Now EU Kicking Spain Out of EU?
By Joe Jarvis - February 14, 2012

EU to punish Spain for deficits, inaction … The European Union is likely to take action against Spain's newly installed government by May for delaying austerity measures ahead of a regional election next month, sources familiar with the situation have told Reuters. – Reuters

Dominant Social Theme: Spain has got to pay.

Free-Market Analysis: Yesterday we asked whether the European Union's attack on Greece was intended to drive that country out of the EU or merely assert dominance. Today we ask the same question about Spain. (See article excerpt above.)

We decided when it came to Greece that it was too soon to tell. But there are surely reports in the alternative media that Greece is to be made a kind of sacrificial lamb, an example of the "get tough" strategy of the Eurozone.

Spain's status is even less clear. Spain is a huge economy relative to the rest of the European economy. And thus the bullying that Spain is now undergoing is more likely an elite dominant social theme than a full-fledged attempt to remove Spain from the "solvent" EU.

And then again … maybe not. There are complicating factors, as we will point out toward the end of this article. These factors may be beyond the control of the EU and shadowy powers behind it.

Why would Brussels Eurocrats take aim at Spain? Well, this has been the plan all along. We don't think this current "sovereign debt crisis" erupted from nowhere.

It began when the Eurocrats gave out billions so that Southern European countries could "balance their long-term budget deficits" so that they would be eligible to join the EU. From what we can tell, these were basically bribes paid to top elites in each country.

The elites pocketed the money, or distributed to their cronies. They then ensured their countries voted to join the EU and afterward departed from power enriched by many billions. The citizens of each country, having been brow-beaten into joining, are now left to pay the proverbial piper.

Of course, Western banks lent inordinate sums to these countries as well, and we don't think that was any coincidence either. These people are not stupid. The idea that these top European bankers didn't understand that Europe was in a central banking bubble or that much of the money sloshing around Europe came from Brussels is ludicrous.

These banks, in our view, went on the hook on purpose. The idea was to create the current crisis – which in turn would give the Eurocrats the justification to interfere in local affairs, which is just what's happening. Here's some more from this article:

Asked if the European commissioner for economic and monetary affairs, Olli Rehn, would take action and recommend that the bloc's 27 finance ministers adopt sanctions against Madrid, one of the officials said: "It is very likely."

"It is not that we want to. But if there is a deviation, and it is almost inevitable, then we will have to," added the official, who spoke on condition of anonymity. Any sanction of Madrid over failure to meet its deficit goals – potentially a fine – would be separate to a Commission report on macroeconomic imbalances, which is also expected to single out Spain.

Spain has been under what's known as an excessive deficit procedure since April 2009 for breaching the EU's 3 percent of GDP deficit limit. Twenty-three of the EU's 27 members are under the procedure but now Madrid could face fines of up to 0.1 percent of its economic output for not cutting its deficit.

If confirmed, the sanctions would be a blow to new centre-right Prime Minister Mariano Rajoy who, Spanish officials say, had hoped to be given leeway on the country's deficit target in return for implementing ambitious economic reforms.

Several decades ago the idea that Brussels could interfere in the internal affairs of an EU member nation would have been scoffed at. Today it is reality and tomorrow, if the trend is not reversed, Brussels will attempt to treat member nations in much the same way that the American central government treats states.

The difference, of course, is that in the US it took a civil war to concentrate power in Washington DC. Not only that, but the Internet itself is complicating the job of sociopolitical agglomeration. What we call the Internet Reformation has assisted in the formation of protests and generally added to people's understanding of their manipulation and the ongoing centralizing tendencies of the EU.

Which brings us back to Spain (and Greece). While Spain is a country that the Eurocrats will not want to push out of the EU no matter what, the possibility exists nonetheless. This is because these are fairly ancient countries with old tribes.

Spain, in fact, is comprised of a number of independent-minded blood-clans, and thanks to the Internet, these are continually asserting their identity in ways that were not possible even a decade ago.

This means that while the Anglosphere power-elite families behind the EU and similar centralizing schemes are pushing the world toward global governance, a number of powerful trends are shoving in the opposite direction.

The EU may, in fact, wish to assert domination in Greece and Spain and elsewhere but the numbers are making it increasingly unrealistic for Brussels to insist on punitive sanctions without further inflaming citizens in these countries.

But with the economy heading for recession, Spain's deficit commitments of 6 percent for 2011 and 4.4 percent for 2012 based on a 2.3 percent growth in 2012 look unattainable.

Absent a war of (anti) secession, the sentiment in southern Europe may eventually turn toward further polarization rather than unification. The very tools that the Eurocrats have counted on to pursue further centralization may work against them in this era of the Internet Reformation.

Greece is showing us that citizens have limits when it comes to EU bullying. One can argue that the Greece situation has been purposefully inflamed – but there is a fine line between planned terror and unplanned chaos.

There is no doubt that the fine hand of the power elite can be seen in numerous events of "directed history" for the past 100 years or more. False-flag events have been used regularly, it seems to us, to create certain increasingly globalist results.

The difference is that these strategies are playing out on the Internet now and can be discussed and analyzed at length. The information base is building and at some point people may simply decide that the evidence as regards manipulation is so great that they will refuse to cooperate.

It is thus a fine line between what the elites can incite and what the people themselves will tolerate. This distinction will not grow any less important in the near future. The Internet is a process not an episode. Absent an effective worldwide takedown of the Internet (doubtful, in our view) these elite strategies may become more questionable over time.

After Thoughts

Brussels has obviously had plans for its EU states. Our question remains, and it is one that we asked yesterday as regards Greece: What if the people themselves have a different perspective? Absent the Internet, such sentiments could not be realized. But now they can be. At least it seems so …
