Europe finally awakes from its utopian dream … Let's say this again, just in case a single sentient being on the planet has missed it: Germany cannot simply decide to bail Greece (or Spain, or Italy, etc) out of its debts. OK? However much Angela Merkel is nagged, berated, bullied and patronised by Barack Obama, David Cameron, or the BBC/Guardian axis that regard the preservation of the euro project as critical to their own interests, she cannot just revoke, in a unilateral act, the rules of German government or of the Bundesbank. Her persistent refusal to "take decisive action" of the kind that would suit the purposes of all those clamorous voices at the G8, is not "dithering", as it is so often described. In fact, it is not (or not entirely) to be explained in any of the mildly contemptuous ways that her tormentors suggest. It does not arise from an unthinking, superstitious terror instilled in her by the Weimar nightmare of hyper-inflation. Nor is it a narrow-minded expression of the German hausfrau's values of thrift and self-discipline. What Mrs Merkel is doing, quite appropriately, is defending the integrity of her national constitution, the economic principles on which her country's economic success has been built, and the interests of her own electorate. – Janet Daley/UK Telegraph
Dominant Social Theme: It is time to go.
Free-Market Analysis: Someone in the mainstream press has finally written the evident and obvious truth about the Eurozone: Angela Merkel does not have it in her power simply to declare a new pan-European empire.
For this clear – clarion-like – truth, we thank Janet Daley. As part of a truly remarkable show of force on this Monday, the UK Telegraph is in full cry with no fewer than half a dozen articles calling for the demise or reduction of the EU.
But this article by Daley is by far the best, in our view – and, of course, that is a biased statement, for she comes closest to enunciating the position regarding the EU that we have been taking.
The German people themselves are the stumbling block, to Brussels' psychopathic ambition and assertion of power over Charlemagne's long-ago demesne. Here's some more from the article:
A defiant Angela Merkel is doing no more than defending the interests of her own electorate … As the leader of a democratic state, what else should she be expected to do? Would Mr Cameron, who is busily assuring us that he will always put the needs of this country first, be chivvied into throwing over the interests of his own citizens for the sake of another national population that has come to grief largely as a consequence of its own misjudgments? Last week, he called for the "pooling [of] fiscal sovereignty" among the eurozone countries. Would he be willing to give up his Government's right to determine its own tax and spending policy?
And would Mr Obama reverse the fundamental principles of the United States Constitution for the sake of a short-term solution to a global economic problem? (Well, actually, maybe he would. Given his egomaniacal tendency to regard the Supreme Court as a turbulent nuisance when it obstructs his plans, he might not be the best exemplar of constitutional probity.)
In truth, if Mrs Merkel's reluctance to churn out euros on the Bundesbank printing presses is based on anything other than the straightforward illegality of such a step in German terms, it is probably rooted in more recent associations than Weimar. East Germany is the spectre that hovers over this debacle: the Soviet model of a phoney currency that is manufactured to meet political requirements and which – at the point of national collapse – may simply be exchanged, as the Ostmark was, at an arbitrary nonsense rate in order to avoid pauperising an entire people. That is where Mrs Merkel (and the rest of us) might well see the euro heading if the "decisive action" merchants get their way: not just toward dangerously inflationary levels, but to the status of a fictional currency that can be expanded at will to prop up an ideological delusion.
This is great stuff. So many in favor of the EU have come out recently calling for a true European super-state that it is refreshing to see someone in the mainstream media explain some of the prevailing realities.
As we have tried to indicate on these modest pages many times, the issue is not the consolidation of Europe – which likely cannot be achieved other than with the barrel of the gun – but the willingness of the German citizen to assume the costs for the entire EU. This, we tend to believe, they will not do.
Which is why we've argued that the EU is ultimately doomed to failure, or at least considerable shrinkage.
Those who believe that further European unity is merely to be had at the "flick of a switch" are surely doomed to be disappointed (as much as the authoritarian mind can ever be said to experience disappointment).
Daley also touches on the fundamental arrogance of the project itself. "Unfeasibly enormous social security and entitlement promises were made … Nobody bothered to ask what would happen when the market faltered or fluctuated (as genuinely free markets do) or when the sense of entitlement outgrew the wealth that could be created."
The elites – we seem to be able to see – don't really care much about the populations they inconvenience or even ruin. The EU it turns out was nothing but a vast table of bankruptcy masquerading as a buffet.
This is the operational venue of the top elites. The power elite that apparently controls central banking around the globe and wants to create world government doesn't really care how many eggs must be scrambled to arrive at the long-anticipated goal.
The arrogance, in fact, is breathtaking. Based on nothing – neither historical precedent nor economic reality – more than a dozen countries were prevailed upon to rip up their currency in favor of a new one, the euro.
Without a political union, this bold move was doomed to failure, and there are plenty of quotes around from Brussels' top officials to prove that this was well known at the time. It really is breathtaking, this intention to play with people's lives in order to create a "greater union" and the arrogance it reveals.
We now regularly see calls for just this sort of union. In fact, British Prime Minister David Cameron has morphed during this latest crisis into a pro-Union proponent. This is, of course, unremarked upon for the most part by the British bought-and-paid-for media.
The British peoples, like the rest of the population throughout the Eurozone, were lied to continually and maliciously for the "greater good" of this horrible project. But now the lies are becoming liabilities.
In the era of what we call the Internet Reformation, the entire manipulation has been laid out relentlessly.
While some among the larger populace may still agree with the idea of a European Union, the idea that it can only be realized by countenancing more of the agony that has already been inflicted is sure to bring pause.
It is surely an idea that many now realize was imposed by trickery – along with the idea that further chaos would bring about the desired result of a greater union.
In fact, there is probably a limit to how much chaos people will easily tolerate, especially when that chaos is seen not as accidental but deliberate. And the Internet has provided a clear window into this sort of directed history.
Columnist Daley does us all a favor by pointing out that it is not simple these days. Maybe Merkel and those around could have gotten away with placing Germany "on the hook" for Europe in the 20th century, but not the 21st century.
The Germans are just as aware of their manipulation, in our view, as the Greeks these days. It's the reason Merkel keeps losing elections.
The elites anticipated a lot … and planned for more with meticulous precision. But ultimately they rely on the old axiom – from chaos to order. But what happens when people understand this methodology and can actually watch it unfold, as they've been able to thanks to the Internet?
The powers-that-be seem to have no answer to this save more force, more Draconian laws, more economic chaos and more (as a last resort) war. It worked in the 20th century. We are not convinced it works as well as in the 21st.