STAFF NEWS & ANALYSIS Showing 51 - of
Biden’s response to America’s latest downgrade really proves the point
November 13, 2023
As if to prove Moody’s point about political polarization, the White House blamed the downgrade on “Congressional Republican extremism and dysfunction”. ...
Future Headline: Big Mac prices in California hit $45. Lawmakers plan minimum wage hike
November 10, 2023
Lawmakers say they can’t understand why California’s cost of living has risen so much more quickly than the rest of the United States. ...
Gold vs. Silver: which is better right now?
November 10, 2023
While there are strong cases to buy either one, at the moment, silver has a more attractive entry price. ...
What da Mortgage?
November 07, 2023
Would you buy a house if you could get a mortgage with no interest? ...
Here’s an obvious reason to own silver
November 06, 2023
Green energy requires substantially more silver than is being mined right now. ...
Future Headline: Democratic National Committee’s Official Guide to Doublethink
November 06, 2023
Hamas deserves to wipe the Jewish state off the face of the earth. But simultaneously, Israel deserves to exist in its current form. ...
This region has the highest concentration of Plan B options on the planet
November 06, 2023
You don’t want to start thinking about your options while packing your suitcase. ...
This is how America won the first ‘War on Terror’
November 01, 2023
This strategy is a lot more sensible than waiting for the experts to find their brains and their backbone. ...
$2,000 gold is just the beginning. Here’s what might happen next–
November 01, 2023
These are just some of the reasons why gold could still have a long, long way to rise from here. ...
Six predictions from the last week’s horrific Treasury report
October 23, 2023
To say this is unaffordable would be an outrageous understatement. ...
Silicon Valley Bank part II starts tomorrow at 6:45am
October 16, 2023
Silicon Valley Bank wasn’t alone. And the bank that has racked up the worst losses of all… is Bank of America ...
Future Headline: Hamas Surrenders to US Military’s “Operation Glitterbomb”
October 16, 2023
Some fighters reportedly begged to be water-boarded rather than continue watching more drag shows. ...
Some things just don’t add up…
October 11, 2023
This is not a simple ‘intelligence failure’. ...
blurry state house
Future Headline: Congress Fails to End Shutdown Amid Capitol Evacuations
October 06, 2023
The first event occurred yesterday morning when Rep. Jamaal Bowman of New York called in a bomb threat, forcing the Capitol to be evacuated. ...
It’s time to separate legend from reality
October 04, 2023
People around the world… including hundreds of millions in the United States… don’t want the legend to die. ...
Future Headline: Kamala eliminated from “America’s Next Top Leader” Episode 1
October 04, 2023
“Let’s be honest, debates have been more about insults over substance for a long time now.” ...
From Neo-Nazis to Meth-Fueled Ladyboys: An Unfiltered Dive into the World’s Hidden Corners
September 26, 2023
The darkly hilarious yet insightful overseas experiences of an expat in exile, and reflections on the US from the outside looking in. ...
Why Real Assets Are a Safe Haven Against Inflation
September 26, 2023
Real assets (including real asset businesses) have been largely ignored for more than a decade, in favor of ‘recreation assets’ focused on shopping and consumption. ...
Future Headline: Federal Reserve Announces Latest Rate Cut to Minus 4%
September 22, 2023
“Interest rates are one of the last remaining vestiges of the toxic misogynistic patriarchy running the capitalistic system designed to benefit white males." ...
It will take nearly 7,000 years to achieve Greta Thunberg’s fantasy
September 20, 2023
But reality has never been their area of expertise. ...
The US government has a weird opportunity with the national debt right now
September 19, 2023
The primary long-term risk over the next decade is the US dollar. ...
She’s Self-Sufficient on Half an Acre
September 17, 2023
And you can be too, even if you have no experience. ...
Maybe it’s time for Plan B to become Plan A
September 13, 2023
These people have a dangerous reality distortion field, and they’re clearly blind to the glaring dangers on the horizon. ...
This Unique Loophole Exempts 100,000 Americans from Taxes
September 13, 2023
As US nationals, but not citizens, they are not subject to worldwide taxation. ...
Future Headline: “Fauci Face Condom” Sales Flop in First Week
September 08, 2023
Fauci’s Face Condoms are available at Target, CVS, and Walmart and come in a variety of activism branding, including Pride, Support Ukraine, and Black Lives Matter. ...
beaten up dollar
“He ain’t never done nothin’ but get shot in Dallas. . .”
