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The Sunbelt Republic: What If Texas and Florida Seceded?
By Marx Fawcett - July 05, 2024

Originally spotted via @WallStreetSilver was this short Tik-Tok of what a “Sunbelt Republic” would look like if Texas and Florida seceded from the US, and inevitably brought in Louisiana, Mississippi and Alabama:

The rough maths on the KPIs look impressive:

  • A combined GDP of $4.5 Trillion (it would occupy the #3 slot in the G-7 and bump Canada off the bottom of the list)
  • 455,000 square miles would make it larger than France and Germany
  • Total population over 66 million – the 23rd largest in the world.

Of course, this is a hypothetical (for now) – but somebody has been spreading nearly identical videos about this across social media.

With the idea of a second Civil War emerging over the past few years – would this be able to happen without that occurring?

(Up here in Canada, we are looking at a similar dynamic with #WEXIT – where Alberta will almost certainly separate within the coming decades, especially if the energy-hating, collectivist, degrowth lunatics in the Liberal and NDP parties continue to inexplicably hold power).

This is all part of a secular trend toward fragmentation and decentralization globally. We are not headed for a One World Government – we’re headed for a multi-polar world, even here at home.

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