccine wars are heating up and now the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) has stepped in to let us know that measles is on the rise. Should we believe it? Once we would have without question. Even the name of the CDC inspires confidence an ...
The JOBS Act: Washington Takes One Step Back Toward Capitalism
April 20, 2012
I know my editorial credibility and reader confidence will suddenly collapse when this goes to print but I have some good news out of Washington and Congress. Yes, I know what you are getting ready to do but don't hit the delete button just yet! The JOBS Act is ...
BIS: Asian Central Banks Are Pretty Good!
April 19, 2012
What kind of snow are they eating in Switzerland? Monopoly private/public central banking has been a failure wherever it has been tried. The reason is very simple. Those who are in charge of printing money don't ever know how much to print. As a result they alw ...
Time Magazine Predicts Many Cars to be Unaffordable by 2025
April 19, 2012
We've been tracking the Western war on cars and this article in Time magazine raises the offensive a notch. The idea is that by making cars electric, you limit range and utility. But this article suggests that cars simply will be legislated out of existence for ...
Is the Vaccine Industry Beginning to Fail?
April 19, 2012
It began as a tiny drip-drip-drip when one of the Kennedys got angry and claimed in an article that vaccines had health consequences. And then there was the sad saga of Dr. Andrew Wakefield, who had the temerity to link autism and gut disease to vaccines. You ...
The Illuminati Strikes Again: April 19th and 20th Are Fraught
April 19, 2012
April 19th and 20th are bad days, from a freedom standpoint. Here's a list of April 20th's historical sad and bad events, courtesy of 1792 – France declares war on Austria, the beginning of French Revolutionary Wars (did the French really deser ...
Paradoxes About Intruding on Nature
April 19, 2012
Whether this is deliberate I don't know, but many movies made for children these days have strong moralistic messages that say: "We human beings are the scourge of the universe!" The very popular production of Michael Crichton's Jurassic Park onto the big scree ...
Occupy Wall Street Sees Merit in Current Tax System?
April 18, 2012
This article from Dissent magazine was also carried by Truthout, which is a leading alternative media news source, though one that focuses on a leftist interpretation of modern events. The point the article makes is an interesting one and once more confirms our ...
UN's International Baccalaureate Program Under Attack in NH
April 18, 2012
There is a public debate going on in New Hampshire over whether or not to ensure that the UN's International Baccalaureate "Programme" does not have a long tenure in New Hampshire colleges and universities. The New Hampshire House has passed HB 1403 that promot ...
Bequest of Chicago Free-Market Boys is Chile Violence?
April 17, 2012
Are the Chile Dam protests symptomatic of deeper dysfunction? There are plenty of reports of protests over the dam that the Chile Supreme Court just approved (see excerpt above). These don't give the full impact of what's at stake given that there is not one da ...
Did US Expect Taliban Attacks?
April 17, 2012
The news today is all about Australia leaving Afghanistan earlier than planned, or so Australian Prime Minister Julia Gillard says. But there are several crosscurrents taking place in this still-continuing war. While "allies" are deserting NATO – others have ...
Professor Obama Gets an F
April 17, 2012
Last week President Obama made some rather shocking comments at a press conference regarding the Supreme Court's deliberation on the constitutionality of the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act, or Obamacare. His comments belie a grasp of constitutional ...
IMF Exploits Euro-Crisis to Create Global Money Power
April 16, 2012
Almost unnoticed, the world's leaders now speak in terms of trillions rather than billions (or millions) as they used to, and the IMF and central banks are leaders in this trend (see above excerpt). The goal of the elites running these facilities is world gover ...
TSA Creates 'Privileged Flyers' as Part of Larger Program
April 16, 2012
Is the TSA's efforts to create a privileged "flying class" part of a larger elite strategy to create a group of entitled corporate and government workers? We've written about this before in terms of "corporate cities" being developed in India and elsewhere. The ...
On Misreading Sunstein
April 16, 2012
A while back The New York Times Magazine ran what amounts to a puff piece about Harvard Law Professor Cass Sunstein, President Obama's long-time friend, former colleague and one of America's regulation czars. It was penned by Benjamin Wallace-Wells, who is iden ...
