Specter of Islam Spreads
By admin - January 31, 2011

As popular uprisings in Tunisia and Egypt rattle governments in North Africa and the Middle East, Western governments and many people are watching to see how Islamist movements, many of them currently banned as political parties, try to reposition themselves before expected elections later this year. The current uprising in Egypt has not been led by Islamist groups, nor was that the case in Tunisia. In Egypt, the Muslim Brotherhood, the country's largest opposition group, has said it would join the protests but has not organized the demonstrations, which have been led by young people angry at poor living standards and authoritarian rule. However, the outlawed group enjoys wide popular support. Robert Danin, senior fellow for Middle East and Africa Studies at the Council on Foreign Relations, says the Muslim Brotherhood and other Islamist groups in the region could still gain influence. – VoiceOfAmerica

Dominant Social Theme: As the uprisings continue, there are many ramifications, none of them expected. Islam may regain political favor. Too bad.

Free-Market Analysis: We have speculated in two ways about what is occurring in the Middle East when it comes to consequences. First, we have focused on elements of Western Islamification of the Middle East and second we have suggested that the West and its power elite intends to install governments of national unity with an Islamic tinge.

In our view, these governments would tend toward a stronger Islam over time. In part, the West attempts this sort regime change to further create the illusion of resurgent Islam in order to buttress its own war on terror. The war on terror is a ruse that allows the Anglo-American power elite to initiate further authoritarian action against its own peoples. In this article, we want to examine how successful the elite may be in its current manipulations and whether the 21st century has created a changed "playing field" that may eventually realign elite realites.

The West is at least in part behind these uprisings. This has now seemingly been confirmed by the UK Telegraph, which released an extraordinary story based on cables released by WikiLeaks. The article claimed that the United States leadership not only secretly backed the current uprisings in Egypt, but that it was actively aiding and abetting the protestors.

Such a perspective is certainly in keeping generally with our perceptions. If regime change is to come to these aching entities in both the Middle East and North Africa, it will arrive courtesy of the Western elites that have shaped events in the region for so many years. We summarized some of this effort previously when we wrote of the Islamification of the upper portion of Africa and asked whether it was entirely or even partially a coincidence. We admitted it was a simplistic perspective but we asked why the West was behind the establishment of so many Muslim oriented states of late. We wrote the following:

In the strife-torn West African nation of Ivory Coast (Côte d'Ivoire) the West is supporting Alassane Ouattara, a former prime minister, banker and leader of the opposition over incumbent president, Laurent Gbagbo. Ouattara is Muslim; Gbagbo is Christian. The West advocates for the Muslim-linked faction over the Christian one.

Then there is the referendum in the Sudan, one of Africa's largest states and most Northern ones. The referendum, being conducted on the auspices of the United Nations, aims to split the country, creating a predominantly Muslim Northern Sudan. According to CNN, President Omar al-Bashir has reportedly said that if Southern Sudan votes in favor of separation, "sharia will become the main source of Sudan's Constitution, Islam the state religion and Arabic the official language." The West, under the auspices of the UN, is in the process of creating a fundamentalist Muslim state. Finally, there is the sorry saga of the War in Kosova in which the West backed Albanian Muslims over Serbian Christians.

If we are correct that this is basically a further elite destabilization of the Middle East and Muslim Africa, then over time such unrest shall spread to other already identified regions: Jordan, Yemen, Syria, even Saudi Arabia. What regions will it spare? Perhaps the Emirates and Qatar. These are the supposedly "enlightened" states that already practice a form of Westernized Islam and are proponents of Anglo-American finance.

We have noticed recently that despite protestations from numerous quarters that Tunisia was a determinedly secular state, an element of resurgent Islam is now easily identifiable. Bloomberg tells us that, "Tunisian Islamist Leader Ghannouchi Returns From 22-Year Exile … Islamist movement Ennahda, banned under ousted president Zine El Abidine Ben Ali, returned to his homeland today after a 22-year exile in London." It adds the following:

The arrival of Rachid Ghannouchi has fanned a debate between his supporters and other groups that helped overthrow Ben Ali, who are concerned that Ennahda will seek to weaken the secular system enforced since the North African nation's independence from France in 1956. The system is the most favorable to women in the Arab world. "We are not terrorists, and we are against terror like everybody else," Ghannouchi told supporters at the Tunis airport. "We oppose Bin Laden. We are for freedom," he said. [Supporters demanded] full participation by the party in the country's political life.

In Egypt there is much talk of the revival of the Muslim Brotherhood, which some consider a formidable proponent of radical Muslim and others in the alternative news community believe to be a compromised religious force with links to Western Intel including MI6. Meanwhile Ghannouchi, himself spent his two decades-plus of exile in Britain so one can make the argument that in the case of both Egypt and Tunisia the Islamic "opposition" is already fully cognizant of the part it needs to play.

This could be said of Egypt's Mohamed ElBaradei, a Westernized Egyptian, former UN employee and Nobel Peace Prize winner. While these attributes certainly distinguish him, they are also evidence that ElBaradei is evidently and obviously an Anglosphere-oriented globalist. Egyptian news tells us that the Muslim Brotherhood has fallen in line behind ElBaradei's leadership. We would tend to believe over time, the influence of the Brotherhood may grow strongr and ElBaradei's weaker.

When one takes a step back and looks at the whole of Northern Africa and the Middle East a picture of extraordinary sociopolitical evolution is evident. People don't notice it because the news is disparate. But we think the patterns are obvious and we believe the Anglosphere is behind much of it. The idea in our view is to create Westernized democratic states that may or may not become Islamified.

It is part of a larger dialectic, and one we have mentioned many times before. In Afghanistan a war is being fought to initiate Western-style governance in that region of the world. But elsewhere in this region, the West is supporting various sociopolitical movements in countries that have already been subjected to Westernizing influences. The idea is to create a spectrum, apparently, of Western governments that may range the gamut from Islamic radicalism (Iran) to secular Islamic democracy (the Emirates and Qatar) – with or without sharia law.

Ultimately, the Anglosphere seeks world governance and the boiling political cauldron that this area of the world is becoming must somehow further this goal. By continually agitating and Westernizing or Islamifying the countries of Africa and the Middle East, the power elite is in the process of creating a larger war on terror. It allows for continual warfare – or at least political tension – in the area and facilitates authoritarianism at home.

But as we have noted previously, it is a dangerous game the elite is playing in the 21st century. It can destabilize these countries through scarcity memes – food and water inflation and deprivation – and it can even train and infiltrate youth "leaders" and then provide faux-political solutions via agents such as ElBaradei. But in our view the Internet has already revealed much of the modus operandi of Western elites.

While it is obvious to us that these political eruptions are being manipulated, it is not so obvious to us that such manipulations will lead to the desired result. The elite is embarked on a course of action that seems fixed long ago. But perhaps they did not plan for the Internet and its endless stream of revelations; and their plans no longer play out secretly but in full view of the world.

After Thoughts

Is it possible to carry forth a conspiracy to fruition in such circumstances? It is a new century driven by new communication technology. In this environment the elite can scheme and manipulate but we would argue the outcomes may be less satisfactory – or even predictable – than they were in the previous 100 years. Those who are counting on Western powers-that-be to generate certain results from a strategic or investment standpoint should pay heed. The realities of the 21st century may not be those of the 20th.
