Carbon Rises Anyway
By admin - August 14, 2010

This carbon scheme is a fiasco in the making … There are major concerns about the bureaucracy involved in a plan to force companies to cut their energy use … A reminder from the Department for Energy and Climate Change, advising businesses that they have less than two months to register for a new compulsory carbon-cutting regime, clearly came as a shock to many of them. Around 30,000 organisations have until September 30 to sign up with the Environment Agency to participate in the Carbon Reduction Commitment Energy Efficiency Scheme. Yet as the DECC disclosed this week, only 1,200 have done so, and industry analysts expect that 7,500 will end up missing the deadline. – UK Telegraph

Dominant Social Theme: This carbon tax-and-trade needs a better implementation.

Free-Market Analysis: We have stated numerous times that one way someone can tell whether or not a specific sociopolitical belief system is a power-elite dominant social theme is by whether it continues to lurch ahead even after its credibility has badly diminished. There is no better example of a power-elite fear-based promotion that conforms to this profile than "global warming."

Not only has it little scientific credibility at this point, it has diminishing popular support in Europe or America. Also those who do not support the concept tend to be furious about it, feeling they and the societies they live in are being manipulated. The promotion thus has been stood on its head: It is generating not adherents but enemies. These enemies will eventually question other elite memes as well. We would argue the process is taking place now and that monetary, fiscal and military themes are all beginning to unravel.

Like Peak Oil, another fear-based power elite meme, global warming was more popular in the mid 2000s before the financial crisis began to concentrate people's minds. We hear less about Peak Oil now, and global warming has been formally damaged by the scandals surrounding. Yet still like a zombie in a bad sci-fi movie it lurches ahead no matter how it is injured. Its leading proponents have been found, according to emails, to have lied about data, misrepresented facts, conspired against dissenting views and generally done everything in their power to turn an opinion (the world is warming) into an actionable fact.

Of course, after the emails came to light, there were several quasi-formal panels that examined the matter with laughable results. Witnesses were not called and the assertions of those responsible for the emails and data misrepresentations were apparently taken at face value. The assertions of innocence were buttressed by these committees and the results, somehow, is this plan out of the British Department for Energy and Climate change imposing a new, compulsory carbon-cutting regime.

Never mind that many in Britain (and throughout the West now) believe that the case for global warming has been shredded. Never mind that those within the intellectual vanguard of society – the all-important intelligentsia that must be brought on board in order for a fear-based promotion to function properly are NOT on board at the moment. The show must go on.

Here at the Bell, we've long pointed out that the power elite's themes are crumbling away. We learn too of course. While we believed the Internet itself would expose these themes and render them inoperative, what has happened is that the economic crisis itself has combined with the Internet to provide a series of teachable moments. The results, inevitably, will be similar – or so we believe – to the kinds of creative turmoil that surrounded the invention and application of the Gutenberg press 500 years ago, leading to the Renaissance, the Reformation, the founding of these united States, etc.

During those tumultuous times, it is worth pointing out, low-key war raged for decades across Europe. There is nothing new here. The elite has always turned to war as a way of defusing social tensions. But here too, once again, the elite has a problem. General war is a hard thing to implement when the world is well-armed with nuclear weapons. Wars can be fought, but they must be managed carefully and total war is likely an outright impossibility.

Despite the conflation of the Internet, war-problems and the economic crisis, the elite still pushes ahead. This is because in our opinion, those implementing elite programs have a tool-kit that has been refined over centuries. But there is nothing very innovative about it. They have certain solutions and certain ways of controlling events. When they hit a tough patch, they tend to power through. The crisis resolution they offer is aimed at defusing discrete problems.

The Internet, as we have often pointed out, is not in any sense discrete. It is a process not a singular event. So the crisis-resolution that the elite can bring to bear does not easily apply. They have to stop the truth-telling of the Internet altogether, and they have to do it at a time when the Internet and its truth-tellers have a great deal more credibility than the elite itself, or in mainstream news organs. This is why there is so much pushback whenever the elite attempts to "control" the 'Net through various regulatory schemes. The pushback can be seen not just in the West but in China as well.

After Thoughts

The power elite seems to function as an invisible mafia. It has its people in high places throughout the West. It controls government, banking and industry through this network of highly placed persons, many of them Jewish. But this does not mean the elite is entirely Jewish or that, were all Jews to be weeded-out, elite schemes would come to an end. They would not in our estimation. Yet the elite evidently is stymied. The promotions were supposed to generate credibility and did so throughout the halcyon days of the 20th century. Now they do not. The British carbon program is a case in point. The more these promotions, zombie-like, stagger ahead, the more resentment they will generate. The process will continually damage the legitimacy of modern regulatory democracy, which is the most powerful promotion of all. Generally, this is a dangerous situation for the powers-that-be.
