Big Oil, a Tale of Two Paradigms
By Joe Jarvis - November 28, 2012

US-Created "Syrian Opposition" Led by Big Oil As in Libya, Syrian "opposition" is led by long-time servants of Western corporate-financiers. A year ago, it was reported that Libya's new NATO-installed prime minister, Abdurrahim el-Keib, was in fact a long-time US resident, having taught at the University of Alabama and was formally employed by the Petroleum Institute, based in Abu Dhabi, UAE and sponsored by British Petroleum (BP), Shell, France's Total, the Japan Oil Development Company, and the Abu Dhabi National Oil Company. El-Keib is listed as a "Professor and Chairman" in his Petroleum Institute profile which also describes extensive research conducted by him sponsored by various US government agencies and departments over the years. His long history of serving and working in coordination with Western governments and corporations made him and his collaborators the ideal candidates to prepare Libya for its place within the Wall Street-London international order. – Tony Cartalucci/Global Research

Dominant Social Theme: Big Oil is a curse on the world.

Free-Market Analysis: Tony Cartalucci is one of the most courageous and talented alternative journos around but as long as we are analyzing Global Research articles (see other article, this issue), let's take a look at this one, as well.

(An aside: Like Mr. Cartalucci, the editors of Global Research are both courageous and savvy, representing some of the best of what may be referred to as alternative journalism. But nonetheless, we can have our differences, and today we've found two articles where we disagree, at least a little. Hopefully, the folks at GS won't mind! We remain big fans …)

Anyway, back to the article at hand. Cartalucci blames Big Oil for what is going on in Syria today. But in order for this to be consistent with the larger Middle East outlook, one needs examine what's going on in Libya, Egypt, Tunisia, etc. In each of these countries a sectarian government has been overthrown and an apparently Islamic oriented regime has emerged.

We've argued in numerous articles in the past that the reason the Middle East and upper Africa is going up in flames is because the powers-that-be are trying to create a religious war between Christianity and Islam. It sounds weird but there doesn't seem to be any other explanation to us. Out of chaos, order and all that. If you want to manipulate people, set them against one another.

In the past, Cartalucci has been a path-breaking journalist when it comes to the Middle East. As Cartalucci himself has pointed out, the unrest has been greatly increased by various youth movements – AYM – sponsored by the CIA, State Dept. etc. This made sense to us. However, one cannot explain, for instance, Tunisia, as part of a Big Oil destabilization in our view.

Thus, there is something more to it. Those who, like us, make note of directed history may see a credible argument in the religious war idea. We argued long ago that the Muslim Brotherhood would start to emerge as a deciding element gradually rectifying Middle Eastern chaos. In this we believe we made the correct call.

The Muslim Brotherhood, we were told by various believable sources, is Western controlled at the very top. We are not surprised, therefore, at the emergent Middle Eastern scenario: Destabilization has led for now to Brotherhood penetrated nation-states and a resumption of anti-Western rhetoric.

The rhetoric and actions are also anti-Israel and both of these elements contribute the unfolding plotlines. The top elites organizing this ongoing chaos WANT an East versus West scenario. They apparently want these sorts of religious tensions and in the past two years have been busily creating them. (Jerusalem may play a part in this as well.)

The weapon of choice, ironically (of late) has been Al Qaeda itself, whatever that is. Created apparently by the CIA in the 1980s to supposedly fight Russians in Afghanistan, Al Qaeda has recreated itself almost at a whim into an all-purpose enemy of the West. Except, of course, when it is an ally …

In both Libya and now Syria there are reports that Al Qaeda warriors are fighting alongside Western interests. There are other elements at work supporting the West, of course, including troops from Qatar, supposedly 6,000 of them that invaded Libya and are currently keeping the "peace" there.

This shows us, as we have also predicted, that the Middle East has been split into two parts. One part supports the West and is allied to it. The other part – the "bad" part – is positioned in anti-Western ways. Thus it always seems to be. Divide and conquer … It is for this reason we remain confident of our paradigm and dubious of the idea that the war being created in the Middle East is a resource war. We have made the same points about Afghanistan.

