America not yet down and out, or how the West is still winning … It's nearly one hundred years since Oswald Spengler penned his best selling "Decline of the West". Its theme has been a favourite among writers, historians and economists ever since. Yet the one certainty in this century of Western angst has been that despite repeated war and economic crisis, the West has remained supreme throughout. Admittedly, there is rather more reason for thinking advanced economies are about to be toppled today than there ever has ever been before, but even so, it is with considerable skepticism that I've begun reading the latest example of the Spengler genre – Dambisa Moyo's "How the West was Lost". I'm not saying she's wrong about the series of policy errors that have led the US to its present, pretty pass, and most of us would certainly agree that radical action is required to stop the rot. – UK Telegraph/Jeremy Warner
Dominant Social Theme: The kids are OK.
Free-Market Analysis: The Telegraph's Jeremy Warner has written an article (see excerpt above) that puts the troubles of the West into a pan-global perspective. In a fairly wide-ranging story, he examines numerous current events both economic and political and determines that they are challenging to Western sociopolitical predominance but not overwhelming.
A caveat: What Warner is doing is analyzing a surface world; there are much deeper currents at work. From our point of view, of course, many world events are not as they seem but are orchestrated by a shadowy, intergenerational Anglo-American elite. But before making our argument, let's review some of his points.
Of the current Middle East turmoil, he writes: "There's no telling how it might end, but at this stage it looks relatively benign from a Western point of view. The uprisings seem to be driven neither by anti-western nor religious feeling. To the contrary, what's demanded is Western style economic and political freedoms. These do not look like countries about to follow the Chinese way."
Warner believes the real issue is oil, and its short-term disruption that could potentially cause a double-dip recession. He admits this is a parochial way of looking at world events but adds, "everyone suffers together – the US, China and the Middle East – if the economy starts contracting again." The situation is still unsettled but the issue he believes comes down to Saudi capacity. With Libyan production at a standstill, it remains to be seen whether Saudi Arabia can actually fulfill its pledge and the market itself does not seem sure so far.
There is also, he admits, a worse possibility for the oil market, which is that Saudi Arabia itself blows up. This combined with a Western world that is still struggling with the after-effects of the 2008 financial crisis would likely set off the additional recession he fears.
On the positive side, he notes that Western economies have suffered from much worse times than today and cites both the Great Depression and the 1970s as examples. Additionally, "The policy response to calamity has been markedly better this time around." For Warner, the financial crisis "was not a mass extinction event." He believes growth is fast returning to the US and that without an oil shock Western economies could surprise on the up-side – removing worries of deflation and substituting concerns about inflation instead.
He takes on the issue of fast-growing China as well. Size is what makes China a contender for global economic supremacy. But size is not all. He points out that China is still "a comparatively poor country with vast internal challenges to overcome," and then adds that to view China as a threat, nonetheless, is to "see the world in terms of the bankrupt models of the past where economic progress is won through the subjugation of others to alien cultures and means."
The pursuit of empire is a past preoccupation, according to Warner. What is emerging instead is a kind of global Westernization, but with a change. The West, he suggests, may have created today's global economy, but no longer runs it. The next century will belong not to one or even several countries but will be the "world's first ever truly global century."
OK, now some disagreements. Warner is worried about a double-dip recession, but it certainly does not occur to him that this power elite actively seeks continued economic chaos for purposes of control and to further the goal of an ever-closer global union. The problem as we see it was that the economic collapse was so thorough and even unexpected that the power elite has been scrambling ever since to contain it. Misery and chaos are one thing; an uncontrollable devolution is another. Even the color revolutions are, conveniently, happening one at a time. That the elites work on such a large scale is unimaginable to most people, but nonetheless there is evidence this is so.
If these color revolutions are being orchestrated, we would also have to believe that the fallout – an oil shock – is part of the process. It has been speculated that the elite wants US$150 oil so that it can open up America's (and perhaps Canada's) vast reserves, established long ago but hitherto untapped. (Of course, if you believe in peak oil prognostications, you will surely not believe this theory.)
In any event, higher oil prices certainly continue the economic misery worldwide. It makes sense to us that misery is the goal: The powers-that-be do not want the world economy to fall off a cliff. They want to keep it at a boil of perfectly tempered wretchedness. There is much work to be done after all; further centralization of the EU, a more robust global currency and increasing military and legal homogenization worldwide.
For this reason, we would tend to believe that Warner is framing the larger question incorrectly. He is quite right to point out that national rivalries over economic superiority are banal and conducive to nothing but perhaps selling newspapers via the enunciation of xenophobic sentiments. Our point would be that it is no contest: Western elites remain firmly in control no matter how it seems on the surface.
It is Western elites in fact that have built up China and it is Western central banking – in all its perfidy and ruin – that runs the world. As things stand now, the 21st century will NOT be the world's first-ever truly global century. Not at all. It will be the WESTERN WORLD'S first-ever truly global century. And that should make anyone who is not a card-carrying member of the power-elite most concerned.
We do believe that the Anglosphere plans revolutions worldwide as well as the establishment of a rump Islamic caliphate in the Middle East. Already the imams are arriving back in their home countries after being in exile; the creation of these Islamic republics will further buttress the endless war-on-terror, giving additional justification for more authoritarian depredations at home and more cooperation abroad as regards global solutions that that the elite have in mind implementing.
The kind of overwhelming centralization that the power elite has in mind would be truly stunning were it not so predictable to anyone who studies the critical mass of evidence online that this is what the Anglosphere has in mind. The 20th century was a prelude. The 21st century is to usher for the realization.
We will close as we often do by pointing out that the much of what the Western elites constructed in the 20th century was created in secret with the assistance of a complaisant mainstream media (complaisant because it is elite-owned). The elite does not by any means control the Internet at this juncture and the totality of their ambitions has been playing out on an enormous international electronic bulletin board for the past 20 years. Not everyone knows, or cares to, understand. But many do.
The Islamic world, especially, has become well-aware of Anglo-American depredations and there is plenty of material online already voicing skepticism about the ongoing color-revolutions and the plans of the elite regarding the changing face of Africa and the Middle East. From our perspective what the elite plans is by no means inevitable in this era of the Internet. It is impossible, in fact, to manipulate people who are aware in advance of the manipulations. This is the reason to keep such activities secret and the reason why the Anglosphere uses dominant social themes – fear-based promotions – to maneuver the Western middle class into giving up wealth and power to appropriate global institutions.
How Western elites intend to construct the next phase of their globalist evolution in the face of what has become omnipresent exposure of such machinations is an open question from our perspective. There is no doubt that plans will proceed. This is a century-long, multigenerational conspiracy. But at this point, it must be said that the arrogance runs as deep as the exposure, and perhaps this is not a great combination of characteristics for those who intend to build a new world order.