Agriculture / Organic Farming Showing 1 - 28 of 28
Technocratic Favoritism Versus Commodity Prices
October 13, 2015
Jim Rogers is usually bullish on commodities but this article asks if Rogers was wrong. We've been lucky enough to interview Rogers numerous times and we understand his bullishness. But read Rogers closely and you will see that his analysis includes factors oth ...
Does GMO Food Cause Stomach Inflammation?
May 01, 2015
GMO opponents have claimed for years that ubiquitous GMO produce such as corn and soy may have detrimental effects on our health. And in 2013, a group of researchers set out to prove it. The peer-reviewed study, which was published in the Journal of Organic Sys ...
GMO Apples: Another Frankenfood or a Great Innovation?
April 16, 2015
"An apple a day keeps the doctor away," goes the old adage. But with the advent of genetically modified apples courtesy of our friendly neighbors to the north, many health-conscious Americans worry that soon the opposite might be the case. Here's the story in a ...
Internet Raises 'Organic'?
February 10, 2015
This is partially one of those "backlash" editorials, designed to take a countervailing position in order to stimulate our sense of inquiry. That's what we read editorials for, editors like to believe. In a sense, it harkens back to 20th century memes having to ...
Is It Peak Food Yet? Yale Seems to Predict Worldwide Starvation
January 29, 2015
So now there is peak food. From the standpoint of farming and food production, peak food is probably good news. Prices will go up; demand will rise. It will surely become a self-fulfilling prophecy. But is it true? We tend to think at a fundamental level peak f ...
'Organic' Taking Its Place in the Elite Dialectic?
January 28, 2015
This article at CNN makes the point that organic foods are increasingly preferable because of the amount of herbicides the EPA is allowing in and on food-crops. We are beginning to see a dialectic here between "organic" and "Big Ag" crops. Big Ag uses herbicide ...
Monsanto's Bad Year Just Beginning?
January 13, 2015
Years of protesting Monsanto's business practices may be having an effect. Monsanto is well known for various questionable business practices that result in lawsuits and often put significant burdens on small farmers who cannot afford continued litigation. But ...
Medicine's False Paradigm
January 02, 2015
Pernicious drugs dominate our lives today like restrictive manacles control a southern chain gang. We are prisoners. And it's not evils like cocaine and heroin that are the real enslavers; they control but a pittance of people. The real chains around us are fas ...
Farmland Provides a Solution to Regulatory and 'Warmist' Overkill
December 16, 2014
Warm weather often promises an abundance of food. But for global warming promoters, warmer weather is to be feared. Purposefully or not, "scientific" research, media reports and over-regulation form an unholy triangle of food scarcity. Simplify the explanation ...
Jim Rogers: Choose Farming for Your Family and Finances
December 14, 2014
I'm still extremely optimistic about agriculture, more so than many sectors of the world economy. … If you want to invest in agriculture, the best thing you should do is become a farmer. Buy yourself some land and become a farmer if you'd be any good at it †...
When Choice Matters: Organic Food vs. Organic Investing
December 06, 2014
Morgan Stanley recently predicted a good deal of growth for organic/natural food sellers. In fact, this area is "hot." And because it is, I want to clarify certain concerns regarding organic/natural food from an investment standpoint. Increasingly, we have an i ...
Dazed and Confused: Why Trying to Eat Healthy May Lead to Dizziness
November 29, 2014
The old adage "you are what you eat" has a lot of people horrified these days, as we begin to realize just what it is we're actually putting into our bodies. Anyone who's worked at a beef packing plant, commercial chicken farm or sausage-making facility knows j ...
Wal-Mart to Offer Healthier Food: Prepare for Confusion
November 20, 2014
The "healthy food" meme keeps growing because it's a profitable one. But like many other things in the modern mercantilist environment, it's not entirely what it seems. We'll try to draw a distinction in this article that will allow us to examine this trend and ...
Feds Move to Make 'Climate Change' Solutions Part of Organic Food Production
October 28, 2014
We've been following the "organic promotion" meme and this article from the New York Times posted at the end of September further buttresses the transition of natural food from a private initiative to a public one. We haven't labeled this the "organic meme" bec ...