April 16, 2012
Panic: 'of Pan,' the god of woods and fields who was the source of mysterious sounds that caused contagious, groundless fear in herds and crowds, or in people in lonely spots (World English Dictionary). At the famous Battle of Marathon in 490 BC, the outnumbere ...
Colonel Douglas Macgregor on Two Failed Wars and Why He Supports Ron Paul for President
April 15, 2012
The Daily Bell is pleased to present this exclusive interview with Colonel (ret) Douglas Macgregor. Introduction: Colonel (ret) Douglas Macgregor is a decorated combat veteran, the author of four books. He is also Executive Vice President of Burke-Macgregor Gro ...
Merck baldness drugs destroy sperm, cause infertility and ejaculation disorders, even after you stop using them
April 15, 2012
Hey, men! Looking for a way to ruin your sex life and become infertile? Try Propecia or Proscar, two drugs from the vaccine giant Merck, whose top vaccine scientist Dr. Maurice Hilleman already admitted that Merck's vaccines contained "stealth viruses" that cau ...
Regulation, Kobe Beef – and the Titanic, Too
April 14, 2012
What do Kobe Beef and the Titanic have in common? They both are the subjects of articles this week that deal with regulation. Regulatory democracy is surely a meme of the 20th century, a dominant social theme of what we call the power elite, a small group of dy ...
Debt Crisis Plotted to Deliver the Euro to the IMF?
April 13, 2012
We've long since come to the conclusion that the EU's sovereign crisis is a manufactured one. This article supports such a conclusion, in our view. One has to keep in mind the artificiality of the current economic construct. The economy of the world is run via ...
Latest Elite Meme: Autism Caused by … High Fructose Corn Syrup?
April 13, 2012
Here is a fairly predictable power elite meme. As vaccines come under more and more attack thanks to what we call the Internet Reformation, the powers-that-be are trying to find anything else to blame when it comes to rising autism rates. Thom Hartmaan is a lib ...
How the Elites Manipulate Big Stocks – and Why They're Failing
April 12, 2012
This kind of question is a kind of elite dominant social theme, no doubt about it. It frames the conversation and presupposes that the market itself is a greater good and that its growing failure is bound to be mitigated by additional success. Every time the ma ...
New 'Red Scare' … Universities Hotbeds for Un-American Activities?
April 12, 2012
The FBI has discovered that American Universities are swarming with spies. This is ironic because US Intel agencies generally have been responsible for generating false-flag "war on terror" operations that have been criticized by the US legal community. There a ...
As Predicted, Attacks on Thrive, the Movie Have Begun
April 12, 2012
As we suspected, the counterattacks have begun. We were doubtful about "Thrive" from the beginning, but liked it more once we saw it. We interviewed the movie's maker, who certainly seems sincere about it, and we said we shouldn't have jumped to certain conclus ...
Part II – Paul Supporters: Why Our Political Future Is In the GOP
April 12, 2012
So What is the Future for Liberty in Our Closed Political Monopoly? Let's take over the GOP from the inside rather than fight them in a rigged election process where third-party candidates are hidden by a news blackout enforced by both parties and the main stre ...
What About Those Hoodies?
April 12, 2012
Actually, I didn't encounter such an explanation at the time, nor since then, after the role the hoodie had in the Florida fatal shooting of Trayvon Martin, the African-American teen, a shooting that has unleashed much controversy about hoodies, starting with F ...
Regulators Build Too-Big-to-Fail Empire
April 11, 2012
It used to be in the US that you were on your own, at least when it came to building a business. If it succeeded, great – if not, then ... too bad. But not anymore. Now there are too-big-too-fail companies that are so designated by the US regulatory authoriti ...
First Newspapers, Now TV – the Internet Reformation Rolls On
April 11, 2012
Citibank entertainment media analyst Jason B. Bazinet is in the news today. He wrote to investors that he simply cannot account for the slump in cable TV viewers. As a result, he downgraded CBS, Disney, Discovery, News Corp and Scripps from "Buy" to "Neutral." ...
