Showing 2601 - 10 of 10
December 08, 2017
“Produce your own dream. If you want to save Peru, go save Peru. It’s quite possible to do anything, but not to put it on the leaders….You have to do it yourself.” ...
December 07, 2017
Goodfriend says banks should be able to charge people money to store their money. But then why would anyone keep their money in a bank? They wouldn't unless the cash negative interest rate was even higher. ...
December 06, 2017
Don't you hate when so much extra wealth is added to society, that the economy tanks? Wait, what? ...
December 05, 2017
Blockchain legitimacy has nothing to do with the myth of magical government action. And that is why its future is bright. ...
December 04, 2017
Sex is the fuel that makes the world go around. It is a need too basic to suppress, regardless of how unorthodox and self-destructive the act may seem or even be. ...
December 03, 2017
Why are teens so angsty and rebellious? Because they are biologically adults, being treated like children. ...
December 02, 2017
The first step, create a monster. The second step, use that monster to scare people into giving you power. ...
November 30, 2017
Let's talk about power. The way I see it, there are basically two types of power, political and economic. You can wield power through the government, or through your giant bank account. ...
November 29, 2017
The government plan creates no new wealth. They simply redistribute existing wealth through a basic income. This is an opportunity for humanity to use 30% of their productive time in exciting new endeavors. If we let the government have their way, they will des ...
November 28, 2017
You can't ignore the facts. That traditional model of employment so many Americans sought in the past, is giving way to something new. ...
November 27, 2017
Nothing makes me dig in my heels like dishonesty. I don't care how good a cause is. If someone is lying to get support, they don't deserve it. They end up doing more damage to their cause with their dishonest tactics. ...
November 26, 2017
Somaliland was an isolated separatist region of a war-torn vacuum of power. Now, they are positioned to become the next Dubai. ...
November 25, 2017
Estimates vary for the amount of money the government will bring in through this theft; the lowest amount I’ve seen is $100 billion (again, an enormous sum in Saudi Arabia).
The Wall Street Journal reported that the Saudi government is targeting as much ...
November 24, 2017
The Police Cheif bragged that every inch of the city was covered by at least one security camera. He chuckled that there is not a corner you could find to escape being filmed. ...
November 23, 2017
When settlers first arrived at Plymouth, their first attempts to survive were disastrous.
November 22, 2017
Industries are routinely upset by new technologies. Rule of law is a product in need of innovation. The way to govern a society needs some experimentation to improve it. ...
November 21, 2017
The Good Samaritans of this world don’t always get recognized, but they’re out there, doing their part to push back against the darkness. ...
November 20, 2017
Individual freedom terrifies those in power. But it is an innate desire that cannot be suppressed. Therefore the media attempts to replace the drive for personal liberation with sexual liberation. ...
November 18, 2017
The situation, then, will truly be out of control. The Cartel presence in the U.S. will become massive, and ubiquitous, as black market heroin profits will soar, corrupting law enforcement, the political class, and everyone standing to cash in. The United Stat ...
November 17, 2017
The way the government treats the citizens is the exact same way sexual predators treat their victims. ...
November 16, 2017
Why are governments so interested in breaking up monopolies? To protect the biggest monopoly of all, the government. ...
November 15, 2017
It is a nightmare. And you don't have to do it. ...
November 14, 2017
Many of us have struggled hard for our independence; we have fought bitter wars for our freedom; and along the way, we have made huge personal sacrifices for our successes. In return, we have been rewarded with a crumbling nation. ...
November 13, 2017
223 years ago today, "The Dreadful Night" occurred in Western Pennsylvania, after an uprising called The Whiskey Rebellion. ...
November 11, 2017
Taxation is theft. But I’ve seen some people defend taxes with typical arguments like, "It’s not theft because you get something for your money." Perhaps the confusion lies in the fact that not all thieves act the same. There are at least three different t ...
November 10, 2017
The problem with government is it elevates people to positions of power over their fellow citizens. And all too often, these people take advantage of their status. ...
November 09, 2017
The primary driver behind this is taxes, plain and simple. ...
November 08, 2017
And if the nonchalant attitude of the media wasn't enough, GQ published a piece called Rand Paul Sounds Like the Worst Guy to Have as a Neighbor. That's it. Blame the victim. Rand Paul deserved to be attacked because he is an annoying neighbor. ...
November 07, 2017
Anytime someone in an elite or powerful position starts saying the population is too high we should get worried. You can bet it isn't their friends and family that they are talking about overpopulating the Earth. ...
November 06, 2017
Chubb provides extra protection to the homes they insure in certain zip codes that are prone to wildfires. They get private firefighters on the scene before the building catches. This means instead of being left with a pile of ashes and a check to go about the ...
November 04, 2017
Now we know that boys' natural advantage in physics comes from peeing. A scholarly article has detailed the theory. The authors suggest that boys gain a practical knowledge of the physics of projectile arcs by having the natural opportunity to manipulate arcs o ...
November 03, 2017
When they are finally released to the world, the majority, sadly, are released like conditioned Pavlovian dogs who are trained to respond to popular political ideas, social fads, and more, on cue, exactly as they were instructed by their teachers and other infl ...
November 02, 2017
The Department of Justice has settled a class-action lawsuit brought by Tea Party groups from across the country. The government has admitted that what happened was a violation of rights. ...
November 01, 2017
Just when people need the government most, is when you will find politicians at their sleaziest. ...
October 31, 2017
Just because a Ponzi scheme is run by a government doesn't mean it won't collapse.
October 30, 2017
Some people have too much time on their hands and are just looking for things to be offended about. ...
October 29, 2017
There's no reason to go out of your way to be offensive, but there is also no reason to worry about normal behavior being interpreted as offensive. ...
October 27, 2017
In principle, cryptocurrencies are the best way for people to take back their freedom to act in their own best interests, without relying on manipulative banks. ...
October 26, 2017
Many of the schemes to break down societal order, first tested and perfected in inner-city schools, have spread throughout the public school system, and into our great universities. This has left many parents bewildered and searching for an explanation. ...
October 25, 2017
You deserve to get as much as you give in any relationship. ...
October 23, 2017
Twin Oaks is an "intentional community" in Virginia. It is one of the oldest successful communes in America because it's not really a commune. ...
October 22, 2017
We’re being subjected to the oldest con game in the books, the magician’s sleight of hand that keeps you focused on the shell game in front of you while your wallet is being picked clean by ruffians in your midst.
October 21, 2017
The United Kingdom actually proposed jailing anyone who even views extremist content online for up to 15 years! ...
October 18, 2017
Hitler is a one-size-fits-all kinda guy. He's always on time, never complains and works for free. The perfect Government stooge. ...
October 17, 2017
Once you accept that you are not sovereign, it is just a matter of maneuvering for governments to do whatever they want. ...
October 16, 2017
The propaganda machine is firing on all cylinders. Harvey Weinstein must have pissed someone off to be sacrificed by the elite. Perhaps it was a religious sacrifice of sorts. One arm of the propaganda machine is pushing the idea that adherence to the Islamic re ...
October 15, 2017
The biggest takeaway is how remarkably unimaginative world leaders currently are. Quirk's book presents countless technologies and businesses which are solving the world's biggest problems. ...
October 14, 2017
The biggest thing this survey proves is that Orwellian double-speak is working.
October 12, 2017
However, it takes a culture of entitlement and a nation of compliant, willfully ignorant, politically divided citizens to provide the foundations of tyranny. ...
October 11, 2017
If someone seems angry and disgruntled now, imagine how they will feel after you report them as a suspected terrorist. ...