What are the chances of a US Internet Kill Switch? Could it happen? Is it practical?
Today there is substantive Internet freedom. But if Barack Obama and the power elite standing behind him get their way, the authoritarian nightmare planned for all citizens suppressed under the control of a New World Order will move closer reality.
In fact, just yesterday, there were news reports about the Obama administration is moving forward with an Internet ID plan for the US Internet-using public. The administration announced it would support programs created by the private market that would make Internet IDs available to those who wanted to use them.
There's "no reliable way to verify identity online" at the moment, US Commerce Secretary Gary Locke said, using malware and identity theft as justifications for funding such a program. "Passwords just won't cut it here." Of course, that's not the real reason to create an ID program. The real reason is to chill free speech. Anyone who believes such an ID system will remain voluntary also likely believes that Obama himself is a wide-eyed Democratic radical and not the corporatist political functionary he so obviously is.
There are international efforts afoot to rein-in the Internet. In "Is France Plotting to Kill the Free Internet?" tech writer Bobbie Johnson advises us to "Keep a weather eye on next month's G8 gathering of ministers and Web moguls—a potential oligarchy in the making." Johnson points out French President Nicolas Sarkozy is planning to use the gathering to advance his plans to further regulate the Internet.
Sarkozy, who has proposed taxes on Internet use and is dedicated to the creation of a "civilized" Internet, wants to use the G8 as a platform to put top politicians and top technologists in the same room together. According to Johnson, those Sarkozy hopes will include attendees Eric Schmidt of Google, Jack Ma of Alibaba, Jeff Bezos of Amazon, and Facebook's Mark Zuckerberg. "They'll be talking about the future of the Internet, and items up for discussion include copyright, piracy, privacy, security, and the cloud. It's not obvious whether this gaggle of ministers and moguls will agree on specific policies."
Again, none of this is actually aimed at benefitting Internet freedom. People like Sarkozy want to CONTROL this endlessly organic facility and reduce its ability to expose elite plans. It's making them crazy! In the 20th century, the Anglosphere elite moved rapidly toward its goal of centralized world governance. But 21st century technology has virtually stripped away the veil of secrecy behind which the elites operated and exposed their plans.
By exposing their plans and also the fear-based promotions that they use to drive middle classes into giving up power and wealth to internationalist institutions, the Internet has vastly complicated the elite's efforts at "finishing the job." It is the Internet and those intrepid reporters who place information on it that has revealed the extent, ambition and arrogance of elite plans. It is the Internet that has allowed people to perform the research and write the articles that have exposed the fraudulent central banking system and ways the mainstream media reinforces elite memes.
The elites would like nothing better than a methodology that allows them to turn off or "kill" parts of the Internet, especially in times of crisis, perhaps a manufactured one. The main target for the elites, of course, is not the Middle East or Europe but America. In a March 2011 article, "In Search Of The Internet Kill Switch" TechCrunch's John Orlin explored efforts at targeting the US for an Internet kill switch.
Orlin reports on Libya's Internet shutdown in early March and also Egypt's attempt to shut down its Internet while the revolution against Hosni Mubarak was underway. But that effort backfired and only angered protestors. "We couldn't condemn the action in other countries while at the same time plan it here?" Orlin asks. The answer: Yes, in fact, the US could do just such a thing.
He reminds us that Senators Joseph Lieberman, Susan Collins and Thomas Carper introduced the controversial "Protecting Cyberspace as a National Asset Act of 2010.″ This bill included language to "authorize emergency measures to protect the nation's most critical infrastructure if a cyber vulnerability is being exploited or is about to be exploited." Press reports labeled the legislation the "kill switch" bill. Orlin adds the following:
When talking about an Internet kill switch, an image of a giant switch in the Oval Office, perhaps next to the "red telephone," used to shut down the entire Internet comes to mind. But that's fiction and gives the bill's sponsors cover to deny the bill contains a total kill switch … While denying the bill authorized a presidential "kill switch" in a fact sheet, Lieberman told CNN, "Right now, China, the government, can disconnect parts of its Internet in a case of war. We need to have that here, too." Just because China does it is a laughable argument. It's also clear he wants a way to turn parts of the Internet off.
We've pointed out in the past that it is likely impossible to "turn off" such a vast system in the United States or throughout Europe. But it is certainly possible to bring the Internet further under control of elites that hope to turn it into a glorified TV-oriented "programming" network. Whether this happens is up to all of this. We take "human action" to determine our futures individually and together as regards such critical issues.
I would urge all who are concerned about Internet freedom to follow elite efforts at further controlling it and to help us spread awareness in order to combat 'Net censorship. Like the Gutenberg press before it, the Internet is a mechanism for spreading important information that can lead to vast social change – while ameliorating further authoritarian centralization within the context of a "new world order."
This is what Western Anglo-American elites in particular fear, as they are desperately trying to put the finishing touches on world government before the larger masses wake up to the full reality of the threat. To the elites, the Internet is a big mistake that emerged out of an unfortunate synthesis between a DARPA military-information network and the unexpected, non-government-initiated creation of the portable PC. To others, including myself, it is the world's great hope.