Exclusive Interviews, Videos
Radio Rothbard: History Didn’t End: The Return of the Draft
By Bryan Lutz - August 18, 2024



The return of the draft raises concerns about involuntary conscription, the impact on individuals’ freedom and rights, and the potential for the US to get drawn into larger wars with Iran and China.

  • The return of the draft raises concerns about involuntary conscription and its impact on individuals’ freedom and rights.
  • The misconception that history is over has been shattered by the resurgence of great power competition and conflicts like Russia’s invasion of Ukraine in 2022.
  • The balance of power in warfare is not just about material capital goods, but also about the availability and recruitment of skilled labor.
  • The return of the draft in Europe is a real trend, inspired in part by the Ukraine Russian war.
  • The complex Weapons Systems in the military require a large number of people for maintenance and support, far exceeding the number of combat soldiers.
  • The possibility of being drafted for political reasons on the other side of the planet is a real concern.
  • The draft is essentially a form of slavery, where the government thinks they own you and your service is never ending.
  • The potential for the US to get drawn into larger wars with Iran and China poses significant dangers in terms of needing a lot more manpower.
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