EDITORIAL Showing 851 - of
We're Back!
October 05, 2013
I’m happy to announce the Daily Bell is back online as of today. Starting now, you can visit The Daily Bell every day for groundbreaking news, analysis, editorials and exclusive interviews. We’re not changing anything in terms of our editorial approach, jus ...
The US Government Is Lying About the Shutdown
October 01, 2013
As I write this, it appears that the federal government is about to shut down because the House and Senate cannot agree on whether to add language defunding or delaying Obamacare to the “Continuing Resolution”. Despite all the hand-wringing heard in DC, a s ...
What Wall Street Is Planning, and Why
September 28, 2013
A recent Bloomberg article states, "Americans in Poll Doubt Economy Rebound." I tweeted about this recently, pointing out the article, because it showed the disconnect between the stock market and what is happening "on the ground." Millions of investors miss ou ...
Did Putin Quietly Play the Debt Card Over Syria?
September 27, 2013
While I hate to give such praise to a foreign leader, Putin has undoubtedly run rings around the moribund and bureaucratic incompetence of the Laurel and Hardy-style Obama and Kerry team on Syria. Putin diplomatically has the swiftness and stealth of the South' ...
Internet Sales Tax Could Crush Small Businesses
September 25, 2013
One unique aspect of my homeschool curriculum is that students can start and manage their own online business. Students will be responsible for deciding what products or services to offer, getting the business up and running, and marketing the business’s prod ...
Global Warming: Is It a Morally Acceptable Investment Opportunity?
September 24, 2013
AP writes of moves by the Obama administration "to limit power-plant carbon pollution." This is no doubt a step toward the kind of carbon tax that Australia recently put in place and which the new, conservative Australian government is now attempting to roll ba ...
A Source of the Financial Fiasco
September 22, 2013
There were numerous reasons why the system stumbled so badly but one was clearly identified by The Economist magazine (9/7/75). "And as so often in the history of financial crashes, humble consumers also joined in the collective delusion that lasting prosperity ...
How to Justify a Flailing Fed
September 20, 2013
Warren Buffett has just come out with the statement, about which I tweeted earlier today when I first stumbled on it, that the "Fed Is [the] Greatest Hedge Fund in History." According to Bloomberg, he elaborated with the statement that the Fed's "generating '$8 ...
Who Are the Champions of the Common Man?
September 19, 2013
The media’s caricature of libertarians is a pendulum that swings from one extreme to another. One minute we’re grasping plutocrats, championing the privileged, and the next minute we’re losers living in our parents’ basements. Not long ago, Michael Lind ...
The Taper That Wasn't
September 18, 2013
The Fed's failure today to announce some sort of tapering of its QE program, despite the consensus of an overwhelming percentage of economists who expected action, once again reveals the degree to which mainstream analysts have overestimated the strength of our ...
Get Ready: Something Big is About to Happen in the Financial Markets!
September 18, 2013
This may directly impact how you invest or rebalance your portfolio, view or engage in politics, and how you will attempt to secure your wealth in the future. I believe this will dramatically impact the dollar, gold and bonds. In addition, it may well create th ...
Reward Yourself: Invest in Freedom
September 13, 2013
As you know, The Daily Bell is returning – under the umbrella of a new boutique, free-market oriented venture capital firm I recently launched, High Alert Investment Management Ltd. In mid-October, we'll launch the exciting new Daily Bell, and we'll unveil it ...
Markets Focused on the Wrong Target
September 05, 2013
In recent months economic commentators and financial markets have focused almost excessively on the Federal Reserve's quantitative easing ("QE") policy as the market's main driver. However, last month two senior economists at the Federal Reserve published a rep ...
Hola! The Return of The Daily Bell and a Special Invitation
August 27, 2013
I know that many of you were left wondering why The Daily Bell ceased publishing on July 16th. In due time The Bell will reappear, albeit in a somewhat different form, and you'll be notified as soon as that happens. But today, I want to tell you what has focuse ...
The Biggest Loser
February 02, 2013
In Switzerland, it's not just the clocks that are cuckoo. Over the past four years Swiss politicians and central bankers have gone on an unprecedented buying spree of foreign exchange reserves. In 2012, their cache swelled to as much as $420 billion worth of va ...
Sheldon Richman on Searching for the Balance Between Liberty and Power at the Historical Freeman Magazine
October 16, 2011
The Daily Bell is pleased to present an interview with Sheldon Richman (left). Sheldon is editor of The Freeman, published by The Foundation for Economic Education in Irvington, New York, and serves as senior fellow at The Future of Freedom Foundation. He is th ...
The Moral Unraveling of the EU, Bailouts and Central Banking
October 15, 2011
Slovakia has now approved European debt-crisis bailout fund, but the problems Europe is experiencing are similar to those faced by America in the grip of the Fed's immense bailouts of the past two years. Increasingly, these are seen as morally repugnant by citi ...