'Organic' at McDonald's: When Is a Meme not a Meme?
October 23, 2014
To call "organic food" a meme is questionable. From our point of view, the word "organic" by itself does not yet constitute a promotion. However, there is a debate taking place in the feedback section of The Daily Bell and it revolves around what actually const ...
Organic vs. Green – A Growing Meme
October 22, 2014
Actually, as this book shows, it is green farming that is not sustainable. In pursuit of our organic meme, we've been investigating the growth of organic farming, and came upon this just-published book that encapsulates the VESTS model. (Unfamiliar with VESTS? ...
Fury Over Food: Advantage to the Small-Farm, 'Natural' Foods Models?
October 18, 2014
October 16th was "World Food Day." Perhaps you missed it, but certainly for those directly involved, it's a contentious holiday – with two well funded farming models facing off with each other. In this article I want to show how a "third way" is one that may ...
Crash & Clash: Sustainable Farming vs. Big Ag
October 17, 2014
Africa is in the grip of a meme. We've called it "Africa Rising" before, and we've written numerous articles about it. We've compared Africa's progress to that of China and Japan – and showed that there seems to be a pattern between these three nations and th ...
Organic Trend Grows Despite Political Correctness
October 16, 2014
Are Whole Foods's actions regarding organic produce a sign that organic farming is being taken seriously at the corporate level? Well ... yes and no. Obviously, Whole Foods has made a serious commitment to "organic," but it is manipulating the sector as well. I ...
Organic Farming Under Attack by Collectivizers
October 15, 2014
Collective farming – under the watchful eye of government – has been responsible for mass starvation wherever it's been tried, certainly in the 20th century. Mao's Great Leap forward, which starved some 50 million, Russia's Kulak consolidation that cost mil ...
Encouraging Trend: Organic Farming Stands Up to GMOs
October 13, 2014
Genetically modified wheat has again been discovered in the US, but you won't read much about it in the mainstream media. The last time GM wheat was discovered in US farm fields, the domestic export market crashed and Japan issued a US wheat ban. The meme here ...
Monsanto Meme Disintegrates as Organic Ascends?
April 29, 2014
Here at High Alert we can tell the difference between science and exploitation. Much of what passes for applied science these days in the West is unfortunately fear- and greed-based exploitation. It is the power elite that organizes these faux-science applicati ...
Is Anti-Obamacare Rhetoric Part of Movement Toward Alternative Healthcare and Organic Farming?
April 28, 2014
The mainstream media in the US has always seemingly been pro-Obamacare. The program never received a forceful vetting and now with the program supposedly gaining traction, defenders are out in force. This Reuters editorial is a good example. The talking points ...
High Alert to Embrace Organic as Natural Farming Expands
April 08, 2014
In our other article in this issue, we point out that while Larry Summers wants government to create and implement economic policies, up to 75 percent of people polled in a Pew Survey "distrust" government. The power elite is moving in the wrong direction. Its ...
Doug Bell on the Decline of the Green Revolution and the Future of Farming
December 22, 2013
There are generally three basic farming methods: green, organic and no-till. The green farming revolution lasted from the 1940s until today, but gradually it has become less effective, producing diminishing returns as the various chemicals and pesticides have m ...
Mercantilist Monsanto: Driver of Organic Farming
December 04, 2013
What is going on with this Monsanto study is similar to what happened to Dr. Andrew Wakefield when he had the temerity to publish information that might be interpreted as linking autism to vaccinations. Wakefield has been pursued relentlessly. Today, he is no l ...
Doug Bell: Why a Former Supercuts Entrepreneur Offers a Uruguayan Farmland Investment Pool
March 31, 2013
The Daily Bell is pleased to present this exclusive interview with Douglas Bell. Introduction: Doug Bell grew up in Los Angeles and graduated from Wesleyan University. After nearly a decade as an industrial designer and project manager in a professional educati ...
Ned Schmidt on Gold, Oil, Farmland and International Investing
November 11, 2012
The Daily Bell is pleased to present this exclusive interview with Ned Schmidt. Daily Bell: You've been an advocate and practitioner of value-oriented investing for 30 years. But if the market is efficient, then can value investing work? Ned Schmidt: Market eff ...