The Elite, the 'Great Game' and World War III … The control of the US, and of global politics, by the wealthiest families of the planet is exercised in a powerful, profound and clandestine manner. This control began in Europe and has a continuity that can be traced back to the time when the bankers discovered it was more profitable to give loans to governments than to needy individuals. These banking families and their subservient beneficiaries have come to own most major businesses over the two centuries during which they have secretly and increasingly organised themselves as controllers of governments worldwide and as arbiters of war and peace. Unless we understand this we will be unable to understand the real reasons for the two world wars and the impending Third World War, a war that is almost certain to begin as a consequence of the US attempt to seize and control Central Asia. The only way out is for the US to back off – something the people of the US and the world want, but the elite does not. Mujahid Kamran/New Dawn/Global Research
Dominant Social Theme: The great game is afoot and may end in a global war and nuclear winter.
Free-Market Analysis: We are of two minds about this article. It is very well done and represents a substantial strand of thought that we share; what we do not share, however, are its conclusions. The idea – and we have written about this before – is that the Anglo-American power elite is involved in the "great game;" that they wish for world dominance but intend to achieve it by chasing raw materials and strategic, regional advantages in military terms.
We have a different perspective. For us, Anglo-American elites are after much more than this, and more directly. The old men of the City of London seek to rule the world; their interest has little to do with raw materials and much to do with control over unruly tribes and restive citizens.
As for positioning Western military resources in such a way as to intimidate Russia and China; we are more inclined to believe that there is no great need to intimidate either of these countries. Their leaders and elites may already be on board with the idea of one-world governance. It's mainly the tribes in Eurasia that the elites want to dominate. The Pashtuns, for instance, that the British elites have tried to slay at least twice (and are apparently failing again at doing so). Even the Pakistan Punjabis are not entirely under control.
Having said this, the article is remarkable for its resolute statements as to the way the world really works. Kamran is blunt in his descriptions. "The US is a country controlled through the privately owned Federal Reserve, which in turn is controlled by the handful of banking families that established it by deception in the first place."
That's about as precise a definition as you can make. But he gets even more specific. "The elite owns the media, banks, defense and oil industry. In his book Who's Who of the Elite Robert Gaylon Ross Sr. states: 'It is my opinion that they own the US military, NATO, the Secret Service, the CIA, the Supreme Court, and many of the lower courts. They appear to control, either directly or indirectly, most of the state, county, and local law enforcement agencies.'"
This is our perspective too, arrived at over years and decades – and with increasing astonishment. There's more, though: "The elite is intent on conquering the world through the use of the abilities of the people of the United States. It was as far back as 1774 that Amschel Mayer Rothschild stated at a gathering of the twelve richest men of Prussia in Frankfurt: 'Wars should be directed so that the nations on both sides should be further in our debt.' He further enunciated at the same meeting: 'Panics and financial depressions would ultimately result in World Government, a new order of one world government.'"
Exactly right. It's happening even now. Because these sociopolitical trends are so large and work relatively slowly, it is easy to lose track of them and to attribute them to coincidence and to bad luck. But, in fact, the world's financial system is not an evolutionary one at this point. A few control the many.
Kamran is right about think tanks as well. He writes, "The elite owns numerous 'think tanks' that work for expanding, consolidating and perpetuating its hold on the globe. The Royal Institute of International Affairs (RIIA), the Council on Foreign Relations (CFR), the Bilderberg Group, the Trilateral Commission, and many other similar organisations are all funded by the elite and work for it. These think tanks publish journals, such as Foreign Affairs, in which these imperialist and anti-mankind ideas are edified as publications, and then, if need be, expanded in the form of books that are given wide publicity."
The article points out that 80% of US electronic and print media is owned by only six large corporations, a consolidation that has occurred only in the past 20 years or so. "It is almost impossible for anyone who is acquainted with what is going on at the global level to watch, even for a few minutes, the distortions, lies and fabrications, incessantly pouring out of this media, a propaganda and brainwashing organ of the elite."
Karman gets it right about the ongoing genocides as well. "Once your picture is clear it is also easy to notice the criminal silence of the media on crimes being perpetrated against humanity at the behest of the elite. How many people know that the cancer rates in Fallujah, Iraq are higher than those in Hiroshima and Nagasaki because of the use of depleted uranium, and maybe other secret nuclear devices, by US forces? Fallujah was punished for its heroic resistance against the American forces."
He mentions something we've been meaning to introduce at DB, which is the immense contribution of Sigmund Freud's nephew Edward Bernays to elite plans. Bernays developed the technique of "engineering consent" and "pioneered the use of psychology and other social sciences to shape and form public opinion so that the public thought such manufactured opinions were their own."
The platform for Bernays was the Tavistock Institute, which today has a US$6 billion dollar endowment and "400 subsidiary organisations are under its control along with 3,000 think tanks, mostly in the USA. The Stanford Research Institute, the Hoover Institute, the Aspen Institute of Colorado, and many others, devoted to manipulation of US as well as global public opinion, are Tavistock offshoots. This helps explain why the US public, by and large, is so mesmerised as to be unable to see things clearly and to react."
