STAFF NEWS & ANALYSIS Showing 101 - of
Gun Ownership in America
Democide: Understanding the State’s Monopoly on Violence and the Second Amendment
June 02, 2020
Gun control is predicated on the belief that private citizens cannot be trusted with firearms. That the state should have a "monopoly on violence" because it is less violent than individuals. And that firearms should be taken away from private citizens because ...
Bubble-Wrapped Americans: How the U.S. Became Obsessed with Physical and Emotional Safety
Bubble-Wrapped Americans: How the U.S. Became Obsessed with Physical and Emotional Safety
May 06, 2020
How America became obsessed with physical and emotional safety – and how damaging it’s been to our culture. ...
Are you a fan of Dan Carlin, George Friedman, Stephen Kotkin, and Victor Davis Hanson?
April 25, 2020
Are you a fan of Dan Carlin, George Friedman, Stephen Kotkin, and Victor Davis Hanson? Good, because we are looking for an American podcast host for The Resistance Library Podcast. ...
History of the ATF
History of the ATF: How the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco & Firearms Became Corrupt & Abusive
April 20, 2020
While it’s unlikely that there is a federal organization less popular than the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms, many don’t know that they may be engaged in monitoring the gun ownership of law-abiding citizens. Learn how the ATF has become a corrupt ...
Benjamin Tyler Henry
Benjamin Tyler Henry: The Forgotten History of the Inventor of the Legendary Henry Rifle
March 23, 2020
A legend in the world ammunition and firearms, Benjamin Tyler Henry is a household name due to his invention of the eponymous Henry rifle – the world’s first repeating revolver that actually worked. Learn his forgotten history. ...
Elmer Keith: The Forgotten History
Elmer Keith: The Forgotten History of the Firearms Author and Father of Big Bore Handgunning
March 09, 2020
Prolific gun writer and even more prolific wildcatter, Elmer Keith remains a legend in the gun community. Learn how he became the father of the magnum cartridges we use today – the 357, the 41, and the 44. ...
Early American Militias
Early American Militias: The Forgotten History of Freedmen Militias from 1776 until the Civil War
February 24, 2020
Enshrined in the Second Amendment, the United States militia movement dates back to Colonial America. How did militias come to be? What is their purpose? And how have they shaped the culture of the U.S.? This guide digs deep into the history of early American m ...
Pete Buttigieg
Deep State Mayor Pete: Could Former Naval Intelligence Officer Pete Buttigieg Be a CIA Asset?
February 17, 2020
Few know much about former South Bend, Indiana, Mayor Pete Buttigieg – especially his time as a Navy intelligence officer. Learn some disturbing facts about his military record and how the 2020 presidential candidate has serious links to the CIA. ...
American Militias after the Civil War
American Militias after the Civil War: From Black Codes to the Black Panthers and Beyond
February 10, 2020
With the end of the Civil War came racial turmoil and armed freedmen, which led to a new kind of militia in America – the Constitutional citizens militia. This guide explains the history of this contemporary movement, from the black codes to the Black Panther ...
2nd Amendment and Deplatforming
Deplatformed: How Big Tech Companies & Corporate America Subvert the Second Amendment
February 03, 2020
With Big Tech controlling speech online, banks refusing to serve gunmakers, and the surveillance of consumer data – corporate America dominates political discourse and deplatforms anyone who opposes them. Would our Founding Fathers have let this happen? No wa ...
3D Printed Ghost Guns
3D-Printed Firearms and Defense Distributed: A Guide to Understanding “Ghost Guns”
January 27, 2020
Ever since the landmark ruling on 3D-printed firearms, the media and gun-grabbing politicians have skewed the facts on ghost guns. This guide provides an in-depth look into Cody Wilson, Defense Distributed, and the legislation and true meaning of untraceable fi ...
History of Black NRA Gun Clubs
Negroes With Guns: The Untold History of Black NRA Gun Clubs and the Civil Rights Movement
January 20, 2020
Many don’t know the major role guns played in the American Civil Rights Movement – learn about black NRA gun clubs and pro-gun NAACP leaders. ...
