Is Solyndra the End of Obama? … FBI Raids ‘Connected’ Energy Firm Solyndra … The FBI has confirmed to ABC News that federal agents are conducting a search this morning at the offices of Solyndra, the now-bankrupt California solar power company that received $535 million in federal loans under a green energy program touted by President Obama. The raid is part of a joint operation between the FBI and the Department of Energy’s Office of Inspector General, Public Affairs Specialist Peter D. Lee said Thursday morning. Lee said he could not disclose the reason for the raid because the matter is under seal. … Federal auditors had flagged the loan, saying some applicants had benefitted from special treatment. One of the lead private investors in Solyndra was an Oklahoma billionaire who served as an Obama “bundler,” raising money during the 2008 presidential campaign. – ABC News
The Sky Is Falling … Prince Charles warns of ‘sixth extinction event’ Mankind faces extinction, the Prince of Wales has warned, unless humans transform our lifestyles to stop mass consumption, run away climate change and destruction of wildlife. The Prince said if the world carries on ‘business as usual’ then the human race itself could be wiped out. – Reuters
Women Are Better … Grab Your ‘Murse,’ Pack a ‘Mankini’ And Don’t Forget the ‘Mewelry’ … The fashion industry has its knickers in a twist over “manties.” A contraction of “man” and “panties,” the wordplay is meant to describe certain undergarments for males. It’s part of a special lexicon that has emerged, over the past decade, as a sort of shorthand for men’s fashion. Men can also wear “mandals” (male sandals), “murses” (purses), “mantyhose” (pantyhose) and “mankinis” (swimsuit variants) – though not necessarily all at the same time. At first, the neologisms were a kind of secret language among the fashion industry, etymologists say. Yet they’re going mainstream … Some fashion types complain that it’s emasculating. “Manties is pretty high on the repellent meter,” says Glenn O’Brien, author of “How To Be A Man” and a style advice columnist at GQ magazine. – Wall Street Journal
Is Solyndra the End of Obama?
FBI Raids ‘Connected’ Energy Firm Solyndra … The FBI has confirmed to ABC News that federal agents are conducting a search this morning at the offices of Solyndra, the now-bankrupt California solar power company that received $535 million in federal loans under a green energy program touted by President Obama. The raid is part of a joint operation between the FBI and the Department of Energy’s Office of Inspector General, Public Affairs Specialist Peter D. Lee said Thursday morning. Lee said he could not disclose the reason for the raid because the matter is under seal. … Federal auditors had flagged the loan, saying some applicants had benefitted from special treatment. One of the lead private investors in Solyndra was an Oklahoma billionaire who served as an Obama “bundler,” raising money during the 2008 presidential campaign. – ABC News
Dominant Social Theme: Thank goodness America’s law enforcement is on the case when it comes to corruption.
Free-Market Analysis: We are fairly cynical about modern law enforcement as those who visit here probably know. We have suggested that the modern judicial-industrial state, which is funded entirely by government, is verging on a kind of totalitarianism.
We have even suggested that people try to return to forms of private justice – taking the law into their own hands – as they did for tens of thousands of years. There was a whole system of vendettas and duels that was worked out in painful detail to ensure that people did not take advantage of others; or that if they did, they might be exposed to injurious consequences “unto the seventh generation.” This tended to concentrate the mind.
One of the most despicable things about the modern judicial system is that it is increasingly verging on the arbitrary. There are so many laws and so many penalties that law enforcement can pretty much pick and choose whom to make a criminal. We see this over and over; America’s judicial system has basically become a system in which certain people are picked by the powers-that-be to be prosecuted as “an example” to others. The system deals in broken lives to warn everyone else about the penalties of opposing government power.
Within this context, one can try to read the “tea leaves” to determine whether or not certain officials are being prosecuted for agendas that have nothing to do with law enforcement. The biggest prosecution of all, of course, would be the president of the United States who likely breaks constitutional and other laws on a regular basis. The only president recently targeted by the powers-that-be (from a criminal standpoint) so far as we can tell was Richard Nixon.
But Barack Obama has been a great disappointment to the elite central banking families that want to run the world. He was supposed to be an FDR-like figure, inspiring America and ultimately the world. But he is, instead, a standoffish and unemotional man who lacks the common touch.
Have those with the real power in America decided that Obama’s days are numbered? The administration has considerable exposure to Solyndra – a green solution and a prominent one. We are most surprised at this raid, given the political and economic sensitivities.
Is someone trying to send a message? Is it a proverbial shot across Obama’s bow? We don’t know what it portends, but this case bears watching.