Well done. Where we think the article went off the rails, as we mentioned earlier, has to do with the "great game" in Eurasia. He writes: "In his infinitely arrogant book The Grand Chessboard, published in 1997, Zbigniew Brzezinski spelled out the philosophy behind the current US military eruption. 'Who rules East Europe commands the Heartland: Who rules the Heartland commands the World-Island: who commands the World-Island commands the world.'"
Brzezinski argues that "For America the chief geopolitical prize is Eurasia… About 75 percent of the world's people live in Eurasia… Eurasia accounts for about 60 percent of the world's GNP and about three fourths of the world's known energy resources." And Kamran points out that, "It is not just the geostrategic location of this region – it is also its wealth, 'both in its enterprises and beneath its soil,' that holds such attraction for the elite whose greed for money, and lust for power, remain insatiable, as if there was a sickness afflicting it."
This is our area of disagreement. We have never believed the world is running out of oil, or that, if it were, other energy would not be available. Generally, we tend to think that human beings are flexibly innovative and the are plenty of materials that can be used as the building blocks of civilization. The scarcity meme trotted out virtually everywhere is just that in our view – likely a fear based promotion.
Kamran has a different perspective. He points out that Brzezinski "has drawn two very interesting maps – one of these has the caption The Global Zone of Percolating Violence (page 53) and the other (page 124) is captioned The Eurasian Balkans. The first of these encircles a region which includes the following countries: Sudan, Egypt, Saudi Arabia, Turkey, Syria, Iraq, Iran, all Central Asian states, Afghanistan, Pakistan and parts of Russia as well as India. The second one has two circles, an inner circle and a wider circle – the outer circle encloses the same countries as in the first map but the inner circle covers Iran, Afghanistan, eastern Turkey and the former Soviet Republics in Central Asia. …
"This huge region, torn by volatile hatreds and surrounded by competing powerful neighbours, is likely to be a major battlefield … A possible challenge to American primacy from Islamic fundamentalism could be part of the problem of this unstable region."
For Kamran, "The US might face a serious challenge from a coalition of China, Russia and Iran and must do whatever it can to prevent such a coalition from forming.
To his credit, Kamran describes the current phony war on terror as "a well planned and well thought out strategy, a lie and a deception, to provide cover for a military presence in the Central Eurasian region and elsewhere." Further, he believes it is being used to "keep the US public in a state of fear, to keep Russia in a state of insecurity about further breakup and to justify presence of US troops in and around Central Asia."
At this point he introduces another gentleman about whom we have many doubts: Michael Ruppert of Peak Oil fame. Ruppert, he explains, "points out that much of the violence in the Central Asian region as well as in Pakistan, which has been encircled in two maps in Brzezinski's book, was 'initiated by the US proxies.' … Given that these maps were published a full four years before the first plane hit the World Trade Centre, they would fall in a category of evidence I learned about at LAPD [Los Angeles Police Department]. We called them 'clues'."
They are not clues. This is in our humble opinion a deception. There is no such thing as Peak Oil and there is no such thing in this modern day and age as the Great Game. The idea that the Anglo-American elites are engaged in some all out rivalry with Russia and China is simply untrue in our view.
As we wrote recently, Western elites might have in mind a REGIONAL war (even a nuclear war) to be waged between Israel and the Arabs. Presumably, this would expand Israel's sway – and increase the West's power over Islam and Arabia – and has something to do with expanding global government as well. But the idea that the elites of Russia, China and the West hate and fear each other so much that they will engage in worldwide nuclear war (to what purpose?) is simply incorrect in our view.
There is only one Great Game being played we submit. It is aimed at the stiff-necked tribes of Eurasia and of the Middle East and upper Africa a well. These are areas that the Anglosphere elites don't effectively control yet. And that is what this great game is all about. Not oil. Not minerals. Not strategic military objectives. It seeks to Westernize (as much as necessary) the last parts of earth that have escaped dominion.
The good news is that this program is increasingly in chaos. The City of London – arrogant and contemptuous – simply doesn't wish to acknowledge what is increasingly evident to others: That the Internet has changed the rules of engagement. And that they may be losing, not winning.
We track the memes of the elite. But these dominant social themes are not working out in Afghanistan or in Europe. The Pashtun/Taliban are succeeding in fending off the greatest army ever assembled in the modern era and in Europe the euro continues to crumble. In fact, the entire insidious strategy of world domination that Western elites have been pursuing over the past 300 or so years has been exposed on the Internet – and thus has become far more difficult to implement.
Millions, even tens of millions understand it – and as the Internet is process not an episode, even more will understand tomorrow. It is impossible to create world government in secret when so many are tracking and tracing your every move.
We want to state our admiration for Kamran and his article (apparently he's got a book on the subject as well), because it so thoroughly presents what is going on. At the same time we want to reaffirm that in our humble view Western elites do NOT seek world war with China and Russia, nor will they likely stumble into one.
The top men in the world all seek the same thing at this point: world government and population culling as a byproduct. Once this is understood, what is likely REALLY going on in the world snaps more or less into focus. Add in the elites helplessness as the Internet Reformation rages about them and you can come to some most interesting conclusions.
Far from facing a global nuclear war and nuclear winter, it is perfectly possible the 21st century will present humankind with a modern Renaissance and a reduction of the modern conspiracy. The elites may well find it necessary to take a step back as their fear-based promotions crumble and their use of violence ceases to be entirely effective. Perhaps this is an optimistic perspective, but is it beyond the realm of possibility?