Commercial Ammo
Commercial Ammo: The Untold History of Springfield Armory and America’s Munitions Factories
January 13, 2020
From our military’s federal armory to the pioneering of commercial ammunition by Remington, this guide details the history of civilian ammo. ...
Black America Before LBJ
Black America Before LBJ: How the Welfare State Inadvertently Helped Ruin Black Communities
January 09, 2020
The 1960s Great Society and War on Poverty programs of President Lyndon B. Johnson have been a giant failure. Social welfare programs are in no way effective at alleviating poverty. Learn how LBJ’s welfare state creates a culture where people receive benefits ...
The American Old West
The American Old West: How Hollywood Made It “Wild” to Make Money & Advance Gun Control
January 06, 2020
Western films are a great example of Hollywood distorting our perspective on history. Outlaws running loose and vigilantes dishing out justice – this so-called “Wild West” is a myth, and our guide details how this Hollywood narrative has been used to push ...
America’s Sovereign States: The Obscure History of How 10 Independent States Joined the U.S.
December 30, 2019
It is often said that before the Civil War, the United States “are,” but after the War, the United States “is.” This is a reference to the formerly theoretically sovereign nature of each state as compared to “one nation, indivisible.” More than just ...
Gun Background Checks
Gun Background Checks: How the State Came To Decide Who Can and Cannot Buy a Firearm
December 23, 2019
Since the Gun Control Act of 1968, adults in the United States have had to endure required background checks in order to purchase firearms. But what brought on this gun control legislation, how does it work, and is it effective? This guide answers all your back ...
state gun control
State Gun Control in America: A Historic Guide to Major State Gun Control Laws and Acts
December 16, 2019
U.S. states have wildly varying gun control laws. Learn the history of major gun control laws and acts enacted by America's state legislatures at ...
Operation Fast and Furious
Operation Fast and Furious: The Forgotten History of the ATF’s Notorious Gunwalking Scandal
December 14, 2019
The ATF is ok with letting illegal gun purchases go – if it benefits them. So what happens when the ATF organizes a gunwalking operation, allowing criminals to purchase hundreds of firearms? Learn the forgotten history of the scandalous Operation Fast and Fur ...
Ted Nugent
Ted Nugent: The Forgotten History of the Conservative Rock-and-Roller and Gun Advocate
December 13, 2019
The Nuge. Uncle Ted. Great Gonzo. The Motor City Madman. He goes by many names, but the one-and-only Ted Nugent is most well known as a conservative rock-and-roller who speaks his mind just as easily as he plays the guitar. Read our forgotten history about this ...
Federal Gun Control
Federal Gun Control in America: A Historic Guide to Major Federal Gun Control Laws and Acts
December 09, 2019
Federal gun control is a complex, often misunderstood topic. Learn the history of major federal gun control laws and acts enacted by Washington at ...
Gun Ownership in America
American Gun Ownership: The Positive Impacts of Law-Abiding Citizens Owning Firearms
December 02, 2019
Despite the mainstream media showing a rise in gun control support, the facts prove that more guns equal lower crime and a higher likelihood of safety. ...
thanksgiving history
Thanksgiving: The Forgotten History of America’s Thanksgiving and What It Commemorates
November 27, 2019
Thanksgiving is the oldest national holiday in the United States. And while the celebration of Thanksgiving predates even the founding of the nation, it’s observation is not a continuous presence in American history. Learn how Thanksgiving has evolved to be c ...
The Supreme Court and the Second Amendment: Understanding the Court’s Landmark Decisions
November 18, 2019
One of the most debated topics in our country, this guide provides a closer look at the Supreme Court's landmark decisions on the Second Amendment. ...
Veterans Day: The Forgotten History
Veterans Day: The Forgotten History of America’s Veterans Day and What It Commemorates
November 11, 2019
Celebrated each year on November 11th, Veterans Day was first commemorated on this same date in 1919, under the name of Armistice Day. Learn the forgotten history of this beloved federal holiday and how America celebrates its heroes. ...