Warren's Non-Sequitur
October 15, 2011
So Elizabeth Warren, Massachusetts candidate for the US Senate, says "there is nobody in this country who got rich on his own. Nobody." And so she is said to reject that it is possible for Americans to become wealthy "in isolation." (As if someone defended that ...
Rothschild Banker Calls for End of Euro
October 13, 2011
Well, what does this mean? One could speculate that the Rothschilds – maybe the richest and most powerful family in the world – have decided to end the EU experiment. We believe the Rothschilds and other central banking families are behind the EU, not the G ...
Encouraging Signs at Occupy Wall Street?
October 13, 2011
In scanning David DeGraw's AmpedStatus web-log of the growing protest movement Occupy Wall Street, we came across a statement from the "We Will NOT Be Co-Opted" Working Group. It's surely worth commenting on, and we reproduce it below, as it seems to show consi ...
Top Journo Matt Taibbi Weighs in on 5 Demands to Fix Wall Street
October 13, 2011
Famous Rolling Stone writer Matt Taibbi has weighed in on the Occupy Wall Street movement once more with a specific set of five demands that protestors could focus on. Business insider does a good job of summarizing them. Here they are, verbatim from Business I ...
Mr. Washington! … Fed & Wall Street Are NOT the Same
October 12, 2011
The brilliant Washington's Blog has done it again – released an article that has made news all over the 'Net with its common sense perspective about what needs to be done to bring back a healthier American economy. The article is called "Occupy Wall Street an ...
Who Is David DeGraw and What Is 'Thrive?'
October 12, 2011
Vocal Occupy Wall Street supporter David DeGraw has written another article defending the movement and maintaining that is has no elements of elite control but is a genuine "uprising of the people." This seems false to us. But let us not be overly harsh! Credit ...
Glass-Steagall, the Bogus Meme
October 12, 2011
It is very important to separate banking from proprietary trading. Thanks, Tall Paul Volcker! Nancy Pelosi (left) is on the case and getting ready to enforce this much-needed regulation. If it proves too much to handle, Barney Frank will step in to help. These ...
China's Hard Landing Looms?
October 12, 2011
Ambrose Evans-Pritchard is back and swinging for the fences. For two years now (we keep track) we've been writing about the Potemkin Village that is China's supposed "free-market" economy and with increasing stridency we've been sounding the alarm about China's ...
Hank Williams Jr. Blasts PC With New Song
October 12, 2011
Hank Williams Jr. was basically fired the other day for mentioning the "H" word, as in Hitler. At least that's how it came out on an appearance with "Fox and Friends." In this PC-colored world, it was only a matter of time before he and his song – and his "ro ...
Washington Post: Occupy Wall Street Is Controlled Opposition, Maybe LaRouchite?
October 11, 2011
The Washington Post is often an editorial pivot point for US intelligence, revealing the aggregate thinking of the American Intel establishment. In the case of this article, it would appear that the alternative media's focus on Occupy Wall Street is taking its ...
Alex Jones Mainstreamed But 'PUBLIC' Central Banking Gets Too Much Attention
October 11, 2011
Alex Jones and Occupy Wall Street both protested in front of the Dallas Fed on Friday and the result was unusual: Mainstream news coverage. The Dallas Observer ran a fairly significant piece on the protestors featuring Jones himself. What's the Dallas Observer? ...
Obama Is Upset
October 11, 2011
This article saw considerable exposure on the Drudge Report. It establishes for us how hard it is to be the US President, or certainly how hard Barack Obama finds it to be. But we ask is this some sort of sub dominant social theme? Are we to be convinced that O ...
Pizza King Dethroned By Business Cycle While NBC Lies
October 11, 2011
Our tiny, Grinch-sized hearts are supposed to be warmed by this story of Nick Sarillo who was a carpenter who built a pizza restaurant in Illinois, over-expanded and faced ruin. He wrote a letter asking people to patronize his restaurant and NBC reports the let ...
A Dangerous Precedent
October 11, 2011
According to the Fifth Amendment of the US Constitution, Americans are never to be deprived of life, liberty, or property without due process of law. The Constitution is not some aspirational statement of values, allowing exceptions when convenient, but rather, ...
Occupy Wall Street – Libya, Adbusters and Should Libertarians Get Out Now?
October 10, 2011
Occupy Wall Street is not what is seems, or what the mainstream media is portraying it as. Occupy Wall Street is a pincer movement utilizing "directed democracy" and the "transparency" meme, which we have analyzed in previous reports. Over at websites such as t ...
Super-Eurocrats to the Rescue/Eurozone in Chaos?
October 10, 2011
This is such an old story by now, such a hoary dominant social theme. The leaders of Europe, specifically Angela Merkel and Nicolas Sarkozy, are developing a plan that will be sufficient to ward off any default of break up of the EU. Do people really believe th ...