September 06, 2023
Whatever agreement ultimately knocks King Dollar from its throne will have the US Treasury Secretary’s signature on it. ...
Future Headline: Fed’s New CDBC Hacked Just Six Days After Its Launch
September 01, 2023
Only a few hours later, the entire FedCoin infrastructure stopped functioning. ...
America desperately needs “Captain No”
August 29, 2023
“I will literally reject every Congressional action that increases the national debt by a single penny. And if you think I’m bluffing, just try me. I’m Captain No, dammit.” ...
Is this the reason for the ‘woke mind virus’?
August 28, 2023
The red flags around soy are plentiful. ...
Future Headline: Ex-Mayor “Harvey” the Ham Sandwich Indicted on RICO Charges
August 25, 2023
The famous words of Federal Judge Sol Wachtler have become prophetic: a district attorney has finally persuaded a grand jury to indict a ham sandwich. ...
If you think gold is worth owning, wait until you see uranium
August 22, 2023
Uranium is already in short supply. ...
gold bar sitting on dollars
I’m rooting for gold to go to zero. Too bad it won’t
August 16, 2023
Gold does poorly in the “everything is just fine” scenario. The war ends. Sensible politicians reign in spending. China plays nice. Inflation falls... ...
If you’re not thinking about real assets, you’re going to get left behind
August 15, 2023
Even though the fiscal crisis is completely obvious, most people are ignoring it… and hence ignoring real assets. ...
Another day, another downgrade for America. Today it’s the banking sector
August 08, 2023
Today it’s Moody’s Investor Service, one of the three major credit rating agencies alongside Fitch and S&P. ...
The Sons of Liberty Flag
Some clear thinking about America’s “downgrade”
August 08, 2023
There are two contradictory pictures of America. One is that the nation is still strong. The other is that it is in terminal decline. Just like light, they’re both right. ...
Elizabeth Warren figured it out: America needs more regulation!
August 01, 2023
The Code of Federal Regulations is nearly 200,000 pages at this point. ...
You can still opt-out of America’s “Social Credit System”… for now
July 31, 2023
It is critical that you take these steps BEFORE they implement the system-- otherwise it will be too late. ...
The Federal Reserve has $910 billion in losses
July 31, 2023
The Federal Reserve– the most critically important central bank in the world– is completely, hopelessly insolvent. ...
Not bad for a Banana Republic
July 25, 2023
Success, whether for an individual, a business, or a nation, is the result of hard work and responsible decisions. ...
Do you really need a second passport?
July 25, 2023
A second passport is like an insurance policy for all of the ‘hard to define’ non-financial risks that we cannot predict or quantify. ...
Future Headline: Prince Harry’s Feature Film on Hunter Biden Nominated for Emmy
July 21, 2023
The Struggle of Privilege chronicles the tumultuous life of Hunter Biden in a gripping tale of adversity, survival, and the power of resilience. ...
Here’s why “Plan A” really stinks
July 18, 2023
This is what I call “Plan A”, i.e. do nothing. Hope for the best. ...
Future Headline: White House Prepares to Block Out the Sun
July 14, 2023
“I need you to just trust the science." ...
Doctors stand defiant
Black doctors and affirmative action
July 12, 2023
Do not the people responsible for reducing the average skills of physicians realize that someday they, or their children or grandchildren, will seek help from these less well prepared doctors? ...
Are empirical generalizations really bias?
July 12, 2023
It is not bias, to be eradicated, to be aware of empirical generalizations. ...
Why 100+ million deranged Americans are dumb enough to trust Mark Zuckerberg
July 11, 2023
In joining Threads, millions of people just made a statement that they’re not interested in open discussion. ...
Future Headline: California to Require Mandatory Drag Instruction in K-12 Schools
June 30, 2023
Our satirical take of where the world is going if it remains on its current path. ...
Foraging Wild Food on a Tropical Caribbean Island!
June 28, 2023
Five coastal Caribbean wild foods within walking distance from where I live. ...
Why we could easily see $5,000+ gold
June 28, 2023
One solution to a trade deficit is for a central bank to exchange its excess currency for gold. ...
Being a crackhead is now an acceptable excuse to commit tax fraud in America
June 26, 2023
The rest of the world has already started wondering– can we really trust these people to be the sole, undisputed global leader? ...
Showing 51 - of – Newest on Top