Part I – Beware the Establishment's Third Party Trap
April 11, 2012
"Insanity: doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results." – Albert Einstein Recently, Justin Raimondo wrote a thoughtful editorial, "Ron, Don't Let Your Heroic Effort End In Tampa." I agree with Justin about how the GOP is actually ...
Elite Psyop? Public Banking and OWS Converge to Provide Mass 'Public' Solutions
April 10, 2012
We can see from this article excerpt above, that two nascent "protest" movements are joining forces in Philadelphia. One is public banking and the other is Occupy Wall Street. We wish we could be more optimistic about either ... or both. But, sorry ... This con ...
Elites Strike Back Via Roosevelt Institute: Government Isn't Bad; It's Essential
April 10, 2012
Free-Market Analysis: The power elite is starting to get serious. At first the alternative media was nothing but a tiny nuisance, like a buzzing gnat. Later on, it was seen as an easily confused entity and numerous false flags were launched to mix up the messag ...
US Expands War on Terror to South America
April 10, 2012
South America has prospered somewhat in the past 25 years as Washington's various destabilizations have diminished somewhat – at least the overt ones like "Iran Contra." But now the "bad old days" may be upon SA once more. The war on drugs has been a big dest ...
In Praise of Private Charity
April 10, 2012
One of the great fallacies of our time is that if government doesn't do something, no one will. Its corollary is that if you are opposed to the government doing something, you are opposed to anyone performing that function at all. These disastrous fallacies col ...
America's JOBS Act Power Elite Yelp
April 09, 2012
Did you read that on March 27th Congress passed the JOBS act, which stands for "Jumpstart Our Business Start-ups." There have been several write-ups of this bill now, including a lengthy one in the Economist magazine. Is this the beginning of a reversal of the ...
Lincoln Must Have Worked for Money Power
April 09, 2012
The cult of Lincoln continues unabated. Now comes another movie glorifying the Great Emancipator – see excerpt above. It is a "mash up" in which several genres are combined, fictionally. This mash up was initially fiction that combined the historical Lincoln ...
Instead of Zoning…What?
April 09, 2012
I have argued before why zoning laws are inconsistent with a free society's principles, in particular with the principle of private property rights. Basically they amount to impositions by some people on others of conditions for using property that the owner is ...
David D. Friedman on his Famous Father, Anarcho-Capitalism and Free-Market Solutions
April 08, 2012
The Daily Bell is pleased to present this exclusive interview with David D. Friedman. Introduction: David Director Friedman is a law professor, anarcho-capitalist and author of The Machinery of Freedom. He is the son of economists Rose and Milton Friedman and h ...
Tax Bill Is Beginning of Formal Debt Criminalization
April 07, 2012
The United States Congress is steadily headed to a place where those who owe money to the US government shall be treated criminally. The first shot in this latest campaign took place in 2010 when US President Barack Obama signed into law The Foreign Account Tax ...
Elite Meme: Anything Is Better Than Gold
April 06, 2012
We have been covering an upsurge in articles about the "gold bubble" of late. We checked online at Google and in the last 24 hours there have been over 200 articles including the words "gold bubble." Surprisingly, many of the articles are anti-gold bubble – a ...
UK Telegraph Columnist Calls for More Gov. Surveillance
April 06, 2012
Every now and then the UK Telegraph – which is surely the most free-market oriented of major British newspapers – posts a really wacky article. It's probably because the Telegraph is traditionally royalist, as well, and these trends are at war with each oth ...
Elites Destroy Endangered Species on Purpose?
April 06, 2012
The modest paradigm that animates these pages is that a power elite uses fear-based promotions to frighten people into accepting globalist solutions – answers that would not otherwise be considered. No one, for instance, gets up one morning and thinks to hims ...
Rebellion Spreads … EU Elites Have Miscalculated?
April 05, 2012
We have often written that the power elite's reaction to the Internet Reformation is one that will not be entirely successful. The suicide of Dimitris Christoulas may perhaps support this contention. We have eyes and ears (pointy ones). We have watched what we ...
Showing 4751 - of – Newest on Top