The Sky Is Falling
Prince Charles warns of ‘sixth extinction event.’ Mankind faces extinction, the Prince of Wales has warned, unless humans transform our lifestyles to stop mass consumption, run away climate change and destruction of wildlife. The Prince said if the world carries on ‘business as usual’ then the human race itself could be wiped out. – Reuters
Dominant Social Theme: O woe. The world is ending. Only wise men such as I can save us.
Free-Market Analysis: Prince Charles once dreamed of coming back to life as a tampon, but most of his current fantasies have to do with the extinction of life as we know it. Unlike other people of his class, Charles is likely a true believer. His father, Prince Phillip, once stated (apocryphally anyway) that he hoped to return to life as a virus, with the implication being that he would then be able to kill a majority of the human race.
Prince Charles comes from a different place. He is not apparently a conniving man; he simply wants to save humanity from itself. In his first speech as the new President of the Worldwide Wildlife Fund (WWF), he suggested ‘surviving ourselves’ should be a priority, according to Reuters. Species are dying out at a much faster rate than at any time since the death of most of the dinosaurs 65 million years ago, he said.
“Climate change was not the only problem,” he added, “but merely speeding up the ‘rapacious’ destruction of natural resources like water, land and food that humans need to survive. The Prince said if the world carries on ‘business as usual’ then the human race itself could be in danger.”
This is how elite dominant social themes work; the enablers of these fear-based promotions make statements of ludicrous gravity, with the implicit suggestion that only globalist solutions provided by the power elite can then resolve various crises. Most who make such statements don’t believe them; one could argue that Prince Charles is more dangerous than most because he apparently does.
Women Are Better
Grab Your ‘Murse,’ Pack a ‘Mankini’ And Don’t Forget the ‘Mewelry’ … The fashion industry has its knickers in a twist over “manties.” A contraction of “man” and “panties,” the wordplay is meant to describe certain undergarments for males. It’s part of a special lexicon that has emerged, over the past decade, as a sort of shorthand for men’s fashion. Men can also wear “mandals” (male sandals), “murses” (purses), “mantyhose” (pantyhose) and “mankinis” (swimsuit variants) – though not necessarily all at the same time. At first, the neologisms were a kind of secret language among the fashion industry, etymologists say. Yet they’re going mainstream … Some fashion types complain that it’s emasculating. “Manties is pretty high on the repellent meter,” says Glenn O’Brien, author of “How To Be A Man” and a style advice columnist at GQ magazine. – Wall Street Journal
Dominant Social Theme: The two sexes are the same. There is no difference. And women are better anyway.
Free-Market Analysis: The great banking families that try to run the world are likely mostly male dominated. And these men apparently have an obsession with ensuring that billions of other men are feminized in a way that interferes with their ability to counteract the genocidal monetary and military policies that being promoted with rising desperation.
The Internet of course has exposed these dominant social themes – the fear-based propaganda that inevitably demands globalist solutions to ubiquitous fantasies of fear. Even people who do not directly understand the mechanism are more likely to dismiss the gravest warnings as fantastical and manipulative, and this is a great step forward from the 20th Century.
Nonetheless, the memes that the power elites offer up are not only corrosive, they are persistent. The great banking families are likely literally worth trillions and their massive think tanks such as Tavistock Institute continually churn out these manipulative fear-based promotions in order to provide the world with endless, globalist solutions. Those at the top run these manipulations like a business. They participate in the largest and most powerful corporations in the world.
The feminization of human males is not in any sense the most powerful of all the dominant social themes that the Anglosphere elites inflict on the world but is certainly one of the more pervasive. Examine the movement of women’s lib itself (trace its antecedents) and one finds plenty of evidence that it was not a spontaneous movement but one that was choreographed by money and malevolence. It was an elite meme.
There is nothing wrong with people having more social and professional options. And people of both sexes tend to have both masculine and feminine qualities; in fact, sexual orientation may not work in predictable ways. Alexander the Great, the greatest conqueror of all time, was gay. But today, sexuality and feminization are a big business and a manipulative one. There is apparently not one corner of the human psyche that certain psychopathic trillionaires don’t intend to try to reconfigure to their benefit.
The fashion industry itself has taken to presenting transvestites as models. The overwhelming impetus is to feminize male sexuality while making female sexuality more masculine. This also has an impact on the family unit itself, making the expression of traditional roles more difficult. And this is all to the good, as well, from the point of view of the power elite, as they seek to substitute government for parental supervision.