UN Strong-Arming Little Sri Lanka Is World's Biggest Untold Story?
By admin - May 02, 2011

How, then, has it come about that this little man has engaged in antics that have deeply upset us in Sri Lanka for several weeks? He may have been within his rights in appointing a three-member panel to advise him on alleged war crimes committed in Sri Lanka. But it is questionable whether he can go further, for which he has no UN mandate. Obviously, powerful forces are arrayed behind him, one of which is certainly the US as suggested by some seeming coincidences. Another is Britain, because it is known that where the American juggernaut goes, the British poodle follows. They are the forces in the conspiracy behind the Ban Ki-Moon antics, about which I believe there will be widespread agreement both within and outside Sri Lanka. – The Sri Lanka Island Newspaper

Dominant Social Theme: The United Nations is putting pressure on countries to be more moral and governments to be righteous. But that's not the whole story …

Free-Market Analysis: The United Nations is increasingly being used by the Anglo-American axis in the Great Game of world domination and if one understands the strategic reality it is truly a disgusting scenario. The UN is increasingly functioning as a kind of beard for Western militarism. We can see it in a little-known confrontation in Sri Lanka involving the world's biggest powers. (More on that below). But there are still larger ramifications. Take the very largest view, in fact, and one cannot help but be struck by the parallels between the wars that the power elite fomented once the Gutenberg press began to upset the powers-that-be and the wars surrounding the advent of the Internet.

It is no coincidence in our view that the UN in 2005 abrogated the Treaty of Westphalia commonly held to END the wars that had sprung up around the Reformation. The Internet Reformation, much like the Gutenberg Press inspired Reformation, is upsetting business-as-usual and making the global takeover planned by the Anglo-American power elite at least a little more dubious. Thus the elites took action in 2005 to remove the impediments caused by the Treaty of Westphalia.

The foreseeable future shall be marked by less jaw-jaw and more war-war as Winston Churchill might say. When one's hold on global power is threatened, war is apparently the answer. War and more war. This explains, in fact, the war on Iraq, the invasion of Afghanistan and the various current color revolutions. World War III actually began on 9/11 (which provided the pretext) and it is destined to go on, as the wars surrounding the Reformation went on, for decades, one way or another.

R2P, the outcome of the UN's abrogation of Westphalia, virtually mandates that the West invade "funny little countries" if the leaders of those countries are in some sense brutalizing or threatening the citizens of those countries. Of course, the UN in concert with Western powers shall make that determination. It did so in the case of Libya – and the result is the current civil war.

Again, because we are sadists and enjoy beating dead horses, we would point out these are Wars of Power being played out for reasons of global domination. They are not wars for oil, or pipelines, or anything else that leftists like to mutter about. They are not even wars of corporate exploitation. They are wars of the most fundamental and evil sort, being promulgated simply for purposes of social, economic and political control. Lives lost in these wars are merely collateral damage on the way to realizing the strategic objective which is to cling to as much global power as possible – as the Internet continually undermines it – and to expand that power with an eye toward creating a new world order.

Recently, the UN took an activist role in covering elections in the Ivory Coast, certifying its handpicked winner (who swore himself in via email) despite that tortured nation's declaration that Laurent Gbagbo was the victor. Eventually the UN and the French literally dragged Gbagbo out of the presidential palace in a Hawaiian shirt to install their man Alassane Ouattara, a former IMF official. We covered these events at length and were one of the only news agencies to do so.

Now the UN, under Ban Ki-Moon, has accused the current Sri Lanka government of war crimes – again a story that is not receiving much mainstream coverage, even though it may be one of the world's most important stories right now. The UN is about to do to Sri Lanka what it just did to the Ivory Coast. The UN in its current formulation is increasingly a facility designed to justify war. This is ironic for an organization that was supposed to create "peace in our time." It is now a mechanism for the formulation of "just wars."

How is that we come by these assertions – ones you will not find in most other places? Because we are dedicated to analyzing the dominant social themes of the Anglo-American power elite. What caught our attention initially – as we began to unravel the above tortured tale – was the UN issuing a report that blamed the Sri Lanka government for war crimes against the Tamil Tiger Marxist/Hindu movement that convulsed Sri Lanka for decades. This is sort of like the UN blaming the Colombia government and President's Alvaro Uribe and Juan Manuel Santos for brutality against the drug-running FARC guerillas. It makes no sense to a logical thinking person … but then again …

So … lift the veil a little and it starts to become clear. Little Sri Lanka, home to a majority population of Singhalese Buddhists and a minority of Hindu Tamils is the island located at the tip of India, shaped like a teardrop. Its strategic location, between China and India makes it an ideal place for the West to build a military base that can project air power toward Pakistan, Iran and even North Korea. If that part of the world had a naval headquarters, it would be Sri Lanka – never mentioned in the mainstream press but one of the most important military locations in the world.