Return of Assange and Transparency Meme
October 10, 2011
In our top story today, we discuss a pincer movement of two dominant social themes. The first is the little known direct democracy meme and the second is the transparency meme as embodied in Julian Assange. These two memes in our view could constitute the frame ...
If You Want Change, Vote
October 10, 2011
So the protestors ought to run for office? This article was written by Paul Sracic, chairman of the department of political science at Youngstown State University in Ohio. Scracic believes the Occupy Wall Streeters should work within the system if they want cha ...
The Ron Paul Revolution Past 2012
October 10, 2011
Times of great crisis in history are usually the crucible from which nations form new leaders and new visions. Such leaders seem to suddenly appear, often out of nowhere, to alter the national path pursued, to cleanse the old ways and stake out a saner, more ju ...
Greece in America
October 10, 2011
Most of us who are aware of world financial trends know that earlier this year thousands of Greeks took to the street and mercilessly engaged in destruction of property around Athens. They were upset about having to tighten their belts in the wake of the possib ...
John McManus on the John Birch Society, What It Stands For and Why It's Been Attacked
October 09, 2011
The editors of The Daily Bell are pleased to present an interview with John F. McManus, President of the John Birch Society and publisher of the New American. In 1973, John F. McManus accepted an appointment by Robert Welch, the Society's Founder, as the organi ...
Hope for Occupy Wall Street?
October 08, 2011
It is interesting to watch the expansion of the Occupy Wall Street movement. As I wrote last week, I hoped it would provide an opportunity to for people to proclaim clearly that central banking was the fundamental problem with the Western world today. The artic ...
Obama the Wuss!
October 08, 2011
Here is why President Obama is a wuss. He has never shown much taste for the war on drugs yet he has done nothing to stop it. He could save a bundle of money (certainly vital in these times) and, more importantly, get people out of jail and prison who shouldn't ...
Evil Occupies Wall Street?
October 07, 2011
Today, we hear the heavy tread of the "rough beast" and we see for ourselves the progress of a cold-blooded anti-freedom movement rising in front of our disbelieving eyes. What proximate cause drives this revelation? On October 15th there is to be a "worldwide ...
BOE Undermines Economy With More Money Printing
October 07, 2011
Daniel Hannan (left) is one of the good guys in the increasingly surreal world of modern politics and economics. Like only a handful of other British politicians, he's made a career out of explaining the ludicrousness of modern socioeconomic (Keynesian) policie ...
Occupy Wall Street: The Coordinated Promotion Continues
October 07, 2011
The orchestrated "one world" promotion continues. It started in earnest, perhaps, 100 years ago with the creation of central banks and the graduated income tax, was militarized by two wars, expanded by the attack of 9/11, exacerbated by the economic crisis of 2 ...
Afghanistan, a Promotion in Tatters
October 07, 2011
Give the UK Telegraph credit once again for going where few mainstream publications will dare to tread. This article states fairly bluntly that the West has lost the war in Afghanistan ... again. (For at least a second time in 100 years and according to some co ...
Steve Jobs Is Dead, Techno Worship Lives
October 06, 2011
Probably the powers-that-be breathed a sigh of relief with the death of Steve Jobs. He partnered with friend Steve Wozniak in the creation a mobile, personal computer in 1976. They built it in a garage in California, added the ability for people to store data o ...
Occupy Wall Street Turns Into 1930s Populism
October 06, 2011
It must have been intensely frustrating for the powers-that-be over the past few years to witness the explosion of free-market thinking that accompanies the unrolling financial crisis that started in late 2007. But now there's Occupy Wall Street and one begins ...
New Yorker: Keynes Is Just All Right
October 06, 2011
Keynes is back. He's been down, but he's due for a fashionable reappraisal, and he's receiving one from the New Yorker's John Cassidy (see above). Cassidy admits he's always thought of himself as a Keynesian and he's frank about his apparent admiration for John ...
What Amanda Knox Tells Us About Justice
October 06, 2011
We've been following the Amanda Knox story with a kind of resigned fascination. Someone murdered Meredith Kercher in Italy, and in fact, that "someone" is now jail in Britain – convicted by DNA evidence – but the Italian prosecutors' blood lust was not slak ...
Will Congress Declare A Trade War Against China?
October 06, 2011
The approval ratings for both the US House and Senate are currently in dramatic free-fall. A September 2011 Gallup Poll warns that 81% of Americans are dissatisfied with how the United States is being governed. Other findings include a near record criticism of ...
Last Gasp Transparency Meme to Salvage Big Gov [& OWS Protests?]
October 05, 2011
There is a specter haunting libertarian reformers ... the specter of transparency! It is not necessary to downsize big government after all. Leviathan lives! If you simply insist on bureaucratic openness, then much of the corruption and fraud of big government ...
Showing 851 - of – Newest on Top