TSA Security Theater
The TSA and Security Theater: Understanding American Airport Security Following 9/11
November 04, 2019
Does the TSA really make us safe? This guide pulls the curtain back on the TSA's security theater to reveal the post-9/11 state of airport safety. ...
The USA PATRIOT Act: The Story of an Impulsive Bill that Eviscerated America’s Civil Liberties
October 25, 2019
The USA PATRIOT Act is a textbook example of how the United States federal government expands its power. This guide takes an in-depth look at what’s in the Act, its destruction of civil liberties, and the dangers of hasty legislation with no regard to the Con ...
Federal Income Tax
The 16th Amendment: How the U.S. Federal Income Tax Became D.C.’s Favorite Political Weapon
October 16, 2019
October 16, 2019. Although the federal government taking about half of our paychecks feels like the norm today, what many Americans don't know is that income taxes started out as an effort to fund war – and it was meant to be temporary. Learn the history of t ...
Police Militarization
Weapons of War On Our Streets: A Guide to the Militarization of America’s Police
October 09, 2019
October 9, 2019. Gun control proponents often talk about the “weapons of war on our streets”; however it’s actually America's police who are becoming increasingly militarized. This guide discusses the history of law enforcement, from peace officers to mod ...
Asymmetrical Warfare
Asymmetrical Warfare and 4GW: How Militia Groups are America’s Domestic Viet Cong
October 03, 2019
October 3, 2019. It's the ultimate 2A question – could American militias and guerrilla insurgents defeat the United States government? Not only is it possible, but it's happened before. ...
Right to Know Day
Right to Know: A Historical Guide to the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA)
September 28, 2019
September 28th marks International Right to Know Day. Each year, International Right to Know Day seeks to make people aware of the distinct rights they have to access government information. ...
Farm Subsidies
Food is Freedom: How Washington’s Food Subsidies Have Helped Make Americans Fat and Sick
September 24, 2019
September 24, 2019. Farm subsidies are the most expensive – and rarely talked about – subsidy Washington doles out. In this guide we discuss how it came to be and how it’s affecting Americans’ health. ...
Prison Industrial Complex
Locked Up: How the Modern Prison-Industrial Complex Puts So Many Americans in Jail
September 18, 2019
September 18, 2019. The U.S. has the highest incarceration rate per capita in the modern world: A toxic combo of ever-expanding laws, a burgeoning police state, and a powerful prison lobby are contributing to disarm Americans, one felony at a time. ...
9/11 Attacks
The 9/11 Attacks: Understanding Al-Qaeda and the Domestic Fall-Out from America’s Secret War
September 11, 2019
September 11, 2019. With American military personnel now entering service who were not even alive on 9/11, it’s time to reexamine the events of the September 11th attacks. Here we discuss the motives for the attack and the counter-offensive Global War on Terr ...
Mass Shootings & Media Coverage
If It Bleeds It Leads: How the American Media Perpetuates and Profits from Mass Shootings
September 03, 2019
September 3, 2019. While video games and “toxic masculinity” are often blamed for the rise in mass shootings, studies show the real cause is the media’s sensationalized reports. This guide discusses the “Werther Effect” and how it’s causing a stream ...
Freedom vs. Liberty
Freedom vs. Liberty: How Subtle Differences Between These Two Big Ideas Changed Our World
August 29, 2019
August 29, 2019. This guide looks at positive vs. negative rights to comprehend the differences between these words that have become synonymous with America’s culture. ...
Bowling Alone
Bowling Alone: How Washington Has Helped Destroy American Civil Society and Family Life
August 26, 2019
August 27, 2019. Church attendance, the traditional nuclear family, religious giving, community – it's all in decline across the nation. These are signs of impending tyranny. ...
Civil Asset Forfeiture
Policing For Profit: How Civil Asset Forfeiture Has Perverted American Law Enforcement
August 23, 2019
August 23, 2019. Police departments all over the country are profiting from the theft of property without due process. ...
Showing 101 - of – Newest on Top