Our idea – accept it or not – is that these are wars for globalist control and not for resources. In Afghanistan, the war is being fought to subdue the Pashtuns and Punjabis, two of the Earth's last independent tribes. In the Middle East, various wars are being fought to recreate that region socio-politically and turn it into a constant rhetorical or even actual enemy of the West.

In this article, Cartalucci seems to fall back on the idea that the current wars are resource driven. Big Oil needs additional reserves, etc. But from our humble point of view, there's plenty of oil in the world. And Big Oil knows where a lot of it is. No, we think it's more likely that the powers-that-be – the ones trying to create global governance – would like us to BELIEVE this is a war over oil and resources generally in the Middle East.

That's how they work, after all. There are false flags wrapped within false flags. Here's more from the estimable Mr. Cartalucci:

It is revealed that the US-handpicked opposition, announced in Doha, Qatar earlier this month, is led by a similarly compromised figure, Moaz al-Khatib. The corporate-financier-funded Carnegie Endowment for International Peace reported of al-Khatib that:

Moaz al-Khatib, an oil sector engineer and former imam of the Umayyad Mosque in Damascus, has garnered substantial praise since his designation, while Riad Seif and Suhair al-Atassi bring their own credibility to the coalition. They have now set up shop in Cairo and have received the full endorsement of France, Italy, the United Kingdom, Turkey, and the members of the Gulf Cooperation Council as the "sole representative" of the Syrian opposition. The European Union and the United States have endorsed the group in a more general fashion.

Even more importantly, from Syrian citizens of various affiliations with whom I have met recently, it is clear that al-Khatib and his associates seem to draw praise for their opposition to the regime—as an imam, al-Khatib refused to follow the speeches imposed by the regime and was imprisoned—their resistance, and their tolerance. These endorsements are a first achievement, but a number of steps are necessary before Moaz al-Khatib becomes the real head of the Syrian opposition and enters into a substantive relationship with EU leaders.

However, this resounding praise should be kept in the context that among the Carnegie Endowment's sponsors are in fact many "oil sector" giants including British Petroleum (BP), Chevron, Exxon, and Shell.

VoltarieNet's Thierry Meyssan reported in an article titled, "The many faces of Sheikh Ahmad Moaz Al-Khatib" that:

Completely unknown to the international public only a week ago, Sheikh Moaz al-Khatib has been catapulted to the presidency of the Syrian National Coalition, which represents pro-Western opposition in the Damascus government. Portrayed by an intense public relations campaign as a highly moral personality with no partisan or economic attachments, he is in truth a member of the Muslim Brotherhood and an executive of the Shell oil company.

Indeed, al-Khatib had worked at the al-Furat Petroleum Company for six years, according to the BBC, which is partnered with Shell Oil. Al-Khatib is also said to have lobbied for Shell in Syria between 2003-2004, and has likewise taught classes in both Europe and the United States, this according to his biography featured on his own website.

Okay … The point we are trying to make here is that the Big Oil bogeyman can be positioned in numerous ways. One can certainly see their backing of various power elite think tanks. It seems then that Big Oil is "behind" strategic currents in the Middle East and elsewhere but this may not necessarily be true.

But again, from our view, the top elites like to work with dominant social themes. Such memes are confusion-makers. The big meme in this case is that Big Oil is behind most modern wars. The subdominant social theme is that one must "follow the money" to discover the perfidious influence of Big Oil.

Not so fast. Big Oil has been a promotion from the very beginning, in our view. We've written several times on how John D. Rockefeller adopted the rhetoric of a European conference on chemistry and biology to declare that oil was a "fossil fuel." He chose the nomenclature deliberately to ensure that people would understand that oil was subject to diminishing availability when, in fact, it may be abiotic.

From our point of view, most scarcity memes are manipulated ones. Whether it is air, water, food or energy, we are always to be bombarded with the idea that we are an inch away from running out and experiencing life-threatening catastrophe. Wars, in fact, must be fought to retain precious resources that might be claimed by the "other guy."

The most precious gift the Internet Reformation has given us is the ability to see this resource propaganda for what it is, or at least what it may be … We are NOT convinced the Middle Eastern wars are being driven by Big Oil. We remain confident of our own paradigm: These are likely wars of control.

After Thoughts

This is no small issue, either. If we understand our world better, we are better able to protect ourselves, our families and our friends. We are also less apt to be swayed by elite promotions and propaganda.