In fact, Sri Lanka does have a largish military base, within the port of Trincomalee, a city of some 100,000 inhabitants on the East side of the Island, equidistant from the North and South. The hook-shaped harbor can shelter up to eight or more fighting vessels with a maximum level of invisibility from both radar and line-of-sight.

The base itself is often referred to as Trinco and the seaport has been a strategic location for maritime and international trading for literally thousands of years. Marco Polo stopped off there and the Dutch built a big fort there as well. At one point the British (of course) occupied Trinco. Today it is home to Sri Lankan naval bases and a Sri Lankan Air Force base but the nub of the issue is that these bases are apparently due for a dramatic (top secret) expansion.

You haven't heard about this? Well you have now. Join the crowd. The base's intended expansion has caused a ruckus throughout military higher ups in the US, Britain, India and China. The US, according to sources kind enough to stoop down to whisper into an elvish ear, has been strong-arming the Sri Lankan government (not a very nice piece of work itself) to provide significant access as regards Trinco to the Pentagon.

The India government, in turn, has apparently informed the Sri Lankan government that it will abrogate all trade and business ties to the island should the Sri Lankan government provide the US access to Trinco. (Since Sri Lanka is essentially an extension of the Indian economy this is no idle threat.) The Chinese have apparently begun to offer the Sri Lankan government cash favors and other inducements to curry favor with the current administration – apparently not to gain access to Trinco but just to be on good terms with this most important island.

The Chinese it seems are willing to let India do the heavy lifting on this one. But all three major powers – the three major powers of the world (leaving out Germany and Britain – essentially part of the US power nexus) are focused directly on tiny Sri Lanka and even tinier Trinco. Which is why the UN has decided that the Sri Lankan government has committed war crimes against the Tamils. It is truly a filthy business, this sudden interest that the UN has taken in Sri Lanka. But don't take our word for it. Here's a little more from the Sri Lanka Island newspaper article excerpted above:

The problem about the new world order is that it has as its obverse side the new imperialism … In addition to being a front-rank player in shaping the new world order together with the US and Britain, India has a very special interest: it is to establish a stable and abiding political solution to Sri Lanka's Tamil ethnic problem on the basis of devolution. We can take it that the US and Britain, as well as Western Europe, are deeply sympathetic towards that objective because it would be fully consistent with the new world order, while the others are probably ambivalent about it . . .

Can anyone in his right mind be really confident about the eventual outcome? It could well be a further bout of war. Does the international community, by which I mean the UN membership as a whole, really want that for Sri Lanka, a small country that is incapable of harming any one but itself? It would surely make better sense to go for a political solution now, and some measure of ethnic reconciliation before holding a serious enquiry …

While the Ban Ki-Moon conspiracy can be seen positively in the context of moves to promote a New World Order, it can also be seen negatively as an exercise in the New Imperialism … In the present case, it is crucial to draw a distinction between two categories of war crimes and human rights violations.

One consists of what was done in Rwanda, Kosovo, and Darfur, where they were of so outrageous an order that no one with an average moral sense could object to international preventive and punitive action. The other consists of war crimes and human rights violations that take place inevitably in every large scale war … So, let not the great powers of today be overly censorious about alleged war crimes in Sri Lanka. Let them be content if Sri Lanka now moves seriously towards a political solution.

To which we reply "good luck with that," even while regarding this larger analysis with a good deal of astonishment, generally. You should, too, dear reader. In a single article (this one), you have perused a frank analysis of the strategy of the new world order (in a Sri Lanka newspaper) and then examined a further argument (brought to you here) which postulates the beginning of World III, the reasons why the Treaty of Westphalia was abrogated and analyzes the largest untold story of the current news cycle – a three-party quarrel among the world's greatest powers over a tiny island and an even tinier navel base.

All of the above, please remember, was sparked by the oddity of the UN accusing the Sri Lankan government of war crimes in its recently released report. This is an Internet analysis – and we would argue you will not read this coverage in the New York Times anytime soon. Even Katie Couric shall not properly cover it, nor even mention it, in our opinion (though in fact we hear she is leaving the Grave Chair of Network Pontification). And we bet it will never be leaked by WikiLeaks. It occurs because of the paradigm we apply – one you can use too! If it helps you understand the way the world really works, well, what's wrong with that?

The West's color revolutions proceed apace. Sri Lanka is certainly targeted with at least a dozen other countries. In the case of Sri Lanka, the US and Britain are funding nationalist opposition to the current government and regime change is perhaps in the offing. But as we have tried to show in this article, all is in a sense related and connected. The outcome is what those in the City of London want: war.

Analyzing the elite's thematic language has led us to the conclusion that World War III has begun, undeclared as it is. Call it a global War On Terror (without the terrorists, inconveniently). It is, in fact, as we predicted, a further extension of the war that has been waged partially by other means between the Internet and the Power Elite's dominant social themes.

After Thoughts

When the elites began World War III, we are not sure they fully anticipated the impact of the 'Net Reformation anymore than the elites in the 1500s understood the impact of the Gutenberg Press. But they sure do now. And so the world shall be turned upside down!